Software :: Secure Usb Port Of System On Fedora 11 Platform.
Apr 13, 2010
hi i want to lock my usb port of system.i am using linux fedora 11 operating system. so for that purpose i want to know or i want the detection code that detect any external devices plug in to system.
booting up my fresh re-install of 11.4 gnome from the ISO/CD, I got this in my /var/log/messages:
This is the entry point. No other messagesN files/archives exist.
Code: Jun 13 16:33:10 linux modem-manager: (tty/ttyS0): port's parent platform driver is not whitelisted Jun 13 16:33:10 linux modem-manager: (tty/ttyS1): port's parent platform driver is not whitelisted
The server I'm running is virtually stock CentOS - it's running on a xen virtual host, started as CentOS 5.1 (32 bit) when that was fresh, it's at 5.5 now and updated nightly. All packages except postgresql and php are from CentOS and EPEL.
I'm running dovecot on it, and for long time, squirrelmail connecting via localhost was good enough. All external ports were firewalled by the CentOS firewall (just 25,80,443,custom ssh are currently open).
Now I need to allow an external imap client to connect.
I have generated ssl key and configured the dovecot configuration and it should be good to go, but gosh dangit, I can't remember how to open the port in the configuration.
I did it before when I set up ssh to run on a non standard port after I got sick of constant brute force attack on port 22, but I can't recall what I did and the various tutorials I find online all tell how to do it with the GUI tool, but I don't have any GUI stuff installed.
Is I'm pretty sure what I used to open up my custom > 1024 ssh port, but I can't remember how I used it to open that port and it doesn't seem intuitive. Also, do I need to use 993? I'd almost rather use something custom above 1024, as long as thunderbird supports it (don't care about any other mail client)
Finally, my smtp server is postfix and port 25 is already open (but not an open relay, I check it about every 3 months). For requests to send mail from a client, I would really like some authentication of some type - as in only relays for IP addresses that have recently successfully logged in the secure imap port.
I downloaded IPKungFu which is supposed to do this for me, except it did not according to a penetration site. configure IPKungFu perfectly. I did look at this site. IPKungFu easy iptables based server firewall - zarzax the blog I downloaded IPKungFu which is supposed to do this for me, except it did not according to a penetration site. Help me configure IPKungFu perfectly. I did look at this site. IPKungFu easy iptables based server firewall - zarzax the blog
I want to do a simple port redirect, i.e. whatever comes trough whatever interface on port AAAA will get redirected to port BBBBI thought that iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING --source 0/0 --destination 0/0 -p tcp --dport AAAA -j REDIRECT --to-ports BBBBhowever it doesn't work, e.g. nc -v -w2 -z localhost AAAA gives:
nc: connect to localhost port AAAA (tcp) failed: Connection refused while nc -v -w2 -z localhost BBBB
I am in my final year want to make a project which have involvement of linux platform...i have basic knowledge of c,c++,java and PHP...i have a LAN in my LAN networking is also possible...Any ideas are most welcome even silly ideas too because i am lacking of ideas right now...also suggest basic type of projects not very hi-fi..
basically in the child process iam just calling the ptrace(PTRACE_TRACEME, 0, NULL, NULL) system call but if add this stsyem call rest of the code not working properly. i found the reason basically what happening is when we have ptrace() system call its printing the same variable 3 times i.e its not executing it 3 times but just it is printing 3 times .iam just wondering how it could be possible.
I would like to use my Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic system to scan and clean viruses from Windows based HDD. I have KlamAV, AVG, and AVAST. I couldn't get F-prot to work. I don't find a debian package of it and don't know how to install tar.gz and the tutorials don't help a lot. Are there other antivirus solutions which are good for cleaning Windows OS but work on Linux/WINE? I wonder if I can install antivirus software in WINE and scan with no problem the hard disks.
I've been troubleshooting a friends computer and we've pretty well hit a brick wall. The issue at hand is the video card will not output properly. To be specific, it's an NVidia card with both DVI and VGA ports. We want it to output via the VGA and ignore the DVI because there's nothing plugged in there (the monitor we want to use doesn't support DVI). At any rate, the only time we can get the VGA to work is when we have another monitor plugged into the DVI port and dual head the system. When we do this it also adds an extra "Unknown Monitor" to the display panel. When we just use the DVI the extra "monitor" disappears. now we don't want to have monitor sitting here useless just so we can use the vga out, but there seems little else to do. We tried installing the Nvidia proprietary drivers through the software manager and yum and it failed both ways.
This is really frustrating because it seems like it should be such a simple thing but nothing works. Does anyone else have similar issues? is there something i can do to fix this? I apologize if i've not provided enough info, but ask and i'll post anything you need to diagnose.
How to design secure fault tolerant network (routers, firewall, domain servers, etc) of 300 wireless computers separated in multiple buildings and floor with multiple users for each station mainly utilizing dtp and internet software?
I'm an Oracle DBA and started working for my current employer about 4 months ago. This past weekend an alert re: FS space brought my attention to /var/spool/clientmqueue (full of mail re: cron jobs) and the fact that sendmail is not running on our Linux servers.I'm told that the IT security team deemed sendmail too vulnerable so we don't run it.Aside from FS filling up and missing notification of issues with crontab entries, I'm concerned that we may be missing notification of potential issues. In other Unix/Linux environments I've seen emails from the print daemon when it experienced problems with specific jobs.
Are there other Linux facilities aside from cron and lpd that use email to advise the users of possible issues? Are there ways to secure sendmail or secure alternatives to sendmail? My primary need/desire is to make sure that emails regarding issues on the server get to the appropriate users. Secondary goal would be to have the ability to use mailx to send mail out. There is No need/desire to receive mail from outside.
I'm looking for a most possible, secure solution to transfer data using rsync over Internet between 2 linux server. I have 3 option: SSH, IPSEC and Kerberos. Which one in your opinion should be most secure solution?
i am running ncat (netcat's new version from nmap) on centos . I am listening on different ports. My question is , is it possible that when a connection is received on a port say 123, i redirect this connection to a different port and use the 123 port again for listening connections. ncat has an option -k which u can add with -l , it will force fully listen on the port. It can accept multiple connections on a single port but i want that once a client connects on to 123 port, he is forwarded to some other port and no longer on 123.
I get all into this, I want to make sure i should be posting this here or a windows board. I have win7 and fedora 14 installed on my laptop and can boot back and forth between the two no problem. The trouble I am having though is that when I get windows to hibernate, it doesn't. It did before I installed fedora and the grub loader so that's the only thing that I can attribute it to. I've seen a bunch of threads that have addressed this problem (on windows and linux forums) but none of them have been successful for me.
I have two machines. One is for web server and the other is for database server.I need to install php in the web server and postgresql in the database server. I installed postgresql. But could not install php as it needs postgresql library during configuration steps.
Currently I am working on one project in which I am transferring existing setup to Open Source platform. I am having brand new IBM server with two NIC card and want to setup Firewall. I am searching for good solution which suits to me. Which firewall system I should go for? I am thinking of IPCop.
1) Firewall should support OpenVPN 2) Easy to manage for Resident technician 3) Should be block streaming, facebook and others sites.
I'm looking to set up a server with attached mass storage device and tape autoloader to run linux. It's set up under Windows at the moment. Goal is to have users, connecting from individual workstations and laptops, backup their data to the linux server. On their personal machine, some users run linux, some MacOS, some Windows. I plan to set up the 5 500 GB drives as RAID5. I understand that if setting up as software raid the format is "physical volume for RAID". Under this setup, will Windows users be able to read/write and function as expected? I can't assume only linux user access.
I installed ZTE MF 626 modem in my F10 with kernel, i run usb_modeswitch and so far things happened normally. Watching through /var/log/messages it says that F10 detects two port device for this modem: ttyUSB1 and ttyUSB2, and in the sequence it disable port ttyUSB1 BUT Network Manager still set this port.I mean, when i connect via wvdial appointing to ttyUSB2 i get connection, but Network Manager fails to do it appointing to ttyUSB1. How to change device port in Network Manager?
I have a mail server i need it to send message via port 587 not port 25, i make some changes to my postfix server which i use and it is already successed making a telnet to 587 port like it :
In the upcoming days I will be formatting my F14 box and switching to F15. Now I have offered a friend to use some of my storage (8TB) as a ackup for her personal files/photos. I want to set it up so that she can be sure she is the only one having acces to it (so not even I can read them as root).How can I set this up. encryption? account configuration?
Most likely she will upload via secure FTP.She trusts me, but I want to provide her with the piece of mind that it is not accessible by anyone but her.
Are the default firewall settings of F10 without any modification, sufficiently secure for general usage and to bridge the timeframe between a fresh installation of F10 and the time before the security updates are applied?imilar to how Windows firewall is set without any configuration, or do I need manually configure it to be somewhat secure, or something like Firestarter.
incoming connections are not being reported to my /var/log/secure. I can't see if people are trying to connect. I can't troubleshoot because I can't do anything.
An unsuccessful login via a tty by a known user and an unknown user will generate an almost exact line in /var/log/secure with the exception of the last field. To see this specifically do Ctrl-Alt-F2, for example. Now login with a known user and log out. Next attempt a login with a bogus user name which fails. Go back to your GUI enviroment (Ctrl-Alt-F7) and then tail /var/log/secure. For the known user the last field will be "user=some_name_here. The unknown user will not have a "user=" field.
How do I capture the two via different variables in bash?
For example: KNOWN_USER=`syntax that finds the user= field.` echo There is a user= field and the user is mmouse.
UNKNOWN_USER=`syntax that does NOT find the user= field` echo There is NO user= field and an unknown user tried to login.
If been exploring using sed to grab (or not grab) that last field, but haven't hit upon the right syntax yet.
After securing webmin on my web server, with a custom SSL connection.I wanted to do the same with phpMyAdmin. But I am unsure of where to look for the best tutorial(s) to do this, can anyone help?Plus I saw once at work our network tech adding in accounts but then allocating that to the login itself.For example, when your brought up with a .htaccess prompt in the browser, thats assigned to you login within phpMyAdmin, taken from the db server no doubt, is it possible to do this?Should there be anything else I need to know in securing mysql?I have limited all services to a set number of IPs so non of its publically functional at the moment so I can take as long as possible, but naturally I'd like to be able to be as speedy as possible about getting this sorted.