Ubuntu :: Compiz Fusion Set To Load On Boot It Doesn't?
Mar 27, 2011
Compiz Fusion set to load on boot; it doesn't. Settings checked as start on boot, it just doesn't and has to be loaded manually from desktop 2.) Desktop Drapes (wallpaper changer) also set to load on boot; also doesn't do so, even though checked to do so, and also must be loaded manually from desktop. 3.) Something is hogging CPU cycles something awful; if I have more than a few tabs in Firefox open, it takes forever to scroll or reload, and the entire system just bogs almost to the point of unusability. This same behavior exists offline when using any graphic capability (Shotwell or even just Nautilus file manager, if viewing graphics as thumbnails.
I realize this is kind of all over the place and all-inclusive, but although my experience USING Ubuntu goes on several years, it's been generally so trouble-free that I've not had to dig around under the hood much, and I'm kind of at a loss as to where to begin troubleshooting this mess. Would it be easier to just back-up and nuke/reinstall the OS?
I am running 64bit version of Fedora 12. After I logout or restart, I lose compiz function and I have to manually activate by "applications" - "system tools" and compusion fusion icon click.
On login, my skydome (in the Desktop Cube) doesn't load up. Instead, I get a gradient.
I go look in the settings manager and sure enough, I see the skydome image file checked there, and I even changed my gradient colors to be 100% transparent. Makes no difference! All I have to do is change /anything/ in the skydome settings and the skydome image suddenly shows up. Literally changing the gradient color will even make the skydome image show up.
I run the final version of Lucid Lynx and have a 9800gt.
I followed the following procedure to install compiz (and I want compiz, not just the built in desktop effects) on my computer, all sudo with KDM disabled where necessary:
1. apt-get install nvidia-current
2. nvidia-xconfig
3. apt-get install build-essential libxcomposite-dev libpng12-dev libsm-dev libxrandr-dev libxdamage-dev libxinerama-dev libstartup-notification0-dev libgconf2-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libmetacity-dev librsvg2-dev libdbus-1-dev libdbus-glib-1-dev libgnome-desktop-dev libgnome-window-settings-dev gitweb curl autoconf automake automake1.9 libtool intltool libxslt1-dev xsltproc libwnck-dev python-dev python-pyrex <- these were prerequisites mentioned by the guide on compiz.org
At this point, everything installed successfully, and nvidia driver was working perfectly.
I verified this: desktop effects worked OOB.
5. compiz --replace &
6. emerald --replace &
At this point, compiz apparently started. Emerald worked perfectly: all of the window decorations worked OOB. I went and ran ccsm, and turned on quite a few settings. It didn't enable ANYTHING. When I reran ccsm, all of the settings were back to default, and enabling any new ones had no effect on window behavior. Strange. I looked on the web and found:[url]
The ubuntu page said that I should not "Enable integration into the desktop environment" if gconf was selected. BUT THE FLAT FILE CONFIGURATION WAS SELECTED BY DEFAULT. Then I went back to the site and it said flat file configuration was recommended!
Maybe I shouldn't have enabled desktop effects first (NOTE THAT I LATER DISABLED IT and things still did not work)?
I have been working on this copiz fusion thing and I was following the deal at medibuntu and got to where you run "compiz --replace" and I get this warning...
WARNING: Application calling GLX 1.3 function "glXCreatePixmap" when GLX 1.3 is not supported! This is an application bug! WARNING: Application calling GLX 1.3 function "glXDestroyPixmap" when GLX 1.3 is not
if i installed ubuntu 10.04 or later on sd card, it will possible to enable compiz fusion???
Processor and memory intel Core 2 Duo
* Intel Core 2 Duo processor with 3MB on-chip shared L2 cache * 1066MHz frontside bus * 4GB ram * NVIDIA GeForce 320M graphics processor with 256MB of DDR3 SDRAM shared with main memory5
I accidentally deleted my compiz fusion Icon from my top panel and now I can't seem to get it back. Before 10.04 I could just run Applications/System tools/ Compiz fusion icon and it would appear in my panel. This doesn't work any more! when I run "fusion-icon --no-start" in terminal I get
* Detected Session: unknown * Searching for installed applications... * NVIDIA on Xorg detected, exporting: __GL_YIELD=NOTHING * Using the GTK Interface * Decorator "/usr/bin/compiz-decorator" is invalid. * Setting decorator to Emerald ("emerald --replace")
I was trying to install and run Compiz fusion with fedora 12. I downloaded all the packages etc using both the gui and terminal according to some guides. When I click the desktop effects button, it says 3d is not enabled, however the guide I followed said to enter glxgears (or something to that effect) and if it came up with 3d gears then 3d was enabled...I am very confused. There was an application I ran after downloading/installing some packages that caused the screen to go white and I had to reboot. I read in another forum this may have something to do with my drivers...gotta check my graphics card specs, will post when I find them.
I made a fresh install of Fedora 13, installed the video card driver for my video card. How do I get compiz fusion to work and what do I need to install? when I enable desktop effects the system panels disappear. Also I'm looking to install that effects editor that has all the different effects menus.
Okay I think I got the menu loader and Compiz working.. for those who browse to this thread.. the answer is. yum install compiz-fusion fusion-icon the desktop cube was a little tricky to get working.
However if I enable desktop effects fromt he preferences menu the system panels still disappear.
I am running Ubuntu 10.04 in VBOX on a Windows 7 host. I have a Nvidia Geforce 9600 gt graphics card. I would really like to get Compiz Fusion desktop effects working on it. Is this possible? I have read some threads where people have ultimately found out that the VBox guest addition drivers are not compatible. How can I determine if mine is going to work?
Im trying to enable the burn feature in compiz fusion so my computer can use the effects in the applications, places and systems taskbar how would I go about doing that ?
Not quite sure what could be wrong here. The settings are enabled, but none of the compiz functions are working. The were working on Friday. I did some searching but I'm not even sure what the problem is, or how to diagnose it. I'm running 10.10, now.. any help is appreciated. Even if you just tell me what I need to be searching for to find a solution.
i am using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS with compiz fusion, when the computer loads, the compiz doesn't load with the effects automatically, to make them appear i should right click on the Compiz Fusion icon and then choose relaod window manager can i make this work automatically when the computer is load?
I just did a clean installation of Fedora 12 on my Intel Core2 Duo system. I installed packages to use compiz fusion. When I select the Compiz Fusion Icon option from the System Tools menu, my screen goes white, and I have to SSH into the system and reboot it
I went to this link hand added the file to /etc/yum.repos.d, but get the "Could not contact source fedora-compiz-fusion, so it will be disabled" error when trying to enable the source in PackageKit
I am having problem with compiz-fusion icon in fedora 14... I have installed compiz, but when I click the compiz-icon to start it.... the system logs off and again asks password... Same thing I have done in my HP laptop, but in it, its working.. The problem comes in my pc only... I also want some help for knowing, how to add compiz-icon in the startup of the kde session...in "FEDORA 14", so that when I login using kde, the compiz-fusion automatically starts with this process... Somebody please give me a solution...Frnds I am having problem with the nvidia driver for fedora 14.. Whenever I start compiz.... The screen blacks and logs off the session
compiz fusion wont work.I try to enable desktop effects but it says it can't do it.Window manager warning: Attempt to perform window operation 26 on window none when operation 26 on none already in effect then went to quite a primative theme.normally the last two lines don't appear.My desktop has been weird lately, and not quite working well.Is there a way to like, roll back changes?it was working perfect last week... if i could roll back about a week it would be exellent..does anybody know what is wrong??
I hate this compiz fusion crap on knoppix 6.. I know you can turn it off using 'knoppix no3d' on the boot prompt using a live disk. But how do you save that cheatcode permanently for a hd-installed knoppix sys?
I just recently discovered flubox, it's a window manager right"? like gnome? or is it like compiz fusion? if so, it is better than compiz fusion? can i use it in conjunction with compiz fusion?
I updated system few days back. and Ka-boom! Suddenly my all desktop effects gone. My theme effects of Mac from the theme Macubuntu 10.10 were gone too. I removed Macubuntu and tried to go into visual effects tab in Appearance Preferences, but it says "Mutter is running, Can't switch to other effects." Now, may this mutter is coming in natty narwhal & new, but seriously it's 2D effects aren't smooth enough.. Also I just can't use Alt+Tab which I'm habitual of.
My question is: How to disable this mutter and re-enable my Compiz-Fusion? I tried to kill mutter process from the daemons and start a compiz.. It didn't work.. Instead, I had to reboot my machine everytime I did that. When I remove mutter from sudo apt-get remove mutter.My desktop stays blank after a reboot and I can't access anything.. Thanks to EasyStroke that I'd given stokes to open a new terminal.
I am using Ubuntu 11.04 in Classic Gnome mode, and whenever I try to get the cube effect to work on it, the top part of all windows (The part that you grab on to move the windows and close them) disappears. Why would this happen? Here are my specs:AMD Phenom II X2 5554 GB of DDR2 RamRadeon HD 5750!
i want to know command to Add Compiz Fusion Icon to Startup Applications Preferences at Stratup program . i want to Compiz Fusion Icon run when i login .
I followed leigh123linux' guide about the compiz fusion installation and set-up. Unfortunately, I failed to do a compiz-check before running the whole thing. I enabled compiz and did a reboot. The next time I logged in, my screen just turned white. I can still see my mouse moving though, but I couldn't disable the compiz.