Fedora :: No Hibernation Mode On Win 7 Platform (GRUB)

Feb 3, 2011

I get all into this, I want to make sure i should be posting this here or a windows board. I have win7 and fedora 14 installed on my laptop and can boot back and forth between the two no problem. The trouble I am having though is that when I get windows to hibernate, it doesn't. It did before I installed fedora and the grub loader so that's the only thing that I can attribute it to. I've seen a bunch of threads that have addressed this problem (on windows and linux forums) but none of them have been successful for me.

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Ubuntu :: Make Grub Boot To Allow Me To Choose Like Safe Mode And Normal Mode And All

Apr 23, 2010

how do I make grub boot to allow me to choose, like safe mode and normal mode and all that second, how do I do automated back ups (preferably using file copy) for something like every sunday at 11:00 am using the command line, i use to know but forgot.

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Fedora Installation :: Boot Into Rescue Mode From GRUB?

Feb 5, 2009

I'm experimenting a bit with my fedora, so I need to enter rescue mode very often. Every time I want to enter rescue mode, I need to insert fedora DVD Is there a way to install rescue mode on my hard drive so I could boot into rescue mode from GRUB?

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SUSE / Novell :: 11.3-1.21 / "unsupported Combination Of Hardware Platform X86_64 And Bootloader Grub?

Feb 14, 2010

From SUSE I have dl the installation DVD for SUSE 11.2 . When trying to install the system, I got the first "surprise". When the "checking your system comes, I get, in red, the following message: "unsupported combination of hardware platform X86_64 and bootloader grub. I ignored it and continue with the installation. It goes till the end and when it has to restart into new OS, there was nothing, only black screen and no keyboard. So I have to reinstall into suse 11.1. What is this and how to proceed? And yes, when I checked the DVD, it says the system on it is suse 11.3-1.21.

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Fedora Hardware :: Touchpad Doesn't Work When Trying To Set Vga Mode In Grub.conf

Aug 22, 2010

I just tried setting my vga mode in grub.conf so that I can have my boot splash back after disabling nouveau. Works great. Problem is, now, that after doing this my touchpad is disabled. Anyone else run into this? I'm on an HP dv6, FC13, vga=0x37b. I remove vga mode setting and touchpad works again.

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Fedora :: Grub Starts In Text Mode After Deleting All ATI And Catalyst Stuff?

Jul 3, 2011

use Fedora 15. I had installed driver for my ATI graphic card, as it was written in Fedora guide, then when I rebooted the system the bars and icons appeared with strange, changed colours (purple, green, etc). I've read that this happened because of the bad drivers, so I tried to fix it. Unfortunatelly because I'm Linux newbie and I'm also very nervous I deleted (using Fedora software manager) everything connectedtalyst from my system.Now when I try to start my computer, grub starts in text mode.My question is:What can I do? Do I have to reinstall my system or maybe someone knows how to fix it?I'm quite scared because now I can't launch not only Fedora but also Windows.(I'm writing from another computer

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Unusual Grub In Minimal Bash Like Line Editing Mode

Jun 14, 2010

I have installed RHEL5, solved the problems around it and started to set up the GRUB. I have set the menu.lst with simple
rootnoverify (hd1,0)
chainloader +1

and tried to boot the Win7 on that partition. NO LOADER came up and since that moment
Grub is only in "Minimal BASH-like line editing" mode. I have tried all of I have googled, nothing have worked. There is a problem with even finding /boot/grub/stage2, or anything else, grub won't let me mount any partition. When I try to find any file, it says file not found. It is important to say that all I did to cause this was change in menu.lst
rootnoverify (hd1,1) to rootnoverify (hd1,0)m nothing else! There is no logic in this....

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Rescue Mode - Error: Cannot Find A Device For /boot/grub (is /dev Mounted?)

Dec 16, 2010

I updated yesterday and now when I start my laptop it goes in to grub rescue mode. I have booted from a 'live cd' and thought I could repair grub from there. In gparted however the partition with ubuntu (sda1) is seen as unknown file system, in terminal when I list the partition table it shows up as FAT16 type. When I try a grub-install it gives this error message:


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OpenSUSE Install :: "Unsupported Combination Of Hardware Platform X86_64 And Bootloader Grub"

Feb 20, 2010

In installing 11.2M2 I get a message in the Installation Screen indicating that
booting sees an "Unsupported combination of hardware platform x86_64 and
bootloader grub".

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Fedora :: No Display When Computer Comes Out Of Hibernation?

Dec 19, 2009

Every other time my system comes out of hibernation, I see the blue Fedora screen loading like the computer is powering back on, and all of the sudden the screen goes blank, as if it shut itself back off. The funny thing is the power button is still on, but there is no display. Has anyone heard of this issue before. I'm not sure what to try to get it fixed

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Fedora :: Looking For Banshee 1.8 For F13 Platform

Oct 9, 2010

Just wondering, but does anyone out there know when we could expect to see Banshee 1.8 for Fedora 13. I'm getting tired of being stuck with 1.6.

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Fedora Networking :: Unable To Reconnect To The Internet When System Comes Out Of Hibernation

Aug 10, 2009

I am having a problem reconnecting to the internet when I put my computer in suspend or hibernate. For some reason when I put my computer in any one of these modes it disconnects from the internet, and I have no way of getting back on the internet after that. I use to have the option of "Enable Networking" on my top panel, but it seems to have disappeared for some reason. Is there any way to stay permanately connected to the internet, even when it is in hibernate mode, or could someone tell me how to get the enable networking icon back?

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Fedora :: Change Power Settings To Stop Instant Hibernation?

Jun 28, 2011

I'm coming over from Ubuntu and am experiencing the same power issue I had there, only there doesn't seem to be a setting in Gconf in Fedora like there was in Ubuntu that can fix it. You know how the system determines whether or not to hibernate based on the amount of time the battery has been unplugged? Well there's a bug in Gnome that makes it say I have only two minutes left on a full battery,

so if I ever unplug my laptop it immediately goes in to hibernation. Now in Ubuntu there was a Gconf Editor setting that could be changed so that it went by percentage, but this option seems to be gone in Fedora. I have Gconf Editor installed but I can't find the setting anywhere.

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Fedora :: Touchpad Not Working After Resuming Back From Suspend/hibernation?

Feb 13, 2010

Touchpad on my laptop does not works after I resume it from hibernation/suspend. I have FC9 (sulphur) installed on my system.

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Fedora :: Emacs: Flyspell-mode Not Working In Tex Mode?

Jun 13, 2011

I am an emacs user, and I noticed that on my new machine (running F15, 64bit) flyspell-mode will not work in tex mode.

I get errors that look something like this:

Spell-checking inequality-model.tex using hunspell with default dictionary...
Spell-checking region using hunspell with default dictionary...done
ispell-send-string: Process ispell not running
When done with a buffer, type C-x #

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Installation Of Php - Platform With Remote Postgresql Support

Oct 18, 2010

I have two machines. One is for web server and the other is for database server.I need to install php in the web server and postgresql in the database server. I installed postgresql. But could not install php as it needs postgresql library during configuration steps.

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Software :: Secure Usb Port Of System On Fedora 11 Platform.

Apr 13, 2010

hi i want to lock my usb port of system.i am using linux fedora 11 operating system. so for that purpose i want to know or i want the detection code that detect any external devices plug in to system.

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Ubuntu :: Grub Rescue Mode Won't Go Away

Dec 7, 2010

I have an Ubuntu 10.4 installation (dualboot with windows XP) with grub2.After I resized some of my partitions using a gparted live cd, the system goes directly to grub rescue mode every time I boot.Then I follow the instructions which are given in grub2 wiki site to boot.The grub boot directory is now located in sda6 (hd0,6) in my system as found out using 'ls' command.

But in the grub rescue mode when I enter the 'set' command (one of the very few commands available), to display current prefix and root, it gives "(hd0,7)/boot/grub" as 'prefix' and "hd0,7" as 'root'.After entering the following commands, I'm able to boot.There are other users at my home not familiar with ubuntu. windows is their OS of choice. So I don't want to remove windows installation .One solution that I can think of is creating a grub rescue CD using grub-mkrescue, then using windows cd to fix mbr (which will overwrite grub? or the pointer to grub?) and then using the grub rescue cd to boot into Ubuntu but I'm not sure.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Need To Copy A Text File To Windows Platform Running On Same System

Mar 22, 2009

I hv a text file in redhat linux platform and i need to copy this file to windows platform running on the same system. Is there any command for this.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Firewall - Transferring Existing Setup To Open Source Platform

Feb 5, 2011

Currently I am working on one project in which I am transferring existing setup to Open Source platform. I am having brand new IBM server with two NIC card and want to setup Firewall. I am searching for good solution which suits to me. Which firewall system I should go for? I am thinking of IPCop.

1) Firewall should support OpenVPN
2) Easy to manage for Resident technician
3) Should be block streaming, facebook and others sites.

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General :: Partition Table From Fdisk - Cylinder Mode - Sector Mode - Expert Mode ?

Aug 30, 2010

Below is a print out of my partition Table from Fdisk, in Cylinder mode, Sector mode, and then in expert mode?

Why in expert mode does it look like Partitions 2 and 3 share the same sector / hd / Cylinders? Is this OK?


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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Not Go Further Than Rescue Mode

Jun 30, 2011

I installed Fedora on my pc over Ubuntu and now Grub wont go any further than rescue mode. (Apparently grubs boot folder was on the Ubuntu partition. Now I see why a dedicated boot partition is handy.) I used VMware to install Fedora as im currently out of CDs. VMware is setup to use the Physical HDD for the primary HDD in the VM. (I made sure VMware disabled access to the windows partitions so the guest couldn't access them.)

I am in Windows 7 at the moment and am avoiding rebooting as that will basically lock me out of the only computer I have access to. I tried running the Ubuntu LiveCD to restore grub but dont know how to mount Fedoras LVM partitions. What can I do to repair grub or at least install an MBR that is capable of booting windows? I can boot floppies and cds using VMware but am not sure what to use to fix this.

Fedora LiveCD wont mount any of the partitions to install Grub
Ubuntu LiveCD may work if I can mount the LVM partitions.

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General :: Fixing Grub From Rescue Mode

Feb 23, 2011

I got my wife to try Linux, so we set her machine up to dual boot with Windows. After a few weeks, she decided not to use Linux, so we deleted the Linux partitions using Gparted on a USB drive and resized the NTFS partition, under the apparently mistaken impression that Grub would detect that there was now no other operating system. When we rebooted, we got error: no such partition, followed by a grub rescue prompt. I've never worked with Grub directly before, so I have no idea what to do at this point.

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Software :: Edit File With Grub Mode?

Apr 25, 2010

Now i am in grub mode as following : grub> And i need to edit a specific file What is the command that enable me to do this?

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Debian :: Reinstall Grub Or Get Rescue Mode From Netinst.iso?

Jun 18, 2010

I installed debian testing from hard disk using the netinst.iso. Now how can i get the rescue mode to reinstall grub? During installation i didn't get other options like rescue mode.It guided me to install debian testing from hard disk only.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Enter Recovery Mode:: NO GRUB MENU

Jul 3, 2010

I used to have a grub menu with options of

*Ubuntu Recovery Mode

but later I installed Ubuntu alone on a machine , and i do not have GRUB menu. and i want to enter the Recovery mode.

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Ubuntu :: Boot Into Windows Safe Mode From Grub?

Jan 27, 2011

Recently I installed ubuntu aoongside windows 7 in dual boot and everything seems ok. however, i wanted to boot into windows safe mode to resolve a possible driver issue there. problem is, grub menu shows the the normal windows boot option but not the windows safe mode boot option. but i know the boot option exists because it booted once when i accidently shut down windows incorrectly or something and restarted it.

so, how do i boot into windows safe mode?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 - GNU Grub Version (Recovery Mode)

Feb 26, 2011

I am trying to install ubuntu 10.04. I had ubuntu 10.10 but I want to install 10.04 (32 bit) because 10.10 is slow. Problems with cd drive/cd caused installation to be incomplete so system cannot reboot at all.

I just tried the "Try Ubuntu without installing" option and got
Gnu Grub Version 1.98+20100804-5ubuntu3
Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.35-25-generic
Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.35-25-generic (recovery mode)
Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.35-24-generic
Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.35-24-generic (recovery mode)
Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.35-22-generic
Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.35-22-generic (recovery mode)
Memory test (memtest86+)
Memory test (memtes86+, serial console 115200)

Which should I select? and what do I do to go on to install/reinstall 10.04?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Get Grub Recovery Mode Menu To Boot Up

Apr 30, 2011

I started a thread over in installations and upgrades in which I was trying to upgrade from Ubuntu 10.04 to 10.10 using the upgrade manager. My computer froze in the middle of the process, requiring me to restart my computer. When I try rebooting Ubuntu, I get an error message "The configuration defaults for Gnome power manager have not been installed correctly" and then a blank screen. No mouse pointer, no cursor. It will not take me to the Ubuntu desktop screen. I've already found the sudo commands I can run to try and fix Ubuntu. They are as follows:

sudo apt-get clean (If the problem is not having enough free hard drive space)
sudo dpkg --configure -a (If the problem deals with the upgrade installation process)

However, what I can't get is the terminal to come up to run these commands. In the other thread I started, someone mentioned that in the Grub menu, you can choose "recovery mode", hit "enter" to boot it, and it will give you a menu of options to choose from. However, when I choose "recovery mode" and hit "enter", I do not get a menu but instead 3 pages of data about my computer that ends with this:

"Begin: Running/scripts/init-bottom...
Done. "

It gives me a blinking cursor at the very end but I cannot type anything and I cannot page up to see the 3 pages of data. What I am looking for is a way to get to the recovery mode menu OR somehow open up a terminal so I can run the sudo commands. My computer automatically logs me in, so I do not get a login screen and Ctrl+Alt+F1 does not work for me. Anyone know how I can open a terminal with only access to the Grub menu? Perhaps a BASH command that I can use in the command line that will open up a terminal? To summarize: My computer does not boot Ubuntu. I get an error message followed by a blank screen. It does not go into the desktop screen so I cannot choose Applications->Accessories->Terminal.

My Grub menu consists of Ubuntu and it's version, Ubuntu and it's version with recovery mode, memtest, and Windows XP (I have a dual boot system). In the Grub menu, I can select "e" for edit, "c" for command line and "enter" to boot either regular Ubuntu OS or Ubuntu recovery mode. "Sudo" commands are not recognize if I choose the command line for either Ubuntu OS or recovery mode. I have a Live CD for 10.04 but you cannot run sudo commands because you do not have access to root on the Live CD.

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Fedora :: Running A Dual Boot Windows 7 Home Premium And 12 System On An AMD Phenom Platform

May 31, 2010

I am/was(?) running a dual boot Windows 7 Home Premium and Fedora 12 system on an AMD Phenom platform.

I thought that I would try the KDE desktop and installed it with the command

yum groupinstall "KDE (K Desktop Environment)"

After tasting KDE for a while I decided that I far prefer Gnome.

I removed the KDE with

yum groupremove "KDE (K Desktop Environment)"

This appeared to work but I then found that whilst I can boot into Windows 7, I can no longer boot into Fedora 12.

I have tried booting the F12 DVD and going into to the Rescue function. I re-installed grub but still cannot boot into F12.

I have looked at grub.conf but can see nothing wrong.

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