Ubuntu :: Restore Disk From Pc Running On Windows?

Jan 18, 2010

I have a notebook with no disk drive. How do I use restore disk from my pc running on windows?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Restore Wubi After Windows Reinstall - Error: No Such Disk

Jul 4, 2011

I decided it was time to reinstall Windows 7 because it became increasingly slow. I know that there's a different solution to solve this problem, but as a user I'm just more satisfied with the noob friendliness of Windows. However, I know that it has its drawbacks so I had a dual boot setup with Wubi (30GB). My old configuration was as follows:

C: partition of size ~80GB with Windows 7 x64 installed
D: partition of size ~400GB with data and a wubi ubuntu at D:/ubuntu

So what I did was this:

- Backup all my personal files and D:/ubuntu on a external hdd
- Wipe the partitions using the windows installer
- Create a C: of 100GB and a D: of 380GB
- install windows 7 x64 on the C: partition

Now I would like to restore my backup of the old D:/ubuntu to a working dual boot system. I realize I may have missed some opportunities and the data may be gone, but I only found out about that when it was too late. I have tried installing wubi, and replacing the new ubuntu folder with the old one, but this did not work.

error: no such device: 9054698454696DC2
error: no such disk

I have also tried replacing only the root.disk file, with the same result. I searched for other people's solutions, but they did not seem to work in my case.

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General :: Boot From Windows Disk While Running Netbook?

Mar 17, 2010

i ahve to boot it from the command like an executable but i dont know how to exactly and when i thought i had it figured out i didnt know how to write the name of the file in the disk ubuntu just kept saying file or directory not found

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Red Hat :: Running IPmonitor To Monitor The Disk Usage On Our Servers - Running Df -h

Mar 19, 2010

We are running IPmonitor to monitor the disk usage on our Linux servers. It does not seem to coincide with what is reported when running df -h. For example on a Red Hat 5.3 server - our IPmonitor shows that 85% is used on the /usr partition, however when I do a df -h on the server it shows that 91% is used. Why there would be a discrepancy? IPmonitor uses SNMP.

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Ubuntu :: Program To Restore Disk Image?

May 3, 2010

I am having a problem finding a piece of software. I've searched a lot and still have not come up with an answer. My situation is as follows: I have an image file the I wish to restore to my USB flash drive but so far I've had no luck doing this. I was wondering if there was a program/command that could help me restore the disk image.

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Ubuntu :: How To Restore NTFS Disk Data

Sep 27, 2010

I've occasionally changed HDD filesystem type in Disk Utility from NTFS to Linux Extended . It created an extended partition containing some other partitions instead of NTFS.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Restore A Root.disk After Reinstalling Wubi

Sep 5, 2010

Since the partition of windows7 (C: ) where wubi was installed was too small, I decided to reinstall wubi into another larger partition (E: ), keeping the old root.disk. Sadly when I replaced the root.disk ubuntu cannot boot, the loader says that there is no root.disk file, although it's there... I guess there is some kind of checksum about the virtual disk toward the loader is poiting... So how can I have my old ubuntu installation back?? I still have the old root.disk.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Restore Accidental Delete Of Home.disk?

Oct 8, 2010

I think I did something dumb. I was trying to increase the space allocation to my /home virtual disk on my wubi installation of Ubuntu. I ran the wubi-add-virtual-disk utility (as I had done before the first time I increased my space), but I received the message "The target virtual disk /host/ubuntu/disks/$virtual_disk already exists, aborting." So, thinking that all my data was in a different path and that the file home.disk was probably just some configuration file of little importance (I should've checked and I should've made a backup of it myself), I browsed to /host/ubuntu/disks and ran "rm home.disk", then reran the wubi-add-virtual-disk utility (stored in my still existing /home/cportiz/Downloads directory), and I thought I had successfully increased my space.

To my horror, upon restarting my computer, my desktop was empty and basically unusable as there is nothing to click on. I rebooted on recovery mode and logged on in terminal mode, then browsed to /home and found an EMPTY folder. I ran locate home.disk and found a file at /host/ubuntu/disks with the size that I specified when I ran the virtual disk utility, but I don't know where my old contents are. I didn't just delete all that stuff. it is still somewhere on my hard drive and that all I need to do is modify the home.disk file in this or that way or hit restore. There is not a home.backup file at /host/ubuntu/disks/.

Anyhow, if indeed I've lost everything, I can probably restore most of the work I'd done (only a couple of weeks worth) pretty quickly. Some of the files were backed up in other computers, etc... How to restore my wubi installation to a functional one? I would prefer not to have to reinstall ubuntu altogether since I believe the majority of the packages I've installed were housed on /opt meaning I can get back up and running compiling certain programs from source fairly quickly and most of the recovery effort is in rewriting some of the files that were stored in /home.

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Networking :: Restore A Hard Disk From An Image Automatically?

Jun 17, 2011

I'd like to create a boot floppy or CD to restore an image from a harddisk over the network, and it should work possibly automatically.
A normal, non-IT user should be able to do it in our branch abroad.

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Ubuntu :: Restore A Wubi Root.disk File Backup To A Real Installation?

Mar 9, 2010

I worked everyday during 1.5 years on a Wubi installation of Ubuntu 8.10.

Before quitting my job I have made a simple copy of the root.disk file, thinking I could restore it easily later.

Now I would restore this system on a Virtual Machine (with Virtual Box)

Have you got an idea how i could do this??

(I already tryied to install another wubi on a virtualized Windows 7, the install complete but I can't see ubuntu in the boot loader...)

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Ubuntu Servers :: Restore Image Via Clonezilla-drbl Smaller To Larger Disk?

Jun 21, 2011

I have an Ubuntu server and i've installed drbl-clonezilla to clone and restore pc, I have a 40 gigabyte image to be deployed on other pc's with larger hard drive ex. 160 GB or 240giga, my problem is that when I deploy the image on a larger disk I end up with a disk with a partition of 40 GB and the rest unallocated, how can i restore the the disk and use full disk space, the goal is to automate the process. In clonezilla-drbl there is the possibility to start a "prerun" and "postrun" fonction that could help complete the deployment process.

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General :: Can't Boot From My Hard Disk / Unable To Restore GRUB - Fix It?

Feb 4, 2010

After completing the installation of Fedora-FEL edition, I cant boot from my hard disk. "No bootable device found " error appears.

I have one Windows XP & 2 Linux installation in my disk.
I tried to restore grub using "setup (...)" command.but same error repeats.
Even I cant restore Windows XP using "fxmbr" command in... recovery console .

But I can boot from that drive by "chainloader" command in grub. code...

Running above command in grub terminal boots my hard disk ("hd1" is my "unbootable disk")

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General :: How To Restore System To Factory Settings On Acer On With No Disk

Jan 14, 2010

I bought a used Acer Aspire one with Linux on it and it works great. I want to restore it to factory settings but I do not have a restore disk. (not to mention that the unit doesn't have a CD drive anyways.)

I have read on other sites that Alt-F10 works but I think that is only for WIN because I can not get that to work. Is there an equivalent function with Linux.

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Software :: Create A System Restore Disk Or Recovery Partition?

Dec 20, 2010

is there a way to create a system restore disk or recovery partition ? somewhat like windows has. I do back up my files regularly but a back up of entire os system and settings would be handy.running ubuntu 10.10

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Fedora :: Backup System To Restore Server Incase The Hard Disk Is Damaged

Jan 13, 2011

This is a good way to backup my current system:

How to backup your system to restore your server incase the hard disk is damaged.

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General :: Windows 7 Disk Management Utility Doesn't Show Disk With Ext3 Partition

Oct 10, 2010

I have a 2 TB disk in an external SATA dock, formatted with a single ext3 (Linux) partition, which doesn't show up in the Windows 7 Computer Management->Disk Management utility, even as a raw/blank disk. I've verified that there's nothing wrong with the disk by connecting it to my Linux machine and mounting it, and I've verified that the dock is functioning properly by connecting a different FAT32-formatted disk, which mounts flawlessly as expected.I realize that I can't actually read the ext3 partition without additional software (e.g., Ext3IFS), but why doesn't the disk show up at all? Is there some sort of stupid anti-Linux filter built in? Is there any way to force Windows to recognize the disk, so that I can at the very least use direct block access with it?

Background: I want to clone an identical 2 TB disk onto this one. Due to my hardware layout, it's much easier to have the source disk attached to one machine and the destination disk connected to another, and do the clone over the network (the network is not a bottleneck with switched gigabit ethernet), than it is to hook them both up to one machine.(1) I did this once before when both machines were running Linux, but I've since upgraded the destination machine and decided to switch back to Windows for regular desktop use. I've got Cygwin installed, and have verified that the same basic method (dd + nc) will work, but I can't do anything if Windows doesn't even consider the destination disk to exist.I only have one eSATA port on each machine. Opening them up just to do this clone is a rather large annoyance. Also, since this is my backup disk, I'd like to eventually automate the cloning from the active disk to another one that I regularly swap with a third disk that I store off-site.

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Ubuntu :: Internal Disk In A Running System Usb-booted System Does Not Result In The System Detecting The Disk

Feb 27, 2011

My system decided to crash on me, hard. It was humming along happily for about 2 months and now doesn't boot. If I boot from hard-disk, I get grub. Launching the first kernel choice hangs. I thought maybe the install was corrupt, so I booted from usb install disk. The usb hdd didn't boot; something about an error trying to access /dev/sda . Unplugging the internal disk and plugging in the usb install disk does result in the system booting. Plugging in the internal disk in a running system usb-booted system does not result in the system detecting the disk.

How do I know if the disk is physically broken? This seems unlikely since it does manage to launch grub consistently. Or is this still possible? How can I try to mount whatever is left? The usb install disk doesn't even list the /dev/sd*. Any pointers on how to reformat the drive if it's not being mounted?

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Ubuntu :: Restore Windows 7 From Recovery?

Nov 25, 2010

I have a sony vaio netbook and installed ubuntu on it some months ago After some weeks windows 7 crashed and stopped booting I tried to recover it but still no success. When i bought it it had one partition only (plus the first one for windows recovery) When I installed ubuntu I partitioned my hard drive at my pleasure as you can see in attached image When I try to recover windows 7 it says it "can't find the windows partition or it's too small" Since 80 gb is not too small, i bet it can't recognized the partition anymore. Can anybody suggest a way to let it recognize my sda2 ? Does it have to have the "C:" label or "Windows something"? (I can only name it C without colons) Does it have to formatted FAT in a particular way ?

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 - How To Restore Windows Bootloader

Jul 4, 2011

My setup is like this:
* Installed Windows 7 on primary (SATA) hard drive
* Installed Ubuntu 11.04 on secondary (IDE) hard drive

I've worked with Wubi before, and I liked it so much, I decided to go full scale with Ubuntu. However, I think I've missed an option in the setup, because Grub has now taken over my bootloader. I tried reverting to the Windows loader with EasyBCD, but booting Ubuntu from there is impossible, since it doesn't show itself. By the way, I don't really understand EasyBCD, so that makes it even harder. Anyway, what I'm trying to accomplish here, is to get a bootloader which uses Windows as default and Ubuntu as secondary OS. How do I do this?

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Ubuntu :: Equivalent To System Restore Like Windows ?

Mar 14, 2010

Does Ubuntu have an equivalent to system restore like windows?

I just want to know what the best way is to save everything , as in settings and programs etc. , just in case there's some sort of major failure.

Any ghosting programs that will allow me to save the last known good configuration? or clone the entire drive?

Since I've been using Ubuntu I haven't run into any major screwups like with windows , but there are some times I've installed it and it took a while to get different things working. I don't want to have to go through the whole process again if there's ever a major malfunction.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Remove And Restore Windows

Jul 1, 2010

I have been dealing with this all day! I cannot remove Ubuntu and recover the free space for Windows. When I remove Ubuntu, I can't access Windows.

I have three partitions, one being the main Windows partition and two with no names being the ubuntu partitions.

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Ubuntu :: Restore Open Windows Faster?

Jul 27, 2010

I'd like open windows to reappear from the taskbar faster. There's always a delay of at least 1 or 2 seconds between clicking on a minimized window and it being restored.

At first I assumed this was a limitation of ubuntu, but I've realised since the delay is the same across the board, regardless of the application, which makes me think it's a deliberate setting.

Am I right - and if so where can I alter it?

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Ubuntu :: Restore The Windows Boot Menu?

Apr 6, 2011

So I have been trying for the past 24 hours to get Ubuntu installed on my primarily Windows 7 PC, along with the BackTrack Linux OS, so I can explore things dealing with security a bit more, I decided to Dual Boot into Ubuntu and VMware BackTrack for the obvious reason of I am dealing with Viruses/Hacking and such and would rather do that in a safe environment. So after getting Ubuntu installed and working I now have the Grub boot menu along with 5 options 2 for Ubuntu, 2 that slipped my mind, & 1 for Windows (Loader).

My question is, is there any simple way to get the boot menu for Windows back with it just listing "Ubuntu & Windows 7" as two separate options. Sorry for the small level of incompetence its been about 3 years since I was in school getting constantly refreshed with all the info. EDIT: I should probably mention that if I had just done the install on a new HDD instead of an partitioned external I wouldn't of had a problem.

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Ubuntu :: Restore Grub After Windows 7 Install?

Jun 18, 2011

Iv looked around for the tutorials but none of them worked i keep getting errors.
Can someone just guide me from the top?c

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General :: Is There 'restore Point' (Debian / Ubuntu) Like Windows?

Jul 14, 2010

I'm working directly in an Ubuntu Virtual Machine (VM). Some updates (like kernel) were available at the update manager.If I weren't using a VM, I wouldn't update it since it's a risk to break something. Since it's a VM, you can create a Snapshot or export an appliance and restore if something goes wrong.Suppose I'm not using a VM with a Debian/Ubuntu installation. Is there a install-restore approach that doesn't depend in a VM configuration to restore your system exactly before an upgrade (Like a "Restore Point" in Windows), being easy to restore like a VM appliance?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Restore Grub2 After Windows Reinstall?

Jan 19, 2010

My friend recently re-installed WinXP on his laptop, but I'm having trouble getting Grub2 working. I followed a guide online, but when I booted it back up again, I got a Grub prompt instead of a boot menu.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Restore Grub After Using Fixmbr In Windows?

Sep 1, 2010

I need to use the fixmbr command to fix my windows installation. I'd like to restore grub to its former state after doing so. I have searched how to do this and since my configuration differs slightly, I'd rather get more specific instructions. Right now this is what menu.lst looks like:

titleUbuntu 8.04.1, kernel 2.6.24-21-generic
kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-21-generic root=UUID=0c5d1c9c-70bb-4f61-a0ad-7dc5e59d9713 ro quiet splash


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Ubuntu :: Remove GRUB And NOT Restore The Windows Bootloader

Oct 31, 2010

Is there any way to simply remove grub? Does GRUB reside in a specific partition? Do I have to just delete the partition that has GRUB on it?The way my bootable partitions work is something like this.

1)Installed Vista

2)Installed Ubuntu

3)Thought I removed GRUB

4)Put in new HDD(1) and installed Win7 onto it

5)Put in another new HDD(2) and put another Win7 onto that (but I disconnected every other HDD so that the bootloader would be written onto the new HDD(2). When I have all my HDD's plugged in now, I get a GRUB load error (I think it's 21).

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Ubuntu :: No Option For Dual Boot After Windows MBR Restore

Feb 28, 2011

Here's the short version of what happened

--Had windows 7 and installed Ubuntu dual boot

--all was well but after some messing around with a failed Backtrack install I had to repartition some things to clean it up

--The partition where Backtrack was installed was corrupt so I deleted it and extended my Ubuntu partition.

--reload got the no such partition rescue grub

--read threw a bunch of forums and could only seem to find mostly threads on only being able to load Ubuntu and not Windows. Most having to do with post OS install problems and not re partitioning.

--I decided the best thread to follow was [url]

--after that my memory of events is a bit fuzzy, a lot was going on. In short I got a message in the terminal saying "this is a BAD idea" and something about another MBR. (sorry I cant be more specific)

--reading on I decided I would try my windows bootloader restore

--now windows loads up fine but it doesn't even give me an option to boot Ubuntu. I launched a live CD and checked GParted. The partition is still there.

Sorry if this is threaded somewhere already, I know that annoying. I'm just burnt out on combing forums and broke down and decided to ask directly

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Ubuntu :: Windows Licenses - Wipe The Disk, Install Lucid, And Run Windows In Virtualbox?

Sep 28, 2010

Background: I'm a 20+ year Mac user, switched four years ago to Linux.I have NO experience with Windows to speak of. Whenever I've gotten a new box, it's either been home-built or a Mac.Now I have a new Acer Aspire AS7551 laptop, and although I have not yet booted into Windows, it comes with a Windows 7 Home Premium license. I've been running it with Ubuntu 10.04 off a flash drive and everything works perfectly.

What I want to do: I want to wipe the disk, install Lucid, and run Windows in Virtualbox (for the sole purpose of watching some Netflix and learning a little bit about Windows 7). For the purpose of this question, please accept that I DO NOT want to dual boot.The problem: From what I can find, I can't use the "recovery discs" that came with my laptop to create a virtual machine. This is confusing, because it seems like I paid for a legitimate Windows license for use with this laptop.


1. Would MS exchange my recovery discs for a regular install disc to go with my license code if I explained this to them?

2. If not, is there a source for Windows ISOs that I can safely use with my license? (I am aware that the legitimacy of that approach is questionable, but I am quite comfortable with the ethics since I paid for Windows 7, own the license, and only want to use it on the same computer.

3.If not,is there any way in heck I can use my recovery disc to create something Virtualbox can work with?

4. If not, how are all of you people getting your Windows virtual machines going??

(I have read that Acer is a major hassle to get a refund from for the "Windows tax" so I might as well be able to use it--this is MS' chance to win over a fan if only they will let me!)

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