General :: Upgrade 8.04-->10.04 Gives Black Screen With **NO WINDOWS** Message

Jun 23, 2010

Was running Server 8.04 with graphical desktop - no problems. Wanted to upgrade to 10.04, so ran sudo do-release-upgrade --proposed

Upgrade was successful (although so much stuff scrolled by, it's hard to tell if something errored along the way).

Server rebooted and a dark maroon screen said 10.4 is booting, ntp service started etc. and a scrolling series of dots.

Then got a sky blue patterned login screen, so I logged in. Screen then went black, with a movable mouse pointer.

If I do Alt-Tab a panel pops up saying ** NO WINDOWS **

Using Ctrl-Alt-F1 (iirc) got me a command prompt, so I logged in there and ran: startx

This gives me the message:

Fatal server error: Server is already active for display 0 If this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X0-lock and start again

So checked runlevel (who -r) and that was set to 2. Changed /etc/init/rc-sysinit.conf so RUNLEVEL=5

Rebooted, logged in again, still got black screen + mouse, and **NO WINDOWS**. Logged into terminal and runlevel=5.

Also tried running dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but that returns immediately without anything apparently happening(?).

how I can get my KDE graphical environment back up ?

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General :: Instability In Fedora 15 - Black Screen And Message Appear At Random

Jun 15, 2011

if I reboot the computer, I get the grub menu and am able to choose between Win7 and Fc15. A couple of times during installation the screen flashed black and diplayed a message for a brief second. I can't read that fast but it says something like "DRM nouveau- unknown or unsupported chipset" and one more line that I can't catch. When this happens, I see the pre-login loading screen, the one that shows an icon of a hard drive, network, and so on as each resource is secured. I can log back in, but this starts a new session- it doesn't remember what I was doing. I had to redo the install and setup several times because of this.

I can log in and so on normally, but the black screen and message will appear at random, forcing me to start all over, which is really frustrating. what's going on? Is it the video card? How do I install a driver for it? Also, the hard drive in question has been through a lot. could it have a bad sector or something? Windows didn't even want to "see" it, that's why Fedora is installed on there.

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General :: Ubuntu 9.10 Upgrade To 10.10 Just Black Screen On Boot Up

Apr 3, 2011

I think many are having this problem...9.10 works on the PC , but NOT 10.4 LTS or 10.10 ...all I get a black screen on boot up, although it "sounds" like its working in the tower..,,, QUESTION!! there a simple download ANYWHERE that will fix this as I am only a newbie Linux end user with average PC skills.....also ...Will there continue to be security updates for (9.10) after this April 2011, or must I find a way to upgrade in order to have a secure Distribution ..I have a Compaq Presario SR1901WM with HDA Nvivia.

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General :: Ubuntu 10.04 Upgrade - Restart Step Black Screen

Jul 25, 2010

so I have Ubuntu 9.10 on my Dell inspiron 1150 and I wanted to upgrade to 10.04. I do the upgrade with the update manager and it dose all the installing. It restarts and goes to the purple screen with the white and red dots for about a minute, then it goes to a blank screen and sits there. i let it sit over night and it still didn't do anything! I've tried booting from CD and it dose the same thing! its bugging the heck out of me!

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Ubuntu :: System Freezes With Black Screen And Message

Sep 10, 2010

I'm using ubuntu 10.04 and it worked fine but recently I'm getting the following message -
(process:343) GLib_Warning** : getpwuid_r(): failed due to unknown user id(0).

This message comes with a black screen and then no key stroke works and everything totally freezes. then I've to force restart using power switch. This message appears when I'm using internet. I'm using pppoe broadband connection. Without internet it works fine. I'm getting the same prob in Linux Mint 9. I've googled for this problem and almost everywhere it is said that this message appears in booting time and after a few moments everything becomes quite ok but my problem doesn't match with them. I don't get this message in booting time. I get this message when I'm on internet.

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Fedora :: Black Screen And Message - Cannot Display This Mode 2:dvi-d - During F11 Install

Sep 1, 2009

F9 has been running great since it came out. I read that one should install F10 before F11 so I did install F10! Everything went great.

(1) Then I tried to install the F11 iso dvd. After the "anaconda started" message at the bottom of a blue screen, the screen went blank and occasionally the message would appear: "cannot display this mode 2:dvi-d". Thinking the monitor had gone into power save, I hit many keys and moved the mouse to no avail.

I gave up! BTW I had checked all media CDs for errors.

(2) then working under F10, a little message appeared from the lower right of the screen asking if I wanted to upgrade to F11.

I accepted and again "cannot display this mode 2:dvi-d" on a black screen after anaconda started on a blue screen. This time no ISO DVD F11. I've never seen such an error message in 11 years (off and on) of using Linux. HD Disk activity was showing on the disk activity light so I let it run all night and part of today. I hit a bunch of keys and moved the mouse and the blue screen returned saying all was done and restarting.

After restart, I seem to have F11 installed. I did a yum update and got some more F11 updates. On the grub screen, the only F11 kernel was the PAE kernel which I selected
and got:

Does F11 have any F11 kernels? BTW running >setup (hd0,0) under F10 grub ruined my XP prof OS on scsi 0 so I reloaded XP Prof from scratch.


(1) what is this "cannot display this mode 2:dvi-d"?

(2) Now I cannot boot to Fedora 11 and all the advice on how to reinstall grub has failed failed. Did a rescue and chroot /mnt/sysimage and the fdisk -l

Now XP Prof seems to be on /dev/sdc and Fedora on /dev/sdd. What do I do? In the meantime I have retreated to Fedora 10.

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Ubuntu :: Won't Load From USB / Black Screen And Prints Out An Error Message?

Jan 19, 2010

I decided I wanted to give ubuntu a go by installing it on a 4GB USB drive.

I installed it using this guide url.

I booted up and it hung on the 'mounting file system', I left it for ages and eventually it goes to a black screen and prints out an error message, I can't type anything on my keyboard.

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Software :: Ubuntu 11.4 Install Error Message (Black Screen)

May 1, 2011

3/4 of the way through the install the reboot black screen : The disk drive for / is not ready yet or not present continue to wait; or press S to skip mounting or M for manual recovery . neither works, was running Ubuntu 10.4.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 - Instant Flash Of Error Message On Black Screen

May 19, 2011

I have the normal OS choices menu (Windows XP or Unbuntu) but when I choose ubuntu I get an instant flash of an error message on a black screen so quick I cannot read the whole thing but I caught "error" and "format" and then the computer reboots. I have no problem getting into Windows.

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Software :: Shuts Down And Message Appeals On A Black Screen - Failed Due To Unknown Uster Id Co?

Sep 26, 2010

I am working with linux special edition LXFS Installed everything from the disk, works all fine but sometimes Linux shuts down suddenly and the following message appeals on a black screen. ' (proces 271) GLIB - warning getpwuid_r() : failed due to unknown uster id co) ' When I restart the computer everything is OK again. but than later it happens again.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cant Boot Windows 7 / Getting A Black Screen And Windows Does Not Load?

Mar 21, 2011

i have just installed Ubuntu 10.10 on a pre installed windows 7 system. Ubuntu is working really well but the only problem is that when I try to boot into windows,

I get the windows sign and then I get a black screen and windows does not load. It seems to be an easy problem to solve because I can actually boot windows 7 in

safe mode with no problems at all! The problem is there when I try to boot windows 7 normally. To be honest I only need windows for a project that uses MSQL server.

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Ubuntu :: Black Screen After KDE 4.5 Upgrade?

Dec 11, 2010

I'm under Kubuntu 10.04 and I upgraded kde from 4.4 to 4.5. via apt-get. After KDM login, I got a black screen with the mouse cursor visible and active.

I tried this :

sudo apt-get install -f
sudo dpkg --configure -a
sudo reboot
with no effect.

KRunner (ALT+F2) doesn't open.

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Fedora Installation :: F15 Upgrade Black Screen

Jun 25, 2011

I upgraded my machine to F15. I was asked to reboot. From that point on, the system will not boot. I get to the blue screen with the 'egg', about 1/3 of the 'egg' turns white, then the screen goes black. No cursor, nothing.

I hit shift to get the Grub menu, tried booting my old kernel. Same result.

I tried burning a F15 live cd and booting that, but I get a desktop background with no mouse, no docks. It doesn't seem to respond to anything I do. I can boot it in the "basic graphics" mode, or whatever you call it, but I would rather not overwrite my entire hard drive with a fresh install.

I have seen references to some kind of recovery mode provided on the live cd that might repair my install without wiping my data, but I can't find it anywhere.

My hardware:
Dual core Atom D525
Intel NM10 chipset

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Ubuntu Installation :: Black Screen After Upgrade To 10.04?

May 7, 2010

I just upgraded to 10.04 on my laptop and after install, clean-up and reboot the screen goes absolutely black. The initial bios stuff is still there and the GRUB loader text. Then darkness without There is one way to start up and getting screen (which I'm using now). If hitting ESC in grub loader, selecting recovery-mode, selecting re-configure monitor, selecting start up in graphics-safe mode (this session only) it'll work. Other combinations, such as re-configuration and normal reboot or just graphics safe-mode does not work.The only real error message I have obtained is the following:(EE) intel(0): ch701x not detected, got 29, from DVOI2C_E Slave 234Given as pop-up dialogue when going into recovery-mode.My laptop is a Compaq Pressaro M2000. I can provide more details on graphics, but I'm not so fluent in linux, so I don't know what terminal commands to enter to get the right debugging information

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Ubuntu Installation :: Black Screen After 11.04 Upgrade?

May 5, 2011

after 11.04 upgrade my system starts and i hear the gnome start sound but the screen keeps black. I only see the mouse. I tried setpci -s 00:02.0 F4.B=30 - without success.

here my

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General :: Acer A0A 110 Has A Black Screen During Boot Up Along With A Black Cursor?

Dec 8, 2010

I turned on my Acer laptop and during bootup it seemed normal. After it passed the blue Acer logo, all I could see is a black screen and a black cursor outlined in white in the shape of an X. Thinking it would be a one time thing, I turned it off still was a black screen.

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Debian :: Squeeze Black Screen On Boot Since Upgrade?

Aug 11, 2010

After doing a dist-upgrade today, my one year old install of squeeze will no longer boot. It stops with a black screen and has to be hard reset. Cant even get to tty1. The last line in dmesg is: cfg80211: Calling CRDA to update world regulatory domain

mike@vaio ~ $ lspci | grep Network 06:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Wireless WiFi Link 5100.Just wondered if anyone has any ideas before I restore from a backup?

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Debian Multimedia :: Wheezy Black Screen After Upgrade

May 4, 2015

i have an installation of wheezy 7.8 i think. i was facing difficulties in read of matroska video. therefore have decided to installer gstreamer1.0 wich should be resolve my problem. i have added the backports repository in apt sources list. after an apt-get update i launch apt-get install gstreamer1.0 . i have noticed it have starting downloading more file than it needs i concluded that it was a upgrade or something like because the kernel was also updated. after the the packet downloading it has started the installation with some errors related to LOCALE LCC. it has stopped and restarted some services wich is normal. i have closed all others apps and restarted. Here start the hell. after the restart i have passed the kde login screen and after BLACK SCREEN with mouse working.

Alt+F2 don't open the krunner

What i have tried? i have rename the /home/jefcolbi/.cache and back it again, rename /home/jefcolbi/.kde and back it again. next i have tried to check the Xorg config file. i created a new one with X -configure, modified it to feet my system configuration this does not resolve the problem but add another the keyboard is not working in graphical mode.

My system configuration:

Toshiba laptop Satellite Pro L300
Dual core
3gb Ram
graphic card:Mobile Intel(R) GMA 4500MHD
sound card: Intel HD Audio
debian whezzy 7.8 with KDE

Note: everything was working fine before trying to install gstreamer1.O from backports repository

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Ubuntu :: Upgrade 10.10 Fail - Black Screen Gnome

Nov 2, 2010

Yesterday I attempt to use update-manager to do a distribution update. all was going good. i went to the kitchen to get a coffee and returned to a black screen with no cursor. the install couldnot have finished as it was still downloading updates i believe.

on reboot gnome did not respond so my last resort was to use kde for the time being. by running update-manager through kde I successfully updated to ubuntu 10.10. After completion of the update i restarted and gnome still had a non respinsive black screen on login.

Kde is still working fine.

Or at least how can I completely reinstall gnome.

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Fedora :: Get A Black Screen With The Message "serial8250: Too Much Work For Irq17" And A Blinking Cursor?

Mar 7, 2010

I just got an update notice two hours ago and after updating I rebooted my machine to find that it no longer boots. The update was for 23 bug fixes for Nvidia drivers and Nvidia support software. I get a black screen with the message "serial8250: too much work for irq17" and a blinking cursor. How do I recover from this?

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Debian Multimedia :: Gdm3 Black Screen With Cursor After Upgrade

Oct 25, 2015

Yesterday I done an upgrade with apt and since that time whenever I boot up I am presented with only a blank screen and an unresponsive cursor. I cannot switch console using Ctl+Alt+F*. The only thing I can do is Alt+SysRq+(R,E,I,S) which kills gdm3 and gets me back to the console.

* I can get into Xorg fine via the startx command
* As a temporary fix, if I enable automatic login (via /etc/gdm3/daemon.conf) then gdm3 works.

But I can't get the normal authenticated login screen to work.

Output of journalctl for a failed attempt at running gdm3 with verbose debugging enabled:

Code: Select allOct 25 01:24:43 [hostname-removed] systemd[1]: Starting GNOME Display Manager...
Oct 25 01:24:43 [hostname-removed] systemd[1]: Started GNOME Display Manager.
Oct 25 01:24:43 [hostname-removed] gdm3[15863]: Enabling debugging
Oct 25 01:24:43 [hostname-removed] gdm3[15863]: Changing user:group to Debian-gdm:Debian-gdm
Oct 25 01:24:43 [hostname-removed] gdm3[15863]: Successfully connected to D-Bus

[Code] ....

One other thing worth noting, before upgrading yesterday, I changed mirrors and accidentally pasted in "stable" into /etc/apt/sources.list. So basically I did an initial upgrade, realised my mistake, switched back to testing (which I was on before) and done another upgrade, which is when I noticed this problem.

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Fedora :: F11 After Upgrade Black Screen / Gnome Doesn't Starts

Jun 10, 2009

I upgraded Fedora 10 to Fedora 11 via preupgrade. And now system succesfully boot, but Gnome doesn't starts (i think). There is only black screen and I can only write there.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Getting Blank/black Screen After Performing Upgrade From 11.2

Sep 8, 2010

During the upgrade process, all the files appeared to install correctly and the computer rebooted as expected. It then showed the openSUSE splash screen but eventually that went dark and there was no display. Rebooting again did not help. Hitting Ctrl+Alt+F1 results in a corrupted display. I'm guessing this is an issue with the video driver? Not sure how to troubleshoot when I can't even get a terminal window open!

HP Pavilion dv6500 laptop with an nVidia GeForce 8400M GS.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Getting A Black Screen On The Latest Kernel Upgrade 2.6.31-20?

Feb 10, 2010

I am getting a black screen on the latest kernel upgrade 2.6.31-20. My computer completely boots up, but goes black after a minute or two. For now, I am booting up with the previous kernel.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Black Screen After Kernel Upgrade In Hardy?

Mar 3, 2010

Yesterday I upgraded the kernel from 2.6.24-26-generic to 2.6.24-27-generic (I'm still using Hardy Heron). After upgrade I uninstalled the previous Nvidia driver installation:

sh --uninstall
and did a install with


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Ubuntu Installation :: Stuck With Black Screen On Booting After 10.04 Upgrade / Fix It?

Apr 30, 2010

Yesterday I upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04 via Update Manager. But when the upgrade procedure was finished and I made a reboot, I only come to the Ubuntu logo appears for a second, then the screen turns completely black and nothing happens. I then have to reboot via the power button.

But I can get it working with so far no problem, by booting to the third option in the boot options list. In the list there are several options, something like this code...

Now the question is; what does this mean when there are several alternatives with the same name? What is the difference between alternative 1 and 3, other than 3 is working and 1 is not? Is there any problem running alternative 3 instead of 1, and if so how do I get it to boot from alternative 3 as standard?

If this is not the right way to do it, how can I figure out what the error is on alternative 1?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade 10.04 To 10.10: Screen Goes Black With Newest Kernel

Dec 3, 2010

Recovery mode doesn't work, same problem. Taking the older kernel gives no problem. I have no 3rd party graphics driver installed. 10.04 was a fresh install on this machine. I cannot get a commandline, the screen just shuts down because of a lack of input.

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Ubuntu Installation :: After Upgrade System Boots Into A Black Screen

Apr 29, 2011

I upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04 and after the upgrade

- the system boots,
- the grub menu appears,
- the splash screen comes up and then
- I have a black screen and that's it!

I saw, at the end of the installation process, that the driver for the nVidia video card was removed.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Black Screen After Upgrade 10.10 To 11.04 Acer EMachines?

Apr 30, 2011

Got a black screen after upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04. My Computer is an Acer eMachines E527 [URL]

I) Just started Computer normally, using new Kernel and 11.04 then the screen became black as before. Waited until Harddisk (Light) wouldn't work too much and boot seemed to be over.

II) IN BLIND FLIGHT (without seeing anything, since screen is black):

1) opened the Terminal using Ctrl+Alt+F2
2) typed my "Username" (enter)
3) typed my "Password" (enter)
4) typed "sudo setpci -s 00:02.0 F4.B=30" (enter)
5) typed my "Password" (enter)

III) Now it is not really satisfactory to do this over and over again each time restarting my computer. Is there any way to use a batch or use the grub to setpci ? I'd like to install 11.04 with an USB Stick on a similar computer - how do I setpci there?

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Ubuntu :: 9.04 Upgrade Fails On Boot - Screen Flashes To Black

May 2, 2009

I have just finished updating my older box from 8.10 to 9.04 and installing a bunch of programs. I had shut it down several times between sessions but when I unplugged it and moved it, it fails. It goes fine through the BIOS and GRUB (I think) but then when there is a screen of text it flashes to black several times and then displays a screen that looks like static with "Ubuntu" barely visible in several places.

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