Hardware :: Infrared Remote On Macbook - Debian

Aug 29, 2010

I'm trying to get mythtv running on a macbook (2nd gen) and have got to the point where most things are working. But I am struggling with the IR Receiver and a non-apple remote control. I have lirc installed and the IR device is detected as an inbuilt HID usb device and the device file /usr/usb/hiddev0 works as the lirc device for the apple remote.

Trouble is the apple remote with its 6 buttons is not very useful in mythtv. I have a leadtek DTV tuner and it came with a remote that has lots of buttons so I would like to use that. Unfortunately, even getting the raw data from the remote doesn't seem to return valid data for that or any other remote I have apart from the apple remote.

I'm running

To see the raw data from the remote. For the apple remote I usually get 32 bytes/button push and bytes 20 and 28 change for each button. All the other remotes return the same 32 bytes regardless of the button pushed.

These are:

For the apple remote I get:

Where xx is different for each button. The values for the codes in the lircd.conf for each button are 32 bit quantities made up of the 5th, 13th, 21st and 29th bytes (ie: for the six apple remote button codes you have 0x87EEF0xx where xx is 0B, 0D, 08, 07, 04 or 02)

Has anyone got this working for a macbook with non-apple remote? Any other pointers on what I could look at next?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: 10.04 + VLC + Infrared Remote?

May 19, 2010

I've got an HP Pavillion dv9000 laptop, the type that come with an HDMI port and a built in Windows media center remote.

How do I make it work with VLC? I've done a little research, and I've installed lirc. It now sorta works with Totem, but not at all with VLC. What am I doing wrong?

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Wake Up Computer From Sleep Via USB Infrared Remote?

Dec 8, 2010

I have an interesting issue. I have a computer running Ubuntu 10.10. I have a wireless USB Microsoft keyboard attached to this, and I have a cheap USB infrared remote also attached to it.The wireless USB Microsoft keyboard can wake up the system from suspend. The USB infrared remote cannot.To start off, I made sure my /proc/acpi/wakeup had wakeup enabled for all usb devices.

xbmc:~$ cat /proc/acpi/wakeup
Device S-state Status Sysfs node


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Hardware :: Getting Infrared Remote Controls Working With Laptop?

Aug 4, 2010

I have a new Dell Studio XPS laptop (I have used dell laptops for many many years running Fedora linux). And for the first time I want to setup the Infrared remote control in the laptop.

That is I like to set up a remote to start and stop movies and sound playback.

I installed LIRC and after reboot I see devices such as /dev/ircomm0 to /dev/ircom31 as well as /dev/irnet

So what next?

The LIRC website just goes on about using serial dongles, but nothing on setting up a laptop with a built-in IR sensor. It also talks about using irrecord, but that program complains about no /dev/lirc0 device.

I tried installing a "gnome-lirc-properties" (whcih also installed "lirc-remotes" package), but it fails with a verbose 'python traceback' that doesn't tell you what is wrong.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Getting The Remote On Macbook 2,1 To Work With Karmic

Mar 5, 2010

I'm having a problem getting the apple remote on my Macbook 2,1 to work with Karmic and am looking for a little advice. I have followed the guide here [URl] and utilised the extended .lircrc in the first post of this thread [URL]linked to by the guide however I cannot get any action from my remote (it does work in OSX).

The problem, I believe, lies in where Gnome needs to start irexec and irxevent. Running irexrc -d from a terminal gives no output but I can also not find a process running after launch.Running irxevent -d returns 'irxevent: could not connect to socket irxevent: No such file or directory'I have also installed gnome-lirc-properties which (until a recent reboot) reported that there was no IR daemon running.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Lucid Upgrade Broken LIRC (MacBook Remote)

May 4, 2010

After upgrading to lucid, the remote that accompanied my macbook 4.1 appears to do nothing. (Testing with irw and xev). The howto at [URL] avoids any reference to the remote. I had it working properly in karmic. The howto at [URL] fails to help -- and is pretty much what I'd successfully done under kamic. The following launchpad post accurately describes my experience: [URL]. Has anyone resolved, found a workaround for, or otherwise had success getting lirc to work on a macbook with lucid?

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General :: Enable Infrared In Fedora?

Oct 16, 2010

i am yashwant kumar using fedora 11 in my IBM R52 hardware. my system supports infrared but i dont know how to enable it. i tried but didnt sucessed. how to enable infrared over here.

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Test That Infrared Device Detected

Apr 4, 2010

I am new to linux having just abandoned Windows due to stability issues. I have a Hauppage remote with a usb ir receiver. This worked fine under windows using the drivers for the windows media center remote. I can't however get this to work under Linux. What I am really looking for is a method, perhaps using a command line in the terminal window to be able to test and see if the OS has actually detected the device. I have tried irw, but there is no response. If I know that the device is connected, then I can start looking at issues of identifying the correct drivers for the device.

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Debian Installation :: GRUB Won't Start On Macbook 2.1

Apr 29, 2015

I did an install of Jessie on a Macbook 2,1 to be the machine's only operating system, but it won't boot, showing only a black screen with a blinking cursor. I think the problem is caused by a mistake I made during the installation process, where I selected yes for the prompt:This machine's firmware has started the installer in UEFI mode but it looks like there may be existing operating systems already installed using "BIOS compatibility mode". If you continue to install Debian in UEFI mode, it might be difficult to reboot the machine into any BIOS-mode operating systems later.

If you wish to install in UEFI mode and don't care about keeping the ability to boot one of the existing systems, you have the option to force that here. If you wish to keep the option to boot an existing operating system, you should choose NOT to force UEFI installation here. Force UEFI installation?

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Hardware :: Bluetooth On Macbook With Debian Squeeze?

Mar 31, 2011

I have an old(ish) Macbook laptop. It comes with built-in bluetooth. The box says "Built-in Bluetooth 2.0 + EDR (Enhanced Data Rate)".

I'm not sure if it interfaces via USB or not, but I do not see any bluetooth stuff via lsusb. I do see bluetooth stuff when looking at dmesg. But when I look at hciconfig I see nothing at all. Here's what I get with the various commands:

Bus 005 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 004 Device 002: ID 05ac:8240 Apple, Inc. IR Receiver [built-in]
Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub


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Debian Installation :: Squeeze - On MacBook Pro - Unable To Boot

Mar 10, 2011

I tried installing a live version of Debian Squeeze 6.0.0 for the i386 architecture. I am using a first generation MacBook Pro (Intel Core Duo, not Core 2 Duo).

I managed to boot the live cd and install everything using the "guided installation" option, using the whole drive for Debian (I don't have the Mac OS X Snow Leopard disc so I just wanted to install a strictly Debian system). I installed GRUB to the master boot-record, but after finishing the installation and rebooting I was confronted with the dreaded "question mark". After doing a bit of reading, I found that I should have installed the EFI LILO bootloader to the MBR instead of GRUB, so I reinstalled everything, choosing this option instead. But that didn't work either. More question marks. I imagine I must have to configure either of these bootloaders in the shell, but I don't know how to go about doing this.

How to do this without using a Mac OS X installation disc.

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Debian :: 8.0 Jessie Freezes Randomly On Mid 2009 MacBook Pro?

May 14, 2015

I have installed Debian 8 Jessie on my mid 2009 (5.5?) macbook pro. My computer is dual booted with OS X. I installed / on a partition with 30GB space, /home with 40GB, and swap with 4GB. My computer states are: 4GB ram, Intel Core Two Duo CPU 8700 2.53 Ghz x2, Graphics Gallium 0.4 on NVAC. The system has been running great compared to any other distro I have tried, except for that it randomly freezes sometimes. I've been running it for 4 days now and it has locked up 4 times.

Twice waking from suspend, once when changing the desktop background photo, and once after a reboot. I've a little afraid of messing with NVIDIA drivers as I tried that with various other distros and every time I rebooted after using these drivers the system would never boot into GUI and crazy kernal panic would insue. This is the closest I have come to successfully running linux on my mac. If there are any logs or information I can provide to find a solution to the freezing that would be amazing, because I absolutely love this setup!

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Debian Configuration :: Keyboard Behaving Strangely Deb Installed On Macbook?

Mar 6, 2011

Yesterday I installed Debian 6 on my Macbook, with dualboot. Everything is working fine, except for the keyboard. As I'm typing, I see the mouse arrow moving a bit and strange things happen, such as text under the arrow being highlighted or clicked.

Other things as Right-Click, selecting text and other mouse-related events also happen. Pretty much all the mouse events are randomly fired while I'm typing on the keyboard.

It's being really hard to type like this. Anyone have any ideas of what might be the cause and how I can fix this?

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Debian Hardware :: Getting Lenny Working On Macbook / Can't Use Brightness Keys To Change Screen Brightness?

Feb 9, 2010

I'd been trying to get into Linux before I bought it so I figured that I would try to get it onto my new Mac so that I could use it wherever I am. I decided to try Debian Lenny 5.0.3 a whirl after reading about all the different distros available. I've successfully installed it and I can get to it with rEFIt, and I have quite a few things working such as the video drivers and wifi. However, I've had trouble getting it to a level where it'd be usable away from home. Here are the main problems I'm worried about:

1) I installed pommed but I still can't use the brightness keys to change the screen brightness. I'm not sure if there's some other workaround for this?

2) I tried some recommended power management packages (gnome-power-manager) but it doesn't seem to be accessible or functional right now. I don't have any way to control it or get to it that is obvious to me. Is an icon or anything supposed to appear on the task bar when you install or what? Getting some sort of power management on here is important because it gets really lousy battery life otherwise.

3) Being a Macbook, there's no right-click button. Multitouch would be really nice (two-finger scrolling!) but I'd be OK with ANY way to right-click with the touchpad. I have a wireless USB keyboard/mouse combo that works at home at least . . . right out of the box too!

4) I've seen some packages called the Mactel PPA, but they are made for Ubuntu. Since Debian and Ubuntu are so similar, is there any way to make those work on Lenny? I think that if I got those to work, I could fix some of the problems above. Or do I have to install Ubuntu?

5) I just noticed that the sound doesn't seem to work yet either.

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Debian :: SSH Into Remote Computer Behind Router

Sep 6, 2010

My son needs me to do maintenance on his computer. He has a router installed for firewall purposes. I can see his router's IP address. How do I get past that address to his local address?

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Debian :: Linking Remote Servers ?

Apr 1, 2011

We have one office with a simple samba server running on Lenny; not a PDC, just simple username/password authentication. It also acts as a DHCP server, NTP server, and DNS server. All clients are windows machines (mainly XP Pro, but also starting to get Win7 show up). For remote access, most users have chrooted WinSCP; OpenVPN was setup, but too slow for most AutoCAD uses (our primary application). It is still used by a few people, though.

I need to set up a similar system in another location, and need to provide access to both servers. People mainly access files stored in their own office, but will occasionally need to access files in the other office. In intend on having both run the same version, whether I stick with Lenny or put both on Squeeze.

I was thinking of setting up both servers, and then mounting the remote file system (the "other" server) over the internet, possibly via sshfs, but do not know if it is reliable enough. Or perhaps via OpenVPN connecting the servers, but then the overhead of the VPN may become an issue, adding lag time. The remote shares would then be accessible via the samba config.

Are there other options that may be easier to set up, more reliable, or more secure? We do not want a domain set up, just simple workgroups. Since many are using their personal laptops, joining them to the domain can cause some problems. It would also require more effort to add a new computer, and with the constant stream of outside consultants we use, that could get cumbersome.

My main issue: no budget beyond the low cost box for the second file server, so it has to be an open source solution from start to finish.

I'm not quite a newbie - I have quite a bit of experience setting up and maintaining basic Samba / DHCP / ssh servers - but not much beyond those. I certainly am open to learning new things and doing the research, but my head is swimming with all the options I have come across.

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Debian :: Remote User In Apache

May 12, 2015

I've installed Debian 6.0.7 with apache, php, mysql and phpmyadmin. We have a server with active directory and ldap where all the Windowsclients log on.

I want to view the username of the users visiting the Debianserver with $_SERVER["REMOTE_USER"] so I can give them personalized settings.

Tried installing the NTLM module from sourceforge but that didn't work, winbind also didn't work ...

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Debian :: Retrieve Remote User

Jun 1, 2015

I have a server using ldap. I installed Debian with an Apache webserver with PHP and MySQL support.This server will be used for intranet so I want to know what the REMOTE_USER variables is.Looking at the phpinfo does not give any reference to the REMOTE_USER. REMOTE_ADDR is no problem but does not give me the user using the computer.I've installed libapache2-authenntlm-perl with apt-get and adjusted my /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default file with the following:

Code: Select all<Directory "/var/www/intranet">
    PerlAuthenHandler Apache2::AuthenNTLM
    AuthType ntlm,basic
    AuthName mycompany
    require valid-user
    PerlAddVar ntdomain "server.domain.be server"
    PerlSetVar defaultdomain server.domain.be
    PerlSetVar splitdomainprefix 1

where server is my servername and domain is my domainname.The problem after reloading apache2 is that I get the following message: This server could not verify that you are authorized to access the document requested. Either you supplied the wrong credentials (e.g., bad password), or your browser doesn't understand how to supply the credentials required.When I delete the AuthType, AuthName and require line it loads the webpage but without the REMOTE_USER variable.

It is not ment to ask for a password or username, just to get the username used to log in in the Windowsenviroment that visits the webpage on this Debian.

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Debian :: Connection To Remote Desktop?

Nov 20, 2010

I need to work with other computer. How could i make it? Should I use SSH over VNC, or?... There is a lot of information about it, but, maybe, too much information. I just need to connect to my other desktop. In win i've used TeamViewer. What should i use here?

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Debian Multimedia :: Getting MCE Remote Working?

Jun 15, 2011

I have installed Debian 6.0 amd64. I have followed instructions all over the web, none of which worked. Tried apt-get, compiling from source found old instructions that don't work on new kernels, found bugs here and bugs there and now I have no hair left.My remote is an HP remote with a standard eHome receiver. It works fine in Ubuntu. Is there a modern, up-to-date, step-by-step guide for getting my remote to work so I can get back to using xbmc?

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General :: Remote Desktop In Debian?

Jan 14, 2010

i have a debian linux vps and running through puTTY CLI interface from my windows, i search through if i can possibly install any remote deksktop system. i know this has been asked many time but never got what i am looking, how can i do that?

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Debian :: Rsyslog Remote Logging Duplicates

Jul 30, 2015

I'm having issues setting up rsyslog to receive syslog from another server and only log to one file. I'm receiving the syslog from the remote side, however its putting the entries into more than one log file.

I configured /etc/rsyslog.conf to enable udp, and I have implemented a filter to log only from that IP address, and then stop processing more rules, but it seems to continue on.

I have found that the remote syslog events are using local0 and local1. There are two custom rsyslog config files in /etc/rsyslog.d that handle those two facilities. If I use that same if statement at the beginning of those custom config files, I can get it to work. Seems like a hack though.

Not working:

I put my if statement before the include statement, thinking I could stop it from hitting the custom rules.

Select all#  /etc/rsyslog.conf    Configuration file for rsyslog v3.
#                       For more information see
#                       /usr/share/doc/rsyslog-doc/html/rsyslog_conf.html

#### MODULES ####

$ModLoad imuxsock # provides support for local system logging
$ModLoad imklog   # provides kernel logging support (previously done by rklogd)
#$ModLoad immark  # provides --MARK-- message capability

[Code] ....

This works:
A custom config file in /etc/rsyslog.d
Code: Select allif $fromhost-ip == '<my ip>' then /var/log/<my directory>/syslog.log
& ~
local0.*       /var/log/<a log file for local0>.log

This is on a WD Mycloud device:

Code: Select allLinux WDMyCloud 3.2.26 #1 SMP Tue Jun 17 15:53:22 PDT 2014 wd-2.2-rel armv7l

The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software; the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.

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Debian :: Pulseaudio Rtp Local And Remote Listeners

Mar 18, 2016

I am trying to stream audio from one machine to several others via pulseaudio.

Following a bit of digging, I configured the "sender" with:

load-module module-null-sink sink_name=rtp
load-module module-rtp-send source=rtp.monitor rate=48000 channels=2 format=s16be

..and the "listeners" with: load-module module-rtp-recv

Then, playing on the sender, and using PulseAudio Volume Control /Playback to set "Null Output", my listeners all start working as expected. The outstanding problem is that the sender is silent - nothing from its speakers. Perhaps not surprising after the "Null" setting above.

Is it possible to stream like this and also listen on the sender at the same time -

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Debian :: Alpine Will Not Load Remote Config?

Sep 28, 2010

For the last week alpine has been refusing to load a remote config files using the command
alpine -z -p {imap.gmail.com/ssl/user=username@gmail.com}remote_pinercit just ignores the -p flagbut will work if alpinef is used (alpinef calls alpine set to use function keys for issuing commands).

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Debian Installation :: Administering A Remote Desktop?

Mar 2, 2010

I'm going to install Debian on a friend's desktop. Since he lives far from me, I think that being able to administer his machine from remote would be nice. OpenSSH is supposed to do that, isn't it? Thus, I'm going to install OpenSSH server on his Debian, but - to avoid security holes - I'll write two scripts to start and to stop the OpenSSH service; he will run such scripts whenever I need to check his machine, to make OpenSSH server available only when needed. I'm also aware that disabling console access for root is better, and that I should log in as a regular user and then do "su".

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Debian :: Can't Access Remote Desktop On Lenny / Ssh OK

Aug 7, 2011

Weird thing going on on my headless lenny box. The shared desktop won't let me in.I am trying to connect with my Mac, ssh is ok. I can connect, start vino-preferences, change everything I want to change, and still it won't let me in. both Mac Ctrl-k to vnc://lenny and Chicken of the VNC won't connect.

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Debian Configuration :: Cannot Remote Desktop To Machine?

Dec 16, 2010

I cannot remote desktop to the Debian machine from anywhere,hether within the same network, or on a different network elsewhere. Also, the personal wiki I set up on it to be viewed via a normal web browser cannot be accessed, either. Both time out when attempting to connect to them. I can still ping the Debian machine when on the same network, though.

This started some time ago when we had a failure occur on our main server.had to powercycle everything in order to restore things back to normal, the Debian machine included. Since that time, this problem started to occur. This is a major thorn in my side in attempting to prepare for our website to move,I've been unable to figure out how to fix it.Originally, I thought it would be something in between the Debian machine and anything else, which would mean something like our firewall box or our hardware switch was the problem. But the tech support people who maintain those for us confirm that there is nothing wrong with them, so now I'm not certain anymore.

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Debian Configuration :: Remote Desktop / Firestarter?

Apr 4, 2011

I have a bit of an odd network setup, shown in the pic here:I am trying to remote desktop from the XP boxes on the side to the one on the bottom, behind a Debian box/firestarter firewall. Is this possible to do without changing my network (IE wiring/topology) setup? If I had my druthers, I would put the router behind the Linux box, before the XP box, but my work laptop does not allow me to connect in that fashion as I can't change the internet settings.

I am certain the setup is correct on both the Windows clients and host, so it has to be something with my firestarter firewall, or something else I'm completely missing. I have the RDP port opened on firestarter, but whenever I try to connect to the XP box, whether it's by computer name or LAN IP address, it is unable to connect. I had thought about setting up a VPN server on my Debian box, and then VPN'ing to it, and then in turn RDC'ing to my Windows machine. Is this possible? If all else fails, I may just plug the Windows box directly into the router and deal with the lower security or get a second wireless router just for my work pc.

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Debian Multimedia :: Remote Desktop With GNOME

Aug 24, 2015

I just installed Debian 8 and ran vnc4server. I want to get Gnome on a client computer so I read some threads on the internet telling me to edit the ~/.vnc/xstartup file, which I did. Unfortunately I've tried multiple edits of this file and I cannot get it to work properly. Any working script of what it should look like for the latest stable version of Debian?

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Debian Multimedia :: LXDE - Remote Installation Through SSH

Jan 26, 2011

1.) Which is the the best open source remote desktop server which you recommend for Debian? And client for windows/linux platform.

2.) How to install LXDE + xserver and point 1. question remote server program through SSH?

P.S. I all ready did install of LXDE and xserver, but I don`t know how to test it, because I`m using ssh.

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