Hardware :: Fedora 11 Takes Several Tries Before Successfully Booting?

Jan 30, 2011

I have a Fedora 11 distro running on a desktop machine. It has always reported a hard disk may be failing but have not had trouble with it for over a year. This past week, I had to reboot the machine and it took several tries before it succeeded. How can I replace the offending drive and save my current software installations and data?

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Ubuntu :: Booting Takes More Than 2 Minutes On A Recent Computer?

Oct 28, 2010

my laptop(dell xps m1330) takes around 2'30" to boot, I don't remember when it started but it wasn't always that slow. even looking at bootcharts I cant seem to figure out what that could be

full-size bootchart here: [URL]

btw it powers down in less than 5 seconds

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Ubuntu Installation :: Booting Up Takes Longer Time After Upgrade

Jun 2, 2011

Upgraded to 2.6.32-32-generic, it takes about 20 seconds after login at boot up; previous version only takes about 13 seconds. They are at the same environment and service status.(ubuntu 10.04)

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OpenSUSE Install :: Booting Vista / Error 17 And Pressing Any Key Takes To Grub4DOS?

Jun 10, 2010

When I first turn on I get the windows boot manager where I can choose between openSUSE 11.2 installer (LOCAL) and Windows Vista. Selecting either has the same result of trying to boot the openSUSE. This results in error 17 and pressing any key takes me to the GRUB4DOS where I can get to the command prompt.

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General :: Takes Long Time While Booting - Enabling Swap Space ?

May 9, 2010

While booting Linux it takes ages for 'enabling swap space'

I have allocated swap space twice that of the RAM.

Is there a way to fix it? What should I do to avoid this in the future installs?

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Debian :: Embedded BIOS Not Booting / "loading Grub" Takes Ten Minutes And Then Crashes?

Jun 7, 2011

i am working with an old system that uses a BIOS meant for embedded systems. According to my coworkers this thing boot some version of debian about two years ago. currently I have used there old image and a new one I made of the latest Debian stable build. both images fail to get passed grub.

to be clear the BIOS simply replies "loading grub" takes ten minutes and then crashes.

has anyone ever had trouble with grub crashing systems? this problem seems odd since is did boot with this two years ago and i still have that image.

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Fedora :: Can't Successfully View Anything With Browser As Described In Documentation

Mar 23, 2011

Fedora 14 I have a few webcams I want to serve to web browsers. I downloaded webcam-server, compiled and installed it. Running webcam_server with the -a (test) option, it appears to be doing something. But when I try viewing it with the included Java applet, I get a core dump from the webcam_server process and error messages from the viewing applet. I also cannot successfully view anything with a browser as described in the documentation.


Firewall is turned off. SELinux is turned off. I am behind a departmental firewall.

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Fedora Networking :: Successfully Ping Websites, But Can't Open Them

Nov 27, 2009

I have installed windows server 2003 on my computer, and i can surf the internet with my gui-based web browsers.

I have also installed vmware workstation 6.5 on the same computer, and successfully installed fedora 12 in vmware, with network is bridged.

I can successfully ping websites at the command line, e.g., ping [url], it did get replies with time and ttl, but i can't open the websites with firefox or conquerer browsers.

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Fedora Networking :: Bridged Successfully But Cannot Access Internet

Aug 7, 2010

Bridged successfully but cannot access the Internet.I installed VMware in my Fc13,and installed XP sp3 in the VMware.I can access the Internet in XP,I set the network as Bridged with Fc13,but Fc cannot open a page,but I ping google.com,it can display: Code: Pinging google.com [] with 32 bytes of data:
then nothing.I still cannot access the Internet in my Fc13.

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Fedora Hardware :: Turned Off Discrete Gpu Successfully But Can't Suspend

Jan 14, 2011

I have ASUS ul80vt whitch has two GPUs, Intel + nvidia 210m

I read many articals explaining how to turn off the discrete graphics card, from these articles I didn't find any method that works on my laptop with fedora14 (updated)

However, by mixing the methods up I found a way to do this. I run the folowing commands as root after log in:

echo 'PEGR' > /proc/acpi/wakeup
chown mh3 /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch
echo OFF > /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch
modprobe asus_nvidia

These commands do the job 100% (powertop shows at least 4W drop), but I don't know why this works!

the problem is that after running these commands my laptop becomes unable to suspend, when I do suspend the screen becomes black (backlight still on) and the laptop freezes. So I have to turn it off using power button.

Notice that Ubuntu users are able to turn off the discrete card only by modprobe asus_nvidia, and suspend works fine with them. See: [URL]

This issue force me to turn on/off my laptop more than 8 times a day. All what I want is to suspend and resume my laptop after turning off the discrete GPU.


- For more info about the method I use: http://mh3soldier.blogspot.com/2010/...a-of-asus.html

- asus_nvidia is a module:


#include <acpi/acpi.h>
#include <linux/suspend.h>
static acpi_handle root_handle;


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Fedora Installation :: Fedora Boots But Not Always Successfully

Aug 6, 2010

I've dualboot system grubloader made by Mandriva. These lines in Mandriva menu.lst is for Fedora 13.Why is it that Fedora seldom managed to boot successfully in first time? Mostly i've to boot 3,4 even 5 times to reach the desktop. That blue&white line (kernel PAE) is always visible on bottom of screen but many times it stopped to black screen and no gnome cursor after that.

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Fedora Installation :: Cannot Successfully Install Adobe Flash Player?

Feb 12, 2010

I'm new to the world of linux, about 3 days old. I decided to go with Fedora for my first try. I have it installed and now trying to install flash player bot adobe, and gnash but with now success. How do I get this done, I already have it downloaded on my pc but don't know any commands to run this thing.

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Fedora :: ATI Drivers Installed Successfully But KDE Won't Run Desktop Effects / Solve It?

Dec 8, 2010

I didn't post this thread in the hardware section because I got my ATI propitiatory drivers installed successfully and my problem seems to be with KDE. I'm trying to enable Desktop Effects for KDE.

The story is that ATI drivers installed correctly but when I go to "Application Launcher" => "System Settings" => "Desktop Effects" I can't enable Desktop effects and it has the following message:

"Desktop effects are not available on this system due to the following technical issues:
Required X extensions (XComposite and XDamage) are not available."

First of all I don't really know what this means. I have done some Googling around and have found a few places suggesting that I should enable the "Damage" and "Composite" extensions in my xorg.conf. I have done that, as you can see in the attached Xorg.conf file. It still doesn't work.

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Fedora :: Cannot Open PCM Device Alsa_pcm For Playback / Start Jack Successfully?

Mar 18, 2009

attempting to start Jack using the qjackctl frontend...code...

then Jack stops... how do i start Jack successfully?

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OpenSUSE :: Successfully Compiled Ndiswrapper In Both Ubuntu And Fedora, But It Wont Work On 11.4?

Apr 17, 2011

I use a Netgear WNA3100 Network Adapter that needs a patched version of ndiswrapper to work. So far I successfully compiled ndiswrapper in both Ubuntu and Fedora, but it wont work on openSUSE 11.4. I installed all necessary software I need, at least I think so. I have installed the following before trying to build ndiswrapperCode:make gcc kernel-syms kernel-dev kernel-source ndiswrapper-kmp-desktop Also tried installing linux-headers-`uname -r` as I did in Fedora, but in openSUSE it was not necessary.Here is the errors I get.Google could not help me this time so hopefully someone at this forum can.

wahlgren@linux-ubyv:~/Downloads/ndiswrapper-1.56> make
make -C driver


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General :: Booting Live Cd Of Fedora 15 / Change Argument During Booting Mode?

Jun 1, 2011

I am in a situation to boot fedora 15 live cd in to command line mode, not graphical mode, for some testing purpose. how to change argument during booting mode

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Fedora :: Boot Up Takes Several Minutes

Jan 5, 2010

I just installed fedora 12 on my new harddrive, and it's booting up extremely slow (but once I'm logged into the system, it all seems to run fine). Right now my set-up looks like this: 1TB HD: new install of fedora 12 300GB HD: Windows xp & my previous install of fedora 12

My previous installation of fedora 12 never booted this slow until after I installed Fedora 12 on my new HD. It seems to freeze right before the log in screen, and after I log in, both installations take about a minute to get to a usable desktop. I pressed the Esc key during startup to see if anything was wrong, and it didn't hang up on anything. However, as it was loading the login screen (where it first begins to get sluggish), I was kicked out of the terminal view and forced to wait in the gui for log in.

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Fedora :: GNOME - Shell Takes Too Much CPU.

Jul 26, 2011

I'm using F15 and I have big problem. Sometimes GNOME-Shell is taking too much CPU, and my computer is slowing down. This is "top".

[kuba@Kuba-fedora ~]$ top
top - 16:08:18 up 2:05, 2 users, load average: 0.45, 0.49, 0.43
Tasks: 159 total, 3 running, 156 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
Cpu(s): 29.2%us, 2.8%sy, 0.0%ni, 67.1%id, 0.5%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.4%si, 0.0%st


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Fedora :: F12 KPackagekit Takes Forever To Start?

Nov 18, 2009

Started testing F12 today, and ran into this. It takes about 30 s to start KPackagekit. Thats about 30 times slower than F11.

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Fedora Installation :: Formatting Takes Very Long ?

Nov 12, 2010

I booted fedora from an live cd not i have a problem when i want to install fedora formatting is taking vey long its already busy for 1 hour and this is te second time im trying to install fedora does it need to take this long ? I've got an unexpected fault for the second time and pressed debug but nothing is happening keeps formatting.

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Fedora :: Mounting Other File Systems Takes A While?

Jan 31, 2011

during the boot process mounting other file systems takes a while. Although it ends up resulting [OK] it was not like this before and it used to be was very fast. I took a look at /etc/fstab file which is posted below, and suspected that devpts is the problem. So I commented it out and reboot, but it wasn't helpful.


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Fedora :: Lldpad Constantly Takes Up About 10% Of Cpu Usage?

May 27, 2011

I noticed that lldpad constantly takes up about 10% of cpu usage. does anyone else have this behaviour?

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Fedora :: SSD Speed - Boot Up Takes 30 Seconds

Jun 25, 2011

Some days ago I switched from Ubuntu to Fedora and it is just great, Gnome 3 looks awesome. I waited for the installation of Fedora until I got my new OCZ Vertex 2 SSD and the first benchmarks were astonishing. The SSD has an average Read/Write speed of ca. 270Mb/s. Well, now I installed Fedora 15 and I was expecting a boot time of less than 20 seconds, but in fact it takes 30 seconds. By way of comparison, Ubuntu takes on my old HDD about 27 seconds, so a bit less than it takes on the SSD.

Then I tested some software, I started Eclipse and compared the start time on Ubuntu (HDD) and on Fedora (SDD). Starting Eclipse from the HDD took about 6 seconds while starting from the SSD took about 7 seconds. The differences in the results are not big, but taking into account that the SSD is at least twice as fast as the HDD the results are really strange. Now I would like to ask you how I may increase the performance of Fedora on my SSD?

Some notes about my hardware:
Intel Core2Duo 3GHz
4GB Ram
On this screenshots you can see both drives in comparison, the ssd is much faster.

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CentOS 5 :: X/Gnome Takes Long Time To Load And Sudo Takes Long Time To Execute

Oct 13, 2009

I am running Centos 5.3. I ran no updates, performed no installs, nor changed any configuration immediately prior to this issue. My problem is this: when I run the command startx (default runlevel 3), it is a long time (5-10 minutes) before Gnome startx, and once it does start applications will not run. Also, when I try to use sudo (from any environment, even ssh), it is a long time (5-10) before the command is executed.

I cannot say for sure, but it seems like this is an intermittent problem. Sometimes X takes a long time to start, but once it starts it will launch programs. Sometimes X takes a long time to launch, but once it starts it will only launch certain programs. Though presently X always takes a long time to start, and I cannot successfully launch any programs.

A while back a had a similar problem to this (x taking long time to start, sudo taking long time to execute) and it ended up being a DNS problem. Unfortunately, I cannot remember exactly what it was and I stupidly did not document it. Maybe this is also DNS related, I don't know.

I don't know what log files to look at for problems with X, Gnome, and sudo taking a long time to start.

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Fedora X86/64bit :: 11 Takes 45+ Minutes To Fully Boot

Jun 22, 2009

Machine Specs: Asus P5B Deluxe w/ Intel Core 2 Duo E8400, 8gigs of ram and an Asus GeForce 8400 GS. I downloaded and installed the x86_64 DVD Installation disc for Fedora 11 the day of the release. I allowed the installer to utilize 100% of the disk with the default partition configuration. I only installed KDE.

Upon first boot the machine didn't boot in under 20 seconds, but it wasn't slow enough to give it any though. Once logged in, everything ran great. The system has been running great since the launch date. I rebooted once or twice since them and thought the same thing as the first boot, not particularly fast, but not slow enough to care.

This morning I rebooted and it almost seemed broken. It takes about 20 minutes to get past the loading bar, and way too much time to log in. When the loading bar is going I hit escape. It looked like "Starting system message bus" took the longest, but it wasn't the only slow thing. After some more time, the background for the log in prompt appeared. Once the log in prompt fully appeared I mistyped my password. It took a good four minutes to authenticate unsuccessfully. I reentered my information correctly. It took another four minutes for the prompt to disappear, then it continued to load very slowly.

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Fedora :: When Iogin It Takes Me Back To The Login Screen

Aug 21, 2009

I wanted to try KDE 4.3 on Fedora 11. I enabled the testing repos and updated. However after the update, I restarted and when I login, it takes me back to the login screen. I've tried to login with the gnome desktop and also as other users but it still took me back to the login screen.

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Fedora :: Dual Boot Win XP & F11 - Takes 15 - 20 Minutes To Start

Sep 27, 2009

Hardware: Toshiba NB200 with Atom 280 & 2GB, 160 GB HD Everything works great except the boot time. My default boot is F11 & when the system starts in "yuk" Windows it only takes a few seconds! but when I start in F11 it takes 15 - 20 minutes for it to start. No error messages, nothing in dmesg, standard configuration. The same system with Win XP & F10 worked fine?

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Fedora Installation :: Just Vent: YUM UPDATE Takes An Hour

Feb 15, 2010

Fresh 12 install. I did a yum install yum-fastestmirror and it took over 30 minutes to download its database, at a speed of 5-9 KB/s. Drove me nuts to wait 30 minutes to download a 60Kb program. Then after the install of fastest-mirror, I thought I was out of the woods, and launched a YUM UPDATE, and its still downloading fedora/filelists_db at 13KB/s. Estimated to take over 20 minutes. After that, it will be downloading the 500MB of stuff - hopefully at a better rate. Sigh!! No way to speed this up?

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Fedora :: Random Logout - Takes To The Login Screen

Mar 30, 2010

Recently I've been having an issue where every now and then, all of a sudden fedora logs me out and takes me to the login screen.

All my unsaved work is lost and I have to log back in again.

Is there any way to diagnose this problem and figure out how to solve it?

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Fedora :: Gnote Removed - Programs Still Takes Notes

Jun 19, 2010

There's a Gnote icon on the panel. I removed the application using the add/remove software GUI
(System-> Administration->Add/Remove Software)

When I click on the panel icon, the un-installed programme opens up. I removed the application using the terminal. When I click on the panel icon, the un-installed program opens up. How can I get rid of it?
# find Gnote (or gnote) doesn't find anything, but the program still takes notes.

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