Fedora Hardware :: Track-pad Doesn't Work

Jul 19, 2011

i recently bought a Coby netbook, and the track pad doesn't work at all if i'm using linux, (i currently have fedora 15, and gnome 3.0.1) it works fine with windows. and also, the keyboard sometimes glitches and my typing would look like.does anyone have any idea on how to fix these problems? i would like to just find a .rpm or something with the drivers or whatever (I have always hated using tar balls)

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Ubuntu :: Can't Stay On Track And Doesn't Respond To Keys At Certain Times

Mar 17, 2010

my 9.04 64 bit ubuntu machine is having some major stuttering issue, as in it can't stay on track and doesn't respond to keys at certain times, the normal flashing text bar is flashing very quickly and very eradically as well. I reinstalled ubuntu keeping my /home on a separate partition, and then upgraded to 9.10 thinking that'd fix it, it didn't.at this point i don't know what's happening, My windows partition is fine.

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Software :: Amarok Doesn't Advance To Next Track On Playlist Automatically

Mar 24, 2011

Usually when I install a sequence of tracks in the Amarok playlist, it plays them in order, advancing to the next track after each is played. But it seems now to be in some state where it doesn't automatically advance -- after completing a track, it just stops. I can manually start the next track, however. What is needed to cause the automatic advance? (I'm running Amarok 2.3.2 under KDE 4.5.1 and Kubuntu Maverick 10.10.)

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Debian :: Back Track 4 Wireless Will Not Work

Feb 2, 2011

I have been able to connect through a wired connection for a while, I have checked through many previous threads but I cannot seem to get the wireless to even pick up a signal, which this computer right next to it can pick up.

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Fedora :: 15 X86-64 DVD Doesn't Work

May 24, 2011

gave it a couple downloads...couple burns... both just stall at boot

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Fedora Networking :: Samsung N130 Realtek 8192 Doesn't Work In Fedora 12

Apr 2, 2010

I have a Samsung N130 with a Realtek 8192 wifi card (possibly 8192e, I'm not sure) and I am trying to run Fedora 12 on it. I used to run Ubuntu until trying their latest beta and realizing it's not very good, so I looked for something else. Ubuntu was at least easy to get the wifi working with just a few quick commands that were written out, word for word, in order, on the Ubuntu forums. I tried openSUSE on here and it didn't have wifi working out of the box either but people on their forums refused to give me actual instructions and just kept bumping me from thread to thread with people giving vague advice or else just telling me I was looking in the wrong place. I'm hoping that someone can give me clear and detailed instructions on how to get this wifi card working. Keep in mind that I am coming from Ubuntu and so I'm not super comfortable in CLI, if I need to do some CL stuff I will need clear and detailed instructions on how to do that.

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Fedora :: Bluefish - View Browser - Button Doesn't Work Fedora 9

Feb 25, 2009

I'm using Fedora 9, I've just installed Bluefish, all hunky dory till I press "View on Browser" Button nothing happens. I've tried few cods like these; /usr/bin/firefox -new-window "%s" & %s. But No success.

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Fedora Installation :: Software Update - Fedora ( - Nvidia Driver Doesn't Work

Sep 1, 2010

Fedora ( I installed that update, during the installation process it said that it had to remove three packages, one of them was kmod nvidia for the old kernel (Fedora ( the update finished installing the new kernel, I restarted the system and Nvidia did not load. (I assume because Update manager removed the old nvidia? But I also assumed that a new version would be installed automatically?)I received the following Boot messages:


Entering non-interactive startup
Starting monitoring for VG vg_user1: 3 logical volume(s) in volume group "vg_user1" monitored


I'm confused, if Update Manager removed kmod nvidia, then why does yum say it is installed? And why doesn't the new kernel update work with that version? Or should I install a driver version for that particular kernel? I've read while searching that I need to install a kmod-nvidia for that particual kernel version and that I should login to my previous kernel until that happens, is that the problem I'm having?

Why don't rpmfusion and fedoraproject release the kmod-nvidia and kernel updates at the same time to avoid problems such as this? Does anyone know how long does it usually take for rpmfusion to release the new kmod-nvidia driver for the latest kernel?

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Fedora :: Fedora 14 On Acer Aspire One Netbook Mic Doesn't Work

Jan 3, 2011

I just found it out now, after installed the skype and tried setup my web/audio on it, the webcam works fine but the mic doesn't work, so i went to the audio menu on fedora 14 and found it out the mic is dead.Someone had the same issue? Can someone let me know what can i do to fix that?

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Fedora :: Fedora 14 Root Password (no Other Passwords Either) Doesn't Work

Aug 1, 2011

I have winbind Active Directory authentication set up on my laptop. AD authentication works like a charm, passwords cache, etc. I can use sudo with no problem. However, I cannot use the root account -no matter what I set the root password to, the system will not take it. I also have a couple of normal system users (not winbind), and no matter what I set their passwords to, I cannot login.

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Fedora :: Scroll Doesn't Work In KDE

Jan 15, 2010

I just installed KDE through gruoinstall command on my F12. I can't use the vertical scroll bar on the touchpad of my laptop. Also I wanted to change the shortcut to window menu. It's Alt+F3 whereas I am comfortable to Alt+Space like in GNOME.

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Fedora :: Flash Doesn't Work Sometimes?

Feb 16, 2010

i just installed fedora 12 on my computer. installation went perfect, even tweaked it a little bit and everything works; except for flash player. i installed it by following some guide and i can watch videos vids and all, but sometimes the videos video player doesn't respond to my mouse. i can click on play/pause but it gives no response whatsoever; i can click on the sound but it gives no response whatsoever. sometimes it all works perfectly, but when i click on the next vid it suddenly doesn't respond anymore.

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Fedora :: VT Switching Doesn't Work?

Aug 28, 2010

For some reason Ctrl+Alt+Fn doesn't work on my Fedora 13 workstation using the nvidia driver. I specified the following in my xorg.conf but it doesn'tption "DontVTSwitch" "off"It is probably not even an Xorg problem because VT switching doesn't work in runlevel 3 either.

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Fedora :: Linuxdcpp Just Doesn't Work?

Jul 17, 2011

I'm using fedora 15 (since its beta), i have had decent experience with software installs and updates and did like gnome 3 Now, coming to the point I have installed linuxdcpp from the standard fedora15 repo "it just doesn't work!!" I can't download filelists or search while others can , i have tried to find similar problem and used their solutions but all was in vain, for instance a guy had similar problem and had recived advice to change incoming connections to firewall manual from active and give ip adress in external/wan (or something ) but it just didn't work even if no one is able to solve this problem , i would appreciate, if someone tells me what exactly is going wrong (or some definitive idea)...

not brag or compare linuxdcpp "just works" in all ubuntu versions from 10.04 through 11.04.honestly this is really annoying i can't easily share files with friends .... ( i had to use dropbox for this!just because i chose a true free gnu/linux ..

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General :: Rmi In Fedora Doesn't Seem To Work

Oct 3, 2010

i was workin on my rmi programs today in my f12,and then i executed all the files related to the program,it did get executed! but when i type the command start rmi registry that is to start the registry system,it fails to does so:

heres the o/p:
start: Unknown job: rmiregistry

the programs luks perfect and even got executed,sorry if the question is silly to be asked over her! i am completely new to fedora!

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Fedora Installation :: Init 3 Doesn't Work In 10?

Apr 15, 2009

su to root,

init 3

no errors, no nothing acts like it take the command, but nothing happens.

trying to install nvidia drivers which won't run unless all the xwindows are shut down.

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Fedora Installation :: Nvidia Doesn't Work Under 10 64 Bit OS

Jun 20, 2009

Nvidia either works or it doesn't work under Fedora 10 64 bit OS. I have re-installed Fedora 10 64 bit and Fedora 11 64 bit 10 times each and it's getting real old. I keep erasing my system because Nvidia doesn't want to work. Leighs post does no good on this issue and neither does anyone else's or else it would work.

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Fedora :: Display Rotation Doesn't Work?

Jul 13, 2009

I have fedora 10 and I rotated my display upside down using Display settings (I don't know if it is the same thing as system-config-display, I had an icon called Display settings on my panel). It didn't work, my screen became black and now I can't change it back. Can I somehow change it back using terminal only? There's no rotation set in my xorg.conf file, I tried to set different rotation in xorg.conf, but it had no effect.

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Fedora :: 4th & 5th Mouse Button Doesn't Work

Oct 10, 2009

I have a 5 button mouse and the 4th and 5th buttons are useful for skipping back or forwards while surfing with Firefox. It would be nice if I could skip back in Nautilus too, but it doesn't work. (Alt+LeftArrow & Alt+RightArrow as keybord equivalent) Is there a possibility to use this buttons in Nautilus too?

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Fedora :: Hibernate Doesn't Work On Desktop

Oct 12, 2009

My desktop is a Compaq CQ5110F. It's a dual boot system and Fedora 11 resides on sda3 of hard disk (WD 3200AAJS-6).Both suspend and hibernate don't work, but the symptoms are different. For hibernate, after resume, there are some messages (??) about register errors quickly flashed on the screen, then the logon window shows but the system hangs. For suspend, I cannot wake up the system by hitting some keys on the keyboard. After I press the power button, LCD doesn't get any signal. I remember hibernate worked when I was using Fedora10, but wireless card did not automatically reconnect at that time. Also hibernate works fine for vista.

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Fedora Hardware :: VGA Output Doesn't Work?

Jan 6, 2010

I'm trying to plug my Cinemizer video goggles [URL] to my notebook. The resolution is 640x480 (yeah, I know) and I go from VGA to RCA to 3.5, which is needed by the device. From a cable oriented viewpoint this should work, but Fedora doesn't recognise the googles as a second monitor. how to enable vga output with a 640x480 resolution? This is extremely important for me since I need it for a personal project as well as for my work.

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Fedora :: F12 Installed On USB - When Try To Boot - Doesn't Work

Mar 12, 2010

I booted F12 live cd with virtualbox and installed it on a USB stick(4GB). The installation was a success but, when I try to boot it, it doesn't work. Do I have to install the grup manually?

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Fedora :: Fullscreen In Flash Doesn't Work?

Jun 13, 2010

Just as the title says, the fullscreen feature in Flash video players such as ..... does not work in Fedora 13 on my computer. Videos play fine in the window, though. When I press the fullscreen button, the area where the video was playing turns gray and the sound stops playing. I've tried fiddling with some settings in Compiz but it didn't seem to help. I had Flash Player 10 installed initially, when it started having this problem, and then I installed 10.1 and it continued doing this.

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Fedora :: Sound Doesn't Work In Wine

Jul 30, 2010

I use Wine to play some games, but unfortunately my sounds doesn't work at all in wine. I have installed:

Garry's Mod
Red Alert 2

How can I enable sounds in Wine, without wine I can hear sounds normal.

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Fedora :: Root Password Doesn't Work In 13

Aug 20, 2010

I just installed Fedora Core 13 on my notebook and on installation setup entered password for root as asked. Now I'd like to login as root in console with password I gave to the root, but it doesn't work. Neither am I as regular user in sudoers file.

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Fedora :: When Use Yum To Make Cache,it Looks Like Doesn't Work At All?

Nov 20, 2010

I have some problem with yum. When I use yum to make cache,it looks like doesn't work at all.Just like this:

[root@localhost ~]# yum makecache
Loaded plugins: presto, refresh-packagekit


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Fedora Networking :: Traceroute Doesn't Work

Mar 14, 2011

I am trying to traceroute to google.com

When i do it looks like this


It does this no matter what site I go to. also the is the untangle server

The command does work for local Ips


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Fedora Hardware :: Keyboard Doesn't Work

May 2, 2011

I have tried fedora 14th and also latest ubuntu but my lenovo notebook keyboard did not detected by OS. i think it is due to some kernel missing. keyboard work if acpi=off. My laptop is "Lenovo s10-3c". 1GB RAM, 160 GB Disk.

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Hardware :: Mouse Doesn't Work In Fedora Ver 10?

Jan 30, 2010

I have installed fedora ver 10 on my PC. The issue is that my mouse does not work once i login, it hardly works for 5-10 mins and then does not respond, however system does not get hung. I am using USB optical mouse. Please help me in fixing the issue.

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Fedora Networking :: Aspire One - Wlan Doesn't Work?

Feb 12, 2009

I installed F10 today. From live-usb wlan worked fine, but after installing it doesn't find any networks. I tried to google this problem, but everybody says wifi works out of the box. Not for me.

Solved: I disappled wireless networking and appled it again. It found all networks.

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