OpenSUSE Hardware :: Acer P191W - Screen Resolution?

Jun 20, 2010

I am new to this forum and would very much appreciate some assistance with a problem I am experiencing. I've just made the move from Windows Vista back to Linux after about a three year break from it and I am having trouble configuring the correct screen res for my wide screen monitor.

Some basic info:

System: openSUSE 11.2
KDE: 4.3.5 (KDE 4.3.5)
Monitor: Acer P191W 1400x900
Graphics Card: NVIDIA geforce 6100 nforce 430

Everything appears stretched, wider than it should be. At first I couldn't figure out how to change the screen res in Control Panel as it's missing the Monitor option to amend anything. After some reading on another thread I managed to access it as su , sax2. It detects the correct Monitor Model but does not offer 1400x900 as a res option. I also tried selecting LCD instead of a make and then selected 1440x900 as there is no 1400 option but this doesn't help things either.

I am a complete rookie so any help at all will be great. I thought it might perhaps be a driver issue as when windows are moved on the screen or if I scroll down a web page such as this it leaves 'artifacts'. Has anyone else experienced similar problems?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Can't Increase Resolution Than At Least Stretch The Screen To Full Screen?

Aug 27, 2011

I recently upgraded my graphics card from a Geforce 7600GS to a Gefore 560Ti. And while most things are normal, during boot up my screen isn't "full screen" until X is started, after which everything else is fine. Essentially, all display, the grub menu, the splash screen, console text, etc, is within a box on the screen, with 2" on the left and right, and 1" top and bottom of empty blackness.

From what I understand, this is because the framebuffer is using the wrong resolution, but the maximum resolution that hwinfo --framebuffer returns is 1280x1024 (which I am already using "0x031a".) (My monitors is natively 1920x1080) Is it possible to do something about this? If not increase resolution than at least stretch the screen to full screen?

sudo /usr/sbin/hwinfo --framebuffer
02: None 00.0: 11001 VESA Framebuffer
[Created at bios.459]
Unique ID: rdCR.GGyCBArXznD
Hardware Class: framebuffer
Model: "NVIDIA GF104B Board - 10400050"


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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Max Screen Resolution - Screen Goes Blank When Click On The Display Icon In System Settings

Jan 11, 2011

i have just put a Geforce 7300 GT graphic card into my machine the problem is the max resolution I can get is 1024x768 at 60 hz the screen is a benq fp71g+. also the screen goes blank when i click on the display icon in system settings. i know that the screen can be run at 1280x1024 so I don?t know where the problem is.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Change Resolution Screen In LOGIN KDM Opensuse 11.3 Kde 4.6?

Feb 24, 2011

installation opensuse 11.3 and kde 4.4 after update to kde 4.6, work fine, but problem is login screen is low like 640x350...? i wanted to change from lowtion to high 1024x768?when i start opensuse and begin to login was low resolution and log in my user and it's low resolutiona dn i change screen from setting system (kde) after change high display is works fine and rebbot same low resolution for LOGIN MANAGER how i can change it??

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OpenSUSE :: Screen Size - Resolution In 11.3 ?

Jan 4, 2011

Running new installation of 11.3 with KDE Desktop. I have sorted out text appearance and size thanks to pwabrahams in another thread but I have a big problem with screen size/resolution.

In previous installation of 11.1 on the same machine I was able to change the resolution of the graphics in order to fit the windows on the screen more comfortably. I used to use something like 1240 x 1048 but in the System Settings > Computer Administration > Display the resolution is set at 832 x 624 and no higher resolutions are offered.

I cannot find out the details of the embedded graphics controller (10 year old Dell PE6300 server) but the system information report it as ATI Mach64 GI with swrast (No 3D acceleration) version 7.8.2. I have spent several hours reading the many pages on graphics in this forum and have concluded that I should probably be using a legacy driver but have no idea how to change the driver. Of course if it were possible to increase the resolution to 1240 X 1048 without recourse to changing driver that might do it if I knew what setting to tweak.

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Ubuntu :: Acer Aspire One Wrong Resolution?

Jan 14, 2011

My Acer AspireOne netbook has a native resolution of 1024x600. Most times I start up, the image is 800x480 against the left edge, black bar on the right side, and a repeated image at the bottom. (I can attach a picture if needed.)I've been seeing this problem since Ubuntu 9.10, but it's more common recently with 10.10. If I keep shutting down and powering back on, eventually it will come up in 1024x600 as I desire. If that happens, then I avoid shutting down and only use Suspend instead. However, anytime I need to reboot (for updates, etc.) the 800x480 comes back.

The Acer logo / BIOS splash screen is also in 800x480, but I only see it switch back to 1024x600 after Ubuntu loads and is shut down. (Repeatedly clicking on/off/on/off never results in the resolution changing to 1024x600.) So, I'm still suspicious that Ubuntu is causing this (no hardware). WinXP used to be on this machine, and the problem was never seen.I don't think any proprietary drivers are needed (but I am still a Ubuntu noob.) When the problem is occurring, I see this result for xrandr:

swope@netbook:~$ xrandr
Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 800 x 480, maximum 4096 x 4096
VGA1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)[code]....

I haven't been able to find xorg.conf ... but I've read that recent versions of Ubuntu create the content dynamically.Not sure what other details I should be including, at the risk of making this post too long.

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OpenSUSE :: How To Make Screen Resolution Sticky

Mar 6, 2010

I have chosen to use automatic login. But every now and then I am asked for username and password when the computer boots. When I do get automatically login the screen resolution is changed to 800 x 600 instead of 1280 x 1024. How do I get those two (resolution and log in) settings sticky?

Graphics: Nvidia GeForce FX 5200 (updated today!)
SuSE Linux 11.2
KDE 4.3.5

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OpenSUSE :: Cannot Set Screen Resolution 1024x768 Permanently

Oct 19, 2010

Can't set screen resolution 1024x768 permanently. There is no tools like sax2 which is in openSUSE 11.2. I am to set screen resolution to 1024x768 every time after loggin in.

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OpenSUSE :: Setting Screen Resolution In Suse 11.3?

Nov 10, 2010

I just installed Suse 11.3 64bit on a new build. My video card is a nvidia gt240. I am using the default drivers. My monitor is a NEC 17" LCD.

When I boot up the screen resolution defaults to 1280x1024. I can go to applications>configure desktop>display and set it to 1024x768, which is my resolution of choice, and it works until I reboot or log out and log back in, then it resets to 1280x1024.

I would like to make 1024x768 the default so I don't have to keep changing it. Is there a way to do this? The output of xrandr looks like this:

$~> xrandr
Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1024 x 768, maximum 8192 x 8192
DVI-I-1 connected 1024x768+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 338mm x 270mm
1280x1024 60.0 +
1152x864 75.0
1024x768 75.1 70.1* 60.0


Is there something I can change to set a new default resolution?

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OpenSUSE :: Screen Resolution Resets After Reboot?

Nov 20, 2010

Every time I reboot, my screen resolution goes back to 800x600. Is there a way to permanently set it to what I want?

I'm running OpenSuSE 11.2 using KDE.

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.2 - Screen Resolution Way Off On Reboot

Jan 12, 2010

I am installing 11.2 on an older machine, Athlon 2800+, GeForce 6800, 1 GB RAM. Install goes fine until try to reboot to the OS and just get massive garbage on the screen. Can't see anything just lines crossing the screen, it seems almost like the resolution is way off but don't know how to change that since I can't see anything. I tried two different install disks to make sure not the problem and got the same thing with both. I tried installing both KDE and GNOME on separate occasions and still same problem. I have used the same install disk to put this on an even older machine and that went fine. I do have windows 7 installed on another partition. I'm fairly new to linux but I'm learning.

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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Adjust The Screen Resolution

Jul 17, 2010

Suffering from the expected error in detecting my video properly when installed 11.3.Have intel 915G onboard video. Up until 11.1 Opensuse struggled with loading this correctly. in 11.1 & 11.2 all was well. A couple of minor tweaks in sax2 and it worked perfectly. Now hat sax2 has gone I'm not sure how to make these minor tweaks.

My problem is I have been forced to a screen resolution of 1024X768 VGA Following the readme file adding nomodeset at boot fixes the problem but of course forces me back to an old video driver with pretty poor performance. Is there any way I can change the screen resolution and set the correct monitor - any GUI replacement for sax2? Krandrtray will only let me set a max res of 1024x768. I need to set res to 1280x1024

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.3 - Screen Resolution Is Not Permanent

Jan 20, 2011

Opensuse 11.3 with latest updates
KDE desktop

Whatever resolution I choose, 1600x1200 is preferred, it is reset to a default of 1024x768 when I log out. I use the "Configure Desktop" option to set the resolution. I can find no other method to do so. The graphics adapter is an ATI hd3200. I have installed the fglrx driver. I cannot fine the "Control Center" for the driver. How do I make the selected resolution permanent?

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OpenSUSE :: Screen Resolution With VBox Guest Additions?

Feb 22, 2010

I run openSUSE 11.2 on my notebook using VirtualBox 3.0.6_OSE r52128. Recently, I installed the guest additions on my Windows XP guest system (VBoxGuestAdditions_3.0.6.iso).
Before this installation I was able to use a screen resolution of 1024x768 in the guest system. Having installed the guest additions the best result I get is 800x600.
The resolution I'd like to get is 1280x800 which is the default setting of the host system. The graphic device used in my system is an Intel 965 GME/GLE.

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OpenSUSE :: Screen Resolution Has Been Reset To 1600 X 1200?

Mar 18, 2010

Whenever I restart my system, the screen resolution has been reset to 1600 x 1200. I change it in "configure desktop" and it's ok for the session but it changes back on reboot. Also, the font sizes are too small for xterms. Sure, I can ctrl+ to increase but why should I have to do this each time I login? I noticed others seem to be having this problem. Is there an upgrade that will fix this? I'm using 11.2 and kde.

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OpenSUSE :: Can't Make Guest OS In Currect Screen Resolution

Jun 12, 2011

i installed virtual box one week ago.i downloaded a rpm package named virtualbox-4.0.4-1.2.3.i586.rpm and installed it via yast and i have some problems with problem is i can't make a guest os in currect screen resolution and i can't connect any device(flash drives) in virtual box.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Increase The Maximum Screen Resolution?

Apr 9, 2010

I recently installed 11.2 and am now trying to increase the maximum screen resolution.When I go to 'confifure desktop' > 'display' it will not let me increase the maxiumum screen resolution past 800X600.My nVidia 6150 LE drivers/kernal are installed, so I'm not sure quite what to do.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: How To Change Screen Resolution Permanently In 11.3

Jul 21, 2010

I upgraded my opensuse from 11.2 to 11.3, but after it, I have several problem with it.

Firstly: My graphic card is intel hd4500 and motherboard chip's is intel G41. After upgrading, I understood suse 11.3 didn't have sax2. at a result. I have problem with graphic card driver and consequently can't change screen resolution, therefore after each restart, my resolution automatically fix to 1600x1200 but I would like to set it in 1280x1024? What can I do to change it permanently?

Secondly: I installed vmware workstation 6.5 and after it, I see a message that say vmware need to Kernel Header 2.6.34-12- desktop. I install kernel-syms, kernel-source, gcc and make but doesn't run yet. What happen for it?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Runlevel 3 1920x1080 Screen Resolution?

Feb 2, 2011

It's looking like from the options on the grub CL that the highest I can go is 1280x1020x32bit. But it still does not fit my entire screen (23'' LED) if there is a way to make runlevel 3 1920x1080, I have a Nvidia GTX460. Also, whether or not I can do it, how do I save the settings, so I don't have to type it in at the bottom of the screen in the boot menu? How do I drop back to runlevel 3, when I'm in the x system (GUI)?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Change The Screen Resolution In Run Level 3?

Nov 10, 2010

I am trying to change the default screen resolution in Run Level 3 to 640x480. I have tried changing the menu.1st file and the vga=0x301 mode sticks until the system begins to boot and then resets to a higher resolution. This system does not have X, or Sax2 so no go on those options. This is OpenSuse 11.3 x64.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Scaling Screen Not Changing Resolution?

Mar 23, 2011

Is it possible to scale my screen to a bigger size? I have a huge TV as a monitor and at 1920x1080 on linux it is a bit of a strain for my eyes. on windows they have a feature to do this. You can make the text and other items, such as icons, on your screen easier to see by making them larger. You can do this without changing the screen resolution of your monitor or laptop screen. This allows you to increase or decrease the size of text and other items on your screen while keeping your monitor or laptop set to its optimal resolution

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OpenSUSE :: Screen Resolution Changes Back Everytime When Restart The Computer

Mar 25, 2010

Every time I restart my computer the screen resolution changes back. I've recently started to use XFCE, it didn't do it in GNOME. what can I do to make it stay the same?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Screen Resolution With NVidia Proprietary Drivers?

Jul 26, 2010

I have an nVidia GeForce 7600GS with a dual monitor setup. A 19" Dell @ 1280x1024, and a 19" widescreen Acer @ 1440x900. The Dell is attached via DVI, and the resolution is detected properly, and set, but the Acer is connected via VGA, and so the native resolution is unkown to the nvidia control panel. It will only let me set the resolution up to 1024x768. I had it create the xorg.conf file, and i tried to edit it manually, changing its


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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Screen Resolution Configuration Resets After Reboot?

Dec 15, 2010

I've read some people having the same problem, but I can't manage to fix it. I got a 1440x900 screen. Every time I reboot my system starts up with 1400x1050 , I have to go to System settings to fix it, options don't get saved as one would expect.

Well, I think my problem is cause of nvidia drivers, so I go to nvidia settings to get this fixed. But, these settings are all fine, it says 1440x900. When I try pressing Save to X (to make sure it gets saved), i get a failed to parse message (Failed to parse existing X config file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'!). I've got driver version 256.53

Oh well, screw this, I'll do it manually, so I go to the xorg.conf file. But over here everything says 1440x900. How come my resolution keeps changing each time I reboot?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Screen Resolution Give Only Option 1366*768 In 11.4

Mar 15, 2011

I have installed opensuse 11.4 couple of days ago. Installation went smoothly. Everything is working just fine except the screen resulation. My Monitor supports up to 1366*768. The Display Settings in 11.4 gives option of 1366*768, But whenever I maximize any window (say firefox, opera etc) I can not see the close button & scroll-bar. Here is my xorg file of monitor.


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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Screen Settings Does Not Appear A Resolution Higher Than 1024x768

Apr 6, 2011

Recently I have acquired 2-port KVM switch. When the monitor is connected through this KVM in Windows 7 resolution is properly detected - 1280x1024. When I go under Linux (openSUSE 11.4 with KDE, nVidia 260.19.44) there is a problem with the resolution. In the screen settings does not appear a resolution higher than 1024x768. How do I set the desired resolution in Linux?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: 11.4 X64 Black Border Around Screen At Native Resolution?

Jun 21, 2011

I'm setting up a Dell Inspiron One 2305 and I can't get the native monitor resolution to work without black borders. I'm also experiencing blurry text in Firefox (not sure if this is related). At most other resolutions it will expand to the edges of the monitor fully. Note that the desktop area doesn't extend into the border. I tried glxgears and noticed that it was only pulling 60fps -- figuring it needed drivers I installed the latest ATI drivers. On reboot I was given more options for resolutions however the native one still doesn't work properly. I looked around for troubleshooting tips and looked into xrandr output.


Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1680 x 1050, maximum 1920 x 1920
DFP1 connected 1680x1050+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 510mm x 287mm
1920x1080 60.0 + 50.0 30.0 25.0 30.0
1776x1000 50.0 59.9 25.0 30.0


Using 'configure display settings' in Gnome, any time I picked a resolution that was 50, it would cause the borders. Any time I picked a resolution that was 60 AND xrandr listed a 60 and 59.9 and said 60 was the selected one, the borders would come back for those too.

So I tried

xrandr --output DFP1 --mode 1920x1080 --rate 59.9

Seeing as every resolution with 59.9 worked. However... This still resulted in borders.

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Fedora Hardware :: Display Acer CineCrystal - Set Resolution Higher Than 800x600

Jul 24, 2009

In my laptop i have an ATI radeon HD 3200 , I installed Fedora 10 and also the fglrx driver I have 3d acceleration and works well. The problem is that the display makes a weird sound when i use a resolution higher than 800x600, and the display appears like "Unknown". The Display is a : 14" HD Acer CineCrystal LED LCD.

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Ubuntu :: Acer X183h 1366x768 Custom Resolution - System Became Unstable ?

Jun 25, 2010

Ive been searching for days and days trying to get this monitor to output in 1366x768 on Ubuntu 10.04. I knew it was possible, i did it late one night about a month back, but my system became unstable (not due to the resolution, i had setup a firewall to block all incoming till i unlock it, then another application to connect before i log in, and somehow it managed to lock out my keyboard on the login screen AND the recovery console, so i decided to just reinstall it)

Anyways, i found out exactly how to do it (for the Acer 183h that is). Ive spent about 48 hours total pouring through documents and found the documentation for nvidia-settings (easy find, i know, i was hoping to find an easy solution like what im typing up)

So, i figured out I could use Nouvaeu to get the proper settings (since all the modeline calcs dont do 1366, only 1360.) What i did was i went into the log file for the xorg,conf right after i installed, and in there somewhere near the middle it says what the timings are.


And i inputed that modeline into the monitor section, like so:


One of the two EDID commands is an old one, i just left it in there so when i was searching throught the xorg log i could find the section really quickly.

(BTW, im not sure if these timings are 100 accurate until i reboot my livecd and check, but im sure thier pretty damn close, and my monitor hasent exploded yet if your worried bout it, grab your livecd, open your xorg.conf, and it "should" be in the monitor section)

Next, i had to input all the Options to not search for different modes into the device section:


And finally, i had to set the screen to output the 1366x768, entering Modes "1366x768_60_0"


In the Modeline and Modes section, its VERY important that you have it in the format i have it in. The Modeline name MUST be completely custom, by adding either letters or extra _0.

And thats it!

Reboot, restart X, whatever (I prefer reboot, gives me time to ponder ) and you should be good to go.

(I know this may seem like a beginners knowledge type of thing, but im a beginner, pretty damn bright, and it still took me 4 days So, if this helps just one other person, ive done my part)

Im also pretty sure this method will work with other wide screen monitors, as long as you get the timings off Nouveou via LiveCD or installing the driver.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: When Start Up System / Screen Switches To Lower Resolution

Nov 26, 2010

When i some times start up the system the screen switches to a lower resolution.Then when i restart my system and it switches to 1152x864.What can be causing this problem and how do we root out this ?

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