OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Kaffein Always Crashes ?

May 16, 2010

When i try to play pretty much anything...playlist

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: VLC Tries To Start But Crashes

Feb 6, 2011

VLC had been working well, but after some updates, it crashes after trying to start. When starting from the menu, it puts a slot in the taskbar and has the bouncing pylon for a few seconds, then those disappear. When starting in console, it immediately returns"VLC media player 1.1.7 The Luggage (revision exported)
Floating point exception".VLC starts correctly from console with "strace vlc".I deleted the configuration files "vlc-qt-interface.conf" and "vlcrc" in ~/.config/vlc/, but this made no difference when trying to start VLC.

The system is OpenSuSE 11.3, 32 bit; KDE 4.4.4 release 3; NVIDIA 260.19.29.The problem exists with both VLC versions from Packman, and 1.1.7-3.1 from Videolan.I suspect this is similar to an Amarok problem described at Amarok Keep Crash and Amarok opens and crashes immediately

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Amarok Crashes All Of Sudden

Oct 28, 2010

Suse 11.3 KDE 4.4 Amarok - Standard version that comes with 11.3 I start Amarok, which still worked fine yesterday and this morning. I get the Amarok splash screen and then it disappears and the Crash Handler with the following message appears.


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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Amarok 2.4 Crashes Upon Launch

Mar 11, 2011

When I launch amarok-2.4.0 under KDE 4.6 it alwasys crashes with the error message symbol lookup error: amarok: undefined symbol: _ZN7OcsData8addDonorERK7QStringRK12KAboutPerson. What is wrong here?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Kaffeine / Xine Crashes When Playing Avi Files?

Dec 29, 2009

I have just installed openSuse 11.2 (64bit), and I installed the avi codecs as described in Restricted Formats/11.2 - openSUSE-Community with the 1-click installation for KDE. But kaffeine and xine are crashing when I try to play avi files.One thing I found out is that all packages are 64 bit packages only the w32codec-all version is and I don't get offered a _64 package. Is this OK? What else could be the problem

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Sound Crashes Unexpectedly In Firefox Flash

May 2, 2010

flash version 10.0 r45 in firefox plays video, graphics, and sound just fine. however, while i'm playing a video on videos, or listening to pandora, the sound could unexpectedly crash. when this happens, sound doesn't just stop playing. it keeps playing but loops the sound every second or so - it's kind of strange to describe; the sentence, "hello, how are you?" could sound like "he-he-he-he ar-ar you-you-you". has anyone experienced this? i say it happens 'unexpectedly' because i can't replicate the crash on demand, but it happens in every firefox session. it seems that it does not matter what i'm doing - i've tried crashing it by making a flash video full screen and exiting continuously etc. because sometimes it happens when i'm going to full screen or changing tabs.

however, most of the time it happens when i'm not even touching the computer - i'm not sure if some background process can cause flash's buffer to overflow, or whatever. other times, it doesn't even need me to play anything for it to crash the sound in flash - it could loop sound from the first time i tried playing it in flash in that ff session. even when i exit firefox or pause the sound it takes a few second for the loops to stop. however, when i restart firefox the sound is fine until it crashes again and i have to restart, again! i tried removing libflashsupport as i read in other threads that it causes sound issues - no luck there. i uninstalled, installed and all that jazz. tried strace - doesn't report any flash errors for some reason, or as far as i can understand.

i also installed the flash debugger for use with the firebug extension, flashbug addon in firefox, but i'm not getting anything there either - i think it can't locate the flash debugger, although it lists the right version. i haven't had this problem with chromium yet, but i mostly use it when flash sound in firefox crashed and i don't want to reload ff; i think they use the same ''? also, just to clarify, sound from the mplayer plugin works fine, and when the sound crashes in flash it does not cause ff to crash and quit. firefox continues to run normally but when i play sound in flash it starts looping. i've had sound problems in the past and i'm thinking there is something i messed up in the packages i have installed. i uninstalled pulseaudio because it was the only way i could find to get my skype working. how would i know if there are conflicting elements?

here's what i get from 'lsof | grep snd':
firefox 956 angelos mem chr 116,4 3850 /dev/snd/pcmc0d0p
firefox 956 angelos 120r chr 116,2 0t0 3751 /dev/snd/timer
firefox 956 angelos 122u chr 116,4 0t0 3850 /dev/snd/pcmc0d0p
firefox 956 angelos 123u chr 116,8 0t0 3874 /dev/snd/controlc0
keytouchd 4518 angelos 4u chr 116,8 0t0 3874 /dev/snd/controlc0
knotify4 4683 angelos 12u chr 116,8 0t0 3874 /dev/snd/controlc0
kmix 4690 angelos 10u chr 116,8 0t0 3874 /dev/snd/controlc0
keytouchd 8563 angelos 4u chr 116,8 0t0 3874 /dev/snd/controlc0

it seems to me like there should be a conflict between all those using the same sound control? however, why would it just happen unexpectedly? also, is there a way that i could dissociate sound from firefox without having to reload a whole session with many tabs?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Adobe Flash Frequently Crashes On Firefox 4?

Apr 7, 2011

Why is it that Adobe Flash frequently crashes on Firefox 4. I'm using opensuse 11.4 64bit ed. Is gnash better for ...... This is getting really annoying.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: MPlayer Crashes - Failed To Open LIRC Support

Jan 20, 2011

I am not able to play certain movie files with MPlayer since a few days:
MPlayer dev-SVN-r32749-4.4-openSUSE Linux 11.2 (i686)-Packman (C) 2000-2010 MPlayer Team
Can't open joystick device /dev/input/js0: No such file or directory
Can't init input joystick
mplayer: could not connect to socket
mplayer: No such file or directory
Failed to open LIRC support. You will not be able to use your remote control.

Playing somefile.wmv.
ASF file format detected.
[asfheader] Audio stream found, -aid 1
[asfheader] Video stream found, -vid 2
VIDEO: [WMV3] 640x480 24bpp 1000.000 fps 1500.0 kbps (183.1 kbyte/s)
Opening video decoder: [dmo] DMO video codecs
DMO dll supports VO Optimizations 0 1
DMO dll might use previous sample when requested
MPlayer interrupted by signal 11 in module: init_video_codec

I am not sure which filetypes are affected by this bug, but I can play *some* files. The specific file here used to work a few days ago.
kalle@hoppers:~> file somefile.wmv
somefile.wmv: Microsoft ASF
The only major thing referring to multimedia in the past few days I remember is installing 'h264enc' from Packman, however, meanwhile I uninstalled this package, yet the problem persists.

kalle@hoppers:~> grep h264enc /var/log/zypp/history
2011-01-15 20:11:53|install|h264enc||noarch|root@hoppers|Packman|c5bd1d534726472929134e5acc8f66492c52c51b
2011-01-20 22:06:20|remove |h264enc||noarch|root@hoppers
The only way of solving this was moving MPlayers config, but that did not help either.

Xine also is not able to play this video:
kalle@hoppers:~> xine somefile.wmv
Dies ist xine (X11 gui) - Ein freier Video-Player v0.99.6.
(c) 2000-2007 Das xine Team.
[wmv3 @ 0x8f78060] Extra data: 8 bits left, value: 0
xiTK received SIGSEGV signal, RIP.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Kdenlive Crashes When Loading Project With Saved Audio Track

Sep 20, 2010

I'm currently on vacation, and noted that the kdenlive version on my laptop (running 64-bit openSUSE-11.3 with KDE-4.4.4) will crash when loading a kdenlive file that has an audio track previously saved.

ie one can no longer reload a project, after saving it, if one has an audio track in the project.

I note my desktop (just before I went on vacation) did not have this behaviour. Has anyone else encountered this?

When I get back from vacation, I'll compare the packages between the two (ie between laptop and desktop). I note these packages on my laptop, which may or may not be relevant.


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Debian Multimedia :: Multimedia Crashes On Squeeze ?

May 13, 2011

I've just installed Squeeze 6.01a from the xfce iso image on an old PIII which has been running Lenny with xfce without any problems. It's a fresh install after a reformat.

Sounds and multimedia apps like gxine and mplayer all worked fine on Lenny and other older versions. Now they don't - not gxine, not mplayer not even VLC. Run from the menu they all abort - and if run in an xterm they all crash with the following message -

Assertion 'pthread_mutex_unlock(&m->mutex) == 0' failed at pulsecore/mutex-posix.c:108, function pa_mutex_unlock(). Aborting.

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Debian Multimedia :: KDE Crashes On Startup

Mar 28, 2016

I am new to debian. I run debian on a laptop with nvidia geforce chip 740 m (optimus), it has been working great until today when i turned it on , the start screen did not show up and it went straight to terminal mode. Starting the kdm service manually does not do anything.

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Debian Multimedia :: X/KDE Crashes After Login?

Apr 23, 2010

KDM starts up fine, graphics drivers (fglrx) are loaded correctly, but as soon as I login over KDM and KDE desktop starts loading, X crashes, restarts KDM, and I get sent back to the login screen.I am running a stock debian/lenny install (with 2.6.26-686 kernel) and no error messages in my Xorg.0.log.

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Debian Multimedia :: Os Crashes When Mounted DVD ROM

May 22, 2010

when I mount DVD-ROM to some files from xterm, the systerm never responsed! I used this command: sudo mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /mnt/cd I search some info from google ,some guys say these info may help ,but I don't understand why it cab be crashed when I mount the CD from DVD-ROM.

/dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 05-22 19:54 /dev/dvd -> sr
dmesg |grep hd
[ 9.126848] hda_codec: Unknown model for ALC883, trying auto-probe from BIOS.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: PSX Crashes With A Segfault?

Feb 19, 2010

When attempting to run pSX on Ubuntu 9.04 (and the 9.10 livecd), it crashes with a segfault. I -have- read [URL] and tried shutting down pulseaudio as recommended there. However:

$ sudo /etc/init.d/pulseaudio stop
* PulseAudio configured for per-user sessions
$ sudo killall pulseaudio


How do I get pSX working? I tried copying the psx.ini file from another machine because the thread says pSX works fine after you change the sound device used, but it still segfaults when I try running it.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Hipo Looking For HAL On 10.4 Crashes?

Jun 7, 2010

Loaded Hipo through synaptic and it bombs:

at Hal.Manager..ctor () [0x00000]
at IPod.HalClient.HalDeviceManager..ctor () [0x00000]
at IPod.DeviceManager.Create () [0x00000]
at IPod.DeviceCombo..ctor () [0x00000]


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Crashes After Update?

Oct 1, 2010

I've a ATI HD 4290 video-card and I installed the closed drivers of ATI/AMD. Everything worked fine until I updated Ubuntu. Yesterday, I received an automatic update from the Ubuntu-servers and I accepted this update.

But after I updated everything and restart my computer, won't work. When I start my computer, I get this. (Translated: Your monitor, video card and your input devices couldn't be detected correctly. You have to choose manually the correct settings.)

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: F-Spot Crashes / Fix This?

Jan 3, 2011

So, I was just importing some images to F-Spot, when it suddenly crashed.
Now, when I try starting it, it flashes with some error that I can't read. It appears and disappears very quickly.
Here's the output from the terminal code...

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Debian Multimedia :: Gnome Crashes On Login

Jun 22, 2015

I was using Debian (jessie) testing for quit a while now, and since jessie is now the new Stable I wanted to update to testing again.

And I have an issue now, and I can't tell if it is a really a bug, or some new packages are interfering with my configuration files. Well to be honest I have more than one issue, but I am guessing that at least a few of them are related to the same issue.

Whenever I startup my Debian(testing) system, I get the gdm3 login prompt, I type in my password and hit Enter. Than there is a: “Oh no, something went wrong”-window for an blink of an eye (1-2 seconds).

After that gnome starts (almost*) normal .[gnome version 3.16.2]

*But: the gnome-sound applet doesn't start correctly. Alsamixer is running but Pulseaudio seems not to. When I start Pulseaudio manually after that everything with the sound is fine.

The most annoying thing is, that none of my Shortcuts work anymore ( Ctrl+Alt+T for terminal, Ctrl+<anything; Fn+<anything> screen brightness for example; hardware Volume Up/Down keys [Thinkpad x230t])

I checked my costume Shortcuts, Ctrl+Alt+T is set in the keyboard settings.

I have two monitors connected (its a laptop so it the build in and an external). I tried to disconnect the 2nd monitor and restartet the problem persists . Everything else seems to work fine (at least I haven't found any other issue yet). I would be glad to add some Log files, but I don't know exactly which one I should attach.

I attached the Xorg-log since it seems to me that something went wrong there:

115.284] (WW) Falling back to old probe method for vesa
[ 115.284] (EE) intel(0): [drm] failed to set drm interface version.
[ 115.284] (EE) intel(0): Failed to become DRM master.
[ 115.284] (II) UnloadModule: "intel"
[ 115.284] (EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration.

[Code] .....

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Debian Multimedia :: LibreOffice Crashes On Start-up

Sep 1, 2015

I installed libreoffice from the official Debian repository. Even after a clean installation of Debian Jessie, Libreoffice started and ran only once. After that, when LO was started, it gave an error message: "Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module".I installed "canberra-gtk-module." From then on, LO never gave any error message in terminal. The banner flashes across the screen for a moment and then disappears.

I deleted ~/.config/libreoffice folder and started LO again. Each time the command "libreoffice" is run in terminal, it creates the configuration files in ~/.config folder.I created a new user to check if LO would run. It does run when a new user account is created. But the problem keeps coming back.

After uninstalling libreoffice, I tried installing openoffice 4. Even openoffice 4 wouldn't start. The banner would just appear for a moment.

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Debian Multimedia :: Desktop Crashes After Upgrade

Sep 30, 2015

I'm running Wheezy and just did an apt-get upgrade which installed linux-3.2.0-4-amd64, a bunch of php5 stuff and some qemu stuff. Now when I log into the desktop it starts loading and before it finishes I wind up with a screen full of text. The first line is usually "BUG: unable to handle kernel paging request at <some address that varies>" but sometimes the first line is off the screen. None of KDE, Gnome or xfce work. Recovery mode to a shell prompt works fine. I did a net install of Wheezy on another disk and that runs just fine. I'd like to get my original disk working.

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Debian Multimedia :: Xscreensaver Randomly Crashes X

Apr 16, 2016

My supposedly stable system was crashing. The problem was one or more specific screensavers--xscreensaver, the display manager (lightDM), and X itself are innocent as far as I can tell.

I'm on a Thinkpad T400 with Debian Jessie (8.4)/MATE/lightDM. I have libreboot and not proprietary BIOS. I like variety, so in addition to installing xscreensaver itself (the unofficial patched jessie version without the "out of date" nag, which I got from, I also installed some extras from the official repository (xscreensaver-gl-extra, xscreensaver-data-extra, xscreensaver-screensaver-bsod). I enabled all the installed screensavers and asked xscreensaver to randomly cycle through them.

To my dismay, after variable lengths of time (usually within 20-60 minutes), when a random screensaver has been on for a little while (I'm guessing as it's about to go to the next random one), X crashes to a black screen. The only way to make the black screen go away is to kill X (which I mapped to Control + Alt + Backspace) then log back in. There are no useful logs anywhere except some cryptic IO error 11 entry in ~/.xsessionerros.

Now for the troubleshooting:

1) First I tried installing a more up-to-date version of xscreensaver (5.34-2), which I grabbed from the sid repository. This didn't work--same problem as described above. Therefore, I went back to the patched version for jessie (5.30-1 from

2) To exclude that the lightDM middleman was the problem, I disabled it and was logging in with startx. Problem did not go away. (I then rigged systemd to log me in automatically and for startx to run automatically once I'm logged in--who needs middlemen?)

3) To exclude screensavers butting heads, I uninstalled mate-screensaver and disabled anything from X that could be interfering (by running these commands in a startup script: xset -dpms; xset s 0 0; xset s noblank; xset s off). Problem did not go away. I kept this startup script nevertheless.

4) Finally, to exclude individual xscreensaver module(s) being the problem, I unchecked them all. Then I wrote down the names of my 20 favorite modules (which include some from gl-extra, some from data-extra, and bsod) and tested them in small batches, running xscreensaver with only 5 favorites checked at a time. After testing four batches of 5 and witnessing all 20 favorites both display and load without any X crashes, I went ahead and selected all 20 favorites. I left the laptop on overnight and in the morning (about 12 hours later) it's still going strong.

One or more particular xscreensaver modules are crashing X, probably at the time they are being loaded to be the next one to show. I think I already spent enough time on this, so don't really care to identify +/- troubleshoot the offending modules.

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Debian Multimedia :: Pcmanfm Crashes More Frequently ?

Nov 9, 2010

Recently pcmanfm crashes more frequently then before. Each time it occurs, I cannot open another instance of it until I reboot my desktop/laptop. But this is not possible if I happen to be doing some long computational work. I have been using it with fluxbox for two years already, and previously I simply reopen another new window and get on with my work.

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Debian Multimedia :: Iceweasel And KDE Leave Crashes X

Feb 25, 2011

I installed Squeeze on an eeepc 900.Everything seems to work well, except for one thing: iceweasel, when drawing certain windows, likes to crash the entire KDE session. This is 100% replicable simply by right-clicking on a bookmark put on the bookmarks menu toolbar, and trying to go to "properites" on that item. It only does this, however, on my wife's eeepc 900, it does not happen on my 900A (different gpu and cpu though...). the two systems have the same packages installed.

The most frustrating thing is that there is no error output whatsoever. I have looked through all the logs in /var/log, and I couldn't find anything. I have run iceweasel from the command line and redirected its output to a file, but the whole system hard-locked, and when I rebooted, there was no log file. I have started X using "startx" instead of using kdm, and I cannot see any output to the VT that kicked it off because the system hard-locks.

As far as I can see, it only happens in iceweasel. If I disable compositing, it becomes stable again -- but I don't want to have to do this, as it interferes with features she is accustomed to.Oh yes, I should also add that this netbook worked fine under eeebuntu and compiz -- never an issue.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Amarok Crashes On Startup 9.10?

Jan 28, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 9.10 and having trouble with Amarok. It crashes on on startup. I have read that the issue is not with Amarok but rather phonon. Is there a solution? Application: Amarok (amarok), signal: Segmentation fault [Current thread is 1 (Thread 0xb68cb950 (LWP 13047))]

Thread 5 (Thread 0xb527bb70 (LWP 13054)):
#0 0x003e9422 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
#1 0x07fcb142 in pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
#2 0x037168d4 in pthread_cond_timedwait () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
#3 0x075519ff in ?? () from /usr/lib/


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Winff Crashes After Terminal?

Mar 8, 2010

I am trying to convert movies to mpeg4 or more specifically formatted to play on my blackberry curve. I followed installation guide from this tutorial [URL]. Everything installed and the program works but when I add a file and pick presets and hit convert the terminal pops up and says the following:


So I press Enter and the terminal closes, than... nothing happens just staring at the winff screen.

I really have no idea where to go with this. I found a link from the forums earlier on these common crashes but cant seem to find it again.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Dorame Crashes After Starting?

Mar 11, 2010

I just installed Dorame (The Pandora client) and it crashes when I try to run it. It gets through the check for updates etc. But when it gets to opening the main window, it crashes.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythmbox Crashes Upon The Opening

Mar 28, 2010

Whenever I open Rhythmbox, it looks like it is about to work, but crashes. I get this when I run it from the command line.

** (rhythmbox:3002): CRITICAL **: atk_object_set_name: assertion `name != NULL' failed


I found out that this was just a problem of having a certain album ripped, so this does not happen any more.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Play Anything In Banshee It Crashes?

Mar 30, 2010

When I try to play anything in banshee it crashes with the error:

Got a SIGSEGV while executing native code. This usually indicates a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries used by your application.

Same thing happens with Listen and Rhythmbox, but with a segmentation fault.

Amarok doesn't even get past the splash screen, but that's more or less okay because I'd rather stick with gnome.

Guayadeque is the only decent music player that works, and even it isn't without its issues. Audacious also works, but I don't like Audacious(the whole "one big playlist" system... ew).

Of course if I had my way I'd skip gnome music players entirely and go with foobar2000, but wouldn't you know it, that doesn't work either. [URL]

I'm using 10.04 beta, but these problems were present on 9.10 too.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Intermittent VLC Crashes During Playback

Apr 8, 2010

I've been running into issues with VLC crashing now and again, particularly when seeking through the current item using the bar (as opposed to Ctrl-Right Arrow/Left Arrow); it may have happened in a few other spots, but that's usually when I'm not at my keyboard. All files are stored locally on my HD, mostly .avi video. For the most part, when I'm using VLC, I've got Firefox and maybe a Nautilus window running as well. CPU use, Memory use, and System load stay pretty well down (and I've never managed to get my swap usage above 120MiB of the 1.2GiB on the Swap partition).

I've tried removing and reinstalling VLC, no dice; about screen lists Ver 1.0.2 Goldeneye. A side effect of this is that, until I restart the system, the screen is unable to be put to sleep at it's timeout; in the notification bar of the top panel, an icon appears and (if the mouse is left there) a little box will appear with text as follows:
Session active, not inhibited, screen idle.
If you can see this text, your display server is broken and you should notify your distributor.
Please see [URL] for more information.

The URL there listed doesn't have any information that seems to be useful, but, I'd presume that VLC does something to prevent the screen turning off while it's playing (a situation where most folks aren't going to be typing or mousing around), which is undone when VLC ends cleanly (and re-opening, then exiting doesn't fix it).

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Sound Crashes When Using Microphone?

May 28, 2010

I use Ubuntu 10.04 but I had this problem in 9.10 too.

I have a problem regarding my sound preferences. I have a microphone and I want to use it to make calls. The problem is that when I speak into the microphone when a program like Skype is used, my sound suddenly crashes(The microphone won't take any input nor will I hear any sound from the speakers if I play a video or music. This gets fixed if I restart the computer). This also happens if I go to Sound preferences → Input or Output and edit something there.

If I don't make any of the above, the sound works just fine as I can listen to music and play videos.

I don't know much about computer hardware but here is some info about my sound card:

VIA Technologies, Inc. VT1708/A[Azalia HDAC] (VIA High Definifion Audio Controller) (rev 10)

Subsystem: Biostar Microtech Int'l Corp Device 820f

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