General :: Iriverter - Cannot Activate Or Load

Jun 24, 2010

Loaded iriverter through automatic Ubuntu Software Centre, it is listed under Applications Sound and Video but it will not activate or load when I click on it. The site saids that adobe is required but I have adobe loaded.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Cannot Run The Iriverter Program

Jun 5, 2010

I installed "iriverter" and would like to use it to convert some video files. I like it because it uses mencoder. The problem is, after it installs it will not open. Here is the output running it from a terminal:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/eclipse/swt/events/SelectionListener
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: "Could Not Find The Main Class: Org.thestaticvoid.iriverter.ConverterUI"

Jun 5, 2010

ireverter will not launch due to a java problem: "Could not find the main class: org.thestaticvoid.iriverter.ConverterUI"

In the past a solution was to add: "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib/jni" before the java line in the script. This does not correct my problem.

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General :: Activate RAID Md0?

Aug 19, 2009

I have been having problem with my failed disk RAID server.

The regular mdadm --assemble cmd does not work.

After trial&error, I am able to add all disks to the RAID using mdadm.

However, it is still inactive. How do I activate this RAID md0?

The result from cat /proc/mdstat


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General :: How To Activate Root

Aug 22, 2009

I was told to login using my root, but from where i am at i can't open gedit and allow my root to be used. if that makes any since.

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General :: Activate CGI Scripts In The Httpd?

Aug 11, 2011

I need to activate CGI scripts in the httpd but there is something wrong. I need it to work on the virtual host for I get this error message when I try to run a test script:Forbidden You don't have permission to access /cgi-bin/test.cgi on this server.

# This is the main Apache server configuration file. It contains the
# configuration directives that give the server its instructions.
# See <URL:> for detailed information.
# In particular, see
# <URL:>


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General :: How To Activate Limits.conf

Sep 18, 2009

I've set limits in limits.conf but they don't seem to be having an effect (the easiest to test is maxlogins). Do I need to do something to enable the limits?:wqEDIT: old postI know you can have file system quotas, is there any way to set a similar quota for CPU usage for particular users so that they can't hog all the system resources (either intentionally or accidentally)?A preliminary Google search is suggesting it's not possible, but I can't believe thatOk, limits.conf and pam... I used bad search terms apparently. Now I just need to figure out how to use this stuff, but that shouldn't be an issue.

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General :: Unable To Activate The Browser

Dec 19, 2010

I have been using a little inexpensive Acer, mainly to retrieve e-mail and to browse the web. I normally work on a Mac platform ( I am a designer). A week ago the Acer took a dive from the counter top to the carpet. (not the first time). Since then (coincidence?) the mail function works fine, but the browser does not go on. What should I do?

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General :: How To Activate Sound Card In Ubuntu 9.0

Feb 14, 2010

I have card Audigy 2 zs.

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General :: Activate Network Manager In Kubuntu?

May 17, 2010

i have installed kubuntu in ubuntu 10.04 lts, the problem that i have right now is that whenever the laptop hibernates the network manager is disabled!! so i always have to go to the ubuntu desktop enviroment in oder for me to activate the network kubuntu.Is there a way i can just activate the network manager without going to ubuntu desktop enviroment??

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General :: Possible To Activate RHEL6.0 In Trial Version In RHN?

Apr 14, 2011

I downloaded RHEL 6.0 free 30 day trial version.I would like to train to exams but in order to install packages from RHN repo I need to register in their web site RHN.Is it possible to activate RHEL6.0 in trial version in RHN ?

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General :: GNOME Is There A Way To Focus/activate A Window On Mouse Over?

Jan 26, 2011

I recall a partner in a CS class who changed my setup to focus a window on mouse over and that was really handy for programming with a ton of terminals open. I've seen Dwell Click under accessibility options, but that doesn't seem to do anything. I know that sometimes the GUI control applets have features undisabled that don't really do anything (i.e. WINS) if you don't have the right stuff installed. How do I get mouse over pretty much just simulate clicking the window.

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General :: Atheros AR5007EG Wireless In 13 64bit - How To Activate It

May 30, 2010

I now have a working (almost!) Slackware 13 install on my Samsung R60+ laptop "startx" gets me into KDE no problems, so there's a reasonably familiar GUI to muck around in, but I think that I'll need help getting the wireless networking going. It would be nice to do this in KDE, but I don't think it's going to be possible at the moment. Running netconfig was confusing, as I've never had to do it before. So imagine if you will:

I've just booted Slackware. I'm sitting, logged in as root for the time being, at the command prompt. I'd like to get my wireless card (Atheros AR5007EG) working. Can anyone walk me through the commands I'll need to execute (bear in mind that I don't even know how to edit a config file yet) in order to get this thing on the internet? I've tried reading the docs (slackbook) and googling, but with no luck so far - I don't understand what they're on about! Win7 does this for me.

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General :: Bluetooth Dongle Connection - How To Activate Adapter

Aug 1, 2010

I've an Acer Aspire One A110 Netbook running Linpus Lite. All seems relatively well however I've plugged in a Bluetooth USB dongle and nothing has happened - oh well, I didn;t expect it to. Of course I'm used to MS Windows OS plug 'n Play and I know this isn't generally how Linpus Lite OS operates but despite looking around I can't find an explanation on how to activate the Bluetooth adapter. There are instructions and demos on how to add a Bluetooth component to the board but I'm not an engineer, neither professional nor hobbyist, so Im not interested in doing that. I've downloaded the Bluetooth zip file from the Acer Spire One support site it has been installed on the Netbook but there still appears to be no Bluetooth connection.

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General :: Put Icon On Panel To Activate Screen Saver?

Mar 3, 2010

I did this on my new Ubuntu 9.10 system - the icon look like a PC screen with a padlock on it. Hover over says "Protect your computer from unauthorized use." and activates the screen saver/screen lock. I have no idea how I added it to the Gnome panel and I am wanting to do the same on a new PC. I have not had any luck searching - if I knew what to call what I am searching for I would probably remember how to do it

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General :: Lost Connection - Cannot Activate Eth0 / What Happened?

Jun 16, 2010

I am running fedora vm under XP host and using NAT connection to the Internet. It usually works fine, but some time the connection is just lost. I went menu System->Admin->Network and see the interface eth0, but I cannot activate or deactivate. The status is inactive. (when the connect works, the status is active). so I try "ifdown eth0" and "ifup eth0" command, and got

"Error: Connection activation failed: Device not managed by NetowrkManger

The menu System->Admin->Network device control show no interface.

I am not sure what happened.

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General :: Access Windows7 Partition And Activate Wireless?

Jul 29, 2011

1) how do i access my windows7 partition

2) How do i activate my wireless? The light on my lapptop that says my wireless card is on.

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General :: Drivers - Unable To Activate Wireless After Device Has Been Re-enabled

May 8, 2010

Using a Eee 900A netbook by Asus. By pressing Fn + F2, I can disable or enable the wireless chip on the netbook, a blue LED indicates the status. I've been able to connect to wireless networks just fine with this netbook. However, if the wireless chip ever becomes disabled, I have to reboot to get my network connection back. This generally happens when suspending. For some reason the LED will be off and I have to hit Fn + F2 for it to light up again.

However, after doing so, Linux will not reconnect to the network. It simply changes the wireless status from "wireless is disabled" to "device not ready". Even worse, I've recently had issues with the chip being enabled at boot, thus making it nearly impossible to get connected. I've searched around on-line but haven't found much of anything useful on this. This happens on all kinds of different distros including Ubuntu 9.10 Netbook, EeeBuntu 4 beta, Jolicloud and Ubuntu 10.04 Netbook.

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General :: Activate Skype Already Running In Taskbar Instead Of Opening New Instance?

Jan 19, 2011

I am setting up a laptop for an old person who has trouble locating the skype icon in the notification bar.
I want clicking on the skype desktop icon to open the window of already running instance instead of a new one (like it happens in Window$).I am using Lucid puppy 520.

I want the icon to link to script which checks if skype is already running, and if it is, it de-iconifies the skype window

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General :: Creating Broadband Internet Connection In Red Hat / Showing Could Not Activate?

Apr 3, 2011

I am new to linux.Use broadband wire-line internet connection that requires username and password. Using GUI in Administration--Network I see realtek 8129 fast ethernet configured. However when I try to create new connection and activate it, it shows could not activate. eth0 inactive.

I am able to use my broadband connection in windows XP.

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General :: Activate XDSL Connection On Machine Boot In Fedora -12?

Feb 7, 2010

Need help on a activating xDSL Connection on machine startup, i have configured the internet through it but every time when machine boots is annoying to activate this interface manually. do guide on this....i am using Fedora core 12...and can you help on the firefox's "work offline" bottle neck.

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General :: Unix - Activate WIFI Service On Enterprise Version 5 Provided From Oracle?

Jan 20, 2010

I have installed Enterprise Linux Version 5 provided from Oracle

I am able to access Internet using network cable

how can I enable WIFI service ,so that I can use internet without the network cable

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General :: Activate Firewall From Server - Account Users Cant Login To Chat Room

Mar 10, 2011

I have a visichat site and 1and1 server.

i am having a problem of my firewall.

when i activate firewall from my server account users cant login to chat room. the error occured " Connection To Server Failed".

will anybody let me know how can i fix this problem so that i can active my firewall and also users can login.

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General :: Single Click To Activate Items - Gnome - File Locate Dialog

Jan 21, 2010

I have changed the preference in the Nautilus file manager/browser to "Single click to activate items" and it works.

However, when I run an application, say Totem Movie Player, and select Movie/Open I am presented with a Nautilus like file navigation dialog. This is a common dialog to most Gnome applications - probably part of Gnome. Problem is, the dialog does not respect my "single click..." preference.

I have tested this in Ubuntu 9.10, 10.04 alpha 2 and CentOS 5.4 - I do not think it is distribution related.

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General :: Activate Wireless Network Card Driver And Video Driver?

Jul 20, 2010

I just installed Linux Mint 9 as a dual boot install with Win XP. Trying to activate wireless network card driver and video driver. Pops up: "You are not authorized to perform this action".How do I get authorized?

Now every time I boot Win XP, the Internet Explorer menu bar is all blacked out and goofy. If I log out and back in it corrects itself. If I reboot it's blacked out again. Re-installed IE8. Still blacks out.Also Firefox in Win XP crashes expectantly. It has NEVER crashed on me previously.

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General :: How To Activate "kwrite" In Ubuntu 9.10?

Jan 31, 2010

I have Ubuntu 9.10 installed on my laptop.For editing some text files we can use "vi'and "gedit" editor, but not "kwrite".Is it possible to have kwrite working in Ubuntu or it is for other distributions?

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Ubuntu :: Connection - Load A Website Taking To Long To Respond And Sometimes Doesn't Load

Oct 2, 2010

When i open one of the web browsers i use and try to load a web site it's taking to long to respond and sometimes it doesnt load the website at all. I have tried with firefox,epiphany,opera with all the same results. I am sure that this is not a problem with my internet connection because i don't have these problems with windows.Also the network manager connection settings are correct

I also tried choosing the old kernel( to boot from but no success.The problem is the same as if i am using the kernel. The strange thing is that i can download packages from synaptic with full speed. Last think.I have recently downloaded the recommended updates from the update manager but i don't remember what are the things that where updated.

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Fedora Installation :: GRUB Doesn't Load - Make Load Again Upon Booting?

Feb 9, 2009

I had Fedora 7 and Windows Vista dual booting on my computer. I just installed Fedora 10. When the live CD asked me where to install it, I chose "Remove all Linux Partitions and create default layout" The installation went perfectly, but now when reboot my computer, it boots directly into Fedora; GRUB does not load to ask me which OS I want to load. I know I did not overwrite Vista because I can still view my Vista files through Fedora. Here is my grub.conf file:


What do I need to do to make GRUB load again upon booting?

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Fedora Installation :: Whenever Load The Url Http://localhost In Mozilla It Shows A Page Load Error?

Aug 8, 2010

I have found that APACHE or 'httpd' is installed in my machine. But the problem is I can start or stop the httpd but whenever I load the url http://localhost in Mozilla it shows a page load error.I have done this ,

$ /etc/init.d/httpd start
then this
$ /etc/init.d/httpd graceful


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Ubuntu Installation :: Would Not Load After Install / Will Load Via Live Cd

Feb 26, 2010

I'm trying to install Ubuntu (9.10) on my sisters computer. I have installed ubuntu 9.10, but when I try to boot it from hard drive, it would stop loading a bit after the logo appears. The screen would turn off while the system is still running. Live version of Ubuntu works after reports of errors. I tried to search for the problem all over the forum, and could not find a good lead to figure out the problem.

So far to figure out the problem, I verified if cd is corrupted. No issues there. Googled the problem, and seems like other users were able to install 7.04 (old posts).
Its so weird though that live version works and the installed version does not.

Here are my specs:

I can post logs, but I'm not sure which one is useful as I'm relatively new to this process.

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