OpenSUSE :: Base Crashes
May 10, 2010
Every couple of hours OOo Base crashes - just closes the program of its' own accord.
Annoying enough in itself, but at least it usually recovers up to the last point I saved my work. The last time it happened though it didn't even recover to my last save point - it recovered to an old save point! So I have lost 30 minutes' work.
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Jun 22, 2010
I am trying to start OpenOffice Base (3.2.0) but it keeps crashing once I begin to edit a new data base. Calc, Writer and Impress work fine.
ramack@ramack2:~$ soffice -base
ramack@ramack2:~$ libgcj failure: gcj linkage error.
Incorrect library ABI version detected. Aborting.
I haven't a clue as to how to fix this one. A web search finds a Debian bug that a couple years+ old. The bug has since been resolved. It crashes if run as root too
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Aug 12, 2010
Recently OpenOffice has started crashing on me when loading the program. The splash screen will appear for a moment then the KDE crash handler comes up. Here's what I get when launching from the console:
slomojo@linux-yiyy:~$ ooffice
KCrash: Application 'soffice.bin' crashing...
I've tried deleting the .ooo3 directory in my home directory but that doesn't seem to help. Also, I'm running with Sun's JDK in case that makes any difference. I know that OpenOffice was working fine for me immediately after my fresh install of 11.3. I only use OpenOffice once every couple of weeks so I'm not sure if there was a specific update or anything that broke things for me.
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Sep 8, 2010
When I've installed openSUSE 11.3, OpenOffice was asking me to install JRE, and I did it. However, next time i run it, it crashed without any error log. When I run it again, it sad a couple of time that JRE is defective, and asked me to reinstall it again. Eons passed, but my patience was rewarded. Impress was up. but just for a few seconds. Then it crashed again, and left no signs of life. I've repeated the same cycle few times... Then I decided to search for a solution, and read topics where similar problems were discussed. One solution was to expand my swap memory, and the another one was to install an older version of OO. I wasn't very eager to install an older version of OO, so I tried to expand swap memory by cutting memory from the other partitions. I found reference that swap memory should be twice bigger than RAM. Since i have 512 + 256 MB RAM, I've typed 1536 MB as a new value for swap memory. Error appeared that value of swap memory must be between 42MB and 684MB. I'm not sure about the second number, but it was between 600 and 700... I must get working as soon as possible, because it's very important for my work. I'm running 64bit openSUSE 11.3 on AMD Sempron 2800+ with 768MB RAM using OpenOffice and java-1_6_0-sun
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Nov 15, 2010
I have a strange problem which I've encountered for a long time but still weren't able to solve it. In openoffice writer, when clicking on extra->literature database the program immediately crashes. I encounter this problem with all the latest versions of Oo (3.2,3.1...) and on OpenSuse and on Kubuntu, so I guess it must be a widespread problem.
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Mar 29, 2010
I have upgrade my Fedora to 12, i was trying to use the Openoffice database and can not find it loaded under application>office. Does anybody know why it is not loaded? I try to activate it via yumex, after installation, it comes up with bug errror report and Selinux error also comes up when try to use the BASE.
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Jan 9, 2011
I have installed and in an updated fedora 14 environment. Clicking on openoffice-base in applications->office->openoffice-Base fails to lauch with the message:"This operation is not supported onhis operating ystem."Installation of mysql and mysql-server does not help.
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Sep 23, 2010
Everywhere I read, this seems to come up as a very difficult thing. Just want to record how I did it.
In Access, export the table to an Excel Spreadsheet. Using Openoffice, open the Spreadsheet, but save as an Openoffice (.ods) spreadsheet. ( Note - According to the Base help files, if you import an Excel Spreadsheet, it is read-only)
Open Base and Create a database. No tables, no nothing, just create. Now Open this and and also Open the spreadsheet. Select all the data in the spreadsheet, 'copy' it, and in the Database tables area, 'paste' it. I had problems in that it wanted to create a primary key, so added an extra field.
I then went into the database design view, right click on the appropriate field to make that the primary key, and remove the primary key from the unwanted field.
Delete the excess column. This is just for a single flat table, with no linking to other tables. I hope that this helps someone. I did it for a membership database table, and have been able to replicate the query to filter for the Snailmail folks (Those that did not have an email address in the table). Still trying to figure out how to do an envelopes report though.
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May 11, 2011
I am currently learning an African language. As I have been learning it, I have put together a dictionary, which I made as an openoffice database, so I could search and edit as necessary. Unfortunately, it now has several thousand entries and grinds to a complete halt if I try and search it. For now I have exported the data into a pdf which means I can look words up, but it doesn'tan alternative programme which would cope better with this much data and be easy to set up? Ideally one I can export my current data into.
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Mar 31, 2011
I have set up an OpenOffice (3.2) Base database - tables, mainly, and a few queries. The main table contains about 9000 rows and around 50 fields and there is a second table of 1900 rows and 20 fields and a few other tables with either fewer rows or many fewer fields. The primary key on the main table is a single text field. The .odb file is 4.4Mb. There are no Forms or Reports; the idea at the moment is that I enter data using OO's Table data view. I see that I have an embedded HSQL database and I cannot change dit>Database>Properties because it is greyed out.
Opening the database is reasonably quick (about 5 sec) but then when I want to look at any but the smallest of tables (in data Table view) it is very slow (15 sec on the main table) to display the first group of rows. When I want to move to show a different record it takes just as long to display the new set of rows. It makes no difference whether the new set of records is adjacent (in terms of record order) or a long way off. I need to speed this up x3 or more or I will have to abandon Base as impractical to use.
On the OO Forum some posts talk of separating the database from the engine and others of increasing the cache size. I can't do the latter as access is via the greyed out option and I can't find any instructions for the former. I'm not convinced these would have much effect anyway.
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Jun 14, 2010
I tried to create a report from a table which contains text and image fields. The created report show text fields well but only empty fields as Images. How can I do that?
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Jan 7, 2011
Whenever I used "Ctrl+S", "Ctrl+O", or any other keyboard command that opens a KDE FileDialog, OpenOffice crashes every time. OpenOffice produces the dialog closes it and produces another two and then crashes. This happens from every OpenOffice program. Running OpenOffice from the terminal, the error that it outputs is "Failed to Create XIC".If I just access the same commands using the mouse such as Clicking "Save As", "Open", or any other command that opens a KDE FileDialog OpenOffice does not crash.The error is very similar to that of "".OpenOffice 3.2.1scim 1.4.7-174.1KDE 4.4.4openSUSE 11.3 64-bit
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Sep 19, 2011
I've installed OpenOffice 3.2.1 on Linux s390x System z server after downloading the OOo_3.2.1_Linux_S390X_install-rpm_en-US.tar.gz file from [URL].. I installed it using the following command rpm -ihv *.rpm. Now everything installs successfully with no errors. But when I cd /opt/openoffice.org3/program and type in soffice to start OpenOffice I see the splash screen for a second, the loading bar moving to around 33% before it crashes and shuts down with no errors or exceptions. Have tried uninstalling and installing many times with no sucess whatsoever. Last few lines of strace ./soffice added below,
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Jun 9, 2010
I have the problem that whenever I write something it freezes up the window, my processor use rise to 100% and then it crash showing the crash-screen. This only happens in Writer and not Spreadsheets, Presentation refuses to start.
Info about the system:
OpenOffice: 3.2.0
OOO320m12 (Build:9483)
Edit: Reinstalling the entire package and rebooting did not fix this issue.
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Mar 23, 2011
I have just installed 3.3 on my archlinux (xorg + windowmaker) but it shows no text in menus but two scrolling arrows, and when try to scroll with them, it crashes. I've installed it following this wiki: [URL] Here is a screenshot..
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Apr 20, 2010
can we find logarithm to base 10 instead of base 2 on shell script??i can do it with 'l(1000)/l(10)' | bc -l
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May 30, 2009
I installed openoffice 3.0 from openoffice site ( in my Fedora Core 6 OS computer. However, while doing that I might have made some mistakes. I removed openoffice 2.4 and 2.0 by using openoffice uninstall. In fact, couple of occasions, I have uninstalled and again fresh installed openoffice 3.0 when I noticed that moment I pressed any key, the program crashes. I have by mistaken the script ooffice, thinking that it would automatically install a new one. But there is no ooffice. I have to call soffice for that.
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Sep 22, 2009
I have a router that is 1000 Base T and two computers each with ethernet cards that support 1000 Base T. All are equipped with Cat 5e cable. Before I had a router that only went up to 100 Base T and I would setup one box with linux running proftpd. On the other box,I would use win xp pro and use firefox to ftp into the other box and download a file. Download speeds went up to 11.2 MB/sec. Now when I switched routers, I expected something like 120 MB/sec but I'm only getting 5.3 MB/sec. What do I need to change?
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Jan 23, 2011
This file (and a couple others) are missing from packman ATM.I've seen them (need version 0.10.30 or greater) at multimedia:/libs.My doubt is, does these gstreamer packages housed at are limited due to DCMA/patent issues, like OOTB k3b/libxine are
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Mar 13, 2011
I've just installed Opensue 11.4 (gnome-desktop) on my machine. The problem is that, if I open a database-form with libreoffice base, no navigation-bar appeares. The option "navigation" from the view-menu is not active. The database uses the built-in HSQLDB in single user mode. Navigation via libreoffice-basic is possible and I can see the first record - just it is not possible to navigate manually.
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Nov 6, 2010
I am looking for a good mp3 player that is compatible with linux, that is, easily manageable. Does a android base player more compatible? Apple one?
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Oct 17, 2010
I ran a firmware test, after I discovered a bad memory stick on a 1 gb stick. Replaced my memory stick and just for grins ran a firmware test and I don't understand this:[Fail] Failed to locate HPET base [Fail] OS/2 memory hole test-The memory map has a memory hole between 15mb & 16mb.
Re-ran MEMTEST just to make sure my new memory was fine, no errors.My Linux OS appears to be running slower on boot-up than normal, What documentation there is on the internet on HPET is over my head.I ran SMART on the both drives. They were good. So I am a little stumpted.
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Dec 14, 2009
I'm trying to install a language-pack for my OpenOffice, but there seems to be a dependency-problem. Maybe someone has a suggestion. FC12, x64 OOo.x64 3.1.1
[root@sarah yum.repos.d]# yum install
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, presto, refresh-packagekit, remove-with-leaves
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* fedora:
* livna:
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Apr 11, 2010
I use openSUSE 11.1 and have OpenOffice 3.0.
I see the latest version of OpenOffice 3.2 is ready. How can we get it and install it? I having been looking for a repository, but to no avail.
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Jun 5, 2010
I have an nfs share that mounts automatically when kde starts.
wendy@DellNB:~$ cat .kde/Autostart/
mount ~/TestShare
#echo "NAS Mounted"
Gimp works fine editing and saving photos from/to the nfs share. kWrite can do its thing and read/create files on the NAS. Files I create with vim are visible and editable under windows. OpenOffice however, when I try an open a file I get "file is locked by unknown user." I open as copy and try saving to the share with a different name... No Dice, error saving to share the file is created on the share but it is empty. I did some reading and found a post that said to comment a line from a file called soffice, which I cannot find.
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Jul 13, 2010
i've updated to oo 3.2.1 in 11.2 (64 bit) by deleting all previous oo packages and installing new. exporting (for example from draw) only gives the option of pdf. no jpeg etc.something's obviously missing but i can't find it. this has been posted back in 2009.
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Jul 19, 2010
I recently installed OpenSUSE 11.3 x86_64 on my dual core AMD box. Everything seems to run great except for OpenOffice Spreadsheet. Whenever I attempt to open a spreadsheet it crashes on me.
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Jul 24, 2010
Is there a way to have second language for OpenOffice, only? I am working on SUSE 11.3 and English (US) at the present.
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Jul 31, 2010
11.3 install with gnome desktop on old PC (it's not near me, can give spec later if needed). If one goes to start open office suite, writer, calc, etc. You get the open office splash screen with suse and the meter gets almost completely loaded (probable 99%) then it just stalls. Within a minute or two the screen disappears and no open office. Any ideas It was a fresh install and I haven't added anything other than multimedia packages and KDE base/apps. All other apps. load fine. Should I remove OOO and then add it again?
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Sep 23, 2010
My system:
openSUSE 11.2
Linux x86_64
KDE: 4.4.4 "release 3"
My problem: I just did a "zypper dup" to upgrade to KDE 4.4.4 from 4.3.5. All seem to have went well aside from that openoffice won't start anymore. I do get the initial splash and it goes away but then nothing else happens. I have tried both by clicking an .odt document and by starting it from Kickstart menu, same negative result. All other programs seem to be running fine as before. The current version of OO is now
What I've tried: I tried to swith all packages to OpenOffice community repository,restarted pc but the result is still the same. I also did an unconditional update, restarted but the result is still the same.
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