Ubuntu :: GRUB 2 Cannot Load XP - Dual Boot

Feb 10, 2011

On reboot the GRUB2 installer shows me the options for OS - I select Windows XP and then I get a blank screen with a flashing cursor - and nothing.. I CTRL ALT DEL and it reboots back to GRUB2 and I select UBUNTU and I log in. This is the first time I have tried to reboot Windows XP after fresh install of UBUNTU


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Ubuntu :: New Dual-boot But Cannot Load Windows7(grub)?

Apr 12, 2011

Finally made the switch over to ubuntu, but I needed to keep my windows7 for several reasons. Let just start by saying I have two hard drives, a 200gig(which holds my windows7 partition) and a 500gig(has a 100gig partition which has ubuntu on it). After finally getting 10.04 to install on the 100gig partition and everything running right, I tried to load up windows7 and got an error.

Something along to lines of "the partition does not exist". I believe I messed up on the last step on the install, as I might of just been careless. I remember reading somewhere that if using multiple hard drives grub may get messed up in one way or another. IS there a way to fix this and make grub realize that window7 is on another partition, or am I out of luck?edit: Id like to add that grub is recognizing windows7, it just will not load off the other partition(I think)

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OpenSUSE Install :: Unable To Re-load Grub Following Windows 7 SP1 Upgrade On Dual-Boot?

Apr 28, 2011

A few days ago I went to perform the Service Pack 1 Upgrade for Win 7. This crashed out with an error. On researching the problem I found a solution to fix the problem by marking the Windows partition as active. I did this (via Computer Mgmt -> Disk Mgmt). This allowed the SP1 upgrade to work, however on reboot I got an error BOOTMGR missing. This I rather rashly resolved by using the Windows 7 install DVD in Recovery mode to reinstall the Windows Boot manager via bootrec /Fixboot I thought I would then be able to use the Opensuse 11.2 install disk to fix grub.

I use the Opensuse install disk and select Repair system -> Expert Mode -> Install New Boot Loader then select Other -> Reread Configuration from Disk. This adds Win 7 back into the grub menu. I then select OK and get the message "the bootloader was installed successfully". The problem then comes when I click my way through OK and Next to finish the install. At the end of the process I get the message "An error occurred during the installation" and I'm no further forward.

FYI the PC has a single SATA disk installed partitioned as follows:

dev/sda1 100Mb Win System Parkition
dev/sda2 Windows NTFS
dev/sda3 Windows FAT

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Ubuntu :: Broken Grub On Dual-boot System - Get A Flashing Cursor On A Blank Screen When Try To Load

Nov 2, 2010

I installed Win7 after Ubuntu (10.10). I attempted to reload grub so that I would be able to run them dual boot and now I can't load anything.

I followed the guide here: [url] and went threw it a couple of times now to make sure it wasn't user error.

I am using a live cd from 10.04 because it's the only one I have. Any chance that's why it isn't working properly? I wouldn't think so, but I assume that it's possible.

If that is the case; Any way to solve it without using the live cd? I cannot burn a new disk because I have to boot from disk to use my computer right now.

I just get a flashing cursor on a blank screen when I try to load.

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Software :: GRUB Boot Loader Doesnt Load / Fix The GRUB?

May 18, 2010

PC: Dell Precision T7400.O/S: Windows XP SP3 64-bit & Scientific Linux 5.3 64-bit

The above PC has 2 HDDs installed one has XP and the other Scientific Linux.

Problem: XP needed to be re-installed, i've done this now but now the GRUB Boot loader doesnt load - So just boots straight into XP.

Qustion: Is there anywhere to fix the GRUB? Without wiping the 2nd HDD and re-installing Linux!

Let me know if you need any more info

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Ubuntu Installation :: Win 7 Dual Boot - Revert Grub 2 To Grub 1?

Mar 26, 2010

So my computer has ubuntu 9.10 installed 1st and I want to install win 7 in a separate partition. Basically, ubuntu 1st, win 7 later so far from what I learned from search results, grub 2 have problem with win 7 installed later and what was recommended was install win 7 before ubuntu. how ever I do not have the time to start over again because there are too many things to back up or install again. can I simply revert grub 2 to grub 1 again and resolve the problem?

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - Vista Will Not Load On Dual Boot System

May 2, 2010

I have upgraded to ubuntu 10.04 but now can't boot into win vista, ubuntu and vista are on grub but vista will not load, I have tried sudo upgrade-grub which seemed to work but had no effect on loading windows. I did think of using win dvd to fixmbr but only as last resort, I entered the commands suggested by nitstorm and got "command not found". Followed link to source forge.net and test disk, followed the instructions to install and run test disk which repaired the boot sector in the vista partition, I can now choose to boot into win or ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Initial Dual Boot - Cannot Load Into Vista

May 20, 2010

I had karmic koala installed a few months back, but wasn't using it cause i didn't have time to properly configure it. Last night, i was thinking of probing around with it a little and found an update for it and went ahead and installed it. After rebooting, GRUB refused to load any of the OSes, but i was still able to access ubuntu with a reduced graphics option (safe mode?). Tried reinstalling etc etc but nothing worked. In my frustration, i whipped out my windows CD and deleted the partition for ubuntu.

Now, after the loading of bios, i get "error: no such partition. grub rescue>".Is there anyway i can get delete grub and get my vista to boot normally? or would i need to reformat everything again? maybe someone can point me in the right direction if a similar thread had been posted before.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot: Windows7 Will Not Load?

Jun 11, 2011

I have a laptop that has a dual boot of Windows7/Ubuntu10.04. Ubuntu loads fine, but Windows 7 does not. It shows up in the Grub, but it will not load. I assume that the boot loader was messed up somehow, but I am not experienced at deciphering the boot info file. I was hoping someone might be able to take a look at the file and tell me what the issue might be, and also which part of the text indicates the problemBoot File:

Boot Info Script 0.60 from 17 May 2011
============================= Boot Info Summary: ===============================


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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows XP Won't Load In Dual Boot - Error 17?

Jan 18, 2010

I managed somehow to successfully install a dual boot with Ubuntu 9.02 and Windows XP. Ubuntu was on a PATA drive and the WinXP was on a SATA drive. The SATA drive was configured to boot first. As I was having problems with Ubuntu I booted into WinXP, re-formatted the PATA drive, then restarted the computer and installed Ubuntu 9.10. It all went well.I rebooted the machine and the following message was on the screen:

GRUB Loading stage1.5.GRUB Loading, please wait....Error 17

I rebooted, changed the boot order so that the PATA disk (Ubuntu) started first, then the SATA(WinXP). Ubuntu loaded up the dual boot screen.I chose WINXP, but I was greeted with a black screen.I rebooted again and chose to load Ubuntu, which it did without a hitch.what I should do to restore my access to WinXP? Or should I start again? If so, how?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot - Unable To Load Windows Xp

Jul 19, 2010

I installed ubuntu 10.04, aftert that i cluld not able to start windows xp,Please find the details about my hard disk

Disk /dev/sda: 40.0 GB, 40020664320 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 4865 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes


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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot Using Windows Boot Loader, Not GRUB?

Nov 8, 2010

I'm trying to dual boot Win7 and Ubuntu WITHOUT using Grub. This is to support Bitlocker encryption.

I followed this guide, and now when I select Ubuntu I get a Grub> prompt and no ubuntu.

I feel like I'm halfway there, I just need to get Grub to load correctly or something.

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Ubuntu :: GRUB Boot Menu At The Start Like Any Other Dual-boot System?

Jan 28, 2011

I've installed Ubuntu on my new desktop alongside Windows 7 (each OS is on a separate drive), I seem to have run into a small problem. Let me start with what I did:

- Unplugged 1TB drive from the PSU, BIOS was not seeing my formatted (and thus empty) 500GB drive and I couldn't put it into the boot order at all with the 1TB turned on.

- Loaded up the boot CD and was able to install Ubuntu 10.1 on my 500GB drive.

- Did a bit of configuring, shut my PC off and plugged my 1TB (with Windows 7) drive back in. I tried to see if I could now see my Ubuntu drive in BIOS but nothing is there - just the Windows drive is in the list of available drives to boot from (along with DVD-ROM and USB).

This is where I've run into my problem. What I want is to have a nice GRUB boot menu at the start like any other dual-boot system but just have the two operating systems on separate drives altogether.I did it this way because I was having issues with the advanced partition menu on the boot CD so just went ahead and followed the KISS method by unplugging the Windows drive.

I was told by a friend that if I put my Ubuntu drive into the first position in my boot order and the Windows drive in the second, then I could boot into Ubuntu and run a GRUB update command (he told me to google it) and that would create the necessary GRUB that had the entries for Windows 7 and Ubuntu.Both operating systems are 64-bit, I imagine that might make a difference in whatever help you guys can offer me. I love the hell out of both OS's and want to be able to use them interchangeably.

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Ubuntu :: Missing Grub And Dual Boot Menu - Windows Won't Boot

Jul 3, 2011

i am having a problem with my dual boot setup. I originally installed windows XP on a 100gb hard drive, from there i downloaded and burnt ubuntu off so i could install it on my 200gb hard drive. For a little bit i struggled to even get it to install because it wouldn't recognize my onboard nvidia graphics, i ended up having to get an alt boot disk and fix it with technique in this link:


Now after the bios boot, my screen shuts off for awhile and takes me directly to the login screen for ubuntu. No Grub, no windows boot options, nothing. I tried booting windows by choosing it from the bios boot menu but all it does is hang at prompt and doesn't boot at all. I tried the live cd fix and reinstalled grub but nothing changed. What i think is happening is that it boots the Grub menu but it doesn't display it because of graphical confrontations. It hangs for about 10 seconds, the grub default time, and then turns my monitor back on to display the Ubuntu login screen.

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Ubuntu :: Dual Boot XP - 10.10 - Boot Screen Shows Up But Then Computer Restarts And Returns To The GRUB Menu

Dec 16, 2010

I followed a tutorial to install XP across my entire HDD. I installed Ubuntu 10.10 "Alongside another OS". Ubuntu loads fine, but when trying to load XP, the boot screen shows up, but then the computer restarts and returns to the GRUB menu.

I saw some threads on this site and tried to type: sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst

In the terminal. It returned a blank text document so I'm not sure if that information was outdated. I then typed: sudo fdisk -l

And got this:

Not sure what any of this means, but I sure hope someone else does. I would say forget XP, but it's hard to let go of some of the games and software I use. I appreciate any responses, thank you.

I tried to format the table as it appeared, but the forum corrected the extra spaces.

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Ubuntu :: Grub - Unable To Boot Into Windows 7 On Dual Boot

Mar 23, 2011

I had a dual boot system with 3 partitions, Windows 7 on one partition, and Windows XP on another partition and a Data partition. I decided to load Ubuntu 10.10 on the Windows XP partition.During installation I selection manual partition, and deleted Windows XP.after successful completion of Ubuntu installation "Grub" directly boots into Ubuntu, it doesn't show me the OS selection screen. After following some forum posts I did an update grub


Generating grub.cfg ...
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.35-22-generic
Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-2.6.35-22-generic


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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual Boot On A Mac - Can't Load The System

Mar 20, 2011

I'm trying to install OpenSUSE 11.4 (64bit with the server options included) on my Mac (Core 2 Duo 2.0 Ghz with 2 GB memory). So I have sda2 the OSX, sda1 swap, sda3 is the bootcamp (windows), sda4 (ext4) and sda5(ext5). I installed rEFIt 0.14 first, then I reboot with DVD on. The installation setup resized the Windows partition from Bootcamp, and create 3 other partitions (the sda1,4 and 5). At the installation I choos MBR enable and "/" as home enable.

At the end of the installation I have the error about MBR, that can't mount, or create the mount point? I'll double check the exact message. Anyway, when I try to load OpenSUSE, is not working: can not load the system. I tried to find on the installation menu a repair (I thought that I can find an utility to fix the MBR). I don't want to choose other distribution, because I used SuSE before, and I really like it, and of course this way I can learn more about troubleshooting a Linux installation on different environment

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General :: Dual Boot Lilo Won't Load Windows

May 17, 2011

Just installed Slackware 13.37 and am trying to get dual boot to work properly. I have edited /etc/lilo.conf to point the Windows section to what I believe should be the correct partition (/dev/sda2) Here is the relevant section


# LILO configuration file
# Windows bootable partition config begins
other = /dev/sda2


I have mounted /dev/sda2 to /ntfs-c as suggested during install and when I browse through there I see the files from my windows setup so it is in fact the correct partition. When I load Windows on boot, however, it is pointing to the recovery partition (/dev/sda1).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Dual Boot - Cannot Boot Win 7

May 3, 2010

I updated from Ubuntu 9.10 to 10.04 via Ubuntu updater. Worked nicely. Until I had to use Win 7 for a moment, so I went to the Grub boot menu and picked Win 7. Nothing is happening. Just a black screen with blinking underscore to the top left corner. I never had this problem with 9.10, so I am confused. I tried looking around and nothing helped. Be noted that I am an amateur with Ubuntu coding and installing. I did hear that this is already a common issue now.

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Ubuntu :: Boot Won't Load After Grub-install?

Aug 19, 2010

I messed it up with the grub in Ubuntu Netbook and the grub loader just prompt the "grub console" during the system boot.

However, I can boot manually by selecting manually the kernel:

kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-24-generic

But, of course, that is not really practical for an everyday use.

I tried with the update-grub command, but nothing happens, the grub.cfg is there, with all the kernels list, but the grub loader won't load it! It is just ignoring it!

If I load the config file manually it prompts the grub command line again (with the "welcome" message), so, it IS loading the grub.cfg, but it's not working!!!

This is the content of my grub.cfg file:

# It is automatically generated by /usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig using templates
# from /etc/grub.d and settings from /etc/default/grub


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General :: Dual Boot Installation - Cannot Load From Hard Disk

Mar 19, 2010

I'm having installation issues with linux. I'm trying to set up a dual boot with vista and linux. I prepared my computer by backing up my files and partitioning my hard drive, leaving 20GB for linux. I downloaded Linux Mint 7, and booted from USB (using the universal USB installer from pendrivelinux.com). All good, entered into linux and installed by following the prompts (selecting use largest unallocated partition to point linux to the partition). At this stage the screen cleared to just leave me with the desktop background.

I patiently waited for it to reboot which never happened. So I waited for 20mins or so, then shut the computer down because I couldn't think of what else to do. When I restarted (without using the livecd/usb) it just went straight to vista. I did a bit of reading and found it might have been something to do with vista taking over grub, and some of the tutorials suggested downloading EasyBCD. So I did that, here's the summary:

There are a total of 2 entries listed in the Vista Bootloader.
Bootloader Timeout: 30 seconds.
Default OS: Linux Mint 7

Entry #1
Name: Microsoft Windows Vista
BCD ID: {current}
Drive: C:
Bootloader Path: Windowssystem32winload.exe
Windows Directory: Windows

Entry #2
Name: Linux Mint 7
BCD ID: {default}
Drive: C:
Bootloader Path: NST

Windows Boot Manager
identifier {9dea862c-5cdd-4e70-acc1-f32b344d4795}
device partition=C:
description Windows Boot Manager
locale en-US
inherit {7ea2e1ac-2e61-4728-aaa3-896d9d0a9f0e}
default {bbf9569e-31e5-11df-a844-91f7867d7949}
resumeobject {3fb6bf64-700d-11db-8409-0016d303c867}
displayorder {3fb6bf63-700d-11db-8409-0016d303c867}
toolsdisplayorder {b2721d73-1db4-4c62-bf78-c548a880142d}
timeout 30

Windows Boot Loader
identifier {3fb6bf63-700d-11db-8409-0016d303c867}
device partition=C:
path Windowssystem32winload.exe
description Microsoft Windows Vista
locale en-US
inherit {6efb52bf-1766-41db-a6b3-0ee5eff72bd7}
recoverysequence {572bcd55-ffa7-11d9-aae2-0007e994107d}
recoveryenabled Yes
osdevice partition=C:
systemroot Windows
resumeobject {3fb6bf64-700d-11db-8409-0016d303c867}
nx OptIn

Real-mode Boot Sector
identifier {bbf9569e-31e5-11df-a844-91f7867d7949}
device partition=C:
path NST
description Linux Mint 7

Now when I turn my computer on, I get options for vista and linux. Vista works fine, but if I select Linux Mint 7 I get an error that reads "cannot load from harddisk, insert systemdisk and press any key".

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Load Onto Computer As Dual Boot Or Inside Windows?

Apr 24, 2010

I am unable to load Ubuntu onto computer as dual boot or inside windows. Thus scanned the CD and found it has 23 errors.Are these files suppose to be on the CD?casper, .disk, install, install, isolinux, pics, pool, pressed, autorun, md5sum.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: GRUB To Dual Boot 11.2 And Windows XP But Hangs On Boot

Apr 20, 2010

HW config is: AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+ Black Edition, MSI 785GTM-E45, 2X 1Gb Kingston HyperX PC2-8500. I have set up GRUB to dualboot openSUSE 11.2 and WindowsXP. Initially i had set up system with defaults: CPU@2600MHz (200X13) and therefore RAM@800MHz. Both openSUSE 11.2 and WindowsXP worked just fine. Memtest86 found no problems.

But after a while i decided to change this setup to: CPU@2500MHz (250X10) and therefore RAM@1000MHz, as it promised better overall performance. And now Windows still boots and works better then before. Memtest86 still can't find any problem. But openSUSE 11.2 hangs at boot. I've suspected cpufreq governor, but changing from Ondemand to Conservative in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq doesn't help.

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Debian :: Grub Boot Loader On A Dual Boot System?

Dec 16, 2010

This is the third time I try unsuccessfully to install Debian as a second OS on a hard drive. When it gets to the end of the installation process the installer asks whether I want to go ahead with the Grub Boot Loader, I choose yes. The end result is however that I can't boot that partition within the hard drive -- i.e., Debian. Can someone tell me what is going on? Should I not use the Grub Boot Loader when I have more than one operating system on a machine? Should I not install Grub on the Master Boot Record (MBR)?

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Boot With Xp - Grub Can't Boot Into Windows?

Jan 10, 2010

I just set up a dual boot on a system with fedora 12 and XP. XP in on one hard drive (sda) and Fedora on a second hard drive (sdb).

I installed grub on the Fedora disk so as to not touch the windows disk at all.

Prior to installation, in the bios, I set the Fedora disk (sdb) first in the boot sequence, and then XP (sda) so that the grub loader would boot up by default. (If I set the windows drive first then the system bypasses grub and loads straight into windows.)

My system can now boot up into Fedora fine, but if I select windows from the grub loader menu I just get a blinking cursor - windows will not boot.What do I have to do so that grub can boot into XP?

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Ubuntu :: When Boot Computer / Grub Doesn't Load At All

Jul 28, 2011

I just added a 3rd hard drive, but now when I boot my computer grub doesn't load at all, it just boots to Windows. I've tried holding down Shift, and I've tried holding down ESC but it didn't work. I believe I have grub2.

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Installation :: Configure Grub2 To Load Both OSes In Dual Boot Mode

Oct 1, 2010

I have two hard disks sda and sdb. I have Windows XP installed on sda2 and Ubuntu 10.04 on sdb5. When I installed Windows XP, Ubuntu stopped booting. I tried to repair grub2 from a Live CD unsuccessfully. Now I have completely messed up my MBR of both HDDs. I just want to configure grub2 to load both OSes in dual boot mode.

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Debian :: Grub If Only Booting / Only To Boot/load More Than One OS?

Nov 9, 2010

I am using Debian Squeeze, having installed it after Windows 7, each on a separate HD.

What happened was that Win7 became unbootable and, after failing to recover it, decided to live without it.

After a (happy) week of Windows-free life, I'm wondering if I can safely remove GRUB ("Grub-pc" and "Grub-common" are installed) since, as far as I know, GRUB is there only to boot/load more than one OS?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Load With Windows Xp Boot Loader?

Jun 8, 2011

I installed Ubuntu 11.04 on a separate partition, with Grub being in it own partition. When I start the PC only windows Xp is available. So how do I get grub or Ubuntu load with windows xp boot loader? I tried with Live cd, the sudo grub but then it says command not found. I think its because Ubuntu 11.04 uses grub 2.

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General :: Grub 0.97 CLI To Load Kernel - And Boot On OpenSuse10

Aug 29, 2010

I unfortunately remove "some" softwares on my OpenSuse10 (preinstalled on my laptop, without cd driver) cause I was running out of space on hd. Icons starts to dissappear ...

Then I have only the Grub 0.97 shell that appears and to use to solve the problem... tried to boot kernel, but said that it "must be loaded before boot".

In the Grub 0.97 black window I have two lines :

I press "b", to boot with the First line : kernel (hd0,2)/boot/vmlinuz ... but the window turns blue and said "all data would be lost", so it shut down the system automatically to avoid this.

I press "e" to edit the command in the boot sequence for the same line, but don't really know what to tell Grub to do.

I must get my important datas back on my hd before "Restore to factory settings" (the last option). Any solution ?

Maybe it is a step on a solution ?

From [url] I downloaded linux kernel on a usb memory stick. Could it be useful ? how to ?

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