Hardware :: Not Able To Mount New Usb Hdd On Ubuntu Laptop / Solve This?

Sep 26, 2009

Am new here, and although am not a total newbie to linux, I could do with some guidance.

I have ubuntu 8.04 installed on a Dell Mini 10 with an SSD internal disk.

I have purchased a Seagate Barracuda 7200.11 320 Gb with a USB interface to connect to my laptop.

I have tried just plugging it in, but it does not get mounted. Do I need to install some drivers for the disk?

Here is the output from the df command without the disk plugged in (same output when I plug the usb connector) code...

So the disk is actually recognised. Running fdisk -l returns nothing, and the df command shows the same output as above.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can No Longer Install Windows On My Laptop / Solve This?

Jul 7, 2010

Synopsis: I wiped my system and am using ubuntu 10.04 with no problems *except* that I now need IE 8 and MS Excel/Access/Powerpoint/Word for classwork. I kind of tried toying with WINE, but ultimately would rather just have a dual boot.

What occurs when I try a (any) Windows install (keep in mind I even swapped out a fresh Sata HD and the same problem occured:

Pop in a Windows ISO bootable CD>everything acts normal and I follow the prompts for a fresh install (not an upgrade)> It begins the install but the first part where it is "copying files" just goes to 100% in a split second>Then it moves down to the next prompt of "Expanding Files" at which point the laptop is spinning the disc/reading it but it just stays at 0%.

So, it's not a HD formating problem, right? I wiped the system, reformatted and got the okay from Windows that I could install so I assumed I reformatted it back to NTFS.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Mount Hdd In Laptop 8.10?

Jul 28, 2010

yeah it gives me this error:

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Fedora Networking :: Can't Mount The Shared Drive On Laptop

Feb 19, 2010

I recently installed Fedora 12 + KDE on my laptop. I also have a media PC which I have connected to my TV. It has an external HD connected to which I am trying to mount on my laptop. It is connected to two other PCs all running Windows 7, part of a workgroup that only requires a password with no user log in. These PCs are working OK but I cant mount the shared drive on my Fedora laptop. I have tried the "Add Network Place" wizard which didnt work. Tried using the host IP rather than the host name. This got me to a user authentication screen which prompted me for a username and password.

As I mentioned before, the only user authentication required to connect to it should be that the device should be within the same workgroup and use the password. Tried using the workgroup name as the username which didnt work, neither did using the PCs usual log in. Eventually I gave up on the wizard and attempted to mount it from the command line using the following command.


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OpenSUSE :: Mount And Recognize IPhone After Connect Device To Laptop Via USB?

Apr 18, 2010

how can I mount my iPhone in Opensuse? after i connect my device to laptop via USB,opensuse doesn't mount it and recognize it at first as a digital camera.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Mount An HP Laser Printer On Home Network Through A VPN IPSES Connection From Laptop?

Dec 12, 2010

I have tried to mount an HP laser printer on my home network through a VPN IPSES connection from my laptop, but I cannot manage to see the printer or make it accept commands.

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General :: Fedora Core 2 Loaded On A Toshiba Satellite 2545Xcdt Laptop Computer - Can't Get Redhat To Mount Usb Flashdrive

Oct 28, 2010

I can't get Redhat (Fedora) to mount my usb Flashdrive. My windows O/S has no problem with my usb flashdrive. I can mount my CD Drive and my Floppy drive. My mouse is pluged into one of my usb slots and it works. What am I doing wrong.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04.1 Kubuntu Desktop To Toshiba T110 Laptop Running Win 7 - Cannot Mount "/dev/lop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem. Squashfs"

Feb 7, 2011

Trying to install 10.04.1 Kubuntu desktop to Toshiba T110 laptop running Win 7, 4 Gig Ram, 32 bit o/s. Downloaded iso from Ubuntu web site and burnt DVD. No matter what I do I get the error message "cannot mount /dev/lop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem. squashfs" etc. Searched by Google and this forum, tried various remedies Unebootin; USB drive boot up etc etc; still get same message. Is there a workaround for what seems to be a fairly common install problem?

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Ubuntu :: Transferring Some Files From External USB Hard Drive Onto Laptop And Laptop Froze Up?

Mar 2, 2010

I was transferring some files from my external USB hard drive onto my laptop (running 64bit Karmic), and my laptop froze up for whatever reason.Everything on the screen stopped and the Scroll Lock and Caps Lock LEDs began flashing.Not knowing anything else to do, I hard booted off with the power switch.At this point, I was concerned if anything on either hard rive would be damagedI booted my laptop back up, and all seemed well until I trued to open my Documents folder.For some reason, Ubuntu will no longer open any folders at allI can't click on ComputerDocuments, Music, etc. When I do, a tab opens in the taskbar that says Opening folder. It stays on screen for about 20 seconds, and then goes away and the folder never opens.The weird part is if I open gEdit and try to load a file, I can see and get to everything.

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Ubuntu :: Connected HP Pav Laptop To Vizio TV - Displays Computer On Tv But Not On Laptop?

Jun 23, 2010

I connected my HP Pavillion laptop to a 1360x768 Vizio TV. On the TV it displays my laptop but on my laptop it has a black screen. How do I fix it so I can see my laptop screen on my laptop and on my TV at the same time?

I used to be able to do this with this TV as well as my friend's Samsung. I'm using a VGA connector. What should I do to have my laptop screen on my laptop and on my TV at the same time?

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Ubuntu :: Battery Not Recognized On Laptop (and It Recognizes Laptop As A Desktop)

Apr 15, 2011

I have installed Ubuntu (both 10.10 and 11.04 pre-release) on my laptop but my battery is not recognized and it is detected as a desktop system rather than a laptop. I have tried the cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/state method but the directory doesn't exist. I have tried another guide to paste the battery info into this directory but it doesn't allow me to do that and says that the directory doesn't exist, even though I'm trying to make it. I tried it in root nautilus and even on an install of Lubuntu (with a root file manager) but it still failed to budge. I really don't know what to do as I have tried all the guides on the internet that I could find.

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Ubuntu :: Laptop Screen Not Shutting Off When Laptop Lid Closed?

May 15, 2010

When I change the "When laptop lid is closed" option in Gnome Power Manager to either "Blank Screen" or "Do Nothing" (by manually using gconf-editor), the screen itself doesn't turn off when the lid is closed. Obviously not a huge deal, as I could just change the "idle before sleep" on certain occasions, but I liked that setting it to "Do Nothing" previously would actually turn off the screen when the lid was closed.

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Ubuntu :: OS Won't Boot Up / Solve This?

Apr 22, 2010

My computer won't boot up from the installed version of Ubuntu. I was running 8.04 with no problems, but it stopped working after entering a command code to fix the limit for virus definitions on Avast. I removed the code, but now on boot up all I get is a blank screen and blinking cursor.

I can boot up with an Ubuntu 9.1 live disk, and it shows the installed version of Ubuntu and all my data are still there. Is there a way to do a general repair, that will enable my computer to boot up from the installed operating system?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Login / Solve This?

May 28, 2010

I have changed my login screen setting from gnome as default session to kde
then i can't login when i log this message appears power management please check your power devil configuration is there any way to back to gnome or to solve this problem

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Ubuntu :: Networking Broken With 10.04 / Solve This?

May 14, 2010

I installed Ubuntu on one of my machines a few days ago. It was an oldish CD containing 9.10. Eveything was puppies and rainbows. However, today I updated that machine to 10.04, and it no longer sees my network. Specifically, Windows doesn't see shares on it, and it doesn't see shares on Windows. Further, when trying to make a share (or rather update the one I had previously) I get the following:


Again, this is already the newest version.

And, being that I have no real idea what I'm doing, this is where my Googeling skills fail me. I want to reiterate, though, that before I updated today, networking was fine in both directions, i.e. from windows to ubuntu and from ubuntu to windows. How can I get networking to work again?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Install U10.04 / Solve It?

Jun 8, 2010

Can't install Ununtu 10.04

I can not install ubuntu 10.04 32 or 64 bit on my computer

Every time I put in either DVD I get a guy and next to him is a regtangeler box, then the screen goes black with a blinking white line up to the left and then it goes completely black then monitor turns itself off

This happens with both 32 and 64 install versions

So how do I install it or just use it a s a live cd

I have a pretty new computer that I Run windows 7 on that I am trying to get Ubuntu on code...

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Ubuntu :: Can't Boot After Update / Solve It?

Jun 26, 2010

Can't boot after updating x this has happened before but not like this. Grub works just fine but nothing after what I can't do

1 10.04 = black screen
2 recovery mode=black screen
3 ctrl+alt+f1 = nothing

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Ubuntu :: Any Program That Will Solve Equations?

Oct 25, 2010

I would like to know where I can find a program that solves equations for me. Like "6x-3y+3=0", and then get the value of x, or the value of y, as the output. I know how to do equations on my own of course (I don't know anyone that can't who uses Linux), but I'm a very lazy person.

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Ubuntu :: GParted Won't Open / Solve This?

Nov 9, 2010

I'm trying to open GParted to resize a partition so I can Dual boot with Windows 7.

I downloaded GParted through the software center, accessed it through "System > Administrator > ", type my password it, the GParted screen pops up and it's all grayed out except for the scanning feature, which is active. After about 5-10 seconds the program closes.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Get Language To Stick / Solve This?

Dec 12, 2010

I'm using Maverick at my house. While our system is based in English, we need Spanish quite often. Well, Right now, I've got some issues on it:
1. Some of my menu items are in English, others in Spanish.
2. In my home directory I've got a folder called "Desktop" (with a folder icon) and another called "Escritorio"--desktop in Spanish (and it uses the desktop icon).
3. When I log in none of the content in my Desktop directory is visible on the desktop.
I'm pretty sure the problems are related to my locale issue.

When I type locale the output is code...

I"ve tried to change the language by editing /etc/default/locale and /etc/environment to use LANGUAGE="en_US:en". I then entered the command export LANGUAGE=en_US:en and upon typing the command 'locale', it would show LANGUAGE=en_US:en, however upon restart it would be back to the original LANGUAGE=en_US:es_GT:en and the above mentioned problems.

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Ubuntu :: Solve The Wi-Fi Broadcom-driver In 11.04?

Apr 28, 2011

As you might have noticed the new broadcom driver in 11.04 is not working anymore, but you can use the old one from 10.10 if you follow these steps:

1. First you need to download the old broadcom driver (10.10) here:


2. Now it's time to delete the current driver:

open the console:

sudo gedit /var/lib/dpkg/status

search for "bcmwl-kernel-source" and delete the lines that are related to the driver.

3. Install the driver you have downloaded before by double-clicking the .deb file

4. Go to the Synpatic-Package-Manager and search for "bcmwl-kernel-source" again. Click on on it and go to "package" and make sure you lock it, so it won't be updated.

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General :: Can't Install Ubuntu / Solve It?

Jan 19, 2010

My hardware is-

HD-80 gb
RAM- 256 mb

I cannot install ubuntu.Which form of Linux will be favorable for me?

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Ubuntu :: How To Solve Black Screen On 2.6

Aug 26, 2010

I've tried installing ubuntu 2.6 on my 32-bit samsung R60 notebook. when the computer tries to boot from the CD, it goes in to black screen and won't boot again. I tried hitting F6 and selected one of the options (nomodset). It worked at first and i installed it successfully. But when i tried to boot from the hard disk, the same thing happened again, it went black screen and never boot up again.

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Ubuntu :: USB Devices Always Automount For Second User / Solve This?

Jan 27, 2010

Since I created second user USB devices as PTP camera, flash mass storage automounts always for the new user.
Even the second user is not logged in automount does not work for main user. When I log in as second user (with device plugged in) it is mounted automatically after log in.

What can I do with this problem?
I would like to access devices from each user (not necessarily at the same time).
How can I configure it?
How can I "remount" device to my current user without switching into the second one (it's someones else account)?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Boot After Upgrade To 2.6.31-19 Kernel / Solve This?

Feb 6, 2010

Can't boot after upgrade to 2.6.31-19 kernel. Boot procedure stops on "Mounting root file system..." stage with message:
/init: line 218: syntax error: 0xhda1.

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Ubuntu :: Lucid Boot Hangs For A While / Solve This?

May 2, 2010

I installed lucid the other day on my laptop, the first time it booted after installing it gave two error messages (unfortunately I can't remember what they said). The errors stopped appearing after that but once I select Ubuntu from the boot menu, it just hangs on a black screen for a good 15 seconds at the least before it runs the plymouth screen for like 2 seconds (the progress bar is already full) and then goes into the login screen. Here is my boot chart:


I was wondering if anyone can tell from that what is causing the issue and perhaps how to fix it? The boot log is like 3 lines long and is completely normal.

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Ubuntu :: Swiftfox Doesn't Launch In 10.04 / Solve This?

Jun 10, 2010


Having just upgraded, I am having this exact problem.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Boot To XP After Upgrading To 10.4 / Solve This?

Jun 28, 2010

I have a dual boot (2 hard drive) system, and upgraded to 10.4. Booting into XP results in a flashing cursor that doesn't do anything. I know that GRUB screwed everything up, but I need to know what to do--and assume I don't know what I'm doing--to restore my dual boot ability.

Here's what I get after running a boot info script code...

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Ubuntu :: Could Not Initialize Package Information / Solve It?

Jul 6, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu 10.04 and everything was working fine until I tried to update. Now I can't get any packages, update, or even get into a package manager. All of these give me the same error. 'E:Malformed line 48 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (dist parse), E:The list of sources could not be read.' I looked into what this was and found the source list but have no clue what to change.code...

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Ubuntu Networking :: Apache Can't Connect From Outside / Solve This?

Jul 21, 2010

I can't connect to apache from outside the LAN. I can connect to everything else (ssh ftp) from outside.

I'm getting Error 101 (net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET): Unknown error

My router is configured to redirect port 80 to my webserver. I am getting access logs etc and error logs for missing files (favicon)

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