Ubuntu :: Acer X183h 1366x768 Custom Resolution - System Became Unstable ?

Jun 25, 2010

Ive been searching for days and days trying to get this monitor to output in 1366x768 on Ubuntu 10.04. I knew it was possible, i did it late one night about a month back, but my system became unstable (not due to the resolution, i had setup a firewall to block all incoming till i unlock it, then another application to connect before i log in, and somehow it managed to lock out my keyboard on the login screen AND the recovery console, so i decided to just reinstall it)

Anyways, i found out exactly how to do it (for the Acer 183h that is). Ive spent about 48 hours total pouring through documents and found the documentation for nvidia-settings (easy find, i know, i was hoping to find an easy solution like what im typing up)

So, i figured out I could use Nouvaeu to get the proper settings (since all the modeline calcs dont do 1366, only 1360.) What i did was i went into the log file for the xorg,conf right after i installed, and in there somewhere near the middle it says what the timings are.


And i inputed that modeline into the monitor section, like so:


One of the two EDID commands is an old one, i just left it in there so when i was searching throught the xorg log i could find the section really quickly.

(BTW, im not sure if these timings are 100 accurate until i reboot my livecd and check, but im sure thier pretty damn close, and my monitor hasent exploded yet if your worried bout it, grab your livecd, open your xorg.conf, and it "should" be in the monitor section)

Next, i had to input all the Options to not search for different modes into the device section:


And finally, i had to set the screen to output the 1366x768, entering Modes "1366x768_60_0"


In the Modeline and Modes section, its VERY important that you have it in the format i have it in. The Modeline name MUST be completely custom, by adding either letters or extra _0.

And thats it!

Reboot, restart X, whatever (I prefer reboot, gives me time to ponder ) and you should be good to go.

(I know this may seem like a beginners knowledge type of thing, but im a beginner, pretty damn bright, and it still took me 4 days So, if this helps just one other person, ive done my part)

Im also pretty sure this method will work with other wide screen monitors, as long as you get the timings off Nouveou via LiveCD or installing the driver.

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Ubuntu :: Get 1366x768 Resolution?

May 22, 2010

I have an Emachines T3042 on Acer X183H Running Ubunutu 10.04.

I downloaded the Video Drivers and im getting a 320x120 or something and 640x480 and the monitor suppose to go to 1366x768 how do i get that resolution?

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Ubuntu :: Resolution Does Not Give The Option For 1366x768

Sep 20, 2010

I am having a bit of an issue with xubuntu's resolution detection. I currently have a monitor plugged into my machine, the xubuntu machine picks up the native resolution of 1920x1080, but for some reason it does not give the option for 1366x768. i find this weird because any monitor that can do 1920x1080 should be able to do 1360x768 as well. The machine is running an intel card, so manual resolution changing via nvidia control panel isnt an option. Im wondering, what is the simplest way to enter a custom resolution into xorg.conf, or any other easy methods of adding the 1360x768 option into the machine?

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Ubuntu :: Screen Resolution Of 1366x768 Pixels?

Jun 18, 2011

Brand new laptop Lenovo G570 with Intel Integrated HD Graphics 3000, 15.6", 1366x768. can't detect the correct resolution with Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS.

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Software :: How To Set Screen Resolution (1366x768)

May 9, 2011

I have screen that will perform to 1366x768 and X will only let it perform to 1024x768. It is really annoying.

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Ubuntu :: Full Resolution Boot - Change To 1366x768

May 27, 2011

I used startup-manager to change the timeout of my bootloader from 10 to 3, which it worked, but it also set my resolution for the bootloader and startup (where it shows the ubuntu logo) to 1024x768. how can I change it back to 1366x768, which it originally was when I installed.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Does 11.4 Support Resolution 1366x768

Mar 27, 2011

I have had a lot of problems with my screen resolution 1366x768. So I am wondering does openSUSE 11.4 support resolution 1366x768?

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Debian :: Xorg Screen Resolution To 1366x768 Debian Lenny

Mar 24, 2010

i recently moved away from ubuntu (as they wouldn't let me change my gdm themes lol) i installed lenny usin the net install for ia86 but i cannot change my screen resolution from 1024x768 to my card/monitors native setting of 1366x768 i have included a .txt taken from the benchmark an profile gizmo which i hope rovide any of you with all the info needed (to be honest i don't understand half of it) my laptop is a fujitsu amilo li3710 with dual core, 3gb ram an 160gb hd an a intel gma4500 with shared memory graphics

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General :: Diagnosis An Unstable System / Seeing File System Is Not Clean During Boot?

Feb 22, 2010

So 2 days ago everything was all fine on my machine. Has been for about a month, but all of a sudden as of yesterday I have no sound, I am seeing IRQ interupts on boot, During boot I am seeing file system is not clean, , and swap space is being used for the first time while doing normal task, etc. These are 2 new hard drives in RAID 1 with ReiserFS. I should have used a newer FS but thats a whole other argument.

Anyways here we go.
The system is Debian Lenny amd64
Physical RAM 4GB + 6GB swap

Feb 21 07:35:09 Sarah kernel: imklog 3.18.6, log source = /proc/kmsg started.
Feb 21 07:35:09 Sarah rsyslogd: [origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="3.18.6" x-pid="3994" x-info="http://www.rsyslog.com"] restart

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Ubuntu :: Acer Aspire One Wrong Resolution?

Jan 14, 2011

My Acer AspireOne netbook has a native resolution of 1024x600. Most times I start up, the image is 800x480 against the left edge, black bar on the right side, and a repeated image at the bottom. (I can attach a picture if needed.)I've been seeing this problem since Ubuntu 9.10, but it's more common recently with 10.10. If I keep shutting down and powering back on, eventually it will come up in 1024x600 as I desire. If that happens, then I avoid shutting down and only use Suspend instead. However, anytime I need to reboot (for updates, etc.) the 800x480 comes back.

The Acer logo / BIOS splash screen is also in 800x480, but I only see it switch back to 1024x600 after Ubuntu loads and is shut down. (Repeatedly clicking on/off/on/off never results in the resolution changing to 1024x600.) So, I'm still suspicious that Ubuntu is causing this (no hardware). WinXP used to be on this machine, and the problem was never seen.I don't think any proprietary drivers are needed (but I am still a Ubuntu noob.) When the problem is occurring, I see this result for xrandr:

swope@netbook:~$ xrandr
Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 800 x 480, maximum 4096 x 4096
VGA1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)[code]....

I haven't been able to find xorg.conf ... but I've read that recent versions of Ubuntu create the content dynamically.Not sure what other details I should be including, at the risk of making this post too long.

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Ubuntu :: Set Custom Resolution For Secondary Monitor?

Apr 30, 2010

I just switch from windows to use ubuntu 10.04. I am still learning how to set things in ubuntu.
One of the problem is that I can't set my secondary (external) display to my favorite one. I have 22'' screen (max 1680x1050) but I love to set it to 1280x800.
I follow instruction from this website https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution and my display detail is like this code...

Somehow, I get the new mode in LVDS1 but not in VGA1. How could I add this new mode in VGA1?

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Ubuntu :: Adding A 576i Custom Resolution?

Dec 7, 2010

I am trying to add a custom resolution (576i) when connecting an ASROCK ION330HT to a panasonic SDTV CRT.

I have previously had success connecting a laptop to the SDTV using powerstrip (Vista). Now that I am using Ubuntu I dont have that option.

I have used xrandr to try and add a 576i resolution (using --newmode, --addmode, --output). When I view the available resolutions using "xrandr -q", for the new 576i resolution I see the following:

720x576_@25i (0x19f) 14.0MHz
h: width 720 start 728 end 792 total 864 skew 0 clock 16.2KHz
v: height 576 start 593 end 598 total 625 clock 25.9Hz

Can anyone explain (0x19f)? I am wondering if that is an error??

If it matters, I'm using 10.04.

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Ubuntu :: Setting Up CUSTOM Screen Resolution?

Mar 18, 2011

I have ubuntu 10.10 installed on my computer in dual boot with windows 7, but i am using a 27-inches Samsung screen through an hdmi cable to connect my computer. whenever i try getting on ubuntu, i cannot see the top and bottom of the desktop (so i cant access the menu bar or anything!)(while using my spare vga cable) i tried downloading the nvidia driver & utility for my video card (gtx 460), but even using that, i could not setup my screen resolution manually. When i setup my windows, i was able to manually setup a custom resolution (i.e. 1842x1026) through the nvidia utility to be able to get the screen the fit properly.

I was wondering if there is any way i could do the same for ubuntu, perhaps through terminal.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Acer P191W - Screen Resolution?

Jun 20, 2010

I am new to this forum and would very much appreciate some assistance with a problem I am experiencing. I've just made the move from Windows Vista back to Linux after about a three year break from it and I am having trouble configuring the correct screen res for my wide screen monitor.

Some basic info:

System: openSUSE 11.2
KDE: 4.3.5 (KDE 4.3.5)
Monitor: Acer P191W 1400x900
Graphics Card: NVIDIA geforce 6100 nforce 430

Everything appears stretched, wider than it should be. At first I couldn't figure out how to change the screen res in Control Panel as it's missing the Monitor option to amend anything. After some reading on another thread I managed to access it as su , sax2. It detects the correct Monitor Model but does not offer 1400x900 as a res option. I also tried selecting LCD instead of a make and then selected 1440x900 as there is no 1400 option but this doesn't help things either.

I am a complete rookie so any help at all will be great. I thought it might perhaps be a driver issue as when windows are moved on the screen or if I scroll down a web page such as this it leaves 'artifacts'. Has anyone else experienced similar problems?

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Ubuntu :: Unstable System Freezes But Can Move Mouse?

Mar 3, 2011

My work machine crashes 1-3 times a day, and I often lose work. This is getting very frustrating--I've never known a Linux system to be so unstable.

When it freezes, I can still move the mouse around. I believe it's also still doing some background tasks, since files have finished copying before and my music will still be playing, if it was before. But the mouse cursor doesn't change, and it's totally nonresponsive.

The trouble is, I don't know how to diagnose this problem, to tell you something less vague. I might be able to check, to see what's going on? The problem usually comes about when I'm doing something--either loading a new web page, or starting a new program, or even when I just hit a button. Otherwise, I'm just stumped.

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Ubuntu :: System Unstable In Z68 Core I7 2600k Environment?

May 20, 2011

I recently assembled a new desktop computer, the following is the hardware details

CPU: intel core i7 2600
Motherboard chipset: intel Z68, GIGABYTE GA-Z68A-D3H-B3
Video card: Geforce GTX 560 Ti

I tried to install ubuntu 11.04 i386 and X86-64 version. Both of them are quite unstable.The system is easy to crash because of network problem and the internet connection is extremely slow. I also install window 7 in the same computer while the wired network is doing well.

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Hardware :: Upgrading Ram Causes System To Be Unstable?

Sep 24, 2010

I recently bought 2 RAM modules, 1GB each, to upgrade my system replacing the 460 MB I had before.Once replaced, I started my system and checked with 'free -m' that the system can see them and uses them.But my system became unstable, and it gets stuck (hangs) after 20-40 minutes and I have to do a hard reboot to get it back to work.

Also flash-player crashes few minutes after playing no matter which browser I use.

I have made an upgrade after installing my new RAM and have the latest Kernel installed.

I am using Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx)

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Ubuntu :: Changing To A Custom Resolution For HDTV Using NVIDIA Drivers

Jul 17, 2010

I have a Philips 19' HDTV I use as my monitor, I have tried every guide out there, including the wiki one with xandr. Nothing works for me. This seems like it should be way easier, set custom resolution go.. but this isn't the case.

Using Ubuntu 10.04 -

I've tried editing the xorg.conf and adding the modelines and changing the modes , I've tried the xandr commands. I've tried guides from years ago to current ones. I'm desperate, Everything is cut off like maybe an inch not even. Can just barely see the edges of the top and bottom bars.

I've been working on this for many many hours coming up with nothing every time. I wish there was a way to just resize the desktop.

Here is my most recent attempt at the conf file.


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Ubuntu :: Nvidia Geforce 210 Custom Resolution On LG Electronics 37LF75?

Nov 27, 2010

I'm trying to get my resolution to match the resolution I use in Windows 7 which is 1768 x 992 (50hz) Nvidia Geforce 210, LG Electronics 37LF75 - At the moment the top and bottom are both missing off the screen. Everytime I try to adjust my xorg.conf file it hangs at boot. Not really sure what exactly I'm doing with it.

# nvidia-settings: X configuration file generated by nvidia-settings
# nvidia-settings: version 260.19.06 (buildd@yellow) Mon Oct 4 15:59:51 UTC 2010
# nvidia-xconfig: X configuration file generated by nvidia-xconfig
# nvidia-xconfig: version 260.19.06 (buildmeister@builder101) Mon Sep 13 04:59:45 PDT 2010
Section "ServerLayout"


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Custom Resolution With Dual Monitors In X Server?

Jan 25, 2011

I'm currently running 10.10 64-bit version, with the current Nvidia driver installed for my 9600GT graphics card (2x DVI-out). With the card, I am running one VGA monitor and one HDMI TV (both using adaptors). I am running the screens in TwinView, using X Server Settings. My problem is, with the resolution available for my HDTV. In both Windows (XP and 7) and Ubuntu, the current Nvidia drivers all report the native resolution as 1920x1080, this however, is incorrect; the reported native resolution of the TV (according to the manufacturer) is 1280x720; but even set to that, there are still a few pixels missing outside of the screen.

In Windows, the Nvidia Control Panel lets me manually resize the desktop area on the HDTV, to a slightly smaller resolution than 1280x720, so that all pixels are within the viewing area. Is there anyway to do this with Ubuntu, using the current Nvidia driver? I cannot seem to find a way, using Nvidia X Server Settings.

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Debian Multimedia :: How To Permanently Set A Custom Resolution

Oct 23, 2015

I just installed Debian 8 (loving it so far) and everything its working right except for one thing: The monitor resolution!

I've got a LG 22 inch monitor and it supports up to 1360x768 but the display settings only shows 1024x768 as max resolution. Doing a little research i was able to get the desire resolution (1360x768) through the use of the tool "xrandr". The problem is that the resolution its not permanent and i need to invoke the xrandr script (i wrote a very basic "script" to set the resolution) on every restart or session logout and of course this is annoying. I've tried to use "crontab" to invoke the script on every restart but for some reason did not worked.

So, making more research i saw that apparently the correct way to set the resolution is by making use of "xorg.conf" but didn't quite get how to do....

Here's the xrandr script that i use:

Code: Select allOUTPUT=VGA1
MODELINE=""1360x768"   84.75  1360 1432 1568 1776  768 771 781 798 -hsync +vsyn$

xrandr --newmode $MODELINE
xrandr --addmode $OUTPUT $MODE
xrandr --output $OUTPUT --mode $MODE

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Fedora Hardware :: Display Acer CineCrystal - Set Resolution Higher Than 800x600

Jul 24, 2009

In my laptop i have an ATI radeon HD 3200 , I installed Fedora 10 and also the fglrx driver I have 3d acceleration and works well. The problem is that the display makes a weird sound when i use a resolution higher than 800x600, and the display appears like "Unknown". The Display is a : 14" HD Acer CineCrystal LED LCD.

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Ubuntu :: Running LiveCD Demo Version On Full/unstable System?

Jan 6, 2010

I have an XP laptop, currently running very low on HDD space and RAM capacity, waiting to be replaced. Very slow indeed. It recently had problems booting up, and now takes about 20 minutes to get fully started. Is it safe/advisable to run the demo version of Ubuntu from the LiveCD? I really can't afford to trash or crash my computer, it's got lots of important data on it etc.

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Debian :: Setting Up A Testing/Unstable/Experimental System?

May 17, 2011

EDIT: This thread has taken a different turn, please go down to viewtopic.php?f=30&t=64242#p370832 Below is I originally wrote, now totally irrelevant.:D I am delighted/bored with my one Debian Squeeze install, so I've decided to free up a partition to play with another configuration of the universal OS.At the moment I am liking the looks of the supposedly not so unstable Sid; what's the ideal download/install path to get Sid up and running? Is it:1) I already have a live Squeeze GNOME DVD lying around; should I install that again and upgrade to Sid?

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Ubuntu :: Nvidia Settings Manager "Custom" Resolution?

May 6, 2010

I've been using Ubuntu on and off for the past few years, however since the release of Ubuntu 10.04 I have decided to dedicate my Dell laptop to Ubuntu. Everything is up and running smoothly with one exception: my screen resolution. My graphics card is an NVidia Geforce Go 7300, and as such I am using the "NVidia accelerated graphics driver (version current)." Compiz is working properly and the only issue I'm having with this setup is that my screen resolution is way too large for me to be able to see it. The screen is a 15.4 inch and the native resolution of 1680x1050 is exceptionally difficult to read. In the NVidia settings I am looking for a resolution of 1280x800, a resolution which I have used before on this laptop in a different operating system, however the closest I can come without stretching the image is 1440x900. I have searched both this forum and google religiously in search of an answer to this problem - not just today, but many times in the past; once for each version of Ubuntu that was released. Each attempt mutilating the xorg.conf file in a different manner, yet all to no avail. I have spent a woeful amount of my life trying to fix this issue, however I have succumb to failure and futility each time. I am willing to try a vast number of things that I have not already attempted in order to fix this, as well as a few tried methods that I may have executed incorrectly; as I would like to have a readable screen with which to use my laptop. Below is the contents of my laptop's current xorg.conf file.

# nvidia-settings: X configuration file generated by nvidia-settings
# nvidia-settings: version 1.0 (buildd@palmer) Fri Apr 9 10:35:18 UTC 2010
Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "Layout0"
Screen 0 "Screen0" 0 0


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Get 1366x768 With Fglrx

May 7, 2011

I'm using Ubuntu 11.04 and using the fglrx driver from repo, but i can't get 1366x768 resolution. I generate xorg.conf with "sudo X -configure" and put in the Modeline that was copied from windows powerstrip, which works fine under windows with catalyst. and restart X, the lcd gets 1366x768 resolution as expected. but the "sudo X -configure" generated xorg.conf was using "radeon" driver, but blender won't work with it, etc... I want to use "fglrx" driver. So I change the Driver section from "radeon" to "fglrx" and restart X, it wont start now, telling me that out of range or something.

Section "Device"
Identifier "Card0"
Driver "radeon"
BusID "PCI:1:5:0"

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Custom Resolution Setting With NVidia Graphic Hardware?

Jun 8, 2011

Whenever I login or restart the computer, my resolution gets reset. I think it may have to do with my setup being connected to a 18.5" HDTV. Is there a way to set custom resolutions in the OS, so that Nvidia and OpenSUSE can recognize them?

03:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: nVidia Corporation ION LE VGA [10de:087e] (rev b1)
Subsystem: Acer Incorporated [ALI] Device [1025:0222]
Kernel driver in use: nvidia

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Ubuntu :: Custom Command On System Idle?

Mar 22, 2010

I was messing around with Compiz today and it got me to wondering if I can create a custom command when my system goes to idle, instead of launching the screen saver. I want to start the Compiz Rain effect on system idle. is this possible?

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Ubuntu :: Can I Create An ISO Of My Own Custom System Install

Jul 14, 2010

After much playing around and with help from various forums including this one, I finally created a very fast simple minimal (to me at least) linux OS.

I started with the the ubuntu command line system install, then proceeded to install the rest of the goodies that I needed and nothing more.

I can honestly say it was a great learning experience and also very gratifying to create an OS that only has what one wants and looks the way one wants.

With all that nice stuff being said, my next goal, and I don't know if it's possible, is to take my newly created OS and create an ISO of it from my HD so I can put in my wifes computer as well without having to go through all the steps it took to get to the final product?

I tried to do some research on the topic but I think I was wording it wrong or not correct as i couldn't find anything concrete on the subject.

If not, such is life and I will just have to do it all over again and hopefully remember all the steps and customizing I did.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: 1366x768 Not Listed Under Options With ATI Radeon HD 5830?

May 26, 2011

I've just bought a new rig. The graphics card (as listed in the title) is a ATI Radeon HD 5830. With the normal out of the box drivers I can get a resolution of 1366x768 (The native resolution of my 32inch panel) but the 3D performance isn't good.With the ATI proprietary drivers installed 1366x768 isn't in the options (The ATI menu and the normal one)So I need to generate an xorg.conf and add the resolution?[edit] OK so I checked to see if the 3D performance was any better with the proprietary drivers (despite the funky resolution) and it caused Minecraft (The only game I really play under Linux) to freeze on startup. I think what I'll do is stick with the Radeon Open Source driver (which runs all the visual effects nicely anyway) and just do all my gaming in Windows

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