General :: Activate CGI Scripts In The Httpd?

Aug 11, 2011

I need to activate CGI scripts in the httpd but there is something wrong. I need it to work on the virtual host for I get this error message when I try to run a test script:Forbidden You don't have permission to access /cgi-bin/test.cgi on this server.

# This is the main Apache server configuration file. It contains the
# configuration directives that give the server its instructions.
# See <URL:> for detailed information.
# In particular, see
# <URL:>


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Fedora Installation :: Start The Service Of Httpd Error Message Displayed: Starting Httpd: (98)Address Already In Use ?

Sep 19, 2010

I have installed fedora 13 in my system. httpd server is also installed. when I tried to start the service of httpd, following error message displayed: Starting httpd: (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:80

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Slackware :: Typo In As-installed /etc/httpd/httpd.conf?

Dec 24, 2010

I'm new to Apache configuration so could be misunderstanding but shouldn't the characters highlighted in red below be removed?


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CentOS 5 :: Httpd: Could Not Open Configuration File /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf: No Such File

Nov 9, 2009

accidentally I do something wrong with my server and the httpd folder missing and I need it to setup my mail server and anyone can help me what can I do without reinstalling my Cent OS? Here is the error msg :

[root@mydomain etc]# service httpd stop
Stopping httpd: [FAILED]
[root@mydomain etc]# service httpd restart


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Server :: Reverse Proxy - With HTTPD Httpd-2.2.3-29.el5

Jul 30, 2010

We are using this url on our testing box and this ip is reverse proxy IP (

Without reverse proxy:- URL is working fine.

But with reverse proxy its putting escape [%25] in between %3a


Is it possible to write a rewrite rule to bypass escape [NE] for this particular URL?

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CentOS 5 Server :: Httpd Running Very Slow "/var/lock/subsys/httpd': No Space Left On Device"?

Jun 10, 2011

Running CentOS 5 x64 And today my httpd is running very slow and I can't find a fix. Looked all over different forums

When starting httpd I get the message: /var/lock/subsys/httpd': No space left on device I checked that directory above and there is no file called httpd tried rebooting server

Can't do updates too:
[root@u15438957 ~]# yum update
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, priorities
rpmdb: unable to join the environment


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General :: Activate RAID Md0?

Aug 19, 2009

I have been having problem with my failed disk RAID server.

The regular mdadm --assemble cmd does not work.

After trial&error, I am able to add all disks to the RAID using mdadm.

However, it is still inactive. How do I activate this RAID md0?

The result from cat /proc/mdstat


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General :: How To Activate Root

Aug 22, 2009

I was told to login using my root, but from where i am at i can't open gedit and allow my root to be used. if that makes any since.

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General :: /var/log/httpd/sea_urchin Keeps Regenerating

May 10, 2011

My predecessor uninstalled the Urchin software from our RHEL5 server, but this /var/log/httpd/sea_urchin log keeps regenerating every Monday. We cannot figure out why. I am assuming it has something to do with logrotate. I am newbie, so be gentle. How can I stop it? Is there something we are overlooking?

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General :: Does Apache Need To Own Var/log/httpd/logfiles.log

Nov 25, 2009

When creating sub-domains, and creating log files for each domain, do I need to ensure that apache owns the log files, so that it can write to it? As I notice they are owned by root, obviously whom I used to make the file...

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General :: Logrotate Httpd Log Files ?

Jan 11, 2010

I need to logrotate logs in directories in /var/log/httpd/.

There are 4 directories in /var/log/httpd/... these directories are /var/log/httpd/access/ /var/log/httpd/debug/ /var/log/httpd/error/ /var/log/httpd/required/

Each of the access, required, error and debug directories have around 20 to 30 access log files of different locations for example:mumbai-access.log, pune-access.log etc..same is the case for 'error' dir 'required' dir and 'debug' dir in /var/log/httpd/

I need to clean up the logfiles in all the 4 directories access, error, debug and required...

I have made a custom logrotate file as follows:

Is the above config correct?

Am I missing something? Will this logrotate the files in /var/log/httpd/access, /var/log/httpd/error, /var/log/httpd/required and /var/log/httpd/error ?

Do i need to include following line in postrotate " /bin/kill -HUP `cat /var/run/ 2>/dev/null` 2> /dev/null || true" ?

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General :: What Is (1xx 0, 2xx 8, 3xx 0, 4xx 3, 5xx 0) In Logwatch Httpd Section

Nov 27, 2010

In this part of logwatch:

--------------------- httpd Begin ------------------------
0.12 MB transferred in 11 responses (1xx 0, 2xx 8, 3xx 0, 4xx 3, 5xx 0)


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General :: How To Activate Limits.conf

Sep 18, 2009

I've set limits in limits.conf but they don't seem to be having an effect (the easiest to test is maxlogins). Do I need to do something to enable the limits?:wqEDIT: old postI know you can have file system quotas, is there any way to set a similar quota for CPU usage for particular users so that they can't hog all the system resources (either intentionally or accidentally)?A preliminary Google search is suggesting it's not possible, but I can't believe thatOk, limits.conf and pam... I used bad search terms apparently. Now I just need to figure out how to use this stuff, but that shouldn't be an issue.

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General :: Iriverter - Cannot Activate Or Load

Jun 24, 2010

Loaded iriverter through automatic Ubuntu Software Centre, it is listed under Applications Sound and Video but it will not activate or load when I click on it. The site saids that adobe is required but I have adobe loaded.

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General :: Unable To Activate The Browser

Dec 19, 2010

I have been using a little inexpensive Acer, mainly to retrieve e-mail and to browse the web. I normally work on a Mac platform ( I am a designer). A week ago the Acer took a dive from the counter top to the carpet. (not the first time). Since then (coincidence?) the mail function works fine, but the browser does not go on. What should I do?

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General :: Set Mysql To Start 3 Minutes Before Httpd?

Sep 22, 2010

I have a big database, which should "build up" before receiving requests, so i need httpd to start about 3 minutes after mysql start, so it prevents the visitors to start querys to the database, and making server load high. How can i do this.

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General :: Var/log/httpd/sea_urchin File - Shut It Off ?

Sep 13, 2010

Does anyone know about the sea_urchin log? what does it do? how can I shut it off. there seems to have an automatic process somewhere because every time I deleted the var/log/httpd/sea_urchin log file, it will regenerate the log file again on sunday.

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General :: Httpd Vs Tomcat In Dynamic Content?

Jan 13, 2010

I'm developing some small application runs on tomcat 6This web application just query data from MySQLBut I'm concern about performanceHow can I check how many request It can serve as well ?I'm thinking about to change the application to runs on httpd (will write in PHP)Normally, how many request httpd can handle for simple database query ?

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General :: Backing Up Httpd.conf On CentOS 5

Jan 13, 2011

How to back up my httpd.conf from my server to my computer and only found one solution via a google search


I typed in locate httpd.conf and see that it resides in /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf so I assume I would type $ cd /usr/local/apache/conf $ sudo cp -p httpd.conf httpd.conf.bak

I wanted to confirm this with an expert before I do damage that I cannot reverse.

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General :: DocumentRoot [/etc/httpd/var/www/html] Does Not Exist?

Nov 21, 2010

I unable to start the httpd service coz i try to configure a subdomain. It prompt the error below:

[root@server conf]# service httpd restart
Stopping httpd: [ OK ]
Starting httpd: Warning: DocumentRoot [/etc/httpd/var/www/html] does not exist


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General :: Error While Running Httpd.conf ?

Aug 19, 2010

I installed Red Hat AS 5.2, ran to put firewall on.

When i try to run httpd.conf i am getting below errors:

I do not understand why i am getting these error, i have conf.d file in place.

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General :: Enable WebDAV In Apache Httpd?

Oct 11, 2009

I have been reading [URL] to setup the same. But I am facing an issue here. Whenever I am editing the file:


Alias /webdav /var/www/webdav
Dav on
in wedav.conf under /etc/httpd/conf.d folder.

It says:


[root@chat conf.d]# service httpd restart
Stopping httpd: [FAILED]


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General :: How To Activate Sound Card In Ubuntu 9.0

Feb 14, 2010

I have card Audigy 2 zs.

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General :: Activate Network Manager In Kubuntu?

May 17, 2010

i have installed kubuntu in ubuntu 10.04 lts, the problem that i have right now is that whenever the laptop hibernates the network manager is disabled!! so i always have to go to the ubuntu desktop enviroment in oder for me to activate the network kubuntu.Is there a way i can just activate the network manager without going to ubuntu desktop enviroment??

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General :: Possible To Activate RHEL6.0 In Trial Version In RHN?

Apr 14, 2011

I downloaded RHEL 6.0 free 30 day trial version.I would like to train to exams but in order to install packages from RHN repo I need to register in their web site RHN.Is it possible to activate RHEL6.0 in trial version in RHN ?

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General :: Httpd Wont Start - Log Files Deleted

Feb 26, 2011

Im having problems getting the httpd service to start. Instead of clearing my log files in var/log i accidently did a force remove command on all the log files within the log directory. I'm not unable to start my httpd service and of course unable to check my log files to see whats what.

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General :: Selinux - Ftpd And Httpd Need To Access The Same Directory?

Jun 17, 2011

What if two programs say ftpd and httpd need to acces the same directory? Any way to set context type of that directory to httpd_t and ftpd_t? What do you do in a case like this?

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General :: Possible To Get Previous Apache Configuration File From HTTPD

Feb 18, 2011

I have one previously compiled apache server from source. I would like to know is there any option to get previous configuration file from /etc/httpd/.

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General :: (Applying Patch To The Kernal) TUX Httpd Accelerator

Jan 6, 2011

I have installed the tux-3.2.18-9.fc6.i386.rpm succefully in CentOS 5. I have got the following error, when I apply the patch tux3-2.6.18-1 to the kernal.


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General :: Fedora13 - HTTPD Dead But Subsys Locked

Jul 24, 2010

I have installed fedora 13 recently and installed IDPS(snort) on it. But now I am not able to start service httpd. When I write service httpd start, it says OK, but I know it is a false message bcoz when I write service httpd stop it gives me Failed.

On writing service httpd status it gives a message:
httpd dead but subsys locked
I have tried "rm -f /var/lock/subsys/httpd" - no solution
yum update hasn't solved my problem as well.

I have to show my project running at my college. And I can not understand properly the technical instructions as I am new to linux.

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