Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Start Grub Without Super Grub Disk

Jun 22, 2010

If I use the super grub disk I can get to my ubuntu partition otherwise my windows partition boots automatically. I spent over an hour in the community documentation using the live cd to reinstall grub and nothing has fixed it. I think that grub is installed and the windows bootloader is just taking precedence.

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Ubuntu :: Removing Atuo Super Grub Disk?

Nov 7, 2010

my computer screwed up and the MBR or GRUB was screwed up, so I got my Windows 7 repair disk and repaired the MBR. Then I needed grub back so I could boot into Ubuntu so I went and looked for something to just install grub and found this Auto Super GRUB Disk (ASGD) thing. So I installed it and then it appeared on the windows boot manager menu when I started up and I went into it and installed grub again. Then when I booted back into windows, it asked me if I wanted to remove ASGD and I clicked yes. Ever since, the ASGD entry has not been removed from my boot menu for some stupid reason. What happens is the computer starts and goes into GRUB which is what I want and then if I go into Windows 7, it will then come up with another menu asking whether to boot into Windows 7 or the ASGD, even though ASGD isn't there anymore. I can still boot into windows, but this extra menu that comes up every time is starting to **** me off. I've tried EasyBCD and the entry does not come up on there.

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Fedora :: After Cloning To Bigger Hdd / Can Boot Only Over Super Grub Disk CD

Mar 21, 2011

I cloned F14 with Clonezilla from 80GB to 320GB hdd(both sata disks), and then resized the partitions with GParted.But I can not boot into fedora on the new/bigger disk, it stops and the display writes "Loading stage 1.5" if I remember corectly,I tried to fix it with the live cd but with no efect.

Then i found Super Grub Disk live CD, and with that i tried to use their fix, which was the same as with the Fedora live cd i tried before, again no efect.Then i played around with Super Grub, and found the option to boot GNU/Linux indirectly, and with that metod i got results, found my menu.lst file and chose the kernel i wanted and it boots into desktop.

But i would need a more permanent solution, because now i allways have to use the same procedure with Super Grub Disk CD to boot into my Fedora 14.

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General :: Ubuntu Grub Fails To Start - Error: Out Of Disk

Aug 9, 2010

My computer has become quite strange the last days, last week grub stopped working and just halted at the grub prompt.

I can manually start the system by writing

insmod /boot/grub/linux.mod
linux /vmlinuz root=/dev/sda1 ro
initrd /initrd.img



The system is a Ubuntu 10.04 based system on a old HP laptop.

Related questions:

grub2 error: out of disk

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Ubuntu :: GRUB Loading ... Error: No Such Disk Grub Recover

Feb 9, 2010

I know nothing about this at all. I have never programmed a computer.. I loaned my tower to a friend who put this on ...now i have it back and cant get to my windows 98. all i get each time i boot is ...

GRUB loading ... error:no such disk grub recover>

I have tried ubuntu sec 8.4 recover mode and all i get is unreconized command.. i do not know how to set anything.. i have no disks for this not even the orginal windows recover disk.. is their anything i can do to get win to run as it use to??

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Error: No Such Disk?

May 11, 2010

Firstly, I'm ubuntu-naive so things may need to be explained painfully slowly. Secondly, I tried doing a search for similar problems but I had a hard time following the solutions so rather than just jump on another thread I figure i'd start a new one.I am trying to move on from XP and tried setting up 9.10. I did the LiveCD; followed the installtion prompts and installed, and restarted. Following restart I get the following;GRUB loading.error: no such diskgrub rescue>I've tried doing the boot info script lines but I keep getting "unknown command sudo" msgs.I can't get beyond this point.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Error: No Such Disk Grub Rescue>

Mar 9, 2010

i get this error when i try to boot from harddrive:

grub loading error: no such disk grub rescue>_

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Ubuntu Installation :: Disk Failing - Need To Move GRUB

Apr 18, 2010

My boot disk is failing! I am a little nervous, so I'd like to have extra eyes on this so that I don't fubar it.

My setup is as follows, with WinXP and Ubuntu living on completely separate drives:

The boot disk (WinXP with grub2 on MBR) is failing. I need to replace it, pronto.

Do I need to get any data from the MBR on the failing disk before removing it?

Should I make the Karmic disk bootable and install grub on it before removing the failing boot disk?

Once I have Windows (re)installed on a new disc (which will still be /dev/sda) I want to install GRUB2 to its MBR and re-instate the old (current) boot options. How should I do this?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Error: Out Of Disk. Grub Rescue>

Dec 11, 2010

Trying to do a new install of ubuntu 10.10 to my laptop. Installation and all works fine, but upon rebooting, after the bios screen i get:

error: out of disk.
grub rescue>
I tried using following some instructions i found after googling for the problem:
ls (displays the partitions and devices Grub can see)
set prefix=(hdX,Y)/boot/grub


but after the 5th step, i get another "error: out of disk" message. The odd thing is that I had an install of 10.10 on this laptop a month ago, and it worked fine. As a side note, I installed fedora 14 after this happened, which worked fine. Reinstalled ubuntu, and it was back to the same problem. I also tried installing with a kubuntu cd I had, to make sure it wasnt the install media, and had the same problem.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Natty Upgrade - LVM Grub (No Such Disk)

May 5, 2011

I've had this problem on a couple of Ubuntu server upgrades and am keen to get to the bottom of it. Basically, with an Ubuntu 10.10 server installtion where LVM has been used, running through the do-release-upgrade process works perfectly until the reboot stage. Then grub complains with "no such disk" and dumps me out to the grub shell. From here, I can see (from ls) the following:

(hostname-swap_1) (hostname-root) (hd0) (hd0,5) (hd0,1) (fd0)
I can enumerate the filesystem on (hd0,1) which seems to contain the /boot filesystem and the filesystem on (hostname-root) seems to contain the / filesystem.

If I execute:
linux=(hd0,1)/vmlinuz-image-2.6.38-8-server root=(hostname-root)
It boots, but into busybox saying that the target filesystem doesn't have requested /sbin/init.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows Does Not Start In Grub

Aug 3, 2010

I'm new to the world of dual booting Ubuntu. My computer is currently running windows 7 64-bit, and I'm trying to install Ubuntu 32-bit to run beside it. So I've created a boot disk, and I try to install Ubuntu. The weird thing is when I get to the frame that says "Prepare disk space" it correctly shows that I have windows 7 on the computer, but it shows it's on the wrong drive. In fact within the Ubuntu installer it doesn't even show the physical drive that windows is on, it only find the other two drives. If I load up System > Administration > Disk Utility then I can see all 3 physical hard drives and all the partitions on them, but not under the Ubuntu installer.

So I tried installing Ubuntu onto one of the other physical hard drives and that seemed to go just fine. The only problem is now when I boot, the only way I can swap operating systems is to go into my BIOS and change the boot order of my hard drives. If the hard drive with Windows is higher in the boot priority, it will boot windows, no problem. If the hard drive with Ubuntu on it is higher, then it takes me to grub, where it correctly shows windows 7 and ubuntu. Only problem is when I choose windows 7 all I get is a blinking cursor and nothing happens.

If I choose Ubunutu it boots correctly and everything works. So in a way I do kind of have them both working, but it'd be nice not to have to go into my BIOS just to change operating systems. I'm guessing that grub's problem is that the Ubuntu installer identifies the wrong drive that Windows is installed on, so when I pick Windows from grub it goes to the wrong drive. Can I fix grub manually? Or is there some compatibility issue between Windows 7 64-bit and Ubuntu 32-bit that is causing this conflict?

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Installation :: GRUB On A Disk That Is Going To Be Actually Installed On A Different Comput

Oct 8, 2010

I hope I'm wording this issue clearly.I'd like to plug a disk (IDE or SATA) into an adapter that lets me plug it into my workstation via USB. (E.g. N82E16817153071 at newegg) It will show up as /dev/sdX where X is some arbitrary letter depending on what other disks the system happens to have.

I'd like to have a script then partition, format and copy files onto it. Then we need to install GRUB on it.

Then I will remove the disk and install it permanently into a different computer, here it will either be /dev/hda (if IDE) or /dev/sda (if SATA). However, it seems that in general when you install GRUB on a disk, it assumes it is going to be the same disk that boots??

I am first trying an IDE disk so it will be /dev/hda. I get a "GRUB Hard Disk Error" when booting it as /dev/hda rather than whetever it was on the USB adapter. I used this to install grub:

grub-install --root-directory /mnt/removable/ /dev/sdX Where X was the appropriate letter based on the USB adapter. Then I fixed /mnt/removable/boot/grub/device.map to use /dev/hda../dev/hdc instead of sda..sdc.

I haven't found much about this specific scenario I have so far on the web. I am guessing that stage1 is either attempting to find files based on what the original workstations primary disk geometry was, or it's assuming that the disk is the same location as it was when it was a "removable" one (i.e. /dev/sdX or (hd5) or whatever, when it should just be looking at (hd0).

The goal is to do this kind of installation easily and quickly, and not have to do it individually on each final computer via install CDROM or whatever, or reboot the workstation each time in order to attach the disk as the same location there, etc. (This is a manufacturing setting).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Fresh Install Of 8.10 Over 9.10 Causes Grub 'no Such Disk' Error

Jan 27, 2010

I have a dual boot machine (Win XP + Ubuntu 9.10 on separate physical drives) which was working fine. I now want to replace the Ubuntu 9.10 with LinuxMCE which is based on Ubuntu 8.10. Using the LinuxMCE install disk, I did a fresh install of Ubuntu 8.10 over the top of Ubuntu 9.10 (repartitioning the whole drive). On reboot, I now get a Grub "no such disk" error. I have run the boot info script which produced the following RESULT.txt:

Boot Info Summary:
=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks for
=> Grub 0.97 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sdb and looks on the same drive
in partition #1 for /boot/grub/stage2 and /boot/grub/menu.lst.
=> Windows is installed in the MBR of /dev/sdc


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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Move Grub To Internal Hard Disk

Jan 29, 2010

I have windows 7 installed in my internal laptop hard disk and I have installed Ubuntu 9.10 "the Karmic Koala - released in October 2009 and supported until April 2011", on my external hard disk. The problem I am facing is that the GRUB have been installed on the hard disk, for that reason if my laptop have restarted I need the hard disk to be attached to it to load the GRUB and to log in to windows. I need guidance in moving the GRUB to my internal hard disk or return the windows boot loader in charge, so I can boot my windows without the hard disk.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Installs On Wrong Disk And Overwrites Win 7 Mbr (more Than Once)

May 20, 2010

I recently bought a new Gateway desktop. I use mostly Ubuntu but like to boot into Windows once in a while. Have used Ubuntu as my main OS for about 3 to 4 years, dual booting. After the Ubuntu 10.04 release, I decided to throw in another hard drive into the new computer and make it dual boot.


1. I did not create the Gateway Recovery Disk in Windows before installing Ubuntu.

2. Installed Ubuntu 10.04 without disconnecting the Windows 7 drive.

3. The Ubuntu install never prompted me asking where to install Grub (apparently there is an advanced menu somewhere in the install process that lets you select), and it was installed to the first drive on the PC by default, which happened to be the Win 7 drive.

This left the Windows 7 unbootable because it did not appear in the Grub menu. I did some searching and managed to install Grub on the second drive (the one with the Ubuntu install) and also managed to add Windows 7 to the Grub menu so I could boot into Windows. This last procedure added the Windows 7 option to the Grub on both drives.

I then managed to fix the Windows 7 mbr using /fixmbr and /fixboot. The problems I still have are as following. I can't create the Windows Gateway Recovery Disk in Windows. Every time I try, I get a message telling me "Hard drive configuration is not set to the factory default. Restore aborted.". I already disconnected the Ubuntu drive but get the same results. I know this one is not a Linux issue, but maybe someone had a similar issue and might be able to help.

The next problem I have is that it looks like after the las Kernel update in Ubuntu, Grub overwrote the Windows 7 mbr again. Is there a setting file somewhere that now tells Ubuntu that Grub is installed in two places and that whenever there is an update it updates both? Can I change this? I really would like to avoid re-installing Ubuntu to fix this.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Lost Grub Menu At Start Up?

Jan 24, 2010

Just upgraded to 9.10 on a laptop with dead Vista which I lost when I moved over to UBUNTU some time ago. Never any problems but when fiddling at boot up tonight I accidentally selected to boot up the Vista loader which went into the Vista recovery, and since then the laptop only opens up the Vista Recovery, ie it does not go to the Grub. Any ideas on how I can get to boot UBUNTU again?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Won't Start WinXP / Make It Possible?

Jun 25, 2010

Here's today's problem: I upgraded to Ubuntu 10.04 and hope to have it run alongside Win XP PRO, which it had for months.

Only, when I select WinXP in GRUB, nothing happens. Oh the screen goes dark for a few seconds, but then the GRUB screen reappears. Ubuntu 10.04 functions correctly.

here are the contents of what I assume is grub.cfg code...

What I need to know is how to make GRUB load WinXP.

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Ubuntu Installation :: GRUB Doesn't Consistently Start?

Sep 30, 2010

When I restart, GRUB sometimes doesn't start. It just hangs at the flashing cursor before grub.

When I restart again, grub works fine. The flashing cursor shows at the top of the screen for a few seconds, and then there is one or more new lines, and then the grub screen.

This is on an HP Pavilion 640 which is otherwise very stable.

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Ubuntu Installation :: New Grub From 10.10 Will Not Start The Existing Kubuntu 10.04?

Dec 18, 2010

I have been successfully triple-booting Windoze and 2 varieties of Linux on my desktop for some years now with very few problems. The latest configuration which I have been using for 6 months or so is Kubuntu 10.04 & Ubuntu 10.04. The last version installed was Kubuntu 10.04 and on installation it's version of grub found Ubuntu 10.04 no problem (other than a minor problem with partition numbering which was manually fixed) and all was well.

I have just upgraded Ubuntu 10.04 to 10.10 (by clean install rather than version upgrade) and the new grub from Ubuntu 10.10 will not start the existing Kubuntu 10.04, I just get "error: file not found".The grub.cfg file from Ubuntu 10.10 is completely different (copy attached) but the partition references & numbers etc. are correct so why will the existing Kubuntu 10.04 not start ? Windoze starts OK.



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Ubuntu :: GRUB 2 : Difference Between 'grub-pc', 'grub-efi' And 'grub-coreboot'?

Jan 6, 2010

I would like to know if there is any differences on how to install and to configure GRUB 2 in the different architectures (BIOS/IBM PC-Compatibles, EFI/MacIntel and Corebbot)? Does the Ubuntu installer automatically recognize the different architectures and install the appropriate GRUB 2 package ('grub-pc', 'grub-efi' or 'grub-coreboot' according to the arch)? Or does it just install 'grub-pc'? Is the location of GRUB 2's configuration files different depending on the arch of the computer? Or are they all located in '/boot/grub/', '/etc/grub/default' and '/etc/grub.d/', no matter the arch of the computer? Are the files' structure and options to configure GRUB 2 ('/etc/grub/default' and the scripts in '/etc/grub.d/') different depending on the arch of the computer?

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Installation :: Grub Error 21 Selected Disk Does Not Exist

Mar 7, 2011

Plan to use GRUB for multiple booting to select the OS but only with luck have I got it partially to work. Windows 98 and Puppy 431 O.K on first HDD but Puppy 421 on second HDD /dev/sdb1 stops at error 21.

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Debian Installation :: GRUB Won't Start On Macbook 2.1

Apr 29, 2015

I did an install of Jessie on a Macbook 2,1 to be the machine's only operating system, but it won't boot, showing only a black screen with a blinking cursor. I think the problem is caused by a mistake I made during the installation process, where I selected yes for the prompt:This machine's firmware has started the installer in UEFI mode but it looks like there may be existing operating systems already installed using "BIOS compatibility mode". If you continue to install Debian in UEFI mode, it might be difficult to reboot the machine into any BIOS-mode operating systems later.

If you wish to install in UEFI mode and don't care about keeping the ability to boot one of the existing systems, you have the option to force that here. If you wish to keep the option to boot an existing operating system, you should choose NOT to force UEFI installation here. Force UEFI installation?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Stuck In GRUB Rescue, Cannot Boot Live Disk?

Feb 20, 2010

I accidently deleted my ubuntu partition, and when boot I get this message:GRUB loading.error:unknown filesystemgrub rescue>I can't get into my bios options either... I just see the MSI splash screen and it cuts right to this error message.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade From A Live Disk - After Grub The Screen Is All Black

Oct 21, 2010

My ubuntu desktop died yesterday. I rebooted my computer in like 1 month and after grub, the screen is all black and it stays there... forever. So I decided to see if the problem persists or not when I completely upgrade my ubuntu to the latest version. So I downloaded the latest ubuntu iso from the site, burned it, and booted from CD and I see several selections to choose from the menu list. The second one was "Install Ubuntu". What I'm worried about is I don't know whether selecting 'Install Ubuntu' will erase all my previous data, or there will be an option to upgrade Ubuntu without erasing all the data. Is it safe to install from the live disk? Will my data be safe? Is there any way to upgrade my Ubuntu on the HD to the latest Ubuntu from a live disk?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Clean Re-install - Live Disk Not Recognized In GRUB?

Apr 18, 2011

I have an old HP PC with 2 drives: Primary (C = 20GB) and a slave (E = 60GB). I have Windows XP Pro OS (which I want to completely replace with Ubuntu). Ubuntu 10.10 is installed on E as a side-by-side (with XP on C). I am done testing Ubuntu and now want to completely replace the XP OS.Ubuntu is installed on E-drive as a partition. ISSUE: When I log on the PC goes directly to the GRUB menu but I get no option to boot from the Live Disk 10.10 during the boot-up.

HISTORY: I have tried (unsuccessfully) to remove Ubuntu from my E-drive by use of the uninstall function from Windows control panel. I have also tried to remove it using the manage/Disk Management process but the "Format" and "Delete" options are unavailable (grayed out) so cannot use that. I would like to do a complete clean up and fresh install of Ubuntu as my only OS.I have read and tried a number of internet articles / recommendations about opening BIOS and redirecting the start-up to the disk, but I do not get any option or any time during the boot to do that.

1) How can I get my HP PC to boot from (recognize) the Ubuntu Live Disk (CD)?

2) Would a complete removal and clean reinstallation be a better approach?

3) And how can I remove Ubuntu from the partition on E (as I want to dedicate the C-drive exclusively for Ubuntu)?

This is my first post so please be patient. I am unfamiliar with this part of the installation process.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual-boot `GRUB Hard Disk Error'

May 9, 2011

My system has Windows XP Pro SP2 installed on /sda1 and originally a 10.04 on /sdb1-3, now upgraded to 11.04. The Ubuntu system works fine (teething troubles with nvidia drivers on upgrade but fixed now), and the Windows system shows up in the grub menu, but when it's selected, I just get `GRUB Hard Disk Error' and nothing else. Windows installed properly, and booted successfully until I installed Ubuntu in the first place. I can still access the files on that drive from within Ubuntu.

I've tried fixboot in the Win Recovery Console, which sounded like it did something, but didn't fix the problem. This problem isn't new to grub2, by the way - I just haven't needed Windows in a year.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Error 'no Such Device' When Trying To Start Windows

Feb 11, 2010

I am having trouble getting a dual boot setup on Ubuntu remix on a netbook. The install went fine, but then windows would not book. I had a windows error. So I reinstalled windows, and rebuilt grub. Now when I try to launch windows from the grub menu it says "error: no such device: 0a82ff1982ff0849". How do I go about fixing that? I can boot to Ubuntu fine now.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Rescue - Dont Start Install ?

Dec 18, 2010

I am trying to install ubuntu 9.04 in a desktop but when loading the first screen it appears a box writing somthing "vmlifuz" the only choose that have is "ok" when i am hit button "ok" does not working, if a press it again (when the box with the ok disappears) load the dialog saying "Try ubuntu" , "install ubuntu" etc. Then if a hit one of this the dialog comes again saying something about "live-install" i hit ok but this time not process in the installation. After that I had try to intall windows xp but when go to load kernal prompt a message could not load a setupdd.sys. I had try to install Linux mint after the starting screen says ready and then nothing , i had try to install fedora only running the cd without even a message only a black screen. At last i had install ubuntu to another pc and i took the hard disk and plug it to this one, when i power on the pc after bios info in the screen come this "grub rescue>"

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Won't Start Unless Usb Stick Mounted From Boot?

Jan 11, 2011

Before: I had 2 os's ubuntu and windows installed on my system. Recently, I decided to install ubuntu to a flash drive. All went well except grub was not installed to the flash drive, but appended the existing grub setup on my hard drive.

Now: Even if I set the default system in grub as windows, or the original ubuntu install, my system will not boot unless the usb stick is plugged in. I get message. Error: grub rescue: My ideal solution: To stop grub searching for my flashdrive before loading the boot menu, and if possible to write grub to the flash stick.

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General :: Edit Grub Menu From Initial Grub Screen - Possible To It's Own 'e' Option Or 'c' From Grub Command Line?

Nov 20, 2010

my Setup is Fedora 14 x64 + radeon hd 4830 i've downloaded .run package from ati site with latest driver for x64 systems. installed it, but didn't edited grub.conf becouse i didn't understood anything there (probably didn't spent enough time to get things understand) Now i've lost possibility to enter my Fedora system. during boot it lost it's modern blue boot screen (with filling drop), it was replaced by standard old boot screen with triple-color stripe. after this boot screen monitor start blinking going on and off. and on last step i'm getting "Fedora 14 boot bla bla bla something" on screen. nothing works except Ctrl+Alt+Delete. system reboots showing successful daemons shutting sequence. How can i edit grub menu from initial grub screen is it possible to it's own 'e' option or 'c' from grub command line?

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