Fedora Hardware :: Error "unable To Load Nvidia.ko Fedora 12"

Feb 27, 2010

i tried to install F12 x86_64 on my new hp dv7-3020 with nvidia GT 230M. I've update all the system but i cannot install video driver. I tried with the official driver released by nvidia (Linux x64 AMD64/EM64T Display Driver 190.53) but it gave me an error "unable to load nvidia.ko fedora 12".

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Fedora :: Unable To Load Kernel Module 'nvidia.ko'

Nov 29, 2009

im trying to install the driver for my nvidia GeForce 7300 GS.i have Fedora 12 installed in an Intel duo core 2 processor 64 bits.kernel installed is followed leigh's guide i did the 4 steps but after reboot screen goes blanck and X dont work.the log says:

-> Kernel module load error: insmod inserting './usr/src/nv/nvidia.ko'
-1 no such device

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Ubuntu :: ERROR: Unable To Load The Kernel Module Nvidia.ko

May 16, 2010

for the last few releases, starting with 9.04 i've been having serious crashing problems with the nvidia driver. whether i installed it manually using the latest drivers directly from nvidia, or installing them through the restricted driver option. after a few hours CRASH. it's been awful. and i tried everything from this side to the moon to fix this issue, all to no avail. no idea why i've even stayed with ubuntu after all these issues. came from the debian world back in 5.04, and almost moved back a few times. but i did a clean install of 10.04, and thought i'd give the nvidia driver one last chance... if it didn't work i'd be moving back home to debian (with the suspicion the issue would stay).

so after i tried the restricted driver and CRASH. nothing to fix it. then i thought ok i'll try to use the latest driver from nvidia. but ran into this error when installing it:

Quote: ERROR: Unable to load the kernel module nvidia.ko. This happens most frequently when this kernel module was built against the wrong or improperly configured kernel sources, with a version of gcc that differs from the one used to build the target kernel, or if a driver such as rivafb/nvidiafb is present and prevents the NVIDIA kernel module from obtaining ownership of the NVIDIA graphics device(s), or NVIDIA GPU installed in this system is not supported by this NVIDIA Linux graphics driver release. so after googling around i found a fix to this error i was getting during the install:

Quote: sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf

blacklist vga16fb
blacklist nouveau
blacklist rivafb
blacklist nvidiafb
blacklist rivatv


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Fedora :: Error "Failed To Load Module "nvidia" (module-specific Error,0) No Drivers Available

May 1, 2011

I've been unable to boot into x using the real-time kernel from CCRMA at home. I get the error "Failed to load module "nvidia" (module-specific error,0) no drivers available. I'm using the driver from Nvidia. I know that this is not an official Fedora kernel and I should be bothering CCRMA about this, but in the mean time could I edit the entry in grub.conf so that it will use the Nouveau driver for that kernel only? That way I could "dual-boot", and just use the rt kernel when I want to use audio software and don't need 3d graphics.

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Fedora Installation :: Whenever Load The Url Http://localhost In Mozilla It Shows A Page Load Error?

Aug 8, 2010

I have found that APACHE or 'httpd' is installed in my machine. But the problem is I can start or stop the httpd but whenever I load the url http://localhost in Mozilla it shows a page load error.I have done this ,

$ /etc/init.d/httpd start
then this
$ /etc/init.d/httpd graceful


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CentOS 5 :: Can't Install Nvidia Drivers (Unable To Load The Kernel Module "nvidia.ko")?

Jul 28, 2009

So I have been trying to install these drivers forever and after going through a million forum posts and Google searches I have been unsuccessful. The process I have been trying starts as such: I hit ctrl-alt-f1 and then login as root. i then change to run level 3 by doing /sbin/init 3. After that's done I cd to desktop and do sh NVIDIA-LINUX-x86-185.18.29-pkg1.run --kernel-source-path /usr/src/kernel/2.6.18-128.2.1.el15-i686

If I don't give it the source path it can't find the source tree. Eventually I get the error: ERROR: Unable to load the kernel module 'nvidia.ko'. This happens most frequently when this kernel module was built against the wrong or improperly configured kernel sources, with a version of gcc that differs from the one used to build the target kernel, or if a driver such as rivafb/nvidiafb is present and prevents the NVIDIA kernel module from


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Debian Multimedia :: "Unable To Load Nvidia.ko" When Running NVIDIA*.run?

Feb 20, 2011

I am running Debian Squeeze with 2.6.32-5 amd64 kernel with GCC 4.3.5 (the same one used to build the kernel) installed. I have a nVidia GTX 470. I'm trying to install the latest nVidia drivers (260. ...). I've never installed noveau or any other open source nVidia driver. Here's what I've been doing:-Change the "Driver "nvidia"" line in /etc/X11/xorg.conf to "Driver "vesa""-Restart system in single user mode as root, no services running-cd to the directory with nvidia-Linux-x86_64-... .run (what I'll call nvidia.run)-enter "sh nvidia.run --uninstall"-enter "CC="/usr/bin/gcc-4.3" && sh nvidia.run"It starts up and it compiles the kernel 100%. Then it says this:

ERROR: Unable to load the kernel module 'nvidia.ko'.  This happens most
frequently when this kernel module was built against the wrong or
improperly configured kernel sources, with a version of gcc that differs


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Fedora :: Updated Kernel / Now Nvidia.ko Module Doesn't Load

Feb 26, 2010

I think I know quite well what my problem is. However, I'm still too much of a newbie to know how to solve it.My problem: I no longer get a login screen on my server after I ran a yum update which updated my kernel (thank god, vnc server still works).Cause: During startup Fedora complains that it can't load the module nvidia.ko. Reason: The module doesn't match the current kernel.

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Fedora :: Weird Load Screen After Nvidia Driver Install?

Aug 23, 2011

I have a Nvidia 275GTX and I installed the nvidia drivers via RPM fusion and blacklisted Nouveau as instructed by a guide online that I see matches the one on these forums. When my system boots up now instead of having the cool blue screen with the fedora logo in the middle that loads up I get a black screen with a bar at the bottom that says Fedora 15 to the right and the bar fills up blue and white. It looks like 8 bit Nintendo. Did I do something wrong? Is there a way to get the nice Fedora 15 load screen back?

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Fedora :: 10 Internet - Websites Load Fails And Shows "Page Load Error"

Dec 10, 2009

I reinstalled fedora the other day, and it's been working just fine, apart from the internet. It shows that I have a full connection with the wireless network, but it's really difficult to actually load a page. 80% of the time it just fails and shows "Page Load Error". It's really frustrating because it is connected to the internet. In fact, the icon in the address bar even loads from the site I try to access, but websites just will not load.

I've tested my wireless internet with another laptop which is running vista, and it works perfectly on that. Also, I'm running Fedora 10 on an Acer Extensa laptop.

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Debian Multimedia :: Nvidia Module Unable To Load / Get It To Work?

Feb 19, 2011

I am running squeeze on a PC 1386 and installed nvidia by using the packages in unstable. I was able to install nvidia and there was no error until the time I started X. The error is unable to load module "nvidia" (module does not exist, 0).

I looked up the log for Xorg and it says Unloadable Module "nvidia".

I spent the entire 24 hours to fix it because this is my office computer and I practically done all the stuff found in the forums. I already did nvidia-xconfig to no avail. I even edited xorg.conf manually and still it was not up.

I have some suspects however which are:

1. Different versions between kernel and nvidia (but since I did it the debian way then I should not have any problems).

2. Nvidia-glx is unusable in Squeeze, so does it mean I go for the unstable distro?

3. Or I miss something crucial on how I installed it?

By the way, I installed Nvidia because I am using a SAMSUNG 21' LED monitor.

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Fedora Installation :: Update Error At Yum - Error Cannot Load Module

Jul 28, 2011

After 2 months away from Fedora i am using it again, and used yum update to update stuff, everything was running fine, downloaded stuff, but 2 of the 666 stuff to install got error, here is:


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Fedora :: Unable To Load The Menu Bar?

Jul 24, 2010

I am using fedora 13 .My kernel version is . I installed vlc media player from the rpm fusion repository.I do have the problem with that.I am unable to load the menu bar in it . i find the following error.

[arun@localhost ~]$ vlc
VLC media player 1.0.6 Goldeneye
[0x8ccb8b0] main libvlc: Running vlc with the default interface. Use 'cvlc' to use vlc without interface.
[0x8da5540] main generic error: no dialogs provider module matched "any"


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Fedora :: Unable To Load The Httpd

Jul 25, 2011

I get the following error, after installing and configuring httpd - it will not start any longer:


Starting httpd (via systemctl): Job failed. See system logs and 'systemctl status' for details.Where can I find the system log for this so I can post what is actually causing this?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Unable To Load RHEL5

Mar 10, 2010

I bought HP p6270in desktop with windows7 preloaded now i need to install RHEL 5 on my PC. After i tried booting with RHEL 5 (Server Edition) OS Media

in boot screen i tried with graphical mode and text mode and resolution=1280x768 linux noprobe but after one screen loading scsi driver in blue screen the next screen is going with some unknown language in blue screen means not in human language and stops there itself and unable to continue my installation...

The HW specification of HP p6270in is as follows:
Part / FeatureSpecification / Support
Motherboard description�Motherboard manufacturer's name: Pegatron IPIEL-LA3
�HP/Compaq name: Eureka3-GL8


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Fedora :: LaTeX - Unable To Load Any Usable Font Set

Nov 29, 2010

I have F14 x86_64 installation on my laptop. I once used latex vary well. After recent update of the system, there seems to be a latex font problem. When I ran xdvi, the dvi window flashed once and disappeared immediately.

The error in the terminal is:
$ xdvi ms
Warning: Missing charsets in String to FontSet conversion
Warning: Unable to load any usable fontset
Error: Aborting: no fontset found

I have xorg-x11-font-utils, xorg-x11-fonts-misc, xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-75dpi, and xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-100dpi installed. I then ran:
# yum install xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859*
to install some extra fonts. But the problem remained. What shall I do?

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Fedora :: Unable To Upgrade Nvidia Card In 15?

Jul 18, 2011

I have just upgraded my machine from a GeForce 6600 to an GeForce GT 440. After the install, everything seemed to run fine except the KDE desktop. glxgears ran better than before, but KDE had to disable desktop effects and my window's title bars are still disappearing when I mouse over them.

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Hardware :: Unable To Use Nvidia Driver With Fedora 11?

Oct 3, 2009

My system specs are..

OS: Fedora 11
CPU: Core2Duo E6750
GPU: Nvidia GeForce 9500gt
MOBO: A-Bit IP35-E

Now, i had an ATI Radeon x1950 and was using the open-source drivers with Fedora 11 and worked fine apart from maximum resolution was 1024x768. So knowing that Nvidia's Linux support was far superior i shelved out on a new GPU the GeForce 9500GT. I tried "yum install kmod-nvidia" - restarted and then the system loads using the nouveo drivers... So i blacklisted the nouveo drivers and changed the xorg.conf file to use the nvidia driver. Restarted, now its using the vesa driver! Blacklisted the vesa driver and after restarting its still picking up the vesa driver! So... i then head to nvidia's site, download the latest driver from there, shut down X-Server, installed them, restarted..... and still using the blumin vesa drivers!

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Fedora :: PHP Startup : Unable To Load Dynamic Library / Sort It?

Dec 30, 2009

I have a new VPS running.But PHP doesn't work well. The error message I get from /var/log/http/error.log is code...

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Fedora :: Unable To Get Module To Auto Load At Boot / Sort It?

Sep 20, 2010

I have been unable to get the snd-aloop module to load on boot.

I have tried appending the following to /etc/modprobe.d/dist-alsa.conf code...

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Fedora Installation :: Unable To Get Nvidia Drivers Installed In 10?

Feb 19, 2009

This is my first post, as I've finally become fed up with trying to get the nvidia drivers installed on Fedora 10. I've read through all the posts here about how people have had problems. I know about the rpmfusion repository, and have followed leigh123's instructions to the letter at this link:[URL]The exact stepsI have taken before following his sage advice follows this way: install off the CD image I burned of Fedora 10, run from the menus "System-->Administration-->Update System" to get the system up to date, reboot to make sure everything is working fine.

Then I follow the above instructions (only because they have gotten me the closest to getting the drivers working). After the reboot from following those instructions, the system starts up, and I have a desktop. But when I restart again, either because I'm shutting down for the night, or just to check again that everything is fine,I get nothing but a flashing cursor in the upper left of my screen. I'm able to CTRL+ALT+F2 and get to a login that way, but can't get into the GUI. I've searched the forums (both here and on The Web generally), and can't find a fix for this that works for me. I have gone back and erased the partition and reinstalled, so I'm at the basic install with all the updates for my system, and needing help with getting the drivers installed and working.

Just to give a run down of what I have on my system:Two NVidia 8500 GT cards connected with the SLI bridgeAMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 3800+Runningl (I'm typing this up as I reinstall updates as I listed above).Before anyone starts giving suggestions, please make sure to give the full instructions, as I'm new to Fedora/Linux. And if there is anything else you wish to know about my configuration

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Fedora :: Unable Nvidia GPU To Do Work When Transcoding Video Instead Of The CPU?

Apr 28, 2010

I am finding little bits and parts of information about CUDA enabled mplayer/mencoder .. apparently CUDA will enable your Nvidia GPU to do work when transcoding video instead of the CPU?

does anyone know if there are any Fedora RPMs of a CUDA enabled mplayer? how can you tell if your Nvidia card supports CUDA in linux? I found some ubuntu packages but so far nothing for Fedora

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Fedora :: FC 14 And PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable To Load Dynamic Library / Snmp

Nov 8, 2010

After upgrading to FC14, things went south for some of the websites etc I run. I have the following snmp related packages installed:


On a number of sites I use PHP's snmpget() function, but now on all these I just get this error: PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/etc/php.d/snmp.so' - libnetsnmp.so.15: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function snmpget()


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Red Hat / Fedora :: Ffmpeg-php And Gd Module Loading / Unable To Load Dynamic Library?

Jan 19, 2010

fedora 12 with php 5.3.1 + apache is installed on the server

I needed a FFMPEG + MENCODER + FFMPEG-PHP setup , so I have installed all of the necessary libraries/codecs along with ffmpeg , mencoder and ffmpeg-php

I've added ffmpeg-php (ffmpeg.so) module to php.ini and restarted httpd

But ffmpeg was not showing up in phpinfo() so I grepped : php -i | grep ffmpeg
for some clues and got this warning
PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php/modules/ffmpeg.so' - /usr/lib/php/modules/ffmpeg.so: undefined symbol: php_gd_gdImageSetPixel in Unknown on line 0

That error explains why ffmpeg is not loading

Obviously something to do with GD library , so I've researched on the net , and found that some users suggest loading the GD module before FFMPEG module.

I gave it a try and added this at the end of php.ini:
Code: [gd]
;loading gd
;loading ffmpeg
extension=ffmpeg.so ...but still same error when greping phpinfo()

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Fedora :: Unable To Activate Nvidia-173xx Driver After Upgrading To 14?

Dec 4, 2010

I was running Fedora 13 on my old computer with a nvidia Geforce FX 5200 graphics card using the nvidia-173xx driver from fusion. After upgrading to Fedora 14 (the first day of its release) the X server wasn't working anymore, the screen just froze up after the progress bar. With Alt+F4 I "moved" to text mode and gave the startx command, but I got the fatal error message that there was no usable configuration detected. I deleted the xorg.conf file and afterwards I was able to start X again. I use the nouveau driver now, but it doesn't nearly work as good as the nvidia-173xx driver. I have it installed, but when I try to activate it (by running nvidia-xconfig as root) the X server doesn't work again after restart, and I have to do the same thing all over again.

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Hardware :: Unable To Use NVidia Driver For GeForce 9200 In Fedora 13

Sep 29, 2010

In Fedora 13 with the kernel version of, the NVidia driver of the version 256.53 was installed from rpmfusion repository. Everything works fine except for one problem: the brightness cannot be controlled from the power management programs in either KDE or Gnome. In Gnome, the scroll bar of brightness disappears, and, in KDE, the scroll bar cannot be dragged.

Since the computer with Fedora 13 and NVidia driver installed is Dell Studio One 19 (All-in-One computer) which has no hardware buttons to control screen display options at all, there is no other way to adjust the brightness of computer screen. The BIOS of the computer doesn't include an option to adjust screen brightness either. Since screen brightness is set at the maximum level when the computer is turned on, it is not possible to continue using the computer for a continuous period of time due to eyesight protection. Strangely enough, both the Nouveau driver included in xorg-x11-drv-nouveau 0.0.16-8.20100423git13c1043 from Xorg 7.4 and the driver included in the mesa-dri-drivers-experimental 7.8.1 support brightness adjustment without any glitches.

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Fedora :: X Error In NVIDIA Application After F15 Update?

Sep 6, 2011

I did a large update to F15 from an older version of F15. I am using x86_64. I could not reboot (will post separately on that issue). Rebooted the previous kernel in the KDE safe mode, and things look ok, except for NVIDIA CUDA code, which had been working perfectly:

[dtelford@localhost release]$ ./Mandel*
[Mandelbrot] starting...
[ CUDA Mandelbrot/Julia Set ]
Initializing GLUT...
X Error of failed request: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)


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Fedora Installation :: NVidia Driver - Unable To Find System Utility

Jun 15, 2009

I am a new user of Fedora 11. I am a Ubuntu user and could not get my GeForce 9100 on board graphics to work on my new computer with out crashing my computer so I decided I would try fedora. I downloaded the driver from NVidia and I am attempting to install it (Fedora didn't automatically find the driver). I get the following message:
"Error Unable to find the system utility 'ld'; Please make sure you have the 'binutils' installed. If you do have the bin utils installed, then please check that 'ld' is in your PATH."
I am running the driver from $Download as root. I don't know what ld or bin utils is or the check if I have it or if it is in my PATH.

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Fedora Hardware :: Unable To Install Nvidia - Nouveau Doesn't Work

Jul 3, 2010

I have Fedora 11 installed on a system that initially had an ATI 1650 type card. I recently replaced it with a GeForce GT 220. I don't believe there was ever an xorg.conf generated or used with the ATI card. Initially, when I replaced cards and rebooted, I was able to start up KDE or GNOME but with only 2 very low resolutions available(the highest being 800x600). Next I ran Xorg -configure to generate an xorg.conf file. Everything I am seeing in this file seems to make sense. But now, when I startx all I get is a red error box being displayed by the CRT monitor with this message:

Signal Frequency is out of range
FH 30.1 kHz FV 24 Hz
Please Change Signal Timing

The only way I can get my X system back is to go into the xorg.conf file (in the Device Section) and change the driver to vesa. But I still only have 2 very low resolutions available.

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Fedora Installation :: Crippling Graphics Error When Trying To Load Live CD

Aug 4, 2010

I'm not entirely new to Linux, but I'm far from a standard user. I decided to give it another try with Fedora on my new Asus G60JX laptop. Specs: Intel Core i5 430m, Nvidia GeForce GTX 360m, Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit.

When I attempt to run the live CD from either a physical CD or a bootable flash drive, it loads as usual. However, once Fedora goes to the desktop, I get this screen:

As you may be able to tell, it's a garbled version of the Windows desktop I had previous to the reboot. Evidently, something in my hardware is not supported. However, I fail to see how I can install drivers when this is literally all I can coax the computer into doing.

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