OpenSUSE Hardware :: When Start Up System / Screen Switches To Lower Resolution

Nov 26, 2010

When i some times start up the system the screen switches to a lower resolution.Then when i restart my system and it switches to 1152x864.What can be causing this problem and how do we root out this ?

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Debian :: Screen Resolution Became Lower?

Jun 23, 2010

One day when i logged in, my screen resolution became lower. The sistem do not recognize anymore my old resolution (native) 1600x900 . And you can realize that maybe there are problems with the video card, because the system is slower than before in this terms. What could have happened?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Max Screen Resolution - Screen Goes Blank When Click On The Display Icon In System Settings

Jan 11, 2011

i have just put a Geforce 7300 GT graphic card into my machine the problem is the max resolution I can get is 1024x768 at 60 hz the screen is a benq fp71g+. also the screen goes blank when i click on the display icon in system settings. i know that the screen can be run at 1280x1024 so I don?t know where the problem is.

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Ubuntu :: Lower The Resolution Of All The Images In A Pdf?

May 9, 2010

How to lower the resolution of all the images in a pdf? I searched around and couldn't find an answer to this. I have a pdf file of a textbook that I use in school but each page is an image of 2 pages of the textbook (left page, right page when the book is opened) and each image is of a very high resolution. I downloaded pdftk and pdfedit but for such a simple problem, I'm having trouble. Is there any way to do this?

I have tried converting the 380 MB PDF file to PostScript but after an hour of doing that, it stopped, and the PostScript only had about 17 pages instead of the 733. So converting it back to a PDF file to utilize pdftk's algorithms would have been worthless. I know I could split up the pdf file into sections but I'd rather just scale down all the images, or make them mid quality PNGs or high quality JPGs just so the filesize can be halved.

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Ubuntu :: The Screen Resolution On Start?

May 28, 2011

I have a problem with my ubuntu 11.04 which is the resolution of the screen which is not supported by my monitor, so I can't see anything until the login screen appears. This actually was not a problem until my system stooped booting. Actually I do not know why is that because I can't see anything, it just stooped to view the login screen. For now the only information I can get is that the resolution params are: horizontal freq is 92.9kHz, vertical freq is 58kHz (which are out of my monitor's range). I would like to change this to get some informations from my system what is going on. Do anyone knows how do I change this startup resolution while the only thing I can do is to access the file system through LiveCD?

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General :: Dell Studio 1535 Screen Resolution - System Won't Get Past The Loading Screen Anymore

Aug 4, 2010

Unfortunately my experience in the Unix* based world up to this point has only been using web servers and administrating them, no GUI experience of any kind so I am completely unfamiliar with the setup and entire usage of Xorg or any other Window manager at this point. The issue I am having is with the screen resolutions I am being allowed to chose for my Dell Studio 1535 running Fedora Core 13 and the KDE 4 desktop GUI, thus my issue since I am not really familiar with how to run a Unix* based GUI in the first place.

The basic information, if there is more needed just advise what and what command gathers that info (or what conf/log I should look into in order to find it). Laptop is a Dell Studio 1535 Video is the Mobile Intel GMA X3100 ATI Radeon HD 3200 Graphics. LCD interface is the LVDS.

So far it seems to give me modes for 1024x768 and on down, nothing above this. I believe I am supposed to use the radeon driver being that is the type of card it is but every time I change the xorg.conf file to use this instead of vesa the system wont get past the loading screen anymore upon reboot and nor can I seem to find a way to bring up a command line so I can hit up the Xorg.0.log to see what is wrong or change the xorg.conf file back to the original driver it had listed.

I am going to assume this is a missing driver or something else it hangs on but without being able to get access back to the system and having to rebuild it again (re-install via live CD) I am basically out of luck at this time. Sorry for the rather poor post but I do hope to receive some basic directions on where to go from here with this issue

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Lower Shell Resolution

Feb 18, 2010

I needed Ubuntu server and recklessly picked Karmic. Hardware is some regular 775 mobo with integrated Intel graphics. Monitor is ASUS VH222D. Installation went smoothly but after that problems occurred. Shell is displayed in 1920x1080 resolution and fonts are so small almost unreadable. Grub2 looks OK, standard non-fb and so does few rows of text after loading grub but soon after that framebuffer becomes active.

dpkg-reconfigure console-setup doesn't mention resolution. Some articles are leading to grub2 gfxmode but none of manuals helped. I just cannot change grub2 menu resolution to anything else than standard console fonts (non-fb). Kernel option vga=XXX is no longer working.How to lower shell resolution? Why is this automatic???

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Ubuntu :: Lower Desktop Resolution After 10.04 Upgrade

May 15, 2010

After upgrade to ubuntu 10.04 my screen resolution become 800x600 and in 'Monitors' I see only 2 options 800x600 and 640x480. but before upgrade I had much higher resolution in 9.04

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Ubuntu :: Way To Force Consoles To Be In Lower Resolution

Oct 1, 2010

I upgraded from 9.04 to 10.04.1 so I am still using legacy grub.Anyway, I noticed with the update that the console is using the framebuffer and using VESA for high resolutions.I really don't like or want this feature. So I added vga=0 to get 80x25 and it works initially but just when the X server is running (Xubuntu in my case) I can see how the console switches to a high resolution again. After this, if I go to a console, lets say tty1, it is using again a high resolution instead of 80x25 (VGA). Is there a way to force the consoles to be in a lower resolution and keep it that way? It used to work fine in ubuntu 8.xx and 9.xx

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Ubuntu :: Startup Splash Gone Bung - Lower Resolution

Sep 17, 2010

This is some thing that I've noticed with any install of Ubuntu whether its regular Ubuntu or Kubuntu etc. The splash that comes up with the distro name Ubuntu/Kubuntu on start up look perfectly fine and as it should until I've installed my Nvidia drivers. then it goes all bung.

Lower Resolution. Slightly different colouring and Not taking up the whole screen. Sometimes it even sits slightly to the right.

Is there a way that I can fix this? I know its nothing all that major but it would be nice if it looked as its meant to.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Lower Resolution Automatically Selected For FullHD HDTV?

Jun 10, 2010

I've recently got a HDTV LCD display (BenQ SD3742), and a nettop (Acer revo 3610) to go with it. I connected them using an HDMI cable, and I installed the latest Ubuntu 10.04 64 bits edition.I then installed the latest nvidia drivers (nvidia-current package, which is nvidia-glx-195) to support nVidia ION platform using this ppa: to various websites, my LCD is FullHD, so I should be able to select 1920x1080 resolution. But the automatically selected resolution is 1280x768, and in nVidia configuration panel, this resolution is stated as being "native resolution" for my screen (its name is correctly detected by Ubuntu, by the way!).If I select 1920x1080 and "Apply", the resolution is changed but the borders of my desktop are not available... and the image looks deformed anyway.Is there any way to make Ubuntu to detect properly this LCD display in its real native resolution (FullHD, 1920x1080)?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Can't Increase Resolution Than At Least Stretch The Screen To Full Screen?

Aug 27, 2011

I recently upgraded my graphics card from a Geforce 7600GS to a Gefore 560Ti. And while most things are normal, during boot up my screen isn't "full screen" until X is started, after which everything else is fine. Essentially, all display, the grub menu, the splash screen, console text, etc, is within a box on the screen, with 2" on the left and right, and 1" top and bottom of empty blackness.

From what I understand, this is because the framebuffer is using the wrong resolution, but the maximum resolution that hwinfo --framebuffer returns is 1280x1024 (which I am already using "0x031a".) (My monitors is natively 1920x1080) Is it possible to do something about this? If not increase resolution than at least stretch the screen to full screen?

sudo /usr/sbin/hwinfo --framebuffer
02: None 00.0: 11001 VESA Framebuffer
[Created at bios.459]
Unique ID: rdCR.GGyCBArXznD
Hardware Class: framebuffer
Model: "NVIDIA GF104B Board - 10400050"


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Debian :: Screen Resolution Of Base System Install

Oct 1, 2009

I'm a newbe to Debian & Linux but I am trying to get a base system installed on a small touchscreen computer without the Gnome environment. I am using Debian 5 but the resolution of the screen has not configured correctly with the command line screen appearing offset to the right.

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General :: Adjust The Screen Resolution Like Windows System?

Mar 9, 2011

Can I adjust the screen resolution like windows system? Fedora 14.

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Ubuntu :: Screen Resolution Is Small - Windows Slow Down System

May 25, 2011

I have a problem with Lubuntu. First of all I installed it on my old laptop (amd sempron 1.6GHz, 512MB ram, s3g vga) as windows seemed to slow down my system. Installation was good, but the problem is screen resolution which is only 800x600 and there is no higher res option. Laptop's native is 1024x768. I searched a lot about how to change it but there is no post for lubuntu (everything is for ubuntu, xubuntu, and doesn't seem to work in here). Beyond that isse i I feel Lubuntu is running much better than windows and I want to use it. Using Lubuntu 11.04. Let me add that when I tried Lubuntu 10.04 it didn't have this problem (all resolutions where available).

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Ubuntu :: Screen Switches Blank Randomly?

Sep 12, 2010

I have just installed 10.04 x86 for my mom and while she is using it (tyrannically just browsing facebook/email/flash games) the screen randomly goes blank then back to normal again. This symptom generally worsens after a few minutes until it is unusable. Specs are as follows:

Athlon X2 5200+
ATi 2400pro 256MB (using the standard out of the box drivers)

Also running compiz and emerald so that I was able to make the desktop look like OS X.

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 - Login Screen Switches Over To XFCE?

May 10, 2011

I'm running Ubuntu 11.04 on my laptop. At work, we are beginning to tinker with running Ubuntu on our student systems (school district). The thing is, Unity and Gnome Shell are new enough that they are not considered right now as viable options to test in. That said, an alternative was needed that was quick on older systems yet very configurable. XFCE. So I installed XFCE on my Ubuntu machine. This way I can tinker with the interface as if I was a student but then I can bounce back to Unity which I do prefer for personal use. The thing is, the login screen switches over to XFCE's. Is there a way to get my regular Ubuntu login screen back?

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Ubuntu :: Monitor Switches Off After Boot Before Logon Screen?

Jan 16, 2011

1. I can run the graphical installer at full resolution without using "nomodeset"

2. I can boot into the Gnome desktop using the option "Try without installing" without any problems

3. When I install to my HDD however, I can boot but just at the point where the logon screen should come(after the black screen,blinking cursor), the display reports no signal and goes to sleep. I can hit enter, type my password, hit enter again (blind, as there's no display) and the HDD spins up as if logging in, but I don't see anything.

4. Using "nomodeset" makes no difference whatsoever other than the graphical installer runs at a lower res.

5. using the alternate installer changes nothing

6. recovery mode has the same issues

It appears to me that booting into Gnome without installing uses some sort of generic driver, whereas installing uses a different driver which is sending my display to sleep. I'm using Ubuntu 10.10 64Bit. Have also tried using 10.04 64Bit and the alternate 10.10 .iso, but to no avail. My graphics card is an NVidia Quadro NVS 295 with a DisplayPort-DVI adapter. I've previously installed 10.04 64Bit on another system with an NVidia GT240 card with no problems whatsoever. I can't try that card in this machine as it's too big for the case chassis, let alone the case.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Change Resolution Screen In LOGIN KDM Opensuse 11.3 Kde 4.6?

Feb 24, 2011

installation opensuse 11.3 and kde 4.4 after update to kde 4.6, work fine, but problem is login screen is low like 640x350...? i wanted to change from lowtion to high 1024x768?when i start opensuse and begin to login was low resolution and log in my user and it's low resolutiona dn i change screen from setting system (kde) after change high display is works fine and rebbot same low resolution for LOGIN MANAGER how i can change it??

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Ubuntu :: If Move The Window To The Second Screen It Switches To Fullscreen Mode

May 1, 2011

Upgraded to Ubuntu 11.04 which trashed my useful desktop.

Synapticed gnome and changed login preferences to ubuntu classic which basically fixed the desktop except...

If I open a program, say LibreOffice or firefox it opens correctly.

If I move the window to the second screen, it switches to fullscreen mode.

If I click on the resize button, then it opens correctly, but on the first screen

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Ubuntu :: Can't See Lower Buttons On Netbook's Little Screen?

Sep 24, 2010

I have an EEE PC 1000H, which comes with a 10.2" monitor with 1024X600 resolution. Ubuntu mostly works well on it, but on certain applications I cannot see the buttons that would appear at the bottom of the program. This has happened on the Disk Utility and Gnome Color Chooser

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OpenSUSE :: Screen Size - Resolution In 11.3 ?

Jan 4, 2011

Running new installation of 11.3 with KDE Desktop. I have sorted out text appearance and size thanks to pwabrahams in another thread but I have a big problem with screen size/resolution.

In previous installation of 11.1 on the same machine I was able to change the resolution of the graphics in order to fit the windows on the screen more comfortably. I used to use something like 1240 x 1048 but in the System Settings > Computer Administration > Display the resolution is set at 832 x 624 and no higher resolutions are offered.

I cannot find out the details of the embedded graphics controller (10 year old Dell PE6300 server) but the system information report it as ATI Mach64 GI with swrast (No 3D acceleration) version 7.8.2. I have spent several hours reading the many pages on graphics in this forum and have concluded that I should probably be using a legacy driver but have no idea how to change the driver. Of course if it were possible to increase the resolution to 1240 X 1048 without recourse to changing driver that might do it if I knew what setting to tweak.

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Fedora Installation :: Install DVD - During Copying Of Packages Screen Goes Blank Actually Switches Off

Mar 5, 2010

I have the following system using an ATI graphics card, SATA Drives and want to install Fedora 12 as a dual boot option with Windows XP.

Using an install DVD it seems that Fedora installs then at a point during the copying of packages the screen goes blank actually switches off. The DVD Drive and Hard drive still work , my guess is completeing the install. On reboot I do not get the option to boot to linux.

I have 2 SATA 3Gbs Hard Drives formatted for windows NTfs. One has 2 partitions and some free space, the other is formatted NTFS and is my data disk.

I would like to be able to access the data disk with both Windows and Linux and install Linux system in the free space.

Having read a few of the guides available, none of them seem to mention this problem, although I am aware of the Ati support problem. I am hoping I do not have to replace my graphics card with a nVidia one.

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OpenSUSE :: How To Make Screen Resolution Sticky

Mar 6, 2010

I have chosen to use automatic login. But every now and then I am asked for username and password when the computer boots. When I do get automatically login the screen resolution is changed to 800 x 600 instead of 1280 x 1024. How do I get those two (resolution and log in) settings sticky?

Graphics: Nvidia GeForce FX 5200 (updated today!)
SuSE Linux 11.2
KDE 4.3.5

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OpenSUSE :: Cannot Set Screen Resolution 1024x768 Permanently

Oct 19, 2010

Can't set screen resolution 1024x768 permanently. There is no tools like sax2 which is in openSUSE 11.2. I am to set screen resolution to 1024x768 every time after loggin in.

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OpenSUSE :: Setting Screen Resolution In Suse 11.3?

Nov 10, 2010

I just installed Suse 11.3 64bit on a new build. My video card is a nvidia gt240. I am using the default drivers. My monitor is a NEC 17" LCD.

When I boot up the screen resolution defaults to 1280x1024. I can go to applications>configure desktop>display and set it to 1024x768, which is my resolution of choice, and it works until I reboot or log out and log back in, then it resets to 1280x1024.

I would like to make 1024x768 the default so I don't have to keep changing it. Is there a way to do this? The output of xrandr looks like this:

$~> xrandr
Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1024 x 768, maximum 8192 x 8192
DVI-I-1 connected 1024x768+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 338mm x 270mm
1280x1024 60.0 +
1152x864 75.0
1024x768 75.1 70.1* 60.0


Is there something I can change to set a new default resolution?

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OpenSUSE :: Screen Resolution Resets After Reboot?

Nov 20, 2010

Every time I reboot, my screen resolution goes back to 800x600. Is there a way to permanently set it to what I want?

I'm running OpenSuSE 11.2 using KDE.

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.2 - Screen Resolution Way Off On Reboot

Jan 12, 2010

I am installing 11.2 on an older machine, Athlon 2800+, GeForce 6800, 1 GB RAM. Install goes fine until try to reboot to the OS and just get massive garbage on the screen. Can't see anything just lines crossing the screen, it seems almost like the resolution is way off but don't know how to change that since I can't see anything. I tried two different install disks to make sure not the problem and got the same thing with both. I tried installing both KDE and GNOME on separate occasions and still same problem. I have used the same install disk to put this on an even older machine and that went fine. I do have windows 7 installed on another partition. I'm fairly new to linux but I'm learning.

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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Adjust The Screen Resolution

Jul 17, 2010

Suffering from the expected error in detecting my video properly when installed 11.3.Have intel 915G onboard video. Up until 11.1 Opensuse struggled with loading this correctly. in 11.1 & 11.2 all was well. A couple of minor tweaks in sax2 and it worked perfectly. Now hat sax2 has gone I'm not sure how to make these minor tweaks.

My problem is I have been forced to a screen resolution of 1024X768 VGA Following the readme file adding nomodeset at boot fixes the problem but of course forces me back to an old video driver with pretty poor performance. Is there any way I can change the screen resolution and set the correct monitor - any GUI replacement for sax2? Krandrtray will only let me set a max res of 1024x768. I need to set res to 1280x1024

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.3 - Screen Resolution Is Not Permanent

Jan 20, 2011

Opensuse 11.3 with latest updates
KDE desktop

Whatever resolution I choose, 1600x1200 is preferred, it is reset to a default of 1024x768 when I log out. I use the "Configure Desktop" option to set the resolution. I can find no other method to do so. The graphics adapter is an ATI hd3200. I have installed the fglrx driver. I cannot fine the "Control Center" for the driver. How do I make the selected resolution permanent?

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