Debian Installation :: GRUB Won't Start On Macbook 2.1

Apr 29, 2015

I did an install of Jessie on a Macbook 2,1 to be the machine's only operating system, but it won't boot, showing only a black screen with a blinking cursor. I think the problem is caused by a mistake I made during the installation process, where I selected yes for the prompt:This machine's firmware has started the installer in UEFI mode but it looks like there may be existing operating systems already installed using "BIOS compatibility mode". If you continue to install Debian in UEFI mode, it might be difficult to reboot the machine into any BIOS-mode operating systems later.

If you wish to install in UEFI mode and don't care about keeping the ability to boot one of the existing systems, you have the option to force that here. If you wish to keep the option to boot an existing operating system, you should choose NOT to force UEFI installation here. Force UEFI installation?

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Fedora Installation :: GRUB Error F15 When Dual Booting On MacBook Pro / Fix It?

Jul 22, 2011

I am having trouble getting FEdora 15 running on my MacBook Pro. I had Fedora 15 installed before on this MBP before, so I know it works. I basically followed the good old instructions of

1. Create a Windows partition in bootcamp (rEFIt was already installed from trying to get ubuntu running)
2. Boot from disk and install in Windows partition with bootloader on installed on the / partition
3. Install, reboot, and resync the MBR using rEFIt partitioning tool
4. Shut down the computer and start up on the parition you installed linux on

Now I get a grub error code...

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Fedora Installation :: White Macbook 5,2 Grub Lockup - Hang At Blank Screen

Jun 13, 2009


when trying to choose the Linux partition, I found that it would just hang at a blank screen. Looking further into the problem, I had booted with the Linux Rescue and checked the /boot/grub/grub.conf file. It appeared to be that the menu was set to hidden. I got rid of that line, and checked the boot arguments. It still had acpi=off set with the kernel and everything else seems to be in order. Root is set to root (hd0,2) which should be correct.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Start Grub Without Super Grub Disk

Jun 22, 2010

If I use the super grub disk I can get to my ubuntu partition otherwise my windows partition boots automatically. I spent over an hour in the community documentation using the live cd to reinstall grub and nothing has fixed it. I think that grub is installed and the windows bootloader is just taking precedence.

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Debian Installation :: Squeeze - On MacBook Pro - Unable To Boot

Mar 10, 2011

I tried installing a live version of Debian Squeeze 6.0.0 for the i386 architecture. I am using a first generation MacBook Pro (Intel Core Duo, not Core 2 Duo).

I managed to boot the live cd and install everything using the "guided installation" option, using the whole drive for Debian (I don't have the Mac OS X Snow Leopard disc so I just wanted to install a strictly Debian system). I installed GRUB to the master boot-record, but after finishing the installation and rebooting I was confronted with the dreaded "question mark". After doing a bit of reading, I found that I should have installed the EFI LILO bootloader to the MBR instead of GRUB, so I reinstalled everything, choosing this option instead. But that didn't work either. More question marks. I imagine I must have to configure either of these bootloaders in the shell, but I don't know how to go about doing this.

How to do this without using a Mac OS X installation disc.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Macbook Died - Freeze On The Start Up ?

Apr 16, 2010

I have a bit of a problem, I managed to get my macbook to freeze on the start up so I can't turn on my computer. This is not the first issue I've had with mac so I wanted to switch to ubuntu (esp with the new one. looks really good...)

Anyway, for some reason loading from a either a CD or usb doesn't seam to be working, Is there a way, from unix, I can force the computer to use the usb key or cd?

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Red Hat :: Won't Start Macbook Nvidia SATA Hard Drive

Jan 22, 2011

I have REHL 6 Desktop. I have a macbook pro 7,1 with nvidia graphics and (I believe)a nvidia sata controller. I have fedora currently installed with no problems during or after installation ( with a few drivers of of course).

When I boot with the disk i burned ( works on other computers) it comes up of a list of devices to select and when i select local CDROM or DVD it goes to select drivers. So, then I tried "burning" the installation files to an external hard drive then I used the DVD to boot and selected Hard Disk then selected SDB1 (path of external HD). With this method I get to the Graphic installation screen and can go to the part were it says custom partitioning. I select ok then it say the only disk that is available is SDB1 (EXTERNAL).

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Ubuntu Installation :: GRUB - Can't Start XP After Installation Of U10.10 / Sort It?

Jan 26, 2011

After I finally successfully installed ubuntu, I cannot start Windows from the GRUB start menue.

Since I am an absolute beginner

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Windows 7 Not Showing Up Under Grub For Macbook Pro

Jan 23, 2011

I am trying to triple boot osx, win7 and ubuntu 10.10 on my macbook pro. This is the way I did it:

-Installed osx and created 2 partitions in disk utility, one for osx and another formated as dos fat to manually hybritized my drive and allow for windows installation (the new bootcamp is currently messed up, so can't do it that way).

-Installed win7 by bio booting the cd, and deleting the formatted partition (dos fat) and creating a new one via win installation.

-Installed ubuntu by bios booting the cd and creating its own partition in setup.

Now, when I turn on my macbook and press alt, 2 icons come up, mac and windows (so good so far!). But when I go into the windows option, grub loads and I see 5 entries:

-Ubuntu safe mode
-OSX 32 bit
-OSX 64 bit

Obviously osx is not going to boot under bios boot. But where is win7 that should be in the list?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Macbook 8,1 - Natty / Grub 2 Does Not Install?

Jun 20, 2011

I am able to install 11.04 (64bit) on my MBP, but after installation I cannot boot into it.[URL]...


This information will not work for iMac (11,1) users installing recent versions of Ubuntu (e.g., Maverick). The presence of the bios-grub partition that the Ubuntu installer creates by default (e.g., sda3) causes a conflict that prevents syncing the GPT and MBR partition tables. Deleting sda3 does not help since grub2 requires that bios-grub partition, nor will it use either sda or sda4 aborting with the error: "This GPT partition table has no BIOS boot partition; embedding won't be possible!". So installing Ubuntu with the bios-grub partition fails and installing without it fails. See "Single-Boot". And this seems to be the problem, as trying to re-install grub from the live-cd results in that error message. Looking at this forum there are a lot of people running ubuntu on the same laptop, so my question is: How??

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Macbook Pro 5,3 Boots To Cursor, No Grub?

Jul 11, 2011

I've just successfully installed Ubuntu 11.04 on my macbook pro, but when I boot, I just get a blinking cursor. I've tried the following to try to fix it, with nothing working:Press "Shift" to boot into GRUB (result: doesn't respond)Using liveCD, edit grub settings to allow for this (result: same as before).Chroot using liveCD to install required video packages (result: updates work, but installing new or upgradingexisting packages fails because it can't properly start jobs. I assume this is because it wants to use resources that would exist if the system were truly booted from the HD but the resources don't exist in the LiveCD environment)Chroot using LiveCD and try using jockey-text to install NVidia drivers as suggested on by command line instead of by GUI.Can't connect to certain sockets (the device files don't respond because they're not in the active system, I guess).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows Does Not Start In Grub

Aug 3, 2010

I'm new to the world of dual booting Ubuntu. My computer is currently running windows 7 64-bit, and I'm trying to install Ubuntu 32-bit to run beside it. So I've created a boot disk, and I try to install Ubuntu. The weird thing is when I get to the frame that says "Prepare disk space" it correctly shows that I have windows 7 on the computer, but it shows it's on the wrong drive. In fact within the Ubuntu installer it doesn't even show the physical drive that windows is on, it only find the other two drives. If I load up System > Administration > Disk Utility then I can see all 3 physical hard drives and all the partitions on them, but not under the Ubuntu installer.

So I tried installing Ubuntu onto one of the other physical hard drives and that seemed to go just fine. The only problem is now when I boot, the only way I can swap operating systems is to go into my BIOS and change the boot order of my hard drives. If the hard drive with Windows is higher in the boot priority, it will boot windows, no problem. If the hard drive with Ubuntu on it is higher, then it takes me to grub, where it correctly shows windows 7 and ubuntu. Only problem is when I choose windows 7 all I get is a blinking cursor and nothing happens.

If I choose Ubunutu it boots correctly and everything works. So in a way I do kind of have them both working, but it'd be nice not to have to go into my BIOS just to change operating systems. I'm guessing that grub's problem is that the Ubuntu installer identifies the wrong drive that Windows is installed on, so when I pick Windows from grub it goes to the wrong drive. Can I fix grub manually? Or is there some compatibility issue between Windows 7 64-bit and Ubuntu 32-bit that is causing this conflict?

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Debian Installation :: 'grub-pc' Package Failed Into /target/. Without The GRUB Boot Loader

Sep 21, 2010

I was installing sqeeze i386 on my laptop VOSTRO 1400 and got this the 'grub-pc' package failed to install into /target/. without the GRUB boot loader, the installed system will not boot.

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Fedora Installation :: Dualbootsystem - Reinstall Grub - Can't Start Again

Nov 8, 2009

For some applications i still have windows XP installed. Because of the fact that Windows has to be reinstalled once a year (it's only windows ) I deleted the MBR accidentely. Now I can't start Fedora again. hen I start Linux using the Installation CD of Fedora 10 my partition is not mounted automatically because I am using LVM.


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Ubuntu Installation :: Lost Grub Menu At Start Up?

Jan 24, 2010

Just upgraded to 9.10 on a laptop with dead Vista which I lost when I moved over to UBUNTU some time ago. Never any problems but when fiddling at boot up tonight I accidentally selected to boot up the Vista loader which went into the Vista recovery, and since then the laptop only opens up the Vista Recovery, ie it does not go to the Grub. Any ideas on how I can get to boot UBUNTU again?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Won't Start WinXP / Make It Possible?

Jun 25, 2010

Here's today's problem: I upgraded to Ubuntu 10.04 and hope to have it run alongside Win XP PRO, which it had for months.

Only, when I select WinXP in GRUB, nothing happens. Oh the screen goes dark for a few seconds, but then the GRUB screen reappears. Ubuntu 10.04 functions correctly.

here are the contents of what I assume is grub.cfg code...

What I need to know is how to make GRUB load WinXP.

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Ubuntu Installation :: GRUB Doesn't Consistently Start?

Sep 30, 2010

When I restart, GRUB sometimes doesn't start. It just hangs at the flashing cursor before grub.

When I restart again, grub works fine. The flashing cursor shows at the top of the screen for a few seconds, and then there is one or more new lines, and then the grub screen.

This is on an HP Pavilion 640 which is otherwise very stable.

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Ubuntu Installation :: New Grub From 10.10 Will Not Start The Existing Kubuntu 10.04?

Dec 18, 2010

I have been successfully triple-booting Windoze and 2 varieties of Linux on my desktop for some years now with very few problems. The latest configuration which I have been using for 6 months or so is Kubuntu 10.04 & Ubuntu 10.04. The last version installed was Kubuntu 10.04 and on installation it's version of grub found Ubuntu 10.04 no problem (other than a minor problem with partition numbering which was manually fixed) and all was well.

I have just upgraded Ubuntu 10.04 to 10.10 (by clean install rather than version upgrade) and the new grub from Ubuntu 10.10 will not start the existing Kubuntu 10.04, I just get "error: file not found".The grub.cfg file from Ubuntu 10.10 is completely different (copy attached) but the partition references & numbers etc. are correct so why will the existing Kubuntu 10.04 not start ? Windoze starts OK.



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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Error 'no Such Device' When Trying To Start Windows

Feb 11, 2010

I am having trouble getting a dual boot setup on Ubuntu remix on a netbook. The install went fine, but then windows would not book. I had a windows error. So I reinstalled windows, and rebuilt grub. Now when I try to launch windows from the grub menu it says "error: no such device: 0a82ff1982ff0849". How do I go about fixing that? I can boot to Ubuntu fine now.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Rescue - Dont Start Install ?

Dec 18, 2010

I am trying to install ubuntu 9.04 in a desktop but when loading the first screen it appears a box writing somthing "vmlifuz" the only choose that have is "ok" when i am hit button "ok" does not working, if a press it again (when the box with the ok disappears) load the dialog saying "Try ubuntu" , "install ubuntu" etc. Then if a hit one of this the dialog comes again saying something about "live-install" i hit ok but this time not process in the installation. After that I had try to intall windows xp but when go to load kernal prompt a message could not load a setupdd.sys. I had try to install Linux mint after the starting screen says ready and then nothing , i had try to install fedora only running the cd without even a message only a black screen. At last i had install ubuntu to another pc and i took the hard disk and plug it to this one, when i power on the pc after bios info in the screen come this "grub rescue>"

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Won't Start Unless Usb Stick Mounted From Boot?

Jan 11, 2011

Before: I had 2 os's ubuntu and windows installed on my system. Recently, I decided to install ubuntu to a flash drive. All went well except grub was not installed to the flash drive, but appended the existing grub setup on my hard drive.

Now: Even if I set the default system in grub as windows, or the original ubuntu install, my system will not boot unless the usb stick is plugged in. I get message. Error: grub rescue: My ideal solution: To stop grub searching for my flashdrive before loading the boot menu, and if possible to write grub to the flash stick.

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Boot Only Boots Into XP - Create Grub At Start?

Dec 20, 2010

I have Fedora 13 and XP installed on my laptop. Right now it only boots to XP but I have a Fedora Live CD so is there some way I can use the live cd to boot into Fedora and edit or install grub to show up at boot?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Error 18: Grub Loading Stage 1.5 Immediately After Start Up

Jan 6, 2010

I'm trying to install ubuntu from a CD. I believe it is version 8.4 The install seemed to go fine and I rebooted my computer and immediatly after start up I get a message that says: Grub Loading stage 1.5.

Grub loading, please wait... Error 18

I have no idea what this means or what to do and Im not the most computer savy guy. My computer is stuck and will do nothing at this point.

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Get Grub Boot Menu Directly After Computer Start

Jun 1, 2010

I did a clean installation of Ubuntu 10.04 and I found that after the computer booted, the GRUB stopped by waiting for entering command -- "grub >". The GRUB version is 1.98. I want to go directly to the GRUB boot menu after computer booted.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Start With The Grub 1.99 On The 11.4 System And All Get Is A Black Screen At Startup?

May 8, 2011

I am running ubuntu 10.4, windows 7, and I had ubuntu 10.10 on a single hard drive. I upgrade the 10.10 system to 11.4 and now my grub menu which is on the 10.4 system shows two windows and two 11.4 installations.

How can I clean this up? Also I have tried to start with the grub 1.99 on the 11.4 system and all I get is a black screen at startup. I am happy with grub on 10.4 except for the extra lines.


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Ubuntu / Apple :: Install With REFIt On MacBook Pro: Grub Apparently Messed Up My Windows 7 Boot?

Mar 10, 2011

This seems to be a variant of a problem many people have had, but after several hours trawling through various forums, I haven't seen a reliable match for my situation.In brief:Adding a third boot partition (of Ubuntu) to my existing dual boot of OSX 10.6 and Windows 7 seems to have crippled the Windows boot from working, because Grub apparently takes over the process. Yet Grub does *not* appear to be on the Windows partition.

More verbose:I have an older MacBook Pro (3.1, running Snow Leopard) that I recently refitted with a new 240GB SSD HD. With the extra space (it was previously only 120GB) I decided to add a dual boot with Windows 7 using bootcamp. This all went swimmingly well.Encouraged, I decided to follow this Lifehacker article's suggestion and triple-boot the machine with Ubuntu (I'd never used Linux before):So I now have the nice rEFIt boot partition selection screen, and, indeed, I'm up and running in Ubuntu, and enjoying it.

Only one problem: I can't get into Windows any more. If I try to go in through rEFIt *or* by holding down OPT at startup and selecting the windows partition directly, the result is the same: I get thrown into Grub's selector, and selecting the Windows partition from there leads to an error message and a dead end.Having read through numerous postings, I get the impression that Grub is doing something or living somewhere that it ought not to be, but in most cases I've seen, people had accidentally installed Grub onto the Windows partition (or indeed onto EVERY partition). So far as I can tell, this isn't the case with me. Here's my boot summary:

Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================


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Debian Installation :: Install Grub On Master Bootloader / If Installation Is Going On Separate Hard Drive?

Feb 5, 2010

I am helping my pal to get into Debian (yes first timer).He is running W7 on a 500G SATA HDD and he has another 250G SATA HDD that he wants Debian to go to.Will Debian install grub on the master bootloader even if the installation is going on a separate hard drive?I have dual boot before but on the same hard drive.

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Debian Installation :: X Does Not Start?

Aug 7, 2011

I have installed squeeze base system (text only), nvidia graphic drivers and then installed xorg. Trying to startx gave me these errors on the console.

FATAL: Error inserting nvidia (/lib/modules/2.6.32-5-686/nvidia/nvidia.ko): No such device
(EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to load the NVIDIA kernel module!
(EE) NVIDIA(0):  *** Aborting ***


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Hardware :: Infrared Remote On Macbook - Debian

Aug 29, 2010

I'm trying to get mythtv running on a macbook (2nd gen) and have got to the point where most things are working. But I am struggling with the IR Receiver and a non-apple remote control. I have lirc installed and the IR device is detected as an inbuilt HID usb device and the device file /usr/usb/hiddev0 works as the lirc device for the apple remote.

Trouble is the apple remote with its 6 buttons is not very useful in mythtv. I have a leadtek DTV tuner and it came with a remote that has lots of buttons so I would like to use that. Unfortunately, even getting the raw data from the remote doesn't seem to return valid data for that or any other remote I have apart from the apple remote.

I'm running

To see the raw data from the remote. For the apple remote I usually get 32 bytes/button push and bytes 20 and 28 change for each button. All the other remotes return the same 32 bytes regardless of the button pushed.

These are:

For the apple remote I get:

Where xx is different for each button. The values for the codes in the lircd.conf for each button are 32 bit quantities made up of the 5th, 13th, 21st and 29th bytes (ie: for the six apple remote button codes you have 0x87EEF0xx where xx is 0B, 0D, 08, 07, 04 or 02)

Has anyone got this working for a macbook with non-apple remote? Any other pointers on what I could look at next?

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Hardware :: Bluetooth On Macbook With Debian Squeeze?

Mar 31, 2011

I have an old(ish) Macbook laptop. It comes with built-in bluetooth. The box says "Built-in Bluetooth 2.0 + EDR (Enhanced Data Rate)".

I'm not sure if it interfaces via USB or not, but I do not see any bluetooth stuff via lsusb. I do see bluetooth stuff when looking at dmesg. But when I look at hciconfig I see nothing at all. Here's what I get with the various commands:

Bus 005 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 004 Device 002: ID 05ac:8240 Apple, Inc. IR Receiver [built-in]
Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub


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