General :: Can't Install Ubuntu / Solve It?

Jan 19, 2010

My hardware is-

HD-80 gb
RAM- 256 mb

I cannot install ubuntu.Which form of Linux will be favorable for me?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Install U10.04 / Solve It?

Jun 8, 2010

Can't install Ununtu 10.04

I can not install ubuntu 10.04 32 or 64 bit on my computer

Every time I put in either DVD I get a guy and next to him is a regtangeler box, then the screen goes black with a blinking white line up to the left and then it goes completely black then monitor turns itself off

This happens with both 32 and 64 install versions

So how do I install it or just use it a s a live cd

I have a pretty new computer that I Run windows 7 on that I am trying to get Ubuntu on code...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Apt-get Install Hangs / Solve This?

Apr 4, 2011

I have installed Ubuntu 64bit 10.04 LTS version. I am trying to install open-iscsi and my apt-get install commands hangs code...

my sources.list seems to be fine. What might be the issue?? never had this issue on a 32 bit version of Ubuntu 9.

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Install :: Can't Boot Ubuntu After Installing OpenSUSE / Solve It?

Jan 3, 2010

I bought a Linux magazine as a Christmas present attached to it was a 8GB distro-loaded disc sporting Ubuntu 9.10 (which is already on my system,) Mandriver, and open-SUSE 11.2 which I decided to install.
Problem is, I can't get into Ubuntu anymore, where all my mail music ect is.

Ubuntu is listed with vista in window 2 of open-suse grub. When I try to boot Ubuntu I get an earlier kernel splash which is somewhat magnified and busybox v1.1.3. Vista boots OK.

Would un installing openSUSE put things back as they were? I can learn about open-SUSE using the DVD

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Install Ruby On Rails / Solve This?

Mar 23, 2010

I'm trying to install ruby on rails on Ubuntu 9.10. I'm following the instructions on this site:

However, when I try to install Rails I get an error code...

It seems like gem can't access for some reason, but when I try to go directly to that address I get the option to download it. Any ideas how to get around this problem?

I'm thinking if I can somehow tell gem to look for the file locally I can download it and install rails that way.

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Installation :: Fedora Won't Install Into 4 GB / Solve This?

Jun 25, 2011

I usually don't have problems installing Linux but Fedora won't install into 4 GB for me. I get to the partitioner, try to create a 4 GB partition, actually have 7 GB free, but it tells me there is no space on the drive. As I said, I usually don't get this problem but have not tried Fedora before and don't understand.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Install :1st SATA Port Not Recognized As /dev/sda - Solve This?

May 2, 2010

My computer has 2 HDDs attached to 1st and 2nd SATA ports of my mobo respectively, the 1st SATA drive is empty while the 2nd have my Windows Vista on it. I also have a Perc/5i RAID card with 2 RAID arrays defined.

I am going to install Ubuntu 10.04 x64 to the 1st SATA driver (I expect it will be /dev/sda), but when I try to install, I found my drives are recognized as below,

/dev/sda > 1st RAID array of my Perc/5i
/dev/sdb > 2nd RAID array of my Perc/5i
/dev/sdc > 1st SATA drive < I need to install ubuntu on this drive
/dev/sdd > 2nd SATA drive

I don't want to install 10.04 as /dev/sdc because I may add more arrays to my raid card which from my experience of 9.04, it will probably change the drive letter of my current /dev/sdc and then system will fail to boot.

Is there any way to force my 1st SATA HDD as /dev/sda during install ?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can No Longer Install Windows On My Laptop / Solve This?

Jul 7, 2010

Synopsis: I wiped my system and am using ubuntu 10.04 with no problems *except* that I now need IE 8 and MS Excel/Access/Powerpoint/Word for classwork. I kind of tried toying with WINE, but ultimately would rather just have a dual boot.

What occurs when I try a (any) Windows install (keep in mind I even swapped out a fresh Sata HD and the same problem occured:

Pop in a Windows ISO bootable CD>everything acts normal and I follow the prompts for a fresh install (not an upgrade)> It begins the install but the first part where it is "copying files" just goes to 100% in a split second>Then it moves down to the next prompt of "Expanding Files" at which point the laptop is spinning the disc/reading it but it just stays at 0%.

So, it's not a HD formating problem, right? I wiped the system, reformatted and got the okay from Windows that I could install so I assumed I reformatted it back to NTFS.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Install Stuck Before Start Of Partitioner / Solve This?

Aug 13, 2010

Trying to install Ubuntu 10.04 on a HP 6540b laptop - dual boot with Windows 7. I keep getting stuck on:

1. [GUI install] after step 3 of 7 where a KB layout (I've tried many other layout) is selected then going next and it hangs there trying to do something.

2. [Alternative install] stuck on 45% of scanning disks at "Starting up the partitioner" code...

I've tried desktop 32bit and 64bit install and also alternative 32 and 64. Also tried installing from CD & USB drive.

I guess it's something to do with the disk partition? Anyone come across this before?

I've installed 10.04 with similar dual boot partitions layout on an older HP 6710b without any issues.

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OpenSUSE :: Can't Install MySql Workbench / Solve This?

Jul 10, 2010

I'm trying to install workbench on my opensuse 11.2 x64 bit version but I got a problem with python available version on opensuse is 2.6.2 and the required version is 2.3.

how Could I solve this?

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Networking :: Can't Install Mac80211 Framework / Solve This?

Jan 26, 2011

I tried installing the mac80211 framework on ubuntu 10.10 but after i install it and restart my system , none of my network connections work.
i found a solution to that problem which is a very weird solution. because none of the network connections are working . i try to activate the wireless driver from the System->Administration->Additional Drivers. But it fails , but after it fails my wired network connection comes back online. and then i have acccess to the internet . After that i activate the wireless driver again and it works.
This is obviously the worst possible solution ever. So what i don't understand is why the mac80211 framework is causing these problems. after applying my "solution" i thought of checking the modules installed on my system using lsmod and i see mac80211 there. i don't understand why it is still there after i executed the "sudo make uninstall" command . code...

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Red Hat :: Yum Critical Error After Directadmin Install / Solve It?

Mar 7, 2010

I installed fedora 12. fine and YUM was still working, now after i installed DA:

is gives me code...

So i want to to install libssl, but then i get:

CRITICAL:yum.cli:Config Error: Error accessing file for config file:///etc/yum.conf

The file exists and here are the contents

My yum.conf file code...

how to solve this

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Ubuntu Installation :: Doesn't Recognize Fedora For Grub On Install / Solve This?

Jan 23, 2010

First time this has happened. I installed Fedora first (XP already installed) and then installed Ubuntu 9.10 64. Fedora doesn't show up on boot up menu. I've tried update-grub.
Before I would have just edited menu.lst, but now?? I dunno.
edit; Here's fdisk with Fedora on sda6

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Gain Access To Libraries I Need To Install Printer / Solve It?

Dec 21, 2010

I am running ubuntu 10.10 on a sony vaio f115. I am trying to install the printers for a brother mfc5460cn. I have used apt-get and aptitude, I have used sudo and sh all to no avail. I always get the same messages: cannot lock administration library (var/lib/pkg/) (11 temporarily unavailable) and cannot get lock/var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 temporarily unavailable)
How do I gain access to these libraries?

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Install :: OpenSUSE 11.3 Black Screen During Installation / Solve This?

Jan 12, 2011

Configuration: AMD 2500+, 2GB RAM, ATI HD3850 AGP
Problem: Can not install OpenSUSE 11.3. Boot from the disc - the installation screen resolutions, modes of installation - everything is in order. But when the installation can proceed - loading (logo) and just a black screen - possibly the installation goes - but no picture. Also try to set mode "vesa" - loading equipment "ok" ... "ok" ... "ok" ... "ok" ... and again in the black screen.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: RPM Install Script Fails On Root Change / What To Solve It?

Mar 4, 2011

I am working with Rhel 5.5. I am creating rpms and I have an issue. I want to bzip up the file before I make the rpm. Then I want to unzip it at install time. I add the zip up work to the %prep tag and added the unzip to the %prerun tag of the SPEC file. Everything works fine.

Then I install the rpm to a different folder with rpm -i --root /tmp for example and the scripts fail to run because the script can't find /bin/sh.

It makes sense because rpms are dependent on the absolute paths to the file, but I want to know how to still have the scripts run. I tried to put the /bin/sh in the /tmp folder (in the example above) but it still can't find it. And yes i do have /bin/sh on the system.

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Software :: Unable To Play Mp3 Files And Install Vlc - Players In Fedora 8 / Solve It?

Dec 19, 2008

I normally tried yum lock for installing players like
yum install xmms xmms-mp3
but it starts and when
starts download it stops after sometime & try another mirror &
finally never install
what is the problem?

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General :: Cannot Get Moonlight To Run Properly On Ubuntu 9.10 Firefox / Solve It?

Feb 4, 2010

Ubuntu 9.10 - Firefox 3.5.5 - Dell Latitude D600 Lap top.

Can anyone view any of the movie content on this page?

When I try to view one it starts and then just turns white. Then Firefox crashes. I have no clue what is going on with it.

Oddly I have no problem viewing the Silverlight content on this page:

Or many other Silverlight pages. I've seen this happen not only on the above page but other Silverlight content.

So anyone experience the same thing? I'm guessing there is some code on the web page that triggers a bug or something.

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General :: Apps On SLAX Does Not Run / Solve This?

Oct 26, 2010

How to solve this:
I've installed GIMP 2.7.1 (OS Slax), but it doesn't work. Clicking on icon doesn't start GIMP.

In Shell:
kdesu /usr/bin/gimp
gimp: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: g_dgettext

I cannot run most of apps, including mono.

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General :: Cannot Format My Pendrive / Solve This?

Jan 8, 2010

I cannot format my Transcend 4 Gb Pen Drive.. When i try to format with the following command code...

I'm not able to format it...

dmesg gives code...

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General :: Fedora 13 Dvd Won't Boot / Solve This?

Jun 28, 2010

I downloaded Fedora-13-i686-Live.iso from the fedora project web site, and did the instruction on how to burn it using dvd. i used nero selecting burn a CD from an image file. after doing that, i restarted my laptop to install fedora 13 choosing to start the boot at the disk dvd but it won't boot to run the installation. instead the laptop will resume booting to its previously installed OS, fedora 9.

i browse the dvd media and there are 3 folders namely EFI, isolinux, LiveOS and GPL file.

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General :: Solve The Smb Link Lost?

Mar 10, 2010

in My Ubuntu host,I often use samba service to open the share fold of another computer which is WinXP .But everytime When I logout or restart the Ubuntu ,The link will lost ,I have to reconnect it again, I want to know if there is some easy way to connect it always

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General :: How To Solve 'unknown User'

Nov 23, 2010

I've recently configured our mail server (postfix/dovecot). Everything is running, I have a reverse DNS, MX records, A records etc.. I've added the users already.Here is the problem, whenever I test email from an email client(Outlook 2003), there's no problem. But when try sending email from the outside the mail just bounce or deferred.

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General :: Installed Glossy Theme On Ubuntu Not Working / Solve It?

Mar 13, 2011

I just installed ubuntu and want to install a theme
i downloaded it and tried to install it but when I did it said that GDT + theme is not installed. I looked it up and found that I had to install them from synaptic package manager, I did it but still not working. How can I solve it?

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General :: Eclipse Crashes While Running / Solve This?

Jun 17, 2010

I'm having a problem with eclipse, it keeps crashing while I'm working working with it, running from the terminal i found this:

# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment code...

i have googled and i found a ubuntu forum where a guy had the same problem, his solution was disabling the php browser, so i try to do it and go to window>preferences>General>Web browser... as soon as i click "web browser" it just crashes with the same error above, so i guess the "browser" is the problem, i didn't find the "php browser" option so that's why i click on "web browser"

if anybody has a solution for this please help me, i would be awesome to solve this.

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General :: Solve Some Partition Based Query?

Sep 16, 2010

how to applied permission on /etc directory. i want to deny all permission except me(owner) this possible?

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General :: Grub Loading Error 2 / Solve This?

Aug 4, 2010

I need help repairing a Grub loading error 2.

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General :: Any Way To Solve Clash Of Nautilus And Conky?

Apr 30, 2011

I am in gnome2. Nautilus always cover Conky.

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General :: Domain Not Listning To Any Port Other Than 80 / Solve It?

Apr 26, 2010

I have one server, in this one application is running on ports 80 and 443,
but i want to run another application in different ports,
When start the application, application is running fine in the server but i am not able to connect to that application from the web browser.

It seems to me that other port(i.e. except 80 and 443) not listen by the server.

Can anybody tell me what is the problem?

and what can i do to solve this problem.

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General :: Wrong Chown Command / Solve This?

Jun 29, 2010

I ran a command chown apache:apache / and just about everything... i wanted to do it on a directory but it did it on complete server.

i unable to login to phpmyadmin and even all the databses are empty. any tips on how can i solve this.

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