Fedora :: Looking For Banshee 1.8 For F13 Platform

Oct 9, 2010

Just wondering, but does anyone out there know when we could expect to see Banshee 1.8 for Fedora 13. I'm getting tired of being stuck with 1.6.

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Fedora :: No Hibernation Mode On Win 7 Platform (GRUB)

Feb 3, 2011

I get all into this, I want to make sure i should be posting this here or a windows board. I have win7 and fedora 14 installed on my laptop and can boot back and forth between the two no problem. The trouble I am having though is that when I get windows to hibernate, it doesn't. It did before I installed fedora and the grub loader so that's the only thing that I can attribute it to. I've seen a bunch of threads that have addressed this problem (on windows and linux forums) but none of them have been successful for me.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Installation Of Php - Platform With Remote Postgresql Support

Oct 18, 2010

I have two machines. One is for web server and the other is for database server.I need to install php in the web server and postgresql in the database server. I installed postgresql. But could not install php as it needs postgresql library during configuration steps.

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Software :: Secure Usb Port Of System On Fedora 11 Platform.

Apr 13, 2010

hi i want to lock my usb port of system.i am using linux fedora 11 operating system. so for that purpose i want to know or i want the detection code that detect any external devices plug in to system.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Need To Copy A Text File To Windows Platform Running On Same System

Mar 22, 2009

I hv a text file in redhat linux platform and i need to copy this file to windows platform running on the same system. Is there any command for this.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Firewall - Transferring Existing Setup To Open Source Platform

Feb 5, 2011

Currently I am working on one project in which I am transferring existing setup to Open Source platform. I am having brand new IBM server with two NIC card and want to setup Firewall. I am searching for good solution which suits to me. Which firewall system I should go for? I am thinking of IPCop.

1) Firewall should support OpenVPN
2) Easy to manage for Resident technician
3) Should be block streaming, facebook and others sites.

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Fedora :: Running A Dual Boot Windows 7 Home Premium And 12 System On An AMD Phenom Platform

May 31, 2010

I am/was(?) running a dual boot Windows 7 Home Premium and Fedora 12 system on an AMD Phenom platform.

I thought that I would try the KDE desktop and installed it with the command

yum groupinstall "KDE (K Desktop Environment)"

After tasting KDE for a while I decided that I far prefer Gnome.

I removed the KDE with

yum groupremove "KDE (K Desktop Environment)"

This appeared to work but I then found that whilst I can boot into Windows 7, I can no longer boot into Fedora 12.

I have tried booting the F12 DVD and going into to the Rescue function. I re-installed grub but still cannot boot into F12.

I have looked at grub.conf but can see nothing wrong.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Format For Server & RAID Setup For Multi Platform Read/write/access?

Jun 23, 2011

I'm looking to set up a server with attached mass storage device and tape autoloader to run linux. It's set up under Windows at the moment. Goal is to have users, connecting from individual workstations and laptops, backup their data to the linux server. On their personal machine, some users run linux, some MacOS, some Windows. I plan to set up the 5 500 GB drives as RAID5. I understand that if setting up as software raid the format is "physical volume for RAID". Under this setup, will Windows users be able to read/write and function as expected? I can't assume only linux user access.

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Fedora :: How To Get RPM Package For Banshee 1.5.5

Mar 22, 2010

How I can get an RPM package for the latest version of Banshee. I am struggling with the installation from source code. I tried for about an hour yesterday before giving up. Just when I thought I had cleared up all the dependencies yet another one came up in the ./configure. I am fairly new to Linux/Fedora. I love the concept of the package repositories, but it does get difficult when the software is not in the repos. Are there repos out there that have newer versions of software that don't make it into the base repos?

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Fedora :: Banshee Crashes On Startup?

Jan 11, 2009

Just did a fresh install of Fedora 10 and install Banshee. The problem is it wont start. I get 'Banshee has encountered a fatal errorError details:

An unhandled exception was thrown: Could not load type 'Banshee.ServiceStack.ServiceManager' from assembly 'Banshee.Services, Version=,


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Fedora :: Get IPod To Work With Banshee?

Mar 22, 2010

I am running banshee-1.5.3-1.fc12.i686 on FC12 X64. Although the Banshee iPod plugin is checked off, when I plug an iPod in, I do not get the iPod icon on the left pane of Banshee. (gktpod works fine with my iPod.) How do I fix this?

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Fedora :: Banshee 1.6 And - 12 X86_64 /home Is On Nfs

May 11, 2010

I am having problems with then new banshee. It won't start.

I tried


No go

I still get the following error:


Runnig under root gives no problem and the previous version ran without problems.

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Fedora :: DAAP Sharing Between Itunes 9 And Banshee

Jan 2, 2010

Has anyone gotten DAAP sharing to work between Itunes 9 and Banshee? I have a Windows Vista, Mac OS X, and Fedora 12 box setup on my network. Both Mac and Visa have itunes 9 running on them, and when opening Banshee the Itunes Library shows under shared music but when I select it; I get the below error:

Unable to connect to music share

* The provided login credentials are invalid (I removed the share password, same issue)
*The login process was canceled
*Too many users are connected (not the case)
* The music is hosted by itunes 7 (hosted by itunes 9)

Is the Banshee DAAP plugin supported with Itunes 9? Are there any work arounds?

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Fedora :: Banshee Remote Control UPnP?

May 30, 2010

I'm trying to use the Banshee remote control application for Android, but there is no option for remote controls in the Banshee application I installed. I used to use Ubuntu and I'm pretty sure I remember it being there. Am I missing a package or something?

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Fedora :: FC13 Banshee Wont Play CDs?

Jul 2, 2010

Post upgrade from 12-13 my Banshee installation is refusing to play CDs. In fact it doesn't even recognise there is one in the drive.

The icon appears on the desktop ok when I put on in and I get asked what I want to use to open it so it seems the system itself recognises a CD but for some reason Banshee doesn't.

I got an error about Banshee needing CD Audio Plugin, which I told Banshee to try and find but it failed. No idea where to go from here.

Worked it back to gstreamer-plugins-bad / ugly packages were wanted. So removed with yum then allowed banshee to try finding them.

It got as far as asking for root auth which I gave it, it them fell over in a heap.

Now it seems banhsee is no longer on my system and has some dependency issues....

[root@bigfoot log]# yum install banshee
Loaded plugins: presto, refresh-packagekit
Setting up Install Process
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check


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Fedora :: Connect Mt-daapd & Play Music & Banshee On 15

Jun 18, 2011

I have a server (running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS) that has mt-daapd sharing all my music. I just recently changed all my desktops over to Fedora 15 from Mint 11 & came up with something I wasn't sure how to fix. When the desktops had Mint 11 on them if you opened Rhythmbox the mt-daapd share showed up on the left without me having to do anything (under Shared Music). Now that I have switched over to Fedora, I don't see that heading or my mt-daapd shares.I have tried Rhythmbox & Banshee. I can connect to it & play music, but I would like for it to just show up & I can't for the life of me figure this out.

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Fedora :: Yum Will Not Run - Error "Could Not Find Platform Independent Libraries <prefix>"

Jul 27, 2011

It has been working fine until today where I've been trying to get a application installed that I used on fedora12 ok called SecureCRT. It looks like it was not running because of a python lib. My system has libpython2.7.so and it wants 2.4. The developers for SecureCRT said they have not written it for F15 yet but will for next release but try install with nodeps and symlink 2.4 to 2.7. This did not work. I copied libpython2.4.so.1.0 and a link to libpython2.4.so from my old F12 box onto the new one and the app started working a treat but no I've noticed that yum no longer works and can only think its this. I have removed the the 2.4 files but still nothing. the error I get from yum is:

yum Could not find platform independent libraries <prefix> Could not find platform dependent libraries <exec_prefix> Consider setting $PYTHONHOME to <prefix>[:<exec_prefix>] 'import site' failed; use -v for traceback There was a problem importing one of the Python modules required to run yum. The error leading to this problem was: No module named yum Please install a package which provides this module, or verify that the module is installed correctly.

It's possible that the above module doesn't match the current version of Python, which is: 2.4.6 (#1, Mar 23 2010, 12:56:48) [GCC 4.4.3 20100127 (Red Hat 4.4.3-4)] If you cannot solve this problem yourself, please go to the yum faq at: [URL] How do I fix this and is it possible to have both versions?

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Fedora :: Installing LibreOffice / Banshee - Devon Not In Sudoers File

May 11, 2011

I use to use Ubuntu and recently came to Fedora, I am not a fan of the package manager in Fedora so I am trying to install things through terminal and when I use Sudo cause that is what I am familiar with this is what it gives me.
Devon is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.
What do I do? I am just trying to install Libreoffice 3.3 and Banshee 2.0

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Fedora Servers :: Is Good Platform For Dedicated Servers

Apr 20, 2011

Being on a low budget and I can't afford to buy Redhat would you recommend using Fedora for setting up dedicated servers? I know Fedora is known to be "bleeding edge" in technology, which concerns me with the stability of the server. Would you recommend a more stable Linux distro? I was also wondering if there is any way to know what these web hosting companies are using in their servers: [url]

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General :: Which Platform Is The Best To Use For C++ And Phyton

Jul 2, 2011

Which linux platform is the best to use for c++ and phyton? I'm going to study phyton on my own, and I wish to know what the best phyton platform is? Also, is there a way to get more harddisk space from windows vista to my dualboot linux?

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OpenSUSE :: KDESU Not Working On 11.2 Platform?

Dec 27, 2009

I've recently installed from scratch Suse 11.2, and I'm having a bit of an issue with kdesu. Basically everytime I try to start an application using kdesu (e.g. Yast), the windows where to put the password appears, but when I click on OK, or I press enter nothing happens, the windows stays where it was, and of course the program does not start. The same issue occurs when I type the password to open kwalletmanager, I suppose the two things are connected.

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OpenSUSE :: How To Install Fonts On 11.2 Platform

Mar 12, 2010

I'm new with linux. I don't know how to install fonts. In fact I just know how to shut it down. I'm completely new in this, but I want to Know. Step by step. I hope my ignorance don't angry you I'm really excited whit this new OS. win sucks. How can I install new fonts in my new openSuSE 11.2?

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Ubuntu :: How To Configure Firewall On 10.10 Platform

Feb 27, 2011

How do I configure the firewall? Is there a firewall or do I have to install one? I cant find a app anywhere in the menu. Running 10.10

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Ubuntu :: No Internet Connectivity On Win 7 Platform

Jul 20, 2011

I am using both win 7 and ubuntu using grub. If I connect to internet in ubuntu its working fine
but if I connect to net using win 7 internet is not working. However if I connect internet in ubuntu and restart win 7 without switching off router I can access net in win7 even if I switch off router and start again its working fine. But when I shut down system and router and switch on in win7 its not connection.

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Debian :: Getting Error Saying Running On An Amd Platform?

Jan 22, 2010

I am trying to get flasH player for my iceweasel. Getting error saying I am running on an amd platform. I was under the impression an amd distro wont even install on an Intel system.I am a 100% that my hardware is Intel.Here is what uname -a gives me.

sudo uname -a
[sudo] password for siawacsh:


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General :: Which IPC Method Are Platform Independent?

Apr 16, 2010

We are normally using IPC for exchange of data between multiple threads or processes. Out of following IPC which are platform independent and why they are platform independent?

1. FILEs
2. Socket
3. Named Pipes
4. Shared Memory
5. Message Queue.

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General :: Accessing SD Card On LPC Platform?

Aug 5, 2011

I am working on LPC Linux platform. I would like to log some data into SD card from the application. For this I need to know the drivers of SD card. Can any one tell me what are the drivers for SD card in LPC Linux? what are the APIs atleast/ what is the header file/

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General :: Hardware Platform For A Typical PC?

Jul 17, 2011

hardware platform for a typical PC that is going to be running Red Hat Fedora Linux

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General :: How To Find Server Platform

May 23, 2010

i need to install ioncube loader. from the download page, there are many selections for linux @ [URL]

-Linux (x86)
-Linux (x86-64)
-Linux (ppc)
-Linux (ppc64)

how can i find out which linux's platform from the command line?

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General :: Installing SDK On Embedded Platform?

Jun 7, 2011

I'm trying to install a SDK iso image onto an embedded linux platform. I was able to mount the image on the platform without problems. I also created a symbolic link called "bash" in the bin directory and had that point to busybox to satisfy the first line of code in the installer: "#!/bin/bash". However, when I run the installer, I get an error: "installer: applet not found"

I get the same error when I type "bash" on the command line. Is there a way to fix this? Here is the first few lines of code that causes the error:

DEBUG=${DEBUG:="0"} # Enables debugging options
LC_OPTION=${LC_OPTION:="prompt"} # Licensing related variable
INSTALL_PATH=${INSTALL_PATH:=$HOME} # Default installation path
declare -r SCRIPT_NAME="`basename $0`"
declare -r SCRIPT_CALLED="$0 $*"


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