CentOS 5 :: Can't Install Nvidia Drivers (Unable To Load The Kernel Module "nvidia.ko")?

Jul 28, 2009

So I have been trying to install these drivers forever and after going through a million forum posts and Google searches I have been unsuccessful. The process I have been trying starts as such: I hit ctrl-alt-f1 and then login as root. i then change to run level 3 by doing /sbin/init 3. After that's done I cd to desktop and do sh NVIDIA-LINUX-x86-185.18.29-pkg1.run --kernel-source-path /usr/src/kernel/2.6.18-128.2.1.el15-i686

If I don't give it the source path it can't find the source tree. Eventually I get the error: ERROR: Unable to load the kernel module 'nvidia.ko'. This happens most frequently when this kernel module was built against the wrong or improperly configured kernel sources, with a version of gcc that differs from the one used to build the target kernel, or if a driver such as rivafb/nvidiafb is present and prevents the NVIDIA kernel module from


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Fedora :: Unable To Load Kernel Module 'nvidia.ko'

Nov 29, 2009

im trying to install the driver for my nvidia GeForce 7300 GS.i have Fedora 12 installed in an Intel duo core 2 processor 64 bits.kernel installed is followed leigh's guide i did the 4 steps but after reboot screen goes blanck and X dont work.the log says:

-> Kernel module load error: insmod inserting './usr/src/nv/nvidia.ko'
-1 no such device

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Ubuntu :: NVIDIA: Failed To Load The NVIDIA Kernel Module?

Aug 31, 2010

I spent quite a lot of time jumping from one thread to another trying to fix a problem with my NVIDIA drivers in Lucid. I was getting the error message on startup: NVIDIA: Failed to load the NVIDIA kernel module ...Failed to load module "nvidia" (module-specific error, 0) No drivers available".

After a lot of trial and error, this is what worked for me (I have updated this thread following [URL]):

- Download the latest NVIDIA driver from www.nvidia.com/page/drivers.html

- In the terminal cd to the directory where you downloaded the driver package (e.g., $ cd Downloads)and make it executable (e.g., $ sudo chmod +x ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-256.53.run)

- Edit blacklist.conf $ gksu gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf

and add the following lines to the end of the file:

#recommended by http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1467074
blacklist vga16fb
blacklist nouveau
blacklist rivafb


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Ubuntu :: ERROR: Unable To Load The Kernel Module Nvidia.ko

May 16, 2010

for the last few releases, starting with 9.04 i've been having serious crashing problems with the nvidia driver. whether i installed it manually using the latest drivers directly from nvidia, or installing them through the restricted driver option. after a few hours CRASH. it's been awful. and i tried everything from this side to the moon to fix this issue, all to no avail. no idea why i've even stayed with ubuntu after all these issues. came from the debian world back in 5.04, and almost moved back a few times. but i did a clean install of 10.04, and thought i'd give the nvidia driver one last chance... if it didn't work i'd be moving back home to debian (with the suspicion the issue would stay).

so after i tried the restricted driver and CRASH. nothing to fix it. then i thought ok i'll try to use the latest driver from nvidia. but ran into this error when installing it:

Quote: ERROR: Unable to load the kernel module nvidia.ko. This happens most frequently when this kernel module was built against the wrong or improperly configured kernel sources, with a version of gcc that differs from the one used to build the target kernel, or if a driver such as rivafb/nvidiafb is present and prevents the NVIDIA kernel module from obtaining ownership of the NVIDIA graphics device(s), or NVIDIA GPU installed in this system is not supported by this NVIDIA Linux graphics driver release. so after googling around i found a fix to this error i was getting during the install:

Quote: sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf

blacklist vga16fb
blacklist nouveau
blacklist rivafb
blacklist nvidiafb
blacklist rivatv


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Ubuntu :: Failed To Load NVIDIA Kernel Module?

May 11, 2010

My nvidia graphics driver was updated last night, and since then I've been unable to get into Gnome without resorting to low graphics mode. I have extensive knowledge of Windoze systems. Upon boot up, I get the following error:

(EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to load NVIDIA kernel module!
(EE) NVIDIA(0): *** Aborting ***
(EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration

I've tried some troubleshooting, including attempting to uninstall all nvidia drivers and reinstall (via synaptic).

Administration->Hardware Drivers reports that version 173 is installed loaded and active. Nvidia X Server Settings (nvidia-settings) gives me the "You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server." error.

I've tried the nvidia-xconfig (both with gdm up and down) and it hasn't made any difference.

Oh, it's a GeForce 6200 wwith two Dell E193FPp monitors running on Ubuntu 10.04.

Here's my xorg.conf:

# nvidia-xconfig: X configuration file generated by nvidia-xconfig
# nvidia-xconfig: version 1.0 (buildmeister@builder75) Fri Mar 12 01:42:27 PST 2010
Section "ServerLayout"


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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - Failed To Load NVidia Kernel Module

Aug 8, 2010

My laptop broke beyond repair recently so I am stuck on a 6 year old hp pavilion zv5000 given to me by a friend and I thought I may as well give linux a go, I have been meaning to for years. I've installed xubuntu 10.04 as I heard it is less resource intensive than normal ubuntu but have been unable to configure the nvidia graphics card. I used the hardware drivers program which installed the nvidia accelerated graphics driver 96 (which was the recommended version) and then ran sudo nvidia-xconfig as instructed and got

Warning: Unable to locate/open X configuration file.
New X configuration file written to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'

Which I presume means it worked correctly, but whenever I try to boot I get a message saying "failed to load nvidia kernel module", at which point I either have to restore the generic configuration or just start the session in low graphics mode. I have googled the problem and in a lot of peoples cases it seems to be linked to upgrading from a previous version whilst mine was a fresh install. I tried sudo modprode and it says the nvidia module isn't present. I tried installing the packages in synaptic which mentioned nvidia kernel modules but still no luck.

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 - Failed To Load NVidia Kernel Module

Feb 4, 2011

I am trying to fix my friends laptop and after the most recent upgrade she performed she got this error message when her laptop boots. Thing is that it stays frozen in that mode. I don't even see the grub boot loader. I know its the only operating system she has running on her laptop as well. The following error was encountered. You may need to update your configuration to solve this.

(EE) NVIDIA: failed to load the NVIDIA Kernel module.
please check your
(EE) NVIDIA: system's kernal log for additional error messages.
(EE) failed to load module "nvidia" (module-specific error, 0)
(EE) no drivers available
She is running ubuntu 10.10

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Software :: Failed To Load NVIDIA Kernel Module

Nov 26, 2010

So I just recently got my proprietary driver working yesterday (and enjoyed too many hours of Starcraft 2 afterwards) but today after I downloaded an Update Package and rebooted, it's telling me that it "Filed to load NVIDIA kernel module".So now I'm back to square one, I had to restart in the lower graphics mode or whatever it's called prior to logging in.When I go to System - Admin - Hardware Drivers, nothing shows up and it says no proprietary drivers are in use on this system.

When I try to change the resolution under System - Preferences - Monitors (since everything is so big) I get "It appears that your graphics driver does not support the necessary extensions to use this tool. Do you want to use your graphics driver vendor's tool instead?" I select "Yes" and I get "You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server."I'm a total loss here, I'm assuming something from the update package has caused everything to go haywire and I'm hoping that if/when I get this fixed I don't have to keep doing this fix every time I use the Update Manager.I'm still fairly new to this whole Ubuntu thing, so any step-by-step instructions would be appreciated

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Fedora :: Updated Kernel / Now Nvidia.ko Module Doesn't Load

Feb 26, 2010

I think I know quite well what my problem is. However, I'm still too much of a newbie to know how to solve it.My problem: I no longer get a login screen on my server after I ran a yum update which updated my kernel (thank god, vnc server still works).Cause: During startup Fedora complains that it can't load the module nvidia.ko. Reason: The module doesn't match the current kernel.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Module Nvidia Failed To Load With Kernel 2.6.32-33

Jun 7, 2011

I am using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS.With the last update, I have installed the kernel 2.6.32-33.And I have the message "module nvidia failed to load" in Xorg.log.0 My "current" nvidia module is 195. I have tried without success to reinstall nvidia. What I must do ? Wait for a new update of nvidia ?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Failed To Load Nvidia Kernel Module In Lucid

Oct 15, 2010

I am running my PC on Lucid. It has been working fine, but suddenly the other day I got an error message when booting, saying that Nvidia kernel module failed to load. I had to boot in low graphics mode. The only thing i can think of that had changed is that I had recently upgraded to latest Linux kernel 2.6.36-25.I have tried carefully following tips on numerous threads on this forum and others, but still no go. I have purged nvidia drivers and reinstalled nvidia-current (also tried nvidia-glx-185). However, when I then do <sudo modprobe nvidia>, I get this message:

WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/lrm-vide, it will be ignored in a future release.
WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist, it will be ignored in a future release.
WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/bad_list, it will be ignored in a future release.


When I go to System>Administration>Hardware Divers, it shows Nvidia-current as present but not currently activated.I have blacklisted vga16fb and nouveau in blacklist.conf, done <sudo nvidia-xconfig> etc.I am at a loss as what to do next, and am still new enough to Linux to not be in a position to fiddle to try fix it myself.

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Debian Multimedia :: Nvidia Module Unable To Load / Get It To Work?

Feb 19, 2011

I am running squeeze on a PC 1386 and installed nvidia by using the packages in unstable. I was able to install nvidia and there was no error until the time I started X. The error is unable to load module "nvidia" (module does not exist, 0).

I looked up the log for Xorg and it says Unloadable Module "nvidia".

I spent the entire 24 hours to fix it because this is my office computer and I practically done all the stuff found in the forums. I already did nvidia-xconfig to no avail. I even edited xorg.conf manually and still it was not up.

I have some suspects however which are:

1. Different versions between kernel and nvidia (but since I did it the debian way then I should not have any problems).

2. Nvidia-glx is unusable in Squeeze, so does it mean I go for the unstable distro?

3. Or I miss something crucial on how I installed it?

By the way, I installed Nvidia because I am using a SAMSUNG 21' LED monitor.

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Fedora :: (EE) Jul 30 06:32:07 NVIDIA(0): Failed To Initialize The NVIDIA Kernel Module

Jul 30, 2010

I updated kernel and everything seemed ok, except HD-PVR is locking up and recording only two minutes of every show it records. So, I have gone back to my previous kernel, but it seems that X isn't starting:


(II) NVIDIA dlloader X Driver 195.36.31 Thu Jun 3 08:27:29 PDT 2010
(II) NVIDIA Unified Driver for all Supported NVIDIA GPUs


Fatal server error:no screens found I had done a yum install kmod-nvidia for the newer kernel. I am thinking I need to get the kmod for the current kernel again ( #1 SMP Fri Apr 30 19:46:25 UTC 2010 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux), but am not sure how that is done?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Unable To Build The NVIDIA Kernel Module?

Feb 26, 2011

before i get a lot of annoyed responses, I did check the forum and found a couple older previous threads on this topic, but they don't seem to really explain any real solutions to the problem im having.Here's the story- I was looking around for instructions and found this "howto guide" on installing nvidia display driver [URL]I went through the steps he listed:

downloaded the driver packages, install the dependencies from the shell, and then i pressed CTRL+ALT+F2 to get out of X and into text mode. I stopped my gdm with the command: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stopand then i tried to install the driver using: sudo sh (on my NVIDIA driver- his version was a bit outdated compared to the one I downloaded)But here is where the problem starts, as I go through the installation process and click yes, i reach the "progress bar" then the screen says "unable to build the NVIDIA kernel module". and then it just exits. What is going on here? Am I missing some other package or file?

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Slackware :: Slax - Unable To Build NVIDIA Kernel Module

Jan 9, 2010

I started slax in cli mode and tried to install nvidia driver before running X but it won't install. My log:

nvidia-installer log file '/var/log/nvidia-installer.log'
creation time: Sun Jan 10 04:21:14 2010
option status:
license pre-accepted : false
Update : false
Force update : false
Expert : false
uninstall : false
Driver info : false ....

ERROR: Unable to build the NVIDIA kernel module.
ERROR: Installation has failed. Please see the file '/var/log/nvidia-installer.log' for details.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Unable To Build Kernel Module For NVidia On A Fresh 11.4 Installation?

Mar 13, 2011

I'm trying to install the nVidia driver for a fresh Installation of OpenSUSE 11.4 (32-bit) but I'm running into some issues. I followed the instructions (SDB:NVIDIA the hard way - openSUSE) using the driver binary mentioned in the workaround link (NVIDIA DRIVERS 256.53 Certified) but the installer fails while building the kernel module with the following errors:

nvidia-installer log file '/var/log/nvidia-installer.log'
creation time: Sun Mar 13 17:32:56 2011


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Fedora :: Error "Failed To Load Module "nvidia" (module-specific Error,0) No Drivers Available

May 1, 2011

I've been unable to boot into x using the real-time kernel from CCRMA at home. I get the error "Failed to load module "nvidia" (module-specific error,0) no drivers available. I'm using the driver from Nvidia. I know that this is not an official Fedora kernel and I should be bothering CCRMA about this, but in the mean time could I edit the entry in grub.conf so that it will use the Nouveau driver for that kernel only? That way I could "dual-boot", and just use the rt kernel when I want to use audio software and don't need 3d graphics.

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OpenSUSE Install :: OS 11.3 RC2 - Disable Nouvou Module Permanently; Use Propietary NVidia Drivers?

Jul 5, 2010

I have compiled the proprietary nvidia drivers for 11.3. When I boot, even using the nomodeset boot option, the nouveau module still loads, causing gdm/X to fail. I am able to manually remove the modules with rmmod and restart gdm. Everything then works normally. I have added the line "blacklist nouveau" to both 50-blacklist.conf and 99-local.conf in /etc/modprobe.d

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Ubuntu :: "Failed To Load The NVIDIA Kernel Module"?

Sep 29, 2010

i just recently upgraded to Ubuntu. I also just installed the Nvidia 256.53 drivers for my gtx 460. I did that and it worked fine. But the other day i did some updates that were prompted to me on the desktop. So i did those, then i restart and i got "Failed to load the NVIDIA kernel module." It then asked if i wanted to run in nvidia low graphics mode, which i did. So i am currently trying to figure out how to fix my NVIDIA drivers so that i have 1920x1080.

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Hardware :: Unable To Setup Kernel Drivers And Modules For HDA Nvidia (audio Via Hdmi)

Jun 15, 2011

I have, for days, been trying to get a Fedora 15 server to send audio output to the system monitor, an ASUS VH242H, via HDMI. The video portion works perfectly, allowing me to appreciate GNOME 3 for the first time. Sound, on the other hand, is non-existent.

From many, many threads on this problem, I have at least been able to provide some info which might help resolve this. Unfortunately, I have now read too much and followed too many suggestions to be able to find my way through the morass. So, once again, I built a completely new system to ensure a clean start.

Note also that to simplify things, I disabled the on-board audio in BIOS so only Nvidia has any sound output capability. Initially, 'alsamixer -V all' identifies the card and the chip as being PulseAudio. That would change if I used the <F6> option but I have not done so to keep things 'clean' at this point. The 'Master' is full on (100<>100), so muting is not a problem. Next, I searched for the device from the output of /proc/asound/card0 which would match the monitor.

The one device associated with the monitor_name is eld#3.0:

monitor_present 1
eld_valid 1
monitor_name ASUS VH242H


Both the kernel driver and the kernel modules are not what I think I should have. The kernel driver should be HDA NVidia for starters, no? Running modprobe -l and looking for nvidia returns:

'kernel/drivers /video/nvidia/nvidiafb.ko'and 'extra/nvidia/nvidia.ko' But I have not attempted anything beyond this point because I am just too confused as to what needs to be done and who or what manages these values effectively.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: NVidia GeForce2 GTS / Pro Driver - Failed To Load Module "nvidia" (loader Failed, 7)

Feb 17, 2010

I`am trying to install drivers for a very old graphics card GeForce2 GTS/Pro on Suse 11.2. I downloaded driver NVIDIA-Linux-x86-71.86.13-pkg1.run and install it successfully. But when I launch "sax2 -r -m 0=nvidia" it crushes with error "isax: could not import file: /var/cache/sax/files/config at /usr/sbin/isax line 199"


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Software :: Audio Driver Install - ERROR - NVIDIA Kernel Module Was Not Created

May 29, 2010

I tried to install NVIDIA audio drivers on fc10 (

It ended up in this error.

I am attaching nforce-installer log for your details.


By default I can use internet (without network drivers installed), how is this possible? And why not audio?

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Install Nvidia Drivers For Nvidia 8800 GT Video Card

Apr 3, 2011

I can't figure out how to install the nvidia drivers for my nvidia 8800 GT video card. I've followed some other posts and all the posts seemed either incomplete, or led me down a path of which eventually broke my installation, that I needed to reinstall the entire ubuntu system.Again, it may not have been broken, i just didnt know how to get back in to the gui version of ubuntu, the instructions took me to the console terminal

1.) I've installed the ubuntu 10.10 64bit for i386 in an oracle virtualBox..

2.) downloaded from nvidia.com "NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-260.19.44.run"

3.) Stuck don't know what to do.

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Debian Multimedia :: Sid Kernel - Cannot Install NVidia Drivers

Jun 6, 2010

I am running Debian "Sid" and cannot install the Nvidia driver. When I try to install the driver using Module Assistant it says "Bad luck, the kernel headers for the target kernel version could not be found and you did not specify other valid kernel headers to use." It also says "If the running kernel has been shipped with Debian please install the package linux-headers-2.6.32-trunk-amd64." The kernel I am running is the one currently in Debian "Sid".

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Ubuntu :: Install The Nvidia Drivers From Nvidia Website?

Dec 12, 2010

I have Ubuntu 10.10. I want to install the from the nvidia website. The propriatary drivers from Ubuntu aren't great. I have downloaded the file, but what do I do with it now? How can I get it installed?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Install NVIDIA Drivers

Feb 9, 2009

When I go to System>Administration>Hardware Drivers a new window pops up (no proprietary drivers are in use for this system). I click on version 177 and activate, but all that happens is a smaller window comes up (downloading and installing driver) although it never goes over 0% and then quickly disappears without any "changes applied" message.

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Debian :: Nvidia Module Sometimes Won't Load

Jul 25, 2010

I'm fairly new to Debian, but during the past I've used Mandrake, Slackware and Ubuntu. Few months ago I've migrated from Ubuntu to Debian - I like it a lot but there is one thing which keeps bugging me.Sometimes - one of the few boots - nvidia module won't load and GDM won't start. During the "bad" boot system freezes for a while after the message "PME# disabled" and gives the message about nvidia GPU not supported. Because of that GDM fails to start.Below are the boot logs (without the leading time for easy diff comparison) - the "bad log" when nvidia fails to load and the "good log" when everything is OK. Any help?

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: How To Install The NVIDIA Drivers

Jul 15, 2009

I have installed:

yum list installed kernel*
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, kernel-module, kmod, priorities Installed Packages
kernel.i686 2.6.18-92.1.18.el5 installed
kernel.i686 2.6.18-92.1.22.el5 installed
kernel.i686 2.6.18-128.1.6.el5 installed


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Debian Multimedia :: "Unable To Load Nvidia.ko" When Running NVIDIA*.run?

Feb 20, 2011

I am running Debian Squeeze with 2.6.32-5 amd64 kernel with GCC 4.3.5 (the same one used to build the kernel) installed. I have a nVidia GTX 470. I'm trying to install the latest nVidia drivers (260. ...). I've never installed noveau or any other open source nVidia driver. Here's what I've been doing:-Change the "Driver "nvidia"" line in /etc/X11/xorg.conf to "Driver "vesa""-Restart system in single user mode as root, no services running-cd to the directory with nvidia-Linux-x86_64-... .run (what I'll call nvidia.run)-enter "sh nvidia.run --uninstall"-enter "CC="/usr/bin/gcc-4.3" && sh nvidia.run"It starts up and it compiles the kernel 100%. Then it says this:

ERROR: Unable to load the kernel module 'nvidia.ko'.  This happens most
frequently when this kernel module was built against the wrong or
improperly configured kernel sources, with a version of gcc that differs


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Nvidia Module Won't Load / Make It Possible?

Jul 23, 2010

This nvidia driver is driving me nuts... I have tried everything I can think of including multiple solutions from threads.

I have a GeForce FX5200 with the nvidia-current drivers installed. On boot I receive the following error messages... code...

If I try and open the nvidia server settings I get the following message.

You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.

In Jockey I get:

The driver is activated but not currently in use.

I am using headers 2.6.32-23 and have updated to grub2 (something that seems to have fixed a mismatched header issue for others). I have uninstalled and reinstalled drivers, edited the xorg.conf with nvidia-xconfig as well as manually and I don't know what else to do... any suggestions would be appreciated... 640x480 is crap.

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