General :: Install Fedora With No CD No DVD \ Can Use An USB Or Network CD/DVD?

Mar 7, 2011

how to install fedora with no CD/DVD? I can use an USB or network

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General :: Install Fedora 14 On Netbook Using A Network PXE Server On Laptop?

Feb 20, 2011

I'm trying to install Fedora 14 on my netbook using a network PXE server on my laptop. I can see in the syslog, that initrd.img and vmlinuz get sent over tftp. The problem seems to be in my kernel parameters:

LABEL fedora14-EFI-boot-i386
kernel /images/fedora14-EFI-boot-i386/vmlinuz0
MENU LABEL fedora14-EFI-boot-i386
append initrd=/images/fedora14-EFI-boot-i386/initrd0.img ksdevice=bootif lang= kssendmac text ks= selinux=0
ipappend 2

On booting up the netbook it can't find a root device. I'm not sure what to specify for the root= because I have deleted all the partitions on /dev/sda. I did this because originally it kept booting up the old OS, and I assumed there was a way to format the disk as part of the install. I'm stuck now and was hoping someone with more experience of bootloaders might be able to help. If possible I'd like to do this using the network rather than a usb.

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Fedora :: Install Ndiswrapper W/no Network Available?

Nov 23, 2009

I really wanted to try out Fedora 12, but my workstation does not have a LAN available so I am using a usb-dongle - netgear wg111v2. My problem with Fedora is that it doesn't install ndiswrapper or maybe I just didn't see it. How do I install ndiswrapper when I cannot connect my workstation to internet?

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Fedora Installation :: F10 Network Install Is Broken

Mar 27, 2009

I downloaded the ISO for the network install and burned and booted it just fine. It detected my network card and got a valid ip.When it goes to actually start to install it gives an error saying:cannot retrieve repository metadata and makes mention of some file called repomd.xml

I put the url listed into my browser and it listed all the mirrors and I checked a few of the mirrors to see if they were up and they were.What gives with this? Why doesn't the network installer find the repositories properly?

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Fedora Installation :: Base F13 Install No Network

Jun 14, 2010

I have done a base install with CD#1 and can boot to a prompt and login with root. I cannot use the network. There is no system-config-network program for me to run. There is also no network-manager in chkconfig --list. There is a network item in chkconfig --list and I have turned it on and rebooted to no effect. Googling for base install has found me virtually no information to go on.

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Fedora Networking :: How To Install HP Network Printer

Aug 31, 2010

I've never installed a network printer before and have no clue. I'm running Fedora 12, the printer is an ancient HP 2100TN. I'm linked directly to wall jacks in my building, have no clue about the router and have no access to it. I have no idea how to get Fedora to find this printer.

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Fedora Installation :: Install 13 From DOS Without USB,CD,Network, Or Floppy?

Sep 5, 2010

how to install Fedora 13 on my IBM X40 laptop which does not have a CD, a Floppy, a Network or a working USB. The only way I can write data on its hard disk is by removing it and connecting it via a USB rack to another laptop which runs Windows 7 64bit.

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Fedora Installation :: Cannot Install The Network Printers

Jul 12, 2011

I run a laptop behind a server. Because I could not find the printer I disabled the firewall and now I can detect the printer, but when I want to select the printer the program hangs.

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Fedora Servers :: Network Manager To Install A Web?

Jul 13, 2011

Is necesary Network Manager to install a web server ?

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Networking :: Fresh Fedora 12 Install - Can't Network

Feb 16, 2010

I go into the settings and select "manual" and put in my IP, gateway, mask, and DNS. It never lets me use the "apply" button.

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Fedora Installation :: Network Install Using USB As Boot Media

Jun 10, 2009

Can I do a network install using a USB as the boot media. I couldn't find the steps in the long installation help. It explains how to make a livecd boot USB drive but nothing for USB. Please make it clear with exact steps. [URL] says that I have to copy diskboot.img from /Images in install cd but there is no such file. There is a install.img should that be used instead.

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Fedora Installation :: F11 Wont Install Without Network Connection

Jun 10, 2009

Im trying to install fedora 11 full from the multiple cds and it fails on cd1 after fedora cant find a network connection and forces me to configure it via dhcp or manual ips."This requires that you have an active network connection during the installation process. Please configure a network interface"

"No Network Available Some of your software repositories require networking,but there was an error enabling the network on your system".my mb is an asus: a7n8x deluxe with a 3com and nvidia lan chipsets.

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Fedora :: HPLIP Install - Enabling Network Printing?

Nov 30, 2009

In short, attached a terminal screenshot of me trying to install hplip. Why doesn't recognize the fact that gcc has already been installed? In detail: I have HP PSC 1210 connected to a Windoze XP machine. I want to enable network printing, but the only printer showing up standard in the F12 drivers is the HP PSC 1200. When I use that one, I reach the printer, and the Windoze printer queue, but no matter how long I wait, nothing ever comes out of the printer. It'll start moving like "I'm about to print!" but then does nothing. So through the hp-opensource website I determined which driver I want, and get a long way into installing the file. It hangs up on the attached screenshot.

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Fedora Networking :: Network Proxy - Can't Using Yum To Install Software

May 9, 2010

I use fedora 12 now, and I have set network proxy in system->preferences->network proxy,but I can't using yum to install software.

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Fedora Installation :: 13 Could Not Be Installed From USB Boot And Network Install?

Jun 15, 2010

i want to install Fedora 13 on a x86 PCi want to boot from a usb disk, and install from a LAN http serverbut i got a faild as "Unable to retrieve the install image"i have tried to check apache log,access log:

Code: - - [15/Jun/2010:18:44:20 +0800] "GET /fedora//images/updates.img HTTP/1.1" 404 298 "-" "anaconda/13.42"


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Fedora Installation :: F13 Network Install Will Not Sync On Monitor

Jun 28, 2010

I have an F11 on an old box 686 athlon with an old nVidia Corporation NV5 [RIVA TNT2/TNT2 Pro] (rev 15) AGP. I am trying to do a network install upgrade to F13. I cannot get it to display the install menus from the network install disk. I get the initial screen with the install, basic video, repair, etc choices, but after I select the install/upgrade option, I see the CD drive read but the LCD monitor display never appears. The ready light on the monitor just keeps blinking and the display stays dark. Is there anyway of getting an error log to see what is going on?

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Installation :: Install Fedora 15 From A Local Iso File With Network?

May 24, 2011

Today I download a fedora beta iso file, then I try to install it following the steps I installed fedora 14. However, the install guide ask me to connect to network, if not , I had to exit installation. I just want to install fedora 15 from my local iso file. What's wrong?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Ignore Wireless Device When Using Network Install?

Jul 12, 2011

I am using RHEL6,and using mainbroad ethernet device PXE network install ..kernel using wireless device install automatic. I cant choose ethernet device to install can I ignore wireless device when I using network installation?

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General :: How To Network Install Using NFS Server

Jan 21, 2011

i want to do linux installation on client machine from server.

i configured NFS server. i actually installed all 5 CD's to one directory. these are not iso images.

i created directory /serverimage and inside this i created directory for each linux cd. i.e linuxcd1, linuxcd2 and so on ..

now my directory structure is :
cd /serverimage

now i exported /serverimage in /etc/exports

but when i boot my client machine with the first linux cd. and using linux askmethod

i selected NFS. i entered ip address for nfs server and directory as /serverimage

but it is not taking. saying unable to mount.

shall i create .iso images. i dont want to use .iso images since i want to configure yum repository later once client is installed. i dont know if yum repository can be installed using iso images on the server. so i just copied cdrom to directories to share it via nfs.

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General :: Possible To Install RedHat 5.2 From Network?

Aug 11, 2009

I have RedHat 5.2 iso files shared on my Windows XP Desktop and IP of my pc is,and i want to install RHEL 5.2 on totally balnk server (i.e . server has nothing installed in it)

so is it possible to install RHEL 5.2 form Netowrk? if it is yesthen please tell me how can i do this...

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General :: Network New Install Fedorda 14?

Nov 30, 2010

I have installed fedora 14 on a spare computer for a home server using Amahi ( it's the beta version).During the install i did something regarding the network config, what, i do not know,i have been trying to access the remainder of the Amahi setup but have no network. This was a week passed,i have read anything i can get on the network config and have tried plenty (still trying to figure /etc). I have tried some of the fixes descibed in these threads. When i do connect the ethernet cable to the router (which has a win 7 OS box already connected)i loose all internet connectivity from the rest of the house (2 wireless laptops & win7 box). What am I doing wrong?

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Fedora Installation :: Can't Install - Wireless Network Card Can Not Be Drived - 11

Jun 18, 2009

During the installation process, configure the network installation process requires, as a result of my wireless network card can not be drived, It is not possible to continue with the installation,please help me.

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Fedora :: Boot Network Error After Graphic Driver Install

Mar 31, 2011

I tried to install the nvidia driver using yum. I had the nouveau graphic driver installed. I didn't follow any tutorial I just installed the nvidia driver over the installed one. Thinking that yum would take care of everything for me. When I rebooted I get as far as "registering binary handler for windows applications" I can still log on using alt+f2 and mount the file system using chroot but I cannot get any network access. When I use netstat -nr nothing is configured. I can't ping my router or any other computer on the network.I figure I should disable the nouveau driver and try to use the nvidia tutorial by leigh123linux to get the desktoop up again but I need net access to do that.I have no idea how to get that done. I have tried, ifdown/ifup, /etc/init.d/networks restart, service network stop/start/restart, ifconfig eth0.

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Fedora :: Network Install Via Kickstart Using A - Created - Local Repository - F12 - F14

Jan 5, 2011

I am looking for a thorough document that explains:

1) Creating a local repo

2) Using kickstart to access that repo

3) Performing a network install using kickstart

Some background: I have several racks of servers that I need to install Fedora on. These servers CANNOT be placed on the internet; hence the need for the creation of a local repo on some other machine (which will be connected to the servers via a local network). I am not sure how to create a local repo, so that one of my questions.

I'd also like to automate as much of the install as possible and kickstart is the only thing I know of for that. I am no guru with kickstart, but I have used it before to successfully install Fedora Core 6 -- I am hoping there are no great changes with the current releases of Fedora (12-14)?

A local repo of Fedora Core 6 was created by someone (some time ago) on a workstation (running FC6). This is what I've used in the past to install FC6 on previous servers (via a kickstart CD). However, I dont have the documentation on how the repo was created or how the kickstart CD was created I've gleaned some ideas ok kickstart from the pieces I've read on web, but none of it has been specific to the latest releases of Fedora.

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General :: FC12 / 13 - Can't Install Network Printer

Jun 16, 2010

Recently upgraded from FC11 to FC12, and lost the ability to print to my network printer. Couldn't figure it out, though I can continue to print from an old FC9 server, so I know it's not the print server, Netgear PS110 or the printer Samsung ML-2510. In desperation, I upgraded to FC13, and still no dice. Don't think it's a network problem as I've tried with a disabled local firewall (I'm behind a network firewall) and even disabled SELinux.

If I go through system-config-printer, I probe for network printers, and can discover the print server, but the queue is wrong (it has two ports, P1 and P2.) Neither PASSTHRU or manually written P1, the connected port, work. It will spool, then disappear. I'm using the Samsung ML-2150 Driver which I understand works for this printer and used to work on FC9, because the printer is not listed directly in CUPS' database.

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General :: How To Download And Install Network Card

Jun 10, 2011

I seccessfully install RHEL 05. But it do not show lan and not connect to other computer. My LAN adapter is realtek rtl8169 gigabit ethernet adapter.Please tell me how can download its driver and how can install.

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Fedora Installation :: F12 Install Doesn't Configure On Board Network Connection

Apr 7, 2010

Doing a fresh F12 install on a Dell Vostro 430. Machine needs to have 2 Network adapters for our setup.The install seems to go just fine but the on board network adapter doesn't appear to get detected/configured. If I look in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts all I find is ifcfg-eth0 and ifcfg-lo. Looking carefully at ifcfg-eth0 I see it's the second card that I've put in the machine.As a test I removed the second network card and did another fresh install of F12. This time in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts all I have is ifcfg-lo. When I go to system>Administration>Network Device Control I see no network devices displayed.

Is this an issue others have seen with F12 or is it possible my on board network adapter has an issue?BTW I did check the BIOS to be sure that Onboard Lan was enabled and it is.output from "lspci -k " with both cards installed on machine (I only listed Ethernet controllers)

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General :: Install Package Dependencies Separately Over Network

Aug 16, 2010

I am working on a project that sets up packages on the cloud.

For example, If i want to setup Drupal, i need seperate machines to maintain separate tasks, like mysql in one machine(cloud instance/node 1), apache server in another machine(cloud instance/node 2), etc.

So if drupal.rpm has dependencies apache.rpm(has deps too) and mysql.rpm(has deps too)

Is it possible in rpm package manager(yum) to handle such customizations & above requirement?

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General :: Install And Update Software From Redhat Network?

Jun 24, 2011

As the subject says it all. i need to configure my production system to install and update softwares from Redhat network.

what are the initial steps that i need to do above.

linux systems must also be connected to internet right?

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General :: Install Gnome Network Manager In Kubuntu?

Jan 26, 2011

I am a ubuntu user and recently install kubuntu desktop in to it.In the ubuntu I am using gnome network manager which is very user friendly to connect Internet.But when I log to kubuntu I am getting headache due to that unfriendly network manager.Stillcouldn't connect to Internet in kubuntu.I heard that we can install gnome network manager tokubuntu. I go through several documentation in Internet and tried for that.And they all failed.most of the document describe to install it via online.But I cant connect to Internet through kubuntu.Is there any way to do that.Can I do it off-line or can I do it through Ubuntu(can I use Ubuntu synaptic package manager or terminal to install gnome network manager to Kbuntu ).If can how to do it.I am new to linux.

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