OpenSUSE Install :: Xen & Nvidia Crashes X11

Jun 7, 2010

I have a strange problem that the X-Server freezes when I log out, switch to another virtual console or the like.

It works fine when I boot the kernel without xen.

The problem reduced to a very simple scenario:

* Boot Xen-Dom0-Kernel
* wait until the X11 display manager wants a login
* Press Alt+Ctrl+Fx
==> X11 freezes

I tried with kde4 and with xdm as display manager, both show the same problem. It does not happen when I boot with the XEN-less kernel.

I am using openSUSE 11.1 with all patches on AMD64 and the nvidia driver. 32bit is not a solution, this machine has 16GB Memory (which would be useless ...)

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: 11.2 With Nvidia 9500GT Crashes After Initial Install

Dec 30, 2009

I am having an issue with installing OpenSuse 11.2 using an Nvidia 9500GT. I have an AMD X2 64 4200+ processor, 4 gigs of RAM and 250 Gig HD.I was previously using an ATI X1300 but with the issues with 3D and the driver I decided to update my video card. To be clear, OpenSuse installed fine with the ATI X1300 card.

I purchased the 9500GT and installed the card. I then started the 11.2 32bit/i586 install and all goes fine until the install completes. Once you get the warning that the computer is about to restart (after the install completes) the system goes back to the Suse loading screen and then changes to the CLI where I can see what is loading. The last thing I see is that the HAL daemon is starting and then the screen goes black and the system completely locks up.

I have tried this several times using both the 32bit and 64bit KDE versions with the same result. I have tried Mandriva 2010 to see what results I get and it works fine.

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OpenSUSE :: Amarok Crashes Every Time Due To Nvidia Drivers

Dec 18, 2010

My amarok crashes everytime. I saw an similar problem posted at OpenSUSE 11.3: Amarok crashes on startup. And I suspect this is because of the nvidia drivers that I installed, just as is the case in the above mentioned thread. What should I do to overcome this now? Is there a solution posted? After I read the above thread, I deleted all the repositories except for the four. I had these following repositories prior:


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OpenSUSE Hardware :: X Server Crashes With Nvidia Drivers?

Aug 2, 2010

i've been attempting to get to the bottom of this issue for the past few months, without much luck. i'm currently running 11.3 64-bit (the issue also existed in my previous 11.2 64-bit install) and whenever my laptop is unplugged, the x server will intermittently crash. this issue can be provoked by running flash applications like videos but the same issue will also occur by simply navigating the desktop. the messages log reports the following:

x server for display :0 terminated unexpectedly

the laptop is an alienware m15x with an nvidia gtx 260m. i initially suspected that this was some sort of an acpi issue so i tried disabling acpi for the nvidia card via the "connecttoacpid" xorg option. this did not make any difference so i went as far as shutting down the acpid service. this also did not make any difference. as a quick test, i uninstalled the proprietary nvidia drivers and that seemed to resolve the issue but given the limited functionality of the oss driver, this is not a suitable workaround. keep in mind, i did not run under the oss driver for very long so this result could be just a false positive.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Intel Server Board With Matrox Crashes After Install?

Jul 16, 2010

I have a Intel server board machine that has a on board Matrox cardWith 11.2 the install barfs to text mode configuring the card during install butonce you log in a root and run sax2 it is OK once the machine restartsWith 11.3 it installs ( apparently ) perfectly then just goes to a blackscreen .. the usb keyboard is dead and that is that

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OpenSUSE :: Plasma Crashes In New 11.3 Install?

Dec 16, 2010

I just installed OpenSUSE 11.3 last night and so far today I have had TWO Plasma crashes which leave the taskbar in a black color with stripes.

After the first one I located a post on the Web that said to do the following:

Do CTRL-ALT-F1 (this does not work on my system at all, why?)
rm ~/.kde4/share/config/plasma*
CTRL-D to logout

I did that and it did not fix the problem. I messed around with the desktop settings and somehow got the task bar back to gray.

Now during a copy of a large number of files from one disk to another with Dolphin, it crashed AGAIN.

So far 11.3 is proving a massive disappointment compared to the 11.0 I had on up to last night. Things are more complicated and clearly not as stable as KDE 3.5.x.

And I'm switching back to Konqueror as the default file manage because Dolphin appears to be unstable at doing a simple task like copying files without freezing.

I also hate the task notifier which during a copy pops up and covers my NoScript bar in Firefox.

do I have to switch to another distro? I really don't want to do that, but so far OpenSUSE 11.3 is a massive problem.

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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Track Down The Cause Of Crashes

Feb 17, 2010

I have something crashing my system. It might be the random screensaver setting as it was an issue in 11.0 although I have not see it be an issue in 11.2. Previously I though my computer was shutting itself down and because of that I started this thread: opensuse 11.2 shutting down - openSUSE Forums

but now I know the issue is crashing it seems like I should start a separate thread as it's a completely different question. I guess I need to learn how to determine what caused a crash after I reboot a crashed system. So, other than blindly combing logs of which there are dozens, is there a smart methodical way to determine what is crashing a system after a restart? -- when you are not around to see what the cause is as it happens.

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OpenSUSE Install :: XenVM Crashes When Installing WinXP On 11.2?

Nov 18, 2009

I am trying to use Xen tools to run multiple operating systems on my machine. The problem is that when I try to install Windows (32) XP (using "hvm" build) it crashes ! It crashes after it starts copying some files (immediately after formatting) at 18%/20%). I can't see the cause of this such a crash, I know it's a crash because I told it to restart on case. Here is my configuration file:




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OpenSUSE Install :: Plasma-Workspace Crashes On Login?

Dec 22, 2009

After updating some of my packages to the newer versions, I restarted my computer so that I could experience the full effect of the update. When I attempted to login, Plasma Workspace crashes and nothing loads. I am forced to use another window manager to login into the system, and when I investigated into this problem by typing plasma-desktop in the command terminal, I receive this error:

plasma-desktop(18223) getComponent: Failed to connect to the kglobalaccel daemon QDBusError("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner", "Could not get owner of name 'org.kde.kglobalaccel': no such name")

explain to me how I can fix this error so that I can finally go back to using KDE4?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Setup Crashes While Repairing Installation

Feb 3, 2010

I am facing some issues with my openSUSE 11.2 installtion. Yesterday i installed win 7 so the grub is now wiped out. I have also taken mbr backup in USB. I tried following things to make things work.[/HTML]

1) Repair using openSUSE DVD booted using DVD then automatic repair but it couldn't find any root partition. After showing error that no root partition found it crashes to a blue screen with advanced configurations from there i was able to use shell but cant see and mount any linux partitions. i tried mounting the root partition it gave the error :"please load module ext4dev before mounting" how can i install grub without losing my present installations.

2) Tried booting with Ubuntu & kubuntu 8.04 live cd .. both gave a error and refused to boot. then tried openSolaris which failed to detect the USB drive so couldnt restore the GRUB to /dev/hda.

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OpenSUSE Install :: System Crashes With Kmserver Error

May 18, 2010

This has just been happening the last day or two. SOmetimes Google Chrome will go funny for a minute then the whole system will crash and give me the error "cannot start kmserver. check your installation".Like i said it's just the last day or two.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Stable - Install Nvidia - Driver 260.xx.xx In Opensuse 11.3?

Jan 19, 2011

i know if u search a solution in forums u get so much confused information. i hope this little manual will help all with the nvidia driver problem! u dont need to edit or create a xorg.conf or something to run the driver correct and u need no blacklistedit too! if u did the standard opensuse 11.3 install its only about 2 kernel packages and the disabling of the x11noveau driver.

1. after standard installing opensuse 11.3 update and install the opensuse softwareupdates

2. install with the yast software re/installer:

(from Desktop or from the terminal. the terminal text command is: yast2)


u dont need to change the menu.lst after all, only u get many problems. run the midnight commander and delete the nomodeset word and the noveau driver would be normally still active after reboot.

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Ubuntu :: PC Crashes After Switching To Nvidia GFX?

Oct 14, 2010

My old ATI 4850 graphic card died and since everyone keeps saying that Nvidia is the way to go in Linux I got myself a brand spanking new Gainward GeForce GTX 460 "Golden Sample - Goes Like Hell". Yay! Switching from ATI to Nvidia caused me a lot of problems with drivers and crashes though so I decided to reinstall as I have been upgrading Ubuntu for some time now and I guess it couldn't hurt to start from scratch.

This is what my screen looks like:

I don't mind the purple colours in Ubuntu but this is a bit too much

I can still move the mouse pointer around but I cannot do anything except hard reset.

Everything worked just fine with the ATI card and the new card also works 100 % in Windows 7. So far it seems to work without the driver activated but I really would like it to work.

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Software :: Xinerama With An ATI And An NVidia Crashes

Jan 21, 2010

so this is my first post but i have finally gotten linux installed. i currently have debian installed i have 2 different video cards installed

Radeon X600
GeForce4 MX 4000

i know you are probably saying, why in the world do i have an ATI and an NVidia in the same box? because i found one lying around and installed it. i have gotten X to start up and i have a separate X session in each monitor. what i want to do is enable Xinerama but when i put it in to my xorg.conf X wont start at all so basicly i was wondering where the problem lies.i am using the radeon and nv drivers i have read sometimes the nv drivers dont work and also that the module "glx" may also cause problems. i dont want to invest in a bunch of new video cards to get this to work but i just might have to. here is my xorg file


Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier " Configured"
Screen 0 "Screen0" RightOf "Screen1"
Screen 1 "Screen1" LeftOf "Screen0"


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OpenSUSE Install :: Seemingly Random Crashes On A New Desktop Running 11.3

Sep 9, 2010

I got a new desktop and figured this would be a great oppurtunity to update to 11.3 (from 11.2) while migrating files.. However I have had lots of problems with it, right of the bat. My first installation got messed up right after it was done, so I had to redo everything. Now the system boots up all fine but I am experiencing crashes every once in a while. By crashes I mean nothing works; the system monitor graphs freeze, the clock freezes, system doesnt respond to key strokes. The only remedy is then to "force an unexpected reboot" (ref: IT Crowd). I have a feeling that it has to do with Yast or something related to Yast, as it is the only common denominator between the crashes so far. However the system doesnt crash everytime I start Yast so I cant really say anything conclusively..

I have also realised that when I attach a secondary screen the graphics get kinda screwed as well.. if that makes any sense... Here are my system details: Dell Vostro Desktop with Core i7 64bit processor

8 x 2.8Ghz
6gig ram
graphics card: GeForce GT220

What could be the problem here? btw let me know if anyone wants to see logs from /var/log/messages

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Fedora :: Nvidia Crashes After Enabled Selinux

Dec 8, 2010

I installed Nvidia drivers n my Fedora 14 and was working just fine!I also have disabled Nouveau to make it work.But after i changed the selinux to permissive my X no longer loads!

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Software :: NVIDIA XServer Driver Crashes ?

Dec 14, 2010

I'm running ubuntu 10.10 I have a Samsung Syncmaster 205BW Monitor and I needed a graphic accelerator to run my science software and to view full screen videos. so I installed the NVIDIA 96.43.19 Driver as recomanded by unbuntu. Well the server installs OK but doesn't completely communicate with my monitor, I'm using GeForce4 MX 440 with AGP8X/AGP/SSE2 Graphic card. I'm unable to set the correct Resolution which is 1680X1050, the driver only list 1280X1024 and doesn't list the correct one.Also the driver Crashes when I try to set the CPU scaling, it's locked on stretch mode. Also when ubuntu loads X it doesn't accept the Xserver settings I have entered in the driver Set Up.The additional driver screen also says the Driver is active but not in use. I sent a bug report to NVIDIA but they never answered me back.

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OpenSUSE Install :: ATI Driver - Boot But X Windows Crashes When Open Any Application?

Apr 4, 2011

I am new to opensuse, having migrated from Ubuntu. I have had some difficulty with power management on Ubuntu so i decided to install opensuse with kde as i heard it was good for laptops. I have had lots of trouble getting opensuse 11.4 to boot properly and to run without freezing.

I have trawled the forums and bugzilla and the documentation, e.g. SDB:ATI - openSUSE and SDB:Configuring graphics cards - openSUSE. Consequently i am now able to boot (normally), however whenever i open any application, e.g. Dolphin file manager, Firefox, etc, the tab starts to load (little circle starts spinning on the tab), and then it freezes.

At this point I can exit X Windows and enter the text mode. I have repeated this with the FGLRX and Radeon drivers running. This is always repeatable. I can also boot into level 3 and do things there.

My computer details are:
HP Pavilion dv6 3032TX
Processor - Intel i7 720 QM
Ram - 6GB
GPU - ATI Mobility Radeon 5650
Harddrive - 640GB 5400rpm


What i have tried so far:

1. First 4 steps on SDB:Configuring graphics cards - openSUSE
2. Install and run FGLRX

Note that i cannot failsafe boot - it never boots into X Windows and just hangs. I really do like the look and feel of opensuse and would love to use it, but at this point my only option is to try another distro.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Nvidia Geforce 8200 Driver Install Error - Version.h Not Found

Jan 11, 2011

After a disk crash I reinstalled openSuSE 11.2 and as always downloaded the latest Nvidia driver for my geforce 8200 graphics.

Unlike all previous cases, this time the driver does not install. The contents of /var/log/nvidia-installer.log are below. The error refers to being unable to to locate version.h


Using: nvidia-installer ncurses user interface


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Slackware :: Proprietary Nvidia Driver Crashes - 13 X86_64

Jan 23, 2010

I'm having an issue where the proprietary nvidia driver seems to crash my system. the weird thing is that it only happens if i have already started an X session. here is what i mean. i don't use a display manager so i invoke X by running startx. now if i run it for the first time it starts no problem. but if i kill X with ctrl-alt-backspace and then try to run startx again it just hangs and the machine completely freezes up. this only happens with the proprietary nvidia driver. if i use the vesa driver it works fine. the open-source nvidia driver doesn't seem to support my card: GeForce GT220. i never had this problem with slackware 13 x86. i have tried using the 190.42 version from as well as the latest version from nvidia's site 190.53. aside from this problem it seems to work fine otherwise.

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.3 - Installed Several Times And Each Time System Freezes/crashes During Boot

Dec 7, 2010

LIVECD of 11.3 Gnome works fine in my old PC. I installed several times and each time system freezes/crashes during boot. I am linux newbie, so, I am trying to figure out my problems. In Livecd I noticed Hardware info list's my SATA disk as IDE. Driver Modules: "ata_piix"Attached to: #24 (IDE interface). Is it right? I have posted Hardware information output in 01: None 00.0: 10105 BIOS [Created at bios.186] - Suse 11.3 install problem My machine specs are: Intel DG31PR motherboard, Intel core2duo, 3 GB DDR2 Ram, 250 GB SATA harddisk

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: 9.10 AMD Crashes: NVIDIA Failed To Initialize The GLX Module?

Mar 25, 2010

I'm running ubuntu 9.10 64 bit (2.6.31-20-generic) on a Z600 HP. My graphics card is Nvidia quadro NVS450. I am using the Ubuntu Nvidia driver 185.18.36. I am experiencing random, daily system freezes where the system has to be manually rebooted. After installing the crash dump packages I am now getting a crash dump file and it's clear the problem relates to my graphics card.

Is this a red herring or the cause of my problems:
(EE) Failed to load /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions//
(EE) Failed to load module "glx" (loader failed,
(EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to initialize the GLX module; please check in your X

The NVIDIA X Server Settings shows a message "Failed to query the GLX server vendor".

Here is my xorg.conf file:
$ cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf
# nvidia-settings: X configuration file generated by nvidia-settings
# nvidia-settings: version 1.0 (buildd@crested) Sun Feb 1 20:25:37 UTC 2009
Section "ServerLayout"


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Software :: Xorg (1.10.1) Crashes With NVIDIA Drivers (275.09.07) On Debian (grml)

Jun 24, 2011

I'm using the most recent version of Xorg that is available in the Debian repository (unstable) and it flashes the NVIDIA logo and crashes the whole computer immediately after. Ctrl+Alt+F[0-9] do nothing when this happens.

I've tried reverting to an older NVIDIA driver, but they either cause the same issues (27x.y.z) or require version ignoring for ABI (26x.y.z) which leads to a segfault.

I would be fine running vesa for now, but it doesn't support 1366x768 resolution so I either have to deal with a bad resolution or have part of the screen cut off.

Linux dalek 2.6.38-grml64 #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue May 24 23:35:23 UTC 2011 x86_64 GNU/Linux
NVIDIA GeForce GT 220M
Xorg 1.10.1
NVIDIA Drivers 275.09.07
startx output:

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.4 - Cannot Install Nvidia Driver ?

Aug 3, 2011

Nvidia h/w:Quadro FX 570

Installed 11.4 yesterday. No problems. Installed Gnome 3 today and it goes into fallback mode. Assuming that the graphics driver might be the culprit, I attempted to install the latest nvidia driver.

Added repo in Yast2.

Did a refresh and it complains that it cannot access installation media at the above. Paste the above in Firefox and it gets there OK.

One-click method also fails.

Never had a problem with updating nvidia driver before. Not sure what to check. I did delete and add with no success.

BTW, the other defined repos in Yast2 work fine.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: How To Install The Nvidia Drivers

Feb 7, 2010

I need to install the latest drivers for my Nvidia card. I have the Quadro FX 1800.I don't think the Nvidia One click installation will work with this card.I downloaded the drivers from Nvidia and tried to install them but their directions are very confusing. It says "exit x windows" and "restart in init 3". I don't know what that means.Can someone tell me step-by-step how to compile and install the nvidia drivers?I have opensuse 11.2 64-bit clean install with all the defaults, and the Quadro FX 1800.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Install Nvidia Drivers For 11.2 64-bit?

Apr 3, 2010

I am running openSUSE 11.2 64-bit KDE version. I would like to install drivers for my Nvidia GTX 285 1gb video card. How exactly would I do this?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Nvidia-settings Won't Install From Rpm

Jul 19, 2010

I am extremely disappointed in this 11.3 release. openSUSE had a system that worked. I never had a major problem with the Nvidea video drivers before this release. When I did have a problem with the drivers (usually because Nvidia screwed up) I was able to easily use "The hard way" to install the drivers and all was good. But now the system is so screwed up that the drivers wont install. I can't find a working Saxx2 anywhere. nvidia-settings won't install from rpm. What the hell is going on? This release should have been held up until this garbage was fixed. Novvaeu (sp?) won't work for some of the programs I want to run.

I probably changed so much stuff that I bet my system won't boot now. Oh and what happened to the lack of repair software on the install disk? For two versions now the only repair option we have had is the command line. That's great if you use those tools on a regular or semi regular basis.

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OpenSUSE Install :: NVIDIA Xinerama Compiz - Almost There?

Nov 26, 2008

I heard a lot about NVIDIA Xinerama & Compiz not working but on looking further, in recent times people have got them to work. I've setup Xinerama with 4 monitors working across 2 dual video cards and it works great. I have the latest NVIDIA drivers (using the one-click) and I just installed the latest compiz using one-click as well.

The cards are as follows:
Chip: 0 is -> NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT 01:00:0 0x10de 0x0402 AGP nvidia
Chip: 1 is -> NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT 02:00:0 0x10de 0x0402 AGP nvidia
(I chose these because they have no fans and when working from home, quiet is nice to have!)

The following options are recommended to run compiz with NVIDIA and I have enabled them all at one point. However, looking through carefully I don't need to since using the latest drivers and having pretty good video cards all this seems to be (according to the documentation) automatically enabled.


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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Update NVidia Drivers

Mar 30, 2010

Lappy is a Dell XPS M1330
Intel core 2 T7500 2.2Ghz 4gig Ram
Nvidia GeForce 8400M GS
HDD 320

1 64bit system installs but wont let me do updates so now using 32bit thats ok
2 How do I update drivers? My screen seems to have ghosting around the edges

3 On firefox when scrolling down the page its jerky Ive used firefox on most of my Pcs and never had this problem Im duel booting ubuntu and suse and using the internet on ubuntu so far other than these problems suse is fine

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OpenSUSE Install :: GUI Not Getting After NVIDIA Driver Installing In 11.3

Jan 8, 2011

I installed on my laptop NVIDIA driver from the opensuse repository. After restart i am not geting the GUI.The screen blinks while booting and finally ends in command line login. Error shows that gdm lasted for only few seconds. Max number of try exceeded.

HP pavillion ZV5000
64b processor
NVIDIA GEForce4 440 64m

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