Fedora :: How To Call The Configuration Screen

Feb 9, 2010

how to call the configuration screen? I can't seem to find it. It was talked about in the dokuwiki installation but looks like the fedora installation does not have it.

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General :: Using Emacs Under GNU Screen If Call C-x C-s Screen Hangs And Does Not Respond

Feb 28, 2011

When I am using emacs under GNU Screen, if I call C-x C-s screen hangs and does not respond to any keyboard input.

I can't reproduce this, but at least one time per day I have to kill my screen session and restart it.

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Software :: Script That Call A Java Program That Call A System Command?

Nov 29, 2010

In practice I have a script that call a java program that call a linux system command. The script if I run it, from a shell functions well,so it is not a java problem. The problem come out when i put this script in a crontab schedulation. The result in this case is that java do not execute the system command. I think it depends on crontab

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Ubuntu :: After Updates - Stayed To Black Screen Then Filled Up With Error Messages Like About Trace Call

Nov 5, 2010

Two days ago I downloaded and installed new updates after upgrading from 10.04 to 10.10. After the update I was informed I needed to restart. Once my laptop booted up again it stayed to a black screen and then filled up with error messages like something about trace call or call trace?

I had no way to get into my system but I did have some minor success starting in an old kernel. However after a while it would freeze like the graphics driver was going wrong.

Two attempt later of reinstalling 10.10 from disc after deleting the drive content and after updating it would go back to the same.

So I have now disabled updates as I haven't a clue on which one(s) is causing these problems.

I am on a HP Pavillion dv7 with nVidia graphics card and running 64amd Ubuntu.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Unable To Add System Call

Dec 3, 2010

iam trying to add a system call to the kernel version running fedora 13.I have followed all the steps given in this <hekimian-williams.com/?p=20 -> tutorial,but iam getting a error in make saying undfined reference to mysyscall in syscall_table_32.

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Fedora :: SKYPE Dumps Video Call After 6 Seconds?

Jul 13, 2010

Have NO video camera. Trying to receive SKYPE video using Fedora 11 & SKYPE Beta Version [latest version].When I receive a video call the image appears and then freezes and dumps the call after about six seconds.I have tried the 'env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l2convert.so /usr/bin/skype' launch, but it makes no difference in the bug.I have NOT heard that a camera is required to receive video.Is there a fix for this?nal information: Here is the error message I get when the call dumps and crashes SKYPE.

[thsk@galley ~]$ env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l2convert.so /usr/bin/skype
shm_open() failed: No such file or directory
Assertion 'b' failed at pulsecore/memblock.c:439, function pa_memblock_acquire(). Aborting.


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Fedora :: Wine - Can't Get The Video Call Working On Msn Live

Dec 23, 2010

install the windows live? I can't get the video call working on amsn My fedora is 14 on netbook aceraspire one PS: I installed the wine already, when i load the windows live 2011 doesn't show the box to check for what i want to install, so i can't pass from that.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Cannot Make Skype Call Because Of Audio Playback

Feb 9, 2010

I have new machine with good configuration .
Mother Board ---> Asus P5KPL AM/PS
CPU --> Intel Dual core 2.50 GHZ
RAM ---> 1 G.B
Hard Disc ---> 160 GB

I installed Fedora 11. It 's working fine I have problem only for Skype. When I try to call some one, I got the error "Problem with audio playback". I have "skype-" on my machine.

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Fedora Servers :: NFS Drive - Mount System Call Failed

Oct 5, 2009

These are the settings on my server, which has a static ip:
[tim@computim ~]$ cat /etc/exports
/media/cavern 192.168.1.*(rw,sync)

[tim@computim ~]$ cat /etc/hosts.deny

[tim@computim ~]$ cat /etc/hosts.allow

When I try to mount the disk from my client machine I get the error:
[tim@localhost ~]$ sudo mount -t nfs /media/cavern
mount.nfs mount system call failed

Thinking the problem might be due to iptables I tried the following command as recommended by a book I found on google:
sudo iptables -A INPUT -i wlan0 -f -j ACCEPT
didn't help so tried disabling the firewall - still getting the error
Both machines are running FC11 - should i be using nfs4?

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Software :: Delete Skype Chat/call History In Fedora?

May 10, 2010

I am using skype in fedora 9. I am searching how can I delete skype call/chat history. I have searched some .dbb files in /home/<username>/.Skype/<skyID> directory like chatmsg2048.dbb. Can I safely remove these files in order to delete my chat history. Also, I cannot view these .dbb files in gedit. If I can read these files, I can better decide which history I need to delete.

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Programming :: Simple Example Document For Adding A System Call On Fedora 14 Kernel?

Nov 20, 2010

Does anyone have straightforward simple example document for adding a system call on fedora 14 kernel?

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Fedora :: Error: Call To Undefined Function: Curl_init() In /root/test.php On Line 142

Nov 22, 2009

curl: try 'curl --help' or 'curl --manual' for more information so here curl is working when I'm trying php test.php I got: PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function: curl_init() in /root/test.php on line 142

Also in php.ini is missing extension=php_curl.dll but I added and the same problem

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Red Hat / Fedora :: PHP Error "Call To Undefined Function Mysql_connect()" When Connecting To MySQL

Mar 22, 2011

I am getting this error when I try to connect to my MySQL database from a PHP page. "Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in /usr/local/htdocs/test.php on line 11" I have found instances on the Internet where other people had the same problem but from everything I've read, none of it appears to do anything for me.

I have read that I need the "extension=mysql.so" in my php.ini file and to uncomment it but it's not in there and I don't even have the "mysql.so" file. Many people have said to install the MySQL "devel" package, which I have also done and it is still not adding the file. I have also tried running the PHP ./configure again with the "--with-mysql". After all of these I still can't seem to get any further than I was when I found out I had a problem.

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Fedora :: Fedora Live Cd - Screen Goes Blank Right Before Login Screen Loads?

Mar 10, 2010

I am trying to install fedora 12 on my computer. I have burned the live cd ISO and it works just fine until right before it shows the login screen. I suspect that it may have to do with my ati radeon 9800 graphics card. give me some boot options or some such thing so that I could install fedora on my computer. Also some other specs

ASUS A7N8X Mother Board
AMD Athalon XP
1GB ram

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Debian Configuration :: Screen Goes Blank During Boot On 8.1

Jun 18, 2015

I have this machine (motherboard ITX Jetaway NF94-270-LF based on CPU Atom N270, full specs here) as a server for some time now (about 4 years). Debian 8.1 is installed on it.

Two days ago, after a power failure, the machine was not able to complete the boot process. I attached a keyboard and a monitor (on VGA port, the motherboard also as a DVI one, but I don't have a suitable monitor) to be able to see what's happening and interact with the machine. Unluckily, at a certain point during the booting sequence the screen goes blank and the monitor goes in standby mode; apart from that, the boot process continues in the background.

As far as I can recall, this behaviour existed for at least a couple of years (if not from the beginning) and the boot process was always completed successfully until two days ago.

The screen goes blank after the setup of the keyboard mapping. I tried everything to avoid the screen going blank: in the Grub menu I set the "vga" parameter, the "nomodeset" parameter, the grub_gfxmode parameter, I removed the "quiet" option, I removed the "load_video" line, I forced the BIOS to only use the VGA port for the video and so on, in order to disable or configure differently the video and the framebuffer. All these stuff had no effect at all: the screen keeps going blank at the same point during the boot process.

The only way I was able to use a fully booted system through keyboard and monitor was via the rescue mode of the Debian 8.1 netinst image. But that way, of course, I wasn't able to observe the normal boot process. So, I checked the boot parameters of the rescue mode and I found that the only usefull parameter was "vga", which I already used and was ineffective.

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Debian Configuration :: Should Change Brightness Of Screen

Mar 30, 2016

I've an asuspro (more precisely the p2520la version) notebook with the fn+f5, fn+f6 buttons that should change brightness of the screen. But they don't work. For volume it's ok (fn+f11/f12), and if I go in the system settings I c an change manually the brightness (I use kde so there is a bar with which change it). But when I'm outside and the screen brightness is low I found difficult to find the menu settings and the hardware buttons would be better.I've tried adding to the kernel the "acpi_osi=" command but doesn't work.

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Debian Configuration :: Stuck At Screen Before Login

Aug 23, 2010

I'm new to the world of linux I've started using it just one week ago.I installed Debian Lenny without problem, and after 2 or 3 days managed to make my wifi and ATI card to work. Today I tried installing compiz, through the packet manager that comes with the system. It was downloaded and installed successfully, so I rebooted to see it effects (I guess) but after that, I wasn't able to get to the login screen anymore, it just gets stuck at the "gray" screen before that (I took a pic of what screen i'm talkin about). Then I accessed in console mode and removed all the compiz packages, tried dpkg-reconfigure gnome and gnome-core, then reinstalled the ati drivers, but the problem is still there.I don't want to reinstall the whole system, I don't think a simple problem like this is enough to do so, but sincerely I'm completly lost.

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Debian Configuration :: Xscreensaver Cannot Control The Screen

Dec 29, 2010

For some reason I cannot figure out, xscreensaver does not have permission to control my screen. It's present in memory, so the settings app thinking it is not present and asking if I want to start it is odd. Could the the necessity of using VESA BIOS controls to get around bugs in the VIA/S3/Unichrome chipset be the source of the problem? Are there other Linux screensavers that might work differently and might still be able to blank my screen?

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Debian Configuration :: Keep Getting Screen Error Message

Apr 3, 2011

I have been trying to install programs and I keep getting a screen error message. and it does it on every package i install unless i remove screen.


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Debian Configuration :: Screen Resolution With Kernel 2.6.32-5?

Aug 22, 2011

I'm running Debian squeeze on an old IBM laptop with Radeon Mobility 7500 graphic card.In the kernel 2.6.32-5 there is always a little white line at the bottom of the screen.It begins to appear after the font size changes during the boot process.It does not appear in older kernels.

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Ubuntu :: How To Find BIOS Configuration Screen

Apr 1, 2010

I'm having epic problems with my sound card and upon going through the Sound Troubleshooting, It says to activate my sound card through the BIOS Configuration Screen.How on earth do I find that?

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Ubuntu :: Disable Auto-Screen Configuration?

Nov 2, 2010

I need to configure xorg.conf or wherever that option is stored to stop Configuring my Desktop at a Huge Resolution i think it's Automatic one . I need to configure a static 800x600 screen resolution ,because @reboot every-time my Ubuntu 9.04 is switching it to a different one .

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Debian Configuration :: Keyboard Freezes And Blank Screen

Aug 30, 2015

This started happening after I started working on the kernel image and initramfs tools configurations basically started trying to make my system work the way I wanted.I can be doing anything like playing worms or being on this forum and the screen turns black but I don't lose energy just nothing shows on the screen and my keyboard doesn't respond the num lock doesn't turn either state,

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Debian Configuration :: Startup Program Screen Too Small?

Oct 10, 2015

The "System Settings/Startup Programs" window is large enough but the "Program" column is too narrow and it cannot be resized. The window can be dragged to make it larger but not the individual columns. It looks like a Java listbox with "Enabled = false" set. This occurs in Debian8 64 bit and also in Mint 17 and Mint LMDE2. I am surprised nobody else has raised the issue. I have a basic setup with 22" screen and 1680 x 1050 resolution. It occurs with Nouveau and NVidia drivers. It is not a critical bug so I have coped with it for 2 years but it would be nice to see it fixed. Unfortunately I could not upload a screen shot as "board attachment quota has been reached".

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Debian Configuration :: When Shutdown Screen Always Stays On And Then It Hangs

Dec 12, 2015

I'm using Debian Sid xfce on my lenovo laptop. When i try to shutdown, the screen always stays on (the fans turn off). It says "reached target shutdown", then this happens: [URL] .... and then it hangs. I have to press the power button to shut it down. (I have the same problem with reboot). I had the same issues with Jessie.

Things i tried so far and didn't work:

Code: Select allshutdown -h now
shutdown -p now
systemctl poweroff
init 0

I edited /etc/default/grub and added the following options at "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT":

acpi=force, acpi=off*, acpi=noirq

*acpi=off: shutdown (not reboot) worked a few times but i didn't have wifi and power manager didn't seem to work

none of them worked..

I have no energy or wake up options at my BIOS.

I found out that i can normally reboot with the Alt + sysrq + REISUB key combination.

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Debian Configuration :: Keyboard And Mouse Or Maybe Screen - Freezes

Mar 29, 2010

So it's a beautiful day and I'll be happily using my computer when I realise that the screen is no longer showing that I'm typing or moving my mouse (or finger across a touch-pad). I can leave my computer in this frozen/crashed state for hours. My only recourse is to drain the battery or hold down the power button until the computer shuts down. The computer is a Dell Inspiron 6400 laptop/notebook. As my memory serves, it has an ATI graphics thingy. Radeon 1400, maybe. But I've had the computer for years and this behaviour has emerged only the past couple of months, with seemingly increasing frequency.

The OS is
# uname -a
Linux polaris 2.6.32-trunk-amd64 #1 SMP Sun Jan 10 22:40:40 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux
(aka Squeeze?)

Sometimes this happens within minutes of turning the computer on and logging into Gnome. Sometimes this happens only hours after I've started using the computer (mainly just surfing the web). Sometimes it is preceded by a loud boop sound and the following if I have console open, sometimes not. So maybe that's unrelated. But that happened just now so I thought I'd throw it in.

One weird thing: Usually this happens within an hour of starting to use the computer, but one occasion I noticed I had not had the problem for several hours. On that occasion, the only thing I noticed I was doing that was also unusual: I had turned on and forgotten about a kvm virtual machine. After I shut down the vm, I had about only a minute before the freeze. I'm surprised now that it hasn't frozen since I started typing thing. Maybe I should always keep this forum open in a browser window.

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Debian Configuration :: Terminal Don't Fill Entire Screen?

Sep 8, 2011

I started my Debian 6 machine today and the terminal (Alt+Ctrl+F1) is only using the top left area of the screen. The resolution is correct but the whole screen just isn't filled with text. When I log in and run startx the GUI is in a very small resolution.

I've tried everything I can find with GRUB_GFXMODE and GRUB_GFX_PAYLOAD but nothing works.

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Ubuntu :: Messing With The Screen Margins In The Openbox Configuration

Jan 23, 2011

i have installd lubuntu side to my gnome i like it i have a issue thoe it seams that some of the icons r hideing beyond the screen resolution there for i dont see them all in the screen i tried messing with the screen margins in the openbox configuration i can see all the icons but then i cant see windows in full view

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Debian Configuration :: While Watching YouTube Makes Screen Turn Off

Jul 1, 2015

When I watch any video on YouTube my screen will turn off (no HDMI connection) and then it will turn on after a couple seconds (10 -40 seconds). When I played Borderlands 2 the screen is completely fine.

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Debian Configuration :: Fglrx System Hang On Screen Suspend

Aug 18, 2015

My system is hanging on screen suspension... And its not the usual hang on "sleep" or others similars, it will happen by only having the screen on stand-by ( eg xset +dpms)...

If I leave for a while the screen will shutdown as expected but computer will completely hang after an indefinite time, it will not respond to outside connections and the will be spinning faster than usual...

Only workaround is to have the screen power save option disabled, in my case, on the KDE settings...

I have tried the most common solution to have "nomodeset" as a kernel option to disable mode setting, but this doesn't seem to work...

Also tried to forcebly reproduce the issue with Code: Select allxset force dpms standby/suspend/off but nothing happens like that...

This issue also only appears with the fglrx driver, open-source works well.

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