SUSE / Novell :: 11.3-1.21 / "unsupported Combination Of Hardware Platform X86_64 And Bootloader Grub?

Feb 14, 2010

From SUSE I have dl the installation DVD for SUSE 11.2 . When trying to install the system, I got the first "surprise". When the "checking your system comes, I get, in red, the following message: "unsupported combination of hardware platform X86_64 and bootloader grub. I ignored it and continue with the installation. It goes till the end and when it has to restart into new OS, there was nothing, only black screen and no keyboard. So I have to reinstall into suse 11.1. What is this and how to proceed? And yes, when I checked the DVD, it says the system on it is suse 11.3-1.21.

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OpenSUSE Install :: "Unsupported Combination Of Hardware Platform X86_64 And Bootloader Grub"

Feb 20, 2010

In installing 11.2M2 I get a message in the Installation Screen indicating that
booting sees an "Unsupported combination of hardware platform x86_64 and
bootloader grub".

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SUSE / Novell :: Open Suse 11.2 Install Grub Entry For Chainloading Ubuntu?

Jul 20, 2010

I intend to re-install open suse 11.2, 32-bit. On a previous install,suse did not provide a grub entry for ubuntu.My current setup has

ubuntu/root on /dev/sda6
ubuntu/home on /dev/sda7
ubuntu/usr/local on /dev/sda8


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SUSE / Novell :: Grub Boot Loader - File Not Found - Error 15

Oct 12, 2010

I am unable to get a knoppix poor mans install to boot using grub and opensuse 11.3. I have tried the same method on another box, same opensuse 11.3 and it boots fine. However, no matter what partition I put the knoppix files in on the problem box, it is the same error. I also have several opensuse kernels listed in the grub menu that were added when the kernel was updated, so the knoppix grub entry is off the screen. I have to down arrow to list the knoppix entry. I read that with this kind of error using ubunto as the host system, that running update-grub will force grub to look for bootable kernels and add it to the menu of boot choices. Does the same fix apply to opensuse 11.3? I have two versions of puppy linux working on this box as a poor mans install, so I am at a loss why it will not see the knoppix kernel. Can it be a problem of too many kernels listed in the menu.lst file? This box is a live update from opensuse 11.0.

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SUSE / Novell :: OpenSUSE 11.1 Fails To Boot Past Grub Prompt / Get It To Work?

Jan 28, 2010

OpenSUSE is starting to drive me a bit nuts. Actually what I'm trying to do is simply install VMWare server on a recent as possible SUSE and run 2 virtual machines, both the same SUSE. Of course 11.2 32 bit doesn't run VMWare server 2 so it's back to 11.1. The trouble is, 11.1 won't install properly on my PC.

The install process, booted and installed from the 11.1 network install iso image on CD, runs fine. The PC reboots from hard disk and stops at the grub prompt. I've tried the auto-repair option and reinstalled it from scratch a second time always with the same results. It seems the root partition is hosed, and that's where my understanding hits its limits. Can anyone help?

Incidentally should anyone be able to advise on the VMWare conundrum I'd also be interested. Maybe in another thread...

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SUSE / Novell :: "Error 22: No Such Partition" From GRUB After OpenSUSE 11.3 Install

Aug 1, 2010

I tried to install openSUSE 11.3 from the Gnome live CD. I had four partitions set already for /boot, /, /home (ext4 all) and swap from a previous failed Linux Mint installation. I installed into them, and formatted them. The /boot partition is primary and pretty well into the disk. The other partitions are logical and at the end of an extended partition which has several partitions before them. There's also an inactive Windows primary partition at the start, and a second disk with a Windows installation and a lot of logical partitions.

After install, it looks like booting into grub works fine, and I get "Error 22: No Such Partition". I then get to the GRUB menu. If I choose openSUSE from there I get:

Booting 'openSUSE 11.3'
root (hd1,2)
Error 22: No Such Partition

Booting from the live CD it looks like /boot, / and /home contain data, so they must be formatted fine.

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SUSE / Novell :: Multimedia CD-Rom Made For Windows 95/98/98 SE And 2000 Are Usable With Suse?

Nov 18, 2010

I've got several language multimedia CD-Rom's, made for Windows 95/98/98 SE and 2000, that I'm using by means of my daughter's old PC (Win 98 SE O.S.). However I noticed, also, that you can perfectly use them even with Windows Vista. What I'd like to know is if you can use them even with Suse/Novell and (why not?) OpenSuse Linux.

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SUSE / Novell :: Open SUSE 11.1 Mount Samba Share At Boot???

Jul 5, 2009

OK... I tried everything i could think of... but i still cannot get my Open SUSE 11.1 to mount my samba share at boot! I still don't understand the 11.1 boot sequence. can NE one help me... tell me what files to give you output from... Ty guys P.S. My shares originate from a Windows Server 2003 RC2 machine, and it's dns server doesn't work correctly... so my mount command is

mount -t //192.168.x.x/files/ /nET/ -o username=linux,password=xxxxxx
please let me know what other info you need... I don't have the internet, so it will be tommorow b4 i see this again!!! Thanks

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SUSE / Novell :: Unable To Create Home Directory In Open Suse 11.3

Sep 8, 2010

When i am adding a user using "useradd -d /home/test test" or "useradd test", it is now creating the home directory, whereas when i am using the graphical mode and going through several menu options, i am getting the home directory.

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SUSE / Novell :: Install A D-Link Access Point On Suse 11.0?

Sep 16, 2010

how to install a D-Link Access Point on Suse 11.0 or steer me toward documentation that will do that? I configured the device on XP following instruction from this forum and the AP configured perfectly.The AP is plugged directly into the network port on the computer. It *should* function correctly without a router. I tried a restart and Suse has no idea it's there. The computer is currently configured for a wired connection which needs to be changed. The computer itself is going to be used as a small home storage server.

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SUSE / Novell :: Monitor Turns Off After Few Minutes And Reboot - SUSE 11.3 KDE 4.5?

Nov 4, 2010

I have a disturbing problem with my monitor which goes to sleep (or ??) after few minutes if my comp is not used and most of the time I have to restart my comp.I disabled everything in Powersave , but nothing. I did have that problem in previous versions of SUSE, but somehow, I solved that. I cant remember what I did then.

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SUSE / Novell :: Can't Get Suse To Install On The Prepared 20gb Partition?

Aug 23, 2010

I've pre-partitioned my HDD and want to install 11.2 on the second primary partition.However, when using the installer, I can't get Suse to install on the prepared 20gb partition - it keeps insisting it wants to install on the large unallocated section of the drive.

I find the partitioner somewhat hard to use and the answer may be staring me in the face but I can't see it.

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SUSE / Novell :: Cannot Install Python On Open Suse 11.2 586?

Feb 1, 2010

I tried to use different version of Python, and followed the Readme like this

make test


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SUSE / Novell :: Error On Suse 11.2 Online Update?

Oct 13, 2010

PackageKit Error repo-not-available: File '/repodata/repomd.xml' not found on medium '' My 11.2 won't update and gives this error. Anyone know how to fix it?

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SUSE / Novell :: K3B Icon Missing In Panel - Suse 11.3

Jul 19, 2010

New Suse 11.3 installation with Gnome desktop. Added K3B using Yast2, and after completing the install of K3B, there is no icon for K3B! Instead there is an "X" and the text for K3B in it.From the main menu -> more applications -> multimedia, is where the K3B icon is.Yast2 is supposed to install any dependencies needed or warn if it can not find any missing dependencies. What is missing, or is it a permission problem? All the other application icons seem fine.

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SUSE / Novell :: Cannot Find For Suse 11.2

Feb 4, 2010

The software use to work well here, but now I got this when I try to run it

sparky: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

But I can not find it.

I also tried

cd /usr/lib
ln -s
ln -s

but this does not work neither.

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SUSE :: Where To Get SuSE 9 GA X86_64 ISOs

Nov 10, 2010

Based on a vendor req I'm trying to install SuSE 9.

The download section on SuSE provide 9 SP4 ISOs.

When trying to install, I get the following message:

"Make sure that CD number 1 is in your drive."

This is, fortunately, documented in the README file.

It says to throw in the GA ISO/CD when you get this.

Ok, fine, but where the heck do I get the 9 GA ISOs?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Open Suse / What Hardware Platform?

Jun 27, 2010

can someone explain to me in which platform should we install the open suse iso image.. n how to do snort inside it.. i'm dying to know..

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OpenSUSE Network :: Connect From Windows Platform To Terminal Of Suse

Mar 30, 2010

I have installed opensuse 11.2 without graphical interface. Configured whole server with ftp and hosting. This suses-server is in LAN with my home computer and without keyboard, monitor and mouse. What to use to connect from my Windows platform to terminal of suse so I don't need extra hardware?

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SUSE / Novell :: How To Set The Resolution In 11.3

Oct 25, 2010

I have been searching for 2 days and cannot find an answer. Apparently Sax2 isn't available in 11.3. It looks as if many are having the same difficulty. I've tried xrandr and tried to edit /etc/X11/Xorg.conf with no success.Copying a working xorg conf file might be a fix, I don't know.

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SUSE / Novell :: Can't Get It Working On 11.3

Oct 4, 2010

I use Termlite from SCO as my terminal emulator. It works on SUSe 9.3 but i can not get it working on 11.3. How do I enable the networking for this in SUSE 11.3.

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SUSE / Novell :: Updating From 10.3 To 11.3

Nov 19, 2010

to get flash 10 working. I just decided to update to 11.3. Bought a 8.0GB USB stick to copy files to. USB DISK icon on visible on Desktop. mounted on /media/USB DISK Clicking on device properties it is read only. I can change permissions but that is only temporary. Looking under my computer it is formated as vfat device name is /dev/sdb

I can't copy any files to it. Can't see in terminal even being root as well. Almost started the Partitioner in Yast but didn't want to accidently crash the system. That WOULD be my luck Can't find a way to format it via GUI interface. Can I use something like fdisk in terminal. I guess I need to format it as ext3.

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SUSE / Novell :: What Is Windream

Feb 18, 2010

I have SuSE 11 box. I notice that there's an entry in /etc/services that shows windream running on port 534. Can someone tell what is windream? I tried to google but it keeps bring up German website or something.

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SUSE / Novell :: Removed Accidently Removed Panel At Suse 11.1?

Jan 9, 2009

I accidently removed bottom panel of suse 11.1.Please be so kind to help me to get it back my bottom panel.

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Debian :: Grub Error 13 Invalid Or Unsupported Executable Format?

Jul 22, 2010

A few days ago I booted up my computer as normal and loaded vista. It loaded fine, but then froze at the login window. I restarted my computer but this time when I tried to load vista I got the "Error 13" message. Ubuntu still loads up fine however.

I'm fairly certain that I'm using Grub - Legacy, and since most posts that I see post the contents of the menu.lst file, I will too Code: # menu.lst - See: grub(8), info grub, update-grub(8)

# grub-install(8), grub-floppy(8),
# grub-md5-crypt, /usr/share/doc/grub
# and /usr/share/doc/grub-doc/.
## default num
# Set the default entry to the entry number NUM. Numbering starts from 0, and

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Ubuntu :: Grub Error 13 Invalid Or Unsupported Executable Format

Jul 22, 2010

A few days ago I booted up my computer as normal and loaded vista. It loaded fine, but then froze at the login window. I restarted my computer but this time when I tried to load vista I got the "Error 13" message. Ubuntu still loads up fine however.

I'm fairly certain that I'm using Grub - Legacy, and since most posts that I see post the contents of the menu.lst file, I will too

Code: # menu.lst - See: grub(8), info grub, update-grub(8)
# grub-install(8), grub-floppy(8),
# grub-md5-crypt, /usr/share/doc/grub
# and /usr/share/doc/grub-doc/.


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General :: Grub And XP Error 13: Invalid Or Unsupported Executable Format

Apr 16, 2011

Reluctantly I made a temporary install of XP as follows Remove linux drive and install a wiped drive.format ntfs & install windows xp (w/sp3)shift ntfs drive to slave, replace linux drive as master and xp drive as slave. Add it to grub as follows:

# boot=/dev/sda1
titlem$ Windows XP

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SUSE / Novell :: Cannot Connect To Internet With 11.2?

May 17, 2010

I am trying to connect to my network. I am dual-booting with windows 7 ultimate and that connects just fine. When I plug in my ethernet cable to the LAN adapter of the motherboard nothing happens. In the network manager it doesn't even acknowledge something has been connected (ie no eth0 or anything). I'm guessing that I don'tave a driver for it installed under linux. The adapter is the Marvell Yukon 8059 (88E8059 I think)

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SUSE / Novell :: Can't Get Rid Of Patch 11.2 Opensuse

Feb 14, 2010

I am using kde and can't get rid of a gnome patch. Problem won't go away in updater applet tray or yast online update.

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SUSE / Novell :: Can't Remember Login For 8.2

Apr 21, 2010

i am having linux suse 8.2 (i586) kernel 2.4.20-4gb-athlon (tty1). when i start my pc there is a window comeing asking me option like linux floppy linux - safe settings. on selecting linux suse runs and get halt with a message Welcome to suse linux 8.2 (i586) kernel 2.4.20-4gb-athlon (tty1. below that another message as(none) login : asking for login when i put my login i have again this message Welcome to suse linux 8.2 (i586) kernel 2.4.20-4gb-athlon (tty1. below that another message as(none) login : asking for login what should i do i cannot start my Suse operating software.

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