Networking :: How To Enable Networking In Redhat

Oct 31, 2010

How To Enable networking in redhat i have tried all the possible way to enable it but it doesnt shows my localhost name and details but it cant connect to it.i have tried system-config-network command but blue screen splashes.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Manager Applet Enable Networking Unchecked

Apr 2, 2011

Whenever I start up my laptop i do not get a wireless connection automatically. I have to rightclick network manager applet and select enable networking. After that everything works fine untill i shutdown and restart my laptop. I would like a way to change this so that my wifi connection is working whithout having to click something first..

OS:Xubuntu 10.04 LTS!
hardware: dell inspiron 6000
nm applet: 0.8.?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Networking Widget Fails To Enable Wireless Card / Fix It?

Apr 30, 2011

I just upgraded to natty last night, and everything is working fine except for the network manager. I can enable and configure the wireless card via bash, but the network manager widget will not manage the wireless card.

When I first boot up, the "Enable wireless" check box is greyed out. After I enable the card via the terminal, the "Enable wireless" check box becomes ungreyed, but every time I click it, it instantly unchecks itself. I feel like Currly from the Three Stoogies. Check, uncheck, Check, uncheck.. "Slaps face repeatedly."

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Install The Latest Kmod-r8168 Rpm - It Failed To Enable The Networking Support

Dec 30, 2010

I had the elrepo kmod-r8168 driver running smooth for a while on my development box.
Yesterday, I did a clean install on it and when I tried to install the latest kmod-r8168 rpm, it failed to enable the networking support:

# yum --enablerepo=elrepo install kmod-r8168

The install performed all proper steps to disable the 8169 driver, I double checked to be sure.This is not a connectivity issue. If I remove the kmod-r8168 rpm, reboot the server and run the ifconfig eth0 up to activate the interface, everything works as expected. I use the latest kernel (2.6.18-194.26.1.el5 x86_64).

First, I performed a clean install, activated the eth0 and did a yum update, then installed the kmod-r8168 with yum. Then, I reinstalled the OS again, activated the eth0 and installed the kmod-r8168 on a 5.5 CD based kernel, same fail results. The only hiccup is: every time I start the box, I have to activate the eth0 interface (with default CentOS 8169 driver):

# ifconfig eth0
# ping -c 3 (no packets lost)
# ifconfig eth0 up

Once I do this, I have network connectivity.

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Fedora Networking :: Enable Wireless Networking Does Not Work In Windows?

Jun 20, 2009

I've been experiencing a problem with Fedora in which when I enable Wireless in Fedora, Wireless networking does not work in windows. HOwever, when disabled, it works correctly. Windows claims it is "not able to find any networks to connect to"

EDIT: It seems that when wireless is disabled manually on fedora before shutdown, there are no problems in windows.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Must Disable Then Enable Networking For Wireless?

Jan 29, 2011

My wireless can connect to my router without a problem, but in order to do so (after boot) I must first disable networking in the Notification Area and then re-enable it. I don't mind it too much, but when other people use my computer, it's made painfully obvious to me, that this was never an issue with Windows 7 (as much as I despise MS).

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General :: Enable Ftp On Redhat 5?

Feb 23, 2011

i need to ftp from a windows xp pc to my redhat 5 system. Cant login.

I also need to ftp files to hpux and other ftp servers and this doesnt work either.

I'm not a subscriber to the redhat network.

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Networking :: Configuring DNS On Redhat 5?

Oct 21, 2010

I have been trying to configure DNS using "bind", however i dont have a named.conf file in the vars and etc

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Networking :: Usb Lan Card For Redhat 9

May 10, 2011

We have Redhat 9 proxy server with 4 lan cards using 1 static and 3 internal private ips,as there is no pci slot in the pc for fifth lan card so i have to purchase usb lan card.

My question is that can the redhat9 will detect the usb lan card if it will detect the usb lan card then I will purchase the lan card

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Server :: Enable The Rewrite Module For Apache 2.0.53 In Redhat?

May 27, 2010

redirect a domain name with /abc to external ip of web server. Now I can made sure that I should use the rewrite module to achieve this issues. But I don't know how can I enable this function in my apache web server. I will post my httpd.conf for your reference.

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Networking :: Configure Ics In Redhat 5.0 Verson?

Aug 11, 2010

i m kapil sharma, i want to know about linux server configration in redhat linux 5.0? how i configure ICS service in rdhat linux 5.0? i have two lan cards in the system and one ip address assigned by ISP.I want to configure linux sever to share this ip address in network approx 100 pc's of widow's xp.

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Networking :: Set Up Internet Connection In Redhat 5?

Feb 22, 2011

i ve installed RH-5,xp in my desktop(dual boot), my xp internet works well, recently i installed RH & want to setup internet conn in RH.

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Networking :: Setup Firewall In Redhat V5+?

Mar 4, 2009

I'm an it student and a newbie in linux OS.
We have this final project that we have to set-up
a firewall in a linux redhat OS which i totally have no idea ..
i did some research but haven't found the right one.

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Networking :: Internet Not Working In Redhat?

Jul 3, 2010

I have installed redhat linux5.I have wireless internet connection at home. wireless internet connection working fine in window 7 but not in redhat linux . Also wireless LED is not lighting in redhat . I have inbuilt intel wifi 5100 AGN card which is not detecting in redhat.rehat comman output which will help you

*****************************lspci -v *********************
[root@localhost ~]# lspci -v
00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile Memory Controller Hub (rev 07)
Subsystem: Dell Unknown device 02bb


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General :: Wireless Unable On My Redhat Enterprise System 5 Box / Enable It?

Jan 27, 2011

I;m using RHEL5, i have a problem with my wireless lan card, my laptop wireless cant be enable , i always show a inactive in the network configuration property, i know it detect in my box code...

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Networking :: PTCL Broadband Settings In Redhat?

Apr 3, 2011

How to do PTCL broadband settings in windows i just do followingRight Click My Network Places on desktop and select Properties Right Click Local Area Connections andselect Properties.In the General Tab; double click on Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and made the following settings:

preffered dns:
alternate dns:

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Networking :: Setup DHCP Server In Redhat 6?

Jul 20, 2011

How to set up DHCP server in Redhat Linux 6

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Networking :: Not Able To Detect Onboard Lan Card In Redhat

Nov 22, 2010

I am facing problem with onboard lan card. i think its not detecting. when i type ifconfig command it shows below details

I have installed red hat. but not able to give ip.

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Networking :: Redhat Lost It's Virtual IP Address?

Nov 1, 2010

had a box lose it's virtual IP address on the eth0 card. I rebooted the box but it just would not give the card the second IP address. We rebooted several times in fact.Today admin ran 'ifup ifcfg-eth0:1' and the virtual IP was there. Nothing was changed, just that command was ran.I thought there might be a problem with the automagical stuff so I rebooted the box again, virtual IP is there and happy.Anyone know why it would not have come back on reboot and why it now does?

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General :: Man Page For Redhat Networking Settings?

Apr 23, 2011

1. im working on several distros, sometimes i dont remember the syntax of the ethernet settings (i.e those directives in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0,or /etc/network/interfaces ) in redhat its IPADDR,NETMASK etc..

in ubunto its:

iface eth0 inet static

so,where exactly is the man page for this information, i tried (in centos) to type man -k "IPADDR" to find some reference but i come up with nothing.

2. sometimes im logged as user "user1" and then i do "su user2" and then again "su user3",
i would like to know how far the nesting is and who was first.. i.e is there any command to give me this output: "user1->user2->user3"?

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Networking :: SSH Login Without Password On Distributed Program On Redhat?

Aug 4, 2009

I'm using a program on a group of servers which contact each other using SSH. I've got the authentication keys setup with no password but when one box tries to connect to another it wants the password for the user it's trying to communicate with. So the main problem is there is a lot of communicating within this program so it's important to allow each box communicate with each other without the use of a password. I'm using OpenSSH 4.3 with OpenSSL 0.9.8 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 5.3 (Tikanga). I'm also using SSH on Ubuntu(Intrepid) to connect to these servers at the mo as i don't have direct access to the boxes.

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Networking :: Add Redhat Linux5 Client To Windows Domain?

Jan 12, 2011

how to add redhat linux5 client to windows domain

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Networking :: Configure Dynamic DNS In Redhat Enterprise System 5.2?

Dec 14, 2010

I am using RHEL 5.2. I want to configure Dynamic DNS on it. Can anyone tell me how to configure Dynamic DNS on RHEL 5.2

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Networking :: Using Broadband 2 Mbps (India) Connection In Redhat 5?

Aug 5, 2010

We are using Broadband 2 Mbps (India) connection in Redhat Linux 5.In Server there are two network is connected to Broadband another one is connected to LANthat meansEth0 Address : gateway Address : / to configure NAT in Linux Machine#iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j SNAT --to 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

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Networking :: Programming Using DMA And RDMA On RedHat With Intel Nehalem?

Mar 24, 2010

I've read there is a way to communicate without tradtional TCP/IP programming on Redhat Linux and Nehalem CPU with ethernet. I've tried to collect some related information with sample program codes, but failed to collect useful information.

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Networking :: Redhat Does Not Retry Renewing DHCP Lease More Than Once?

Apr 23, 2010

We have 20+ Redhat servers on our network and every so often our DHCP server goes down. When it comes back up we have to go around to all of our RedHat servers and restart networking manually. Other OS's (Ubuntu, Windows, etc..) will continually try to get a DHCP lease so that when our DHCP does come back up it requires no work from us for them to get back on the network. But it seems that Redhat only tries once and if it fails it never tries again. Have to go around to 20 different servers (some of them are at remote locations) is less then ideal when this happens. how we can get Redhat to continually try to get a DHCP lease like other OS's?

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Networking :: Cannot Unload Or Blacklist Bcm43xx On Redhat Enterprise Server?

Jan 21, 2010

I installed Redhat nash version with kernel 2.6.18-128.el5-xen-i686 on a Dell Inspiron 1300 with Broadcom BCM4401 (eth0/LAN) and BCM4318 (eth1/WLAN). eth0 is working fine, but eth1 was causing trouble. After some difficulties with missing packages I managed to install ndiswrapper, blacklisted module bcm43xx in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist and removed it, loaded module ndiswrapper and had connection. But after reboot module bcm43xx was again loaded. So blacklisting does not seem to work.And additionally strange to me, I cannot unload module bcm43xx anymore. And if I load ndiswrapper driver bcm43xx is still used as the terminal command 'dmesg' is showing me in the system log, while ndiswrapper was used when the connection was once and only once established

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Networking :: Nslookup Returning Multiple Names On RedHat With Windows AD

Jun 11, 2010

Recently I installed RedHat Enterprise 5 on a windows machine. The machine is configured to use DHCP, but I have been seeing some strange behavior if I do nslookup on the machine's IP:

[someuser@lin01 mydir]$ nslookup 10.5.x.x
Server: 10.10.x.xx
Address: 10.10.x.xx#53 name = xyz.something. name = lenovo-d1690047. name = pqdlds. name =

Where only the last entry of [URL] is actually correct, how can remove the other entries? I spoke to my IT Manager and he cannot see these stale entries in the DNS (we are using windows AD)

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Networking :: Activate Connection Into Laptop With Redhat Enterprise System 5?

Jun 6, 2010

I m using redhat enterprise linux 5 desktop
i hav a broadband connection through bsnl dna-a211-1 modem
how to activate the connection into my laptop with redhat enterprise linux5?

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Networking :: RedHat 5.4 Bonding - Modprobe.conf * Ifcfg-* Files Involved

Aug 5, 2010

I'm trying to do some network bonding in RHEL 5.4, and I'm not seeing the results I expect. I have set up a number of servers using mode 1 with no issue, but I need to configure a new server differently. bond1 is created from eth1 & eth2 bonded together using mode 802.3ad with layer2 lacp bond0 is created from bond1 & eth3 using mode active-backup with bond1 as the primary interface When I bring the network services up, all traffic is passing over eth3 instead of bond1, which is the primary. Below are the modprobe.conf * ifcfg-* files involved.

My modprobe.conf:
alias eth0 e1000
alias eth1 e1000
alias eth2 e1000
alias eth3 e1000
alias scsi_hostadapter mptbase
alias scsi_hostadapter1 mptsas
alias scsi_hostadapter2 qla2xxx

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