Ubuntu Networking :: Smbmount Not Showing All Files / See Those Remaining?

Mar 17, 2011

I have a Ubuntu 10.10 all updated on a Quad core with 4gbs of Ram.

Accessing by ssh to a server (2.6.11-gentoo-r6 i686 Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 3.20GHz) I have 30 folders with 771 mpeg files each folder. code...

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General :: Unix - Remaining Number Of Open Files?

May 11, 2011

ulimit -a tells me I have a limit of 1024 open files, which is the default on my distro. Is there a way to show how many of these are currently used, or how many are remaining?

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Software :: Remaining Time Or % While Copying Big Size Files In RHEL?

Mar 7, 2011

I have a doubt, is there any switch will display remaining time or % while copying (big size files) in RedHat Linux? Example 50 Minutes remaining) / 45% remaining

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General :: Add / Of 3000mb In The Remaining 20380mb Free Space It Showing An Error Message That No Free Space Is Available

Jul 25, 2010

I have 160gb laptop. i installed vista in c primary partition which is 25gb and installed ubuntu in d primary partition which is 20gb. A remainig for my data. Now i tried to install CENT OS by formatting ubuntu. I inserted CENT OS DVD and restarted and i selected to delete my /dev/sda2 which is showing 20480mb and it shown me free space. but i tried to add partion /boot of 100mb it got added. but, when i am trying to add / of 3000mb in the remaining 20380mb free space it showing an error message that no free space is available.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Machine Will Suddenly Stop Responding To Connections While Still Remaining Partially Connectible?

Jan 2, 2011

I have a strange problem where my machine will suddenly stop responding to connections while still remaining partially connectible. Here's an example sequence of events I have taken (numerous times). If anyone can spot something else I should check or has seen these symptoms before please let me know.1) System is using an Edimax 7318-usg, Ubuntu 10.042) Wifi connection is working, with power management turned off (iwconfig)3) Signal strength does not cause the connection to drop (confirmed with router logs)4) When in a ssh session on the problem machine suddenly the ssh session is dropped "host is down"5) When I attempt to re-initiate ssh it fails, no route to host...6) Pinging it fails, accessing a webpage hosted on it fails, all access fails7) The machine I'm pinging/sshing from still has a good network connection8 ) I check my routers DHCP leases, problem machine still has a valid lease.

9) Router still shows problem machine in routing & arp table & shows active traffic going to and from (I checked the routers states and bandwidth monitor for this)10) I try sshing and pinging the problem machine from the laptop on the local network, it still fails, no route to host, wtf?11) I go to the problem machine physically, wifi connection is up with decent signal12) ifconfig indicates it still holds an IP address13) I open a browser on the problem machine, any webpage loads fine14) I ping the laptop from the problem machine, ok15) I ssh from the problem machine to my laptop, it works16) At this point I ssh from the laptop to the problem machine, sometimes it works sometimes it fails(it seems that pinging/sshing the laptop FROM the problem machine sometimes makes it connectable again).

17) Usually if I wait a while the problem machine will randomly become connectable again at random intervals18 ) The only reliable way to make the problem machine connectable again is manually reconnecting it to the wireless network19) I tailed auth.log ufw.log, etc. nothing suspicious disallowing my ssh connection20) dmesg shows nothing unusual, as far as I can tell, just some activity negotiating WPA keys and suchBy looking at the timestamp for the WPA negotiation and cross referencing the router bandwidth monitor I can tell the WPAnegotiation doesn't make it drop the conectionSo that's it, lol.

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General :: Why SMBmount Not Attempt Working

Aug 10, 2010

I can successfully access one of our local samba shares, which is on a windows pc (called marina) as follows:
$ sudo /usr/bin/smbclient \\marina\resource_library <my password>
Domain=[MARINA] OS=[Windows 5.1] Server=[Windows 2000 LAN Manager]
smb: >
So, that works. I'm now trying to mount the above location (the resource_library folder on marina) to /mnt/resource_library (as a read only folder), but it keeps failing - I've tried a few variations of specifying the location:
$ sudo smbmount \\marina\resource_library /mnt/resource_library -o username=max,password=<my password>,r
mount error: could not resolve address for marina: No address associated with hostname
No ip address specified and hostname not found
$ sudo smbmount //marina/resource_library /mnt/resource_library -o username=max,password=<my password>,r
mount error: could not resolve address for marina: No address associated with hostname
No ip address specified and hostname not found
And both of the above with MARINA instead of marina.

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Programming :: Smbmount - Find And Copy ?

Nov 19, 2010

I have the following code and would like to copy all the found files within the if then loop.


I can pipe it to a file then run a smbclient get on the file listing but there must be a better way to do this.

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Ubuntu :: Mount A Windows Share Using Smbmount And Unmounting It With Smbumount?

Jul 29, 2010

I have a server with Ubuntu 8.04.4 LTS completely patched up to date.I tried to mount a windows share using smbmount and unmounting it with smbumount. I did it as a non root user (let's say "someuser") and managed to mount the share without problems with "smbmount \\server\share xxx" where "xxx" was a directory on the user's root. After it I could see the shared files in the xxx directory, as it was supposed to be...

The problems came when trying to unmount it. Using "smbumount \\server\share xxx" didn't work giving "This utility only unmounts cifs filesystems." error message. Then I tried "smbumount xxx" and worked. I couldn't see the files in xxx directory anymore, and I could even delete xxx directory.

But now, when looking at /etc/mtab file, I still can see the share listed as mounted! The line is: "//server/share /home/someuser/xxx cifs rw,mand,nosuid,nodev,user=someuser 0 0". Also, df command lists the share as mounted too. But, as I said, the share is not really mounted, and I can even delete xxx directory without any problem... /proc/mounts doesn't list the share as mounted either... And, obviously, fstab file has no entry for this mount.

Moreover, /etc/mtab file group changed from root to someuser!I don't really understand what happened, but I assume some bug with smbumount or smbmount. Anyway, what does really worry me is how to fix this mess... I already changed mtab file group back to root, but I don't know how to return the mtab file to a consistent state.My main question is: can I simply edit mtab file and remove the inconsistent line?? I know one should never have to manually edit this file, but can it really be done in a situation like the one I'm describing? What could happen if I do it?

Also, I'm worried about if I don't do something to fix the inconsistency I could have problems when trying to shutdown the computer, or in any other situation. So, should it be safe to leave things unfixed and let everything return to normality when the system is rebooted?

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General :: Permission Denied On Smbmount Ed Network Drives?

Mar 23, 2010

I can not write to any directories mounted.I have included the below info as my issue outgrew nmy original thread here:

debian:~# ls -l /mnt/net/flac/
total 0
drwxr-xr-x+ 16 999 root 0 2010-03-20 10:19 gd_1976_project_7


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Ubuntu :: Files From Windows Not Showing Up / Get It To Work?

Jan 21, 2010

Is there something I need to do to access my files from vista? Maybe I'm not looking in the right place? I'm just sick and tired of windows and would like to eventually migrate to ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Installation :: SWF Files Not Showing / Loading Up

Mar 28, 2010

For months Ive been having problems with SWF files (Bloons tower defense 4 - online game) not showing / loading up. I have removed SWFDEC from my PC (Ubuntu)..

The game DOES go now

However - when I try 7move a piece (Put a new weapon on the sxcreen - The picture doesn't stay where I put it (& doesn't shoot the bloons...). I can press 'start' & the bloons do move around the screen - but I can't shoot them.

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Ubuntu :: External Drive. All Files Not Showing Up?

Aug 29, 2010

I have an western digital elements external drive that is mounted on ubuntu 9.10. It mounts ok however when I go to a certain folder on the drive only some of the files show up. HOwever if I try to access it thru another program (xbmc file manager) all the files show up.

The files are there but I cannot view them. Also if I copy or move a file to that folder is dissappears but the file is still on the drive.

Any help. I also already hit show hidden files and nothing.

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Server :: Database Stopped Showing Up - Files Still There - Restore The Database From The Files?

Jul 8, 2011

I recently moved into a new place and when I hooked up my webserver, I wasn't able to bring up my page, even from localhost. With some digging, it seems that I can't access the database that housed my posts (wordpress installation). I looked for the datadir in MySQL and that directory shows the wordpress directory that should be holding the database and all the files are still there. 1) why the database no longer shows up 2) how to restore the database from the files?

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Ubuntu :: Dolphin Not Showing 'Previews' Of Movie Files?

Oct 18, 2010

Just wondering why Kubuntu 10.10 has a file manager that by default doesn't show the previews of video files? Or did I do something wrong during the install? Does extra software need to be installed to view video files as thumbnails in Dolphin? Or, am I doing something wrong and everyone else who uses Dolphin after installing Kubuntu gets thumbnail previews of their video files? See the attached picture showing a preview of a graphics file. Maybe I'm expecting too much because Nautilus (in Ubuntu), Thunar (in Xubuntu) and Windows Explorer (Win XP/Vista/7) all show thumbnail previews of video files by default.

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Ubuntu Security :: Hiding Files Without Showing Up When Ctrl+h Is Pressed

Jun 19, 2010

I want to be able to hide things so that they do not show up when show hidden files is pressed. Maybe something like a file that you can only get to by already knowing its location?

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General :: Gftp Not Showing Directory Files?

Jun 1, 2010

i have install vsftp and gftp on ubuntu.when i want to connect to remote user(host3.v6.ground.station) with gftp, i gives this message and does not show any file of remote user.-----

gFTP comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details, see the COPYING file. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; for details, see the COPYING file

Looking up host3.v6.ground.station
Trying host3.v6.ground.station:21
Connected to host3.v6.ground.station:21

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General :: Showing Section In Files That Have Different Names?

Mar 3, 2010

I am running a bash script and I would like a command that will show me what differs from some files with similar names so I can delete them. Or if you can provide some info on how to complete my script. Here is my code:

#Add extension into the name


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Server :: Samba Share Not Showing Any Files

Nov 3, 2009

I have recently installed Fedora F11 with a Samba server. The smb.conf seems fine but I cannot see any of the files in the share from a Windows machine. I am probably missing something unbelievably simple but driving me nuts!

I can see the machine and share from windows

When logged in as the user fred I can see all the files in Linux - most are owed by fred.

# x_name = SMB_name1 SMB_name2 ...
root = administrator admin
nobody = guest pcguest smbguest
fred = fred
workgroup = Workgroup
server string = Samba Server Version %v

netbios name = MachineName

hosts allow = 127. 192.168.0.
comment = Main Documents
path = /mnt/documents
read only = no
browseable = yes
valid users = fred
The other thing I find a bit odd is that
service smb restart
does not effect the way that the windows machine sees Samba. It appears that you need a full restart to get the changes to show properly.



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Software :: KDE Dolphin Showing Backup Files?

Feb 18, 2011

I've been struggling to find an option to hide backup files some applications create when you save a file like "file.ext~", is there a way to tell dolphin not to show them?

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Ubuntu :: This Computer Has Only 793.9 MB Disk Space Remaining?

Feb 4, 2010

My Lpatop has a 300G hard drive. It came, as many do pre-installed with a Window OS, in this case Vista 32-bit Home Prem. I had partitioned the hard drive to give a C drive of 97.7GB (Partition 2 /dev/sda 2/Host), a partition for applications and programs, D of 48.8GB (Partition 3 /dev/sda3) and a third partition, E for Documents, etc. of 148GB (Partition 5 /dev/sda 5 media/doc), which on scanning seems to be a sub set of a partition Partition 4 W95 Ext d LBA dev/sda 4.......There is another partition, Partition 1 /dev/sda1 and is called WinRE and is of 2.80GB.All are NTFS except for the Partition 4Windows works fine and I have no problems, but when I use Ubuntu I get errors on startup. In the first instance it will not install the latest Kernal and it gives a Battery Management error in GNOME. I get Storage warning messages all the time, which I believe is the cause of the problems. See enclosed.

I am assuming that the disk space issue is in Host and or Home. Other than all the operational data and applications I do NOT use the Ubuntu filing system, rather the Partition 5 which I created solely for this purpose, so it's not a case of deleting files, it is purely how Ubuntu created itself on install and its operational requirements.The problem is resulting in no space or ability to do updates and new installs, and Kernal and Gnome issues.

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General :: Histroy Command- Not Showing All The History Files?

May 22, 2010

while using history command i can able to see only last twenty histroy commands.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Vsftpd Not Showing (recent) Files

Sep 14, 2009

I am running FTP server using vsftpd 2.0.5-12 on Centos 5.3 64bit with default settings, annonymous access enabled. Each night new files are created and moved into a FTP subdirectory (/var/ftp/spectra) by a script. The files are owned by a local user/group, not root, and the same holds for the /var/ftp/spectra subdirectory. The new files are not visible via FTP. Only visible are files that were created the same day when I made the directory /var/ftp/spectra. Also files that are created "in place", e.g. by vi, are visible until I change their owner/group. This is the situation when vsftpd is runned as a system service (/etc/init.d/vsftpd start).

When I start the vsftpd directly using the command /usr/sbin/vsftpd (both without or with the configuration file specified), all files are visible and normally accessible via FTP.

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Ubuntu :: Battery Meter Never Accurate As Far As Time Remaining Goes

May 2, 2010

I have an Asus EEE PC900. Just installed 10.04 netbook remix and everything works fine straight out of the box. it works great and is a vast improvement on windows xp which was previously installed on the asus. Just one small thing - the battery meter is never accurate as far as time remaining goes - it currently says i have 19 hours 55 minutes to go - unfortunately this is not quite true i suspect. It was the same with 9.10, Does anyone have a solution for this?

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Ubuntu :: Root Partition 0 Bytes Remaining After Enlarging

Sep 2, 2010

I recently cleared out some old partitions, and "/" was getting full so I made it bigger. It went from about 2Gb to 7Gb.

Now when I boot into my OS I get a dialogue saying:

The volume "Filesystem root" has only 0 bytes disk space remaining

You can free up disk space by removing unused programs or files, or by moving files to another disk or partition I don't see how this is possible. If anything it should have more free space than it had before. how I might go about diagnosing this issue?

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Ubuntu :: Limited Space Remaining Error Message?

Dec 13, 2010

I installed Linux Mint 9 LTS onto the family computer last weekend, everything went okay apart from today when suddenly it displays a low disk space message.

The machine has a 250Gb HDD, and has the base install of Mint, plus Dropbox and Google Chrome. (Dropbox has about 500Mb in it). That's it.

The disk usage analyzer tells me that /home is 100% full, yet when I look into each dropdown there is barely enough to make 2Gb of usage. (The most being Dropbox).

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Fedora :: Yum Are Unfinished Transactions Remaining?

Sep 4, 2010

I get this message when I run yum update kernel*

There are unfinished transactions remaining. You might consider running yum-complete-transaction first to finish them.
--> Running transaction check
---> Package kernel.x86_64 0: set to be installed
--> Processing Dependency: linux-firmware >= 20100806-2 for package: kernel-
--> Running transaction check


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Debian :: Flash Drive With Windows Files Not Showing In PCManFM

Feb 20, 2015

So I made a text file on a windows machine and brought it home on a flashdrive. When I opened it in PCMan File manager it did not show, but executing ls in a terminal shows the text file just fine. It is the only one that appears to be missing in PCManfm. I've had a similar problem going the other direction (Linux to Windows, but with pdfs) many months ago. here is ls -l

Code: Select all/media/FE32-A2F6/Translation/Kevin$ ls -l
total 2344
-rw-r--r-- 1 feelactthink feelactthink 2374182 Feb 19 11:19 Artigo 3-SAGE V4.docx
-rw-r--r-- 1 feelactthink feelactthink    3686 Feb 19 15:21 HP Cable Recall
-rw-r--r-- 1 feelactthink feelactthink    3686 Feb 19 15:21 HP Cable Recall.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 feelactthink feelactthink    4891 Feb 20 17:58 Translation.txt

The file is Translation.txt. What is different about this file that it would do such a thing? It doesn't look at all different from above.

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CentOS 5 Server :: NFS Mount Of Loop Mounted ISO's Showing No Files

Jul 16, 2009

I'm having a problem accessing files via nfs where an iso has been mounted through the loop device on the nfs server. Basically what I am attempting to do is access the 6 CentOS 5.2 ISO's via NFS from one of my client machines. The client is able to mount the share and see its sub directories leading up to the mount point of the ISO, but the contents of the mounted ISO image are simply not visible (on the client, they are visible on the server).

Server config (CentOS 5):

/home/user/iso/CentOS-5.2-x86_64-bin-1of7.iso /exportiso/centos/x64/5.2/disc1 iso9660 defaults,loop 0 0


NFS is working correctly for other mounts between these two boxes, however.

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Ubuntu :: Volume Filesystem Root Has Only 25mb Space Remaining

Feb 28, 2011

I'm getting an error message that something along the lines of "volume "filesystem root" has only 25mb space remaining". How do I increase the volume size so I never have to worry about it again? This is the 3rd time I've tried ubuntu and it's sticking more and more but this has me thoroughly perplexed. I've got a 320GB HDD partitioned 3 times with a Linux partition being 7GB.

Dual booting Win7Pro.
Running ubuntu 10.10 64-bit

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade Failed At Nearly 4 Minutes Remaining In The Download

May 5, 2011

two days ago I updated my desktop which has only Ubuntu as OS. Following the update, I chose to upgrade to 11.04 because it was offered on the software update window. The upgrade failed at nearly 4 minutes remaining in the download. Problem now is I cannot boot the system. It keeps taking me to Ubuntu flash screen with 5 options. The Ubuntu with Linux generic (whatever) indicates "Cannot open root device "sda1".

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