General :: Why SMBmount Not Attempt Working

Aug 10, 2010

I can successfully access one of our local samba shares, which is on a windows pc (called marina) as follows:
$ sudo /usr/bin/smbclient \\marina\resource_library <my password>
Domain=[MARINA] OS=[Windows 5.1] Server=[Windows 2000 LAN Manager]
smb: >
So, that works. I'm now trying to mount the above location (the resource_library folder on marina) to /mnt/resource_library (as a read only folder), but it keeps failing - I've tried a few variations of specifying the location:
$ sudo smbmount \\marina\resource_library /mnt/resource_library -o username=max,password=<my password>,r
mount error: could not resolve address for marina: No address associated with hostname
No ip address specified and hostname not found
$ sudo smbmount //marina/resource_library /mnt/resource_library -o username=max,password=<my password>,r
mount error: could not resolve address for marina: No address associated with hostname
No ip address specified and hostname not found
And both of the above with MARINA instead of marina.

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General :: Permission Denied On Smbmount Ed Network Drives?

Mar 23, 2010

I can not write to any directories mounted.I have included the below info as my issue outgrew nmy original thread here:

debian:~# ls -l /mnt/net/flac/
total 0
drwxr-xr-x+ 16 999 root 0 2010-03-20 10:19 gd_1976_project_7


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Programming :: Smbmount - Find And Copy ?

Nov 19, 2010

I have the following code and would like to copy all the found files within the if then loop.


I can pipe it to a file then run a smbclient get on the file listing but there must be a better way to do this.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Smbmount Not Showing All Files / See Those Remaining?

Mar 17, 2011

I have a Ubuntu 10.10 all updated on a Quad core with 4gbs of Ram.

Accessing by ssh to a server (2.6.11-gentoo-r6 i686 Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 3.20GHz) I have 30 folders with 771 mpeg files each folder. code...

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Ubuntu :: Mount A Windows Share Using Smbmount And Unmounting It With Smbumount?

Jul 29, 2010

I have a server with Ubuntu 8.04.4 LTS completely patched up to date.I tried to mount a windows share using smbmount and unmounting it with smbumount. I did it as a non root user (let's say "someuser") and managed to mount the share without problems with "smbmount \\server\share xxx" where "xxx" was a directory on the user's root. After it I could see the shared files in the xxx directory, as it was supposed to be...

The problems came when trying to unmount it. Using "smbumount \\server\share xxx" didn't work giving "This utility only unmounts cifs filesystems." error message. Then I tried "smbumount xxx" and worked. I couldn't see the files in xxx directory anymore, and I could even delete xxx directory.

But now, when looking at /etc/mtab file, I still can see the share listed as mounted! The line is: "//server/share /home/someuser/xxx cifs rw,mand,nosuid,nodev,user=someuser 0 0". Also, df command lists the share as mounted too. But, as I said, the share is not really mounted, and I can even delete xxx directory without any problem... /proc/mounts doesn't list the share as mounted either... And, obviously, fstab file has no entry for this mount.

Moreover, /etc/mtab file group changed from root to someuser!I don't really understand what happened, but I assume some bug with smbumount or smbmount. Anyway, what does really worry me is how to fix this mess... I already changed mtab file group back to root, but I don't know how to return the mtab file to a consistent state.My main question is: can I simply edit mtab file and remove the inconsistent line?? I know one should never have to manually edit this file, but can it really be done in a situation like the one I'm describing? What could happen if I do it?

Also, I'm worried about if I don't do something to fix the inconsistency I could have problems when trying to shutdown the computer, or in any other situation. So, should it be safe to leave things unfixed and let everything return to normality when the system is rebooted?

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Server :: Vsftpd Not Working: Connection Attempt Failed With "ECONNREFUSED - Connection Refused?

Apr 28, 2010

vsftpd not working on my CentOS system. I tried logging in using FileZilla but the error message was: Connection attempt failed with "ECONNREFUSED - Connection refused by server".

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General :: One Incorrect SSH Login Attempt Locks Out For An Hour?

Mar 23, 2010

I've never observed this problem neither did any of my colleagues trying to SSH into the same system. If I try logging into my server using a wrong username and then press ^C to terminate or exhaust my password attempts, I am locked out for at least an hour. Is there something I can do on my end to fix this problem?

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General :: Notify The Administrator For Every Remote Login Attempt?

Apr 19, 2010

am using RHEL 5 ,i would like the system to send me an email for every time some one attempts to login to the server remotely. i have created the emailing script in perl and it works. but i want it to be triggered if someone tries to access the server. how can this be possible

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General :: Overlapping Partitions After Failed Attempt To Install PCLOS

May 4, 2011

I think the installation caused the corruption of the partition table. I removed the last 3 logical partitions and gparted correctly reported the 2 remaining distros and the swap. The problem hopefully will be solved when I reinstall those distros. I have a 160 gig HD with 3 Linux,1 swap,and a Windows partition. I attempted to install PCLINUXOS unsuccessfully. When I rebooted I had the same grub. I checked gparted and it indicated all 160 gigs as unallocated. fdisk shows the partitions. and indicates one partition as empty where I attempted to install PCLOS.

No problem in accessing any of my distros, but currently I can't make any changes to my HD. I've tried parted magic and there was no solution there. I have been unable to download the Ubuntu Rescue remix. Is there a way to restore? I haven't used fdisk or cfdisk for that purpose. I am beginning to think I would need to delete all of the partitions in the extended.
omitting empty partition (8)

Disk /dev/sda: 160.0 GB, 160041885696 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 19457 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x23213b72

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sda1 * 1 5354 43005973+ 7 HPFS/NTFS
/dev/sda2 5355 15690 83022975 5 Extended
/dev/sda3 18740 19059 2560000 82 Linux swap / Solaris
/dev/sda4 19059 19458 3203072 83 Linux
/dev/sda5 5355 7908 20506624 83 Linux
/dev/sda6 7908 10840 23552000 83 Linux
/dev/sda7 10840 13772 23552000 83 Linux

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General :: Filter And Block Failed Attempt To Access Proftp Server?

Jan 7, 2011

I want to filter and block failed attempt to access my proftp server. Here are few line from the /var/log/secure file:Quote:

Jan 2 18:38:25 server1 proftpd[17847]: ([]) - Maximum login attempts (3) exceeded
Jan 2 18:38:27 server1 proftpd[17864]: ([]) -


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General :: Not Recognizing 'new' Ubuntu8.1 Disk When Attempt To Add Program Packages In Gnome?

Nov 22, 2010

adding some program packages doesn't seem to be working out of add/remove, asking me to insert Ubuntu 8.10 _Intrepid Ibex_ - Release i386 (20081030) which i believed to be the 8.1 desktop release i received with the laptop. doesn't recognize it. is this the wrong cd?

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Debian :: PHP Hack Attempt Logs?

Apr 13, 2011

I have received the following log messages on my Debian Squeeze webserver:Apr 13 15:16:37 vps suhosin[4699]: ALERT - ASCII-NUL chars not allowed within request variables - dropped variable 'controller' (attacker '', file '/var/www/ - - [13/Apr/2011:15:16:37 +0100] "GET /index.php?option=com_product&controller=../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../proc/self/environ%00 HTTP/1.1" 200 8018 "-" "libwww-perl/6.01"


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Ubuntu Installation :: 3rd Attempt To Upgrade From 10.10 To 11.04

Jun 20, 2011

I have tried to upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04 three times and I have had no success. Every time I get the blank purple screen and go through hell to get it back to a usable point. I have been reading and researching about this issue and have had no luck. I have went through the steps of the sticky at the top of the forum and got no where. Can someone please look at my hardware listed below and get me some insight or a different route?
Graphics card: Nvidia GeForce 9500 GS
Here is a link to my exact computer info:[URL]

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Ubuntu Installation :: Is There A Ppa Or Should I Attempt To Build .deb Myself?

Jul 6, 2011

I'm doing web development on my laptop and I need to use the stable version of Firefox 4. The problem is that my laptop (acer aspire 5000) is running lucid* and there is no stable Fx4 in the repo. I do have the firefox nightly, but I would like to have a stable Fx4 too.Is there a ppa or should I attempt to build a .deb myself? Does anybody know if there is a lot of work to do that, or has anybody here done it themselves?

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Server :: Planning On The RHCSA 2nd Attempt?

Jun 18, 2011

I'm planning on the RHCSA 2nd attempt? Has anyone taken it twice?

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CentOS 5 :: 5.5 Crashes During Install Attempt

Feb 17, 2011

I'm having similar problem to someone else here in the forum (see [URL], but only with the 64 bit version of CentOS 5.5. Almost every time I try to install it, it will crash at some point in the "interactive" startup phase (but it is random). One time, I actually reached the install desktop. I did not attempt an install. I shut the machine down and the system crashed. I haven't been able to get to the install desktop since then.

I have successfully installed CentOS 5.5 32bit, however, on this same machine. In fact, I am writing this from a VM running under CentOS 5.5 32bit on this machine, and do all my work on this machine. I have since upgraded to the latest 2.6.18 kernel with PAE and latest VirtualBox; I have not experienced ANY instability at all with this machine so far. Occasionally, VirtualBox gets an error booting the client, but it has been rare and I've seen this even on older VirtualBox versions on a previous mainboard, so I am not particularly suspicious of that. It is a brand new system, only about a month old. All new parts, except for mostly unused hard drives and drive bays.


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Fedora :: Thunderbird Update Fails On Every Attempt In F12

Nov 4, 2010

I'm running F12 and Package Updater has been telling me to update Thunderbird for two days but fails on every attempt. I tried to go the yum route today with
yum remove thunderbird
yum install thunderbird

And I get this error:
Error: Package: thunderbird-3.0.10-1.fc12.i686 (updates)
Requires: nss >= 3.12.8
Installed: nss-3.12.7-6.fc12.i686 (@updates)
nss = 3.12.7-6.fc12
Available: nss-3.12.4-14.fc12.i686 (fedora)
nss = 3.12.4-14.fc12

Is there any way I can update nss such that Thunderbird will have access to the correct version or is this something that is in process for the repository?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Boot After Attempt To Upgrade

Jan 17, 2010

Can't boot at all. At first, was able to boot using LiveCD USB but now whether I plug it or not, computer freezes at blank screen with blinking cursor at the top left of the screen.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Failed Attempt At An Upgrade To 10.04?

May 15, 2010

I had a failed attempt at an upgrade to 10.04 but I know the error of my ways however before I go through it again does 10.04 still have the tools available for a dial-up connection, wvdial & gnome ppp?

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Ubuntu :: Getting Grub Error 17 On Reboot Attempt?

Aug 26, 2010

Well about a week ago my computer acted a bit funny and upon attempting a reboot I hit grub error 17, and really haven't been able to make it past it. A had my original OS on it and get some files off and backed up at least. Backing up, I've only used a single OS of Hardy Heron. I don't understand why I'm being affected by this error when all I have is two harddrives that are used as unbroken partitions. Best advice I've used is to use a live disk, however the one I've currently got is for Lucid Lynx. I'm not sure whether I need to go and get the old version of a live disc since all I want are my files.

I'm content to update to the newer version (though part of me wants to wait for the next one since it's only a few weeks away.) If I could get my system running as it was that'd be great too. I believe the harddrives are fine since both are recognized in bios, just when running the live disk it asks if it wanted to install it or try it first. When running in the trial of Lucid, I can see the second harddrive and access files as I could on Hardy, but I can't see the main one. I really don't know what to do and am considering just starting over and cursing the loss of the data I want to preserve.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Login After Attempt At Openafs Install

Sep 6, 2010

I'm running Kubuntu 9.10. In the process of trying to install openafs, I messed w/etc/pam. d/common-auth and /etc/pam.d/common-session. So, now I can't login to my machine. Loging in using the console gives the message module is unknown.I'm unable to log in in recovery-mode: the system freezes at the recovery menu.

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Ubuntu :: Apt-get Update And Then Attempt To Install The Package?

Dec 16, 2010

when I perform an apt-get update and then attempt to install the package cifs.utils it says that it cannot find the package but in Ubuntu 10.04 it does find it in 10.10. Does this package have another name or is it that the standard repositories to not have it in there list?

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Fedora :: 12 - Attempt To Boot Only To A Command Prompt?

Mar 2, 2010

Ive always had luck doing any kind of updates to my system. I let it auto install the security updates lastnight. Today when I rebooted the machine it just hangs. I would like to attempt to boot only to a command prompt so that I can atleast use vi to edit files and fix the system. Do I have to edit grub to do this or is there keys I can press during boot up?

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Server :: Chrooting Attempt Of BIND9 Failed?

Jun 18, 2011

I followed blindly this how to : [URl].. out of laziness and then for some reason bind9 didn't want to start. So I tried to apt-get remove it, but when I re-install it, it failed because

chgrp: cannot access `/etc/bind/named.conf*': No such file or directory
so I assume the chrooting stuff I did is in the way, but I know very little about chrooting and permissions ... how can I undo the following things I did :
/etc/init.d/bind9 stop


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Programming :: Segmentation Fault After Second Dlopen() Attempt?

Feb 7, 2010

The game is quite old (2002!) and I'm trying to mod the old version of it (1.02a), the jk2ded server linux binary.The game engine loads my mod's .so file which I compiled using:


gcc -shared -static -g -fPIC g_syscalls.c common.c main.c -o out/
So whilst launching the server for the first time, it loads the .so file using dlopen() without problems and the output is:


Loading dll file jk2mpgame.
Sys_LoadDll(jk2mpgame) found **vmMain** at 0xb2ed9413
Sys_LoadDll(jk2mpgame) succeeded!
[ NT's Fix ] GAME_INIT

and then it works correctly until I try to change the map the server is on currently.When a map changes on the server,the .so file has to be unloaded.After unloading with dlclose() without errors, when the new map is launched the engine tries to reload the .so into the memory with dlopen() but fails:


map_restart 0
Cvar_Set2: sv_serverid 78710500
==== ShutdownGame ====


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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Attempt To Access Beyond End Of Device

Jul 6, 2010

I have a LVM snapshot that triggers these kernel errors when any LVM-related commands run:

Jul 6 10:31:38 itmanager kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Jul 6 10:31:38 itmanager kernel: dm-28: rw=0, want=66156996183394672, limit=25165824

dm-28 is the snapshot volume in device mapper. I think this error is generated because most LVM commands will check the first 4K of various drives and volumes for LVM metadata and labels, but attempts to read any of the first eight sectors (ie: 4K) of this particular snapshot logical volume trigger this error.The most interesting thing is that the snapshot is 25165824 sectors long (12G), but attempts to access the first eight sectors result in an attempt to access sector 66156996183394672!I've obtained an info dump from disk, and added the output from lvs. You can find the results here:URL.. It's not as if the sectors that back the first 4K of the volume are corrupt, either: the read request never hits any hardware because the read request is attempting to read a non-sensical sector, instead of the correct sector. Perhaps the COW metadata for the snapshot is corrupt?

How do I find the cause of this problem?Is this a critical error that I should file a bug report for?I first noticed this some time after turning the machine on Sunday afternoon.As far as I can tell from the logs, the shutdown the previous evening was normal.I use LVM fairly heavily on this machine, and this is the first time I've ever seen this kind of problem..I've worked around the problem by copying the first eight sectors from the Origin volume, and the rest from the Snapshot volume, to a new normal logical volume.However, I'm still concerned about how this error occurred in the first place.

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General :: Get Error "does Not Look Like A Tar Archive" When Attempt To Verify An Archive Using Tar?

Jul 13, 2011

I am new to the world of linux and when attempting to verify a tar archive I am displayed the following error. When running the command tar cvfW archivename.tar filename directoryname does not yield any errors.

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Fedora Networking :: Hacking Attempt On Server (need To Close Ssh)?

Oct 3, 2009

I've just had a log email sent from the server box and it seems Somebody's trying to gain access to the server via ssh

Authentication Failures:
root ( 16 Time(s)
unknown ( 7 Time(s)
Invalid Users:
Unknown Account: 7 Time(s)

& it seems that it's somebody who's at Zhanjiang Ocean University in china I've got the firewall enabled, but how do u set up rules to stealth the server's IP address to make it invisible & disable ssh so only I can log into the server to fix any problems (eithernet cable) not over the net


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OpenSUSE Install :: Failed Attempt At Triple Booting

Apr 6, 2010

I installed from a live CD when it came to selecting the partition I re-sized the partition that Ubuntu was on because it was 68 gigs I shaved off 15 gigs for SUSE. Then I selected this new 15gig partition to install SUSE on, everything went fine with the installation I was tinkering around on SUSE but of course I needed internet access, so I go to get on Ubuntu where I had my file with my network key. I restarted expecting to see the usual GRUB boot-loader screen only now with an added option for SUSE. Instead I see an entirely new layout for the GRUB boot loader and all that is listed is SUSE, Failsafe SUSE, Windows XP, and Floppy. The Windows is my XP install and it loads fine sadly it is actually what I'm using now because it is the only thing left that I have my network key saved so I can get on this forum.

Looking on SUSE I notice that the 50gig partition formerly known as Ubuntu still exists I figure no problem add the partition back on to the boot-loader and I'm good to go. Added it and when I select to load it nothing happens it starts to then reverts back to the OS list. Does anyone A) Know how to resolve this or have any ideas. B) Think I can at least copy files off that 50 gig partition to an external hard drive.

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Ubuntu Networking :: First Attempt To Connect To Wireless LAN Always Fails?

Jun 24, 2010

The nm-applet starts automatically as it should, and also tries to connect to the local, wireless LAN, but always fails its first attempt. If I click the icon and ask nm-applet to connect again, it always succeeds.

The server, running the wireless LAN, never sees the first attempt to connect, so no wonder this attempt fails. But it would be nice to make it succeed!

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