General :: Network New Install Fedorda 14?

Nov 30, 2010

I have installed fedora 14 on a spare computer for a home server using Amahi ( it's the beta version).During the install i did something regarding the network config, what, i do not know,i have been trying to access the remainder of the Amahi setup but have no network. This was a week passed,i have read anything i can get on the network config and have tried plenty (still trying to figure /etc). I have tried some of the fixes descibed in these threads. When i do connect the ethernet cable to the router (which has a win 7 OS box already connected)i loose all internet connectivity from the rest of the house (2 wireless laptops & win7 box). What am I doing wrong?

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Fedora Installation :: BFO Install Of Fedorda 13 Failure?

May 26, 2010

BFO install via USB[URL]..I get through all of the initial menus, and to the main installer, after which is says "starting installation" (this is perhaps 2 hours into the installation). About 3/4 of the way through I get a dialog: "The file libssh2-1.2.4-1.fc13.i686.rpm cannot be opened. This is due to a missing file, a corrupt package or corrupt media. Please verify your installation source. If you exist, your system will be left in an inconsistent state that will likely require reinstallation. Reboot or Retry"

[screenshot attached] I have clicked retry several times and it doesn't continue. I have previously had no problem installing Fedora 13 beta with the same hardware.

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General :: How To Network Install Using NFS Server

Jan 21, 2011

i want to do linux installation on client machine from server.

i configured NFS server. i actually installed all 5 CD's to one directory. these are not iso images.

i created directory /serverimage and inside this i created directory for each linux cd. i.e linuxcd1, linuxcd2 and so on ..

now my directory structure is :
cd /serverimage

now i exported /serverimage in /etc/exports

but when i boot my client machine with the first linux cd. and using linux askmethod

i selected NFS. i entered ip address for nfs server and directory as /serverimage

but it is not taking. saying unable to mount.

shall i create .iso images. i dont want to use .iso images since i want to configure yum repository later once client is installed. i dont know if yum repository can be installed using iso images on the server. so i just copied cdrom to directories to share it via nfs.

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General :: Install Fedora With No CD No DVD \ Can Use An USB Or Network CD/DVD?

Mar 7, 2011

how to install fedora with no CD/DVD? I can use an USB or network

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General :: Possible To Install RedHat 5.2 From Network?

Aug 11, 2009

I have RedHat 5.2 iso files shared on my Windows XP Desktop and IP of my pc is,and i want to install RHEL 5.2 on totally balnk server (i.e . server has nothing installed in it)

so is it possible to install RHEL 5.2 form Netowrk? if it is yesthen please tell me how can i do this...

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General :: FC12 / 13 - Can't Install Network Printer

Jun 16, 2010

Recently upgraded from FC11 to FC12, and lost the ability to print to my network printer. Couldn't figure it out, though I can continue to print from an old FC9 server, so I know it's not the print server, Netgear PS110 or the printer Samsung ML-2510. In desperation, I upgraded to FC13, and still no dice. Don't think it's a network problem as I've tried with a disabled local firewall (I'm behind a network firewall) and even disabled SELinux.

If I go through system-config-printer, I probe for network printers, and can discover the print server, but the queue is wrong (it has two ports, P1 and P2.) Neither PASSTHRU or manually written P1, the connected port, work. It will spool, then disappear. I'm using the Samsung ML-2150 Driver which I understand works for this printer and used to work on FC9, because the printer is not listed directly in CUPS' database.

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General :: How To Download And Install Network Card

Jun 10, 2011

I seccessfully install RHEL 05. But it do not show lan and not connect to other computer. My LAN adapter is realtek rtl8169 gigabit ethernet adapter.Please tell me how can download its driver and how can install.

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General :: Install Package Dependencies Separately Over Network

Aug 16, 2010

I am working on a project that sets up packages on the cloud.

For example, If i want to setup Drupal, i need seperate machines to maintain separate tasks, like mysql in one machine(cloud instance/node 1), apache server in another machine(cloud instance/node 2), etc.

So if drupal.rpm has dependencies apache.rpm(has deps too) and mysql.rpm(has deps too)

Is it possible in rpm package manager(yum) to handle such customizations & above requirement?

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General :: Install And Update Software From Redhat Network?

Jun 24, 2011

As the subject says it all. i need to configure my production system to install and update softwares from Redhat network.

what are the initial steps that i need to do above.

linux systems must also be connected to internet right?

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General :: Install Gnome Network Manager In Kubuntu?

Jan 26, 2011

I am a ubuntu user and recently install kubuntu desktop in to it.In the ubuntu I am using gnome network manager which is very user friendly to connect Internet.But when I log to kubuntu I am getting headache due to that unfriendly network manager.Stillcouldn't connect to Internet in kubuntu.I heard that we can install gnome network manager tokubuntu. I go through several documentation in Internet and tried for that.And they all failed.most of the document describe to install it via online.But I cant connect to Internet through kubuntu.Is there any way to do that.Can I do it off-line or can I do it through Ubuntu(can I use Ubuntu synaptic package manager or terminal to install gnome network manager to Kbuntu ).If can how to do it.I am new to linux.

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General :: Best Version Of System To Install NS2(network Simulator)?

Feb 16, 2011

I m d beginer in networking,
Can u please tell which version of linux i must install to get best configuration of NS2

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General :: Install Fedora 14 On Netbook Using A Network PXE Server On Laptop?

Feb 20, 2011

I'm trying to install Fedora 14 on my netbook using a network PXE server on my laptop. I can see in the syslog, that initrd.img and vmlinuz get sent over tftp. The problem seems to be in my kernel parameters:

LABEL fedora14-EFI-boot-i386
kernel /images/fedora14-EFI-boot-i386/vmlinuz0
MENU LABEL fedora14-EFI-boot-i386
append initrd=/images/fedora14-EFI-boot-i386/initrd0.img ksdevice=bootif lang= kssendmac text ks= selinux=0
ipappend 2

On booting up the netbook it can't find a root device. I'm not sure what to specify for the root= because I have deleted all the partitions on /dev/sda. I did this because originally it kept booting up the old OS, and I assumed there was a way to format the disk as part of the install. I'm stuck now and was hoping someone with more experience of bootloaders might be able to help. If possible I'd like to do this using the network rather than a usb.

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General :: After Install Ubuntu To My Laptop - Can't Access No Network Or Wireless Internet

Jun 1, 2010

I can't get WLAN or wireless drivers for my hp pavilon v5000 notebook

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General :: Install Network-manager And Relatives To Connect Mobile Internet In System?

Jan 5, 2010

I am a user or consumer of Knoppix 5.1 and Knoppix 6.2, I see in 6.2 version a very usefully tool, an icon in task bar thats help my internet connection in auto, even if I use a mobile modem like Huawei E160, I only select a 'Auto Mobile Broadband (GSM) connection' and, voila, internet is active. Into version 5.1 don't exist this option. I need to find packages like network-manager.... and all relatives and install in 5.1 in correct order to success.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Network Not Work \ After Install All Packet On Test Internet / Update Was Error?

Jan 5, 2011

I install from openSUSE-11.3-NET-x86_64.iso. Installation was succesfull, but after install all packet on test internet / update was error. And after log in in installed system internet not work. I use router with DHCP

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OpenSUSE Network :: Setup As A Network Boot Server To Install Solaris 10 On A Sun Ultra 10 Client?

May 12, 2011

I have an opensuse 11.3 install which I want to set up as a network boot server to install Solaris 10 on a Sun Ultra 10 client. According to what I've read, this requires rarpd and tftpd which I've set up on opensuse, but also bootparamd which I can't find for 11.3. It seems it was last included with opensuse 9.2. Does anyone know if it's available, if I could use the suse 9.2 version, or any alternative?

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Networking :: Install Mrtg On A Client Computer In Network And Measure The Network's Router Traffic

Sep 4, 2009

I wanted to know if i can install mrtg on a client computer in network and measure the network's router traffic.i know that it can be installed on the server.

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OpenSUSE Network :: No Internet After Install Of 11.4 Network Connections Fine

Mar 12, 2011

I have no Internet Access with Firefox

I first tried an upgrade from 11.3 to 11.4 and lost Internet Access, so i re-loaded 11.4 from scratch on clean partitions.

I am connected to my wireless WPA2/PSK connection, have an IP, am able to see the network.

I turned off and disabled the SUSE firewall.

I tried setting Firefox proxy settings to auto and to none, i dont use proxy.

I am currently posting this through an SSH connection to my 11.1 server from the new install of 11.4 on a Dell latitude D600 laptop (not using the on-board Broadcomm that is an issue for a later date).

I am running out of ideas anyone got a clue.

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OpenSUSE Network :: 11.2 Install - When Exit YaST The Network Doest Show Up - No Icon In The System Tray And Doesn't Even Try To Connect

Jan 16, 2010

I am relatively new at Linux and am having some problems with an install of openSUSE 11.2. I installed 11.2 on my Thinkpad X31 dual boot with WinXP. It seems to work very well except the network. I looked up swerdna's instructions on setting network cards up. I used YaST to try and set the system up as described in swerdna's instructions. Everything looks fine my network card and wireless card show up in the overview settings screen and everything sets up fine. But when I exit YaST the network doest show up no icon in the system tray and it doesn't even try to connect.

I did go into hardware to see if it was identifying my hardware and my network card shows up as "Thinkpad R40" and the wireless shows up as Cisco Aironet Wireless 802.11b. As far as I know this is correct. I have tried three other distro's and this one has gotten the closest to working so far.

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OpenSUSE Network :: 11.2 Couldn't Setup Network On Install

Jul 4, 2010

I've just installed openSUSE 11.2, one problem is suse didn't find an internet connection when suse performed the ..."automatic system configuration. This routine attempts to configure your network and Internet access and sets up your hardware"... Where can I manually configure the network. I'm in the network folder now no luck. I've been using every documentation I could find Novell Documentation and DVD installation/11.2 - openSUSE Network Status: Unknown network status

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OpenSUSE Network :: No Network Devices Recognized On New Install

Feb 24, 2011

Just installed 11.3 kde. When running the live cd both wireless and ethernet devices appeared in the network connections manager utility. I even connected to a wireless AP.I just booted up for the first time and none of these devices are available. There is no network manager icon in the system tray, and when the network manager utility is maually opened the only connection type i can select is vpn.I know that opensuse should be able to recognize these devices since they were available and working via the live cd, so can anyone help me restore them?

One extra piece of info, is that I am sharing a home directory with a gnome ubuntu install. there were a few minor issues i dealt with initially, but i didnt need to change this user's UID like I have had to do in the past so that's good. Each time i open a terminal I get two pieces of output assuming from the bash startup saying something like.URL...I highly doubt that these problems are related, but figured I'd post. Also if someone knows the solution to that as well, that would save me a bit of googling.

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OpenSUSE Network :: No Network After Update Install

Jul 24, 2010

I have configured OpenSuSE 11.1 in VirtualBox and Networking was working fine and I was able to access network. Yesterday I recieved update notification from SuSE and updated machine. Now after restart eth0 is not comming up. In Hardware profile I can see Network Card but it is not configured automatically. I don't know how to configure it. Virtualbox Networking was working before latest update and just tried in other virtual machines.

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General :: CrunchBang 10 "Statler" R20110207 Install Hangs - Detecting Network Devices

May 3, 2011

I was wondering if anyone had any issues with this. I recently tried installing CrunchBang and it got stuck while detecting the network device. (Would not recover)I had the same issue when attempting to install the Debian Testing release. I finally got Testing up and going but I had to start with Squeeze and then upgrade. Unfortunately I don't see how I could do that with Crunch Bang.

I tried the live cd of CrunchBang and found it to be a great minimalistic approach to a desktop.

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General :: Networking - Network Card - Connected To Network - Given Access Point - No Connection?

Apr 3, 2010

I installed the driver for my network card. iwconfig and ifconfig are all responsive to connecting to the network, I'm given an access point address. Then, I try to connect to a website and no dice. ping yields no result. What gives?

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General :: Way To Prevent Network Manager From Storing Password For Wireless Network

Sep 27, 2010

Our corporate wireless network uses continuously changing passwords with RSA tokens.So every time we need to connect to the wireless we need to enter a new password off the RSA token. For extra fun using the wrong password a couple of times in a row causes the users account to be locked.Network manager automatically stores and reuses the password, with the net result that it is constant getting my account locked.Is there some way to prevent it from storing my password for that network?

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General :: Re-build Network - Blow Away All Network Hardware Definitions

Feb 1, 2010

I just recently rebuilt my RHEL 5.3 system using MONDO onto differnt hardware. The tool worked GREAT on my 32 bit system. The only problem I am having now is that since this system was built as a clone of another system on different hardware, it copied over the network definitions as well. Not good!!! So although my system is up, I can't get it on the network because it still wants to use the original NIC's that were on the other system. How can I blow away all network hardware definitions and tell the system to go out and re-discover so that I can configure them with the nessasary network information.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Install 11.2 Via Network - Net_activate: Ifconfig Eth0 Up Failed

Mar 2, 2010

I am trying to install OpenSuSE 11.2 via network.It is my pxelinux.cfg/default file

default ubuntu
prompt 1
timeout 30
# Install i386 11.2 Suse


A network client computer gets ip address from dhcp server, loads initrd and failed on Loading Istallation System stage 4 or 5. If I try to continue installation in manual mode I get an error net_activate: ifconfig eth0 up failed I tryed network cards from different vendors it did not help. Ubuntu linux installs successfully in current environment.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Install With Just One Floppy And A Good Network Connection?

Jun 10, 2011

I wanted to avoid having to use my CDs, DVDs weren't an option, and I didn't have very large usb sticks. It seemed my only option for installing openSUSE onto my laptop was with some sort of network install/boot.

I ended up finding this really cool service, What you can do is download a very small image (<1MB) for a floppy, USB stick, or CD, and then boot off of it. Then you can either install pre-defined distros over the network (straight from the distro's servers), or you can make an account (by connecting your google account), and then make your own configuration. I managed to make a configuration for openSUSE 11.4, and I was able to completely install it, via only using one floppy disk and the internet!

My first step in the process was to download the floppy image. Since I was on a windows computer, I then downloaded rawwrite for windows, and I wrote the image straight to the floppy. After that, I restarted the computer and booted from the floppy. It loaded the image, then asked me to press a key or wait for 3 seconds. In order to boot from my configuration, this was the point where I had to press a key, and then choose the option of loading the custom configuration. The configuration I made has an ID of 434001 (which anyone is free to use). Unfortunately, according to their community, the gPXE "network stack" isn't very optimizied, so the initial two downloads took awhile (my speed was locked at 65 kB/s.)

It then began booting in the installation environment, which took about 15 minutes, although download speeds were now back at normal, faster speeds. I configured my installation, and let the package downloading begin!

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General :: Add / Remove Software Says 'No Network Connection Available' / When There Is Network

Dec 2, 2010

I wish to install a C++ plugin for the Eclipse IDE.I have Fedora 10 installed.I goto:

1. System-->Administration-->Add/Remove Software
2. I type 'eclipse' in the seach box and hit 'Find'.
3. From the list of packages available I select 'Eclipse C/C++ Development Tools (CDT) plugin.
3. When I hit 'Apply' I get an error message saying 'No Network connection available' The 'more deatils' tells me: 'Cannot install when offline'

But my computer IS online. I have internet access etc.

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General :: Network Is Running Even If Network Service Is Stopped?

Mar 8, 2010

I just want to know one thing. I had stop the network service in ubuntu, still i can able to ping u think might be things to consider. these are the outputs see.

root@jeetendra-desktop:~# /etc/init.d/networking stop
* Deconfiguring network
interfaces... [ OK ]
root@jeetendra-desktop:~# ping


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