Ubuntu :: How To Restore NTFS Disk Data

Sep 27, 2010

I've occasionally changed HDD filesystem type in Disk Utility from NTFS to Linux Extended . It created an extended partition containing some other partitions instead of NTFS.

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Hardware :: Access Data On NTFS Disk (RAID 5)

Mar 14, 2010

I am trying to access data that is on a Raid 5 array in Ubuntu... There are 4 installed disks (250gig disks) - 3 of which are setup as a Raid 5 array (the 4th is active but unused). These show up as one large drive (498gig). I have had an issue with the drive where it is no longer allowing Windows to boot - I receive a disk read error on boot (so the OS does not load, obviously!) - what happened was basically I unplugged then replugged in one of the disks which affected the array... I physically reconnected everything as it was, I then had to 'reactivate' the disk in the Raid BIOS... at that point the array seemed OK, was the right size, etc (and was listed as "Optimal" in the Raid BIOS) however, the problem with the disk read error persists.

I have started the machine using Ubuntu v9.10 from a CD (non-destructive mode) and it shows a disk of the right size (ie: on the desktop and in Nautilus it says "498gig Filesystem" ). However, in Nautilus, the disk appears empty with no folders or files on it (even with hidden files shown).... If I view 'Information" for the disk it shows 67gig used space and 399gig free space (which is correct). Also, if I view the disk in Gparted, it shows a disk with about 67gig of used space and 399 free space on a 464gig disk (with 8gig unallocated). One more thing.... when I try the command 'sudo dmraid -tay' it says that there is no raid disk (there are in fact, no drives plugged into IDE or SATA slots - all disk are plugged into the RAID controller card). Anyway, at this stage, I just want to copy the data to a single hard disk if possible and move on.

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Ubuntu :: 10GB Of Data Overwritten In NTFS Partition - Hard Disk Safe

Jul 22, 2011

So the first 10Gb of a 450GB NTFS partition have just accidently been written over with an Ext4 filesystem that spans the entire partition instead. all foolishness asside, what can be repaired. Now I know Ext4 likes to jot bits of meta-data down (inodes blocks) along the way, and this can be about 5% of drive capacity, that said, there's alot of small text files and stuff, coe files so forth that can surely be recovered

I've looked into magicrescue and testdisk, but they fall into the only two groups to exist:
1) Filesystem independent, that is search almost like a patern - well exactly like a pattern match, to find the header and footer of files.
2) Filesystem recovery tools, like, damaged bootsector, so forth

I need one, that will be able to extract files, Iunderstand this will be a hard task, but.... text files; surely that'll be easy, anyway. This is my backup drive, they''re both WD you see, anyway. This is important, given the coding is ASCII surely.

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Ubuntu :: Files On A Shared Ntfs Data Disk On A Dual Boot System - Disappear ?

Jun 20, 2011

When i work in Ubuntu on a dual boot system with a shared NTFS data-partition where Windows is hibernated, and then reboot and continue working in Windows from the hibernated sesion, strange things happen. Files disappear, files that i worked on suddenly have the content of another file.

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General :: USB NTFS Disk Suddenly Won't Mount - Partition Gone / Repair It And MBR Without Losing Data?

Sep 12, 2009

Just ran into an uncomfortable problem. I usually never save any documents on my machine, and keep all my stuff on an external USB hard disk. (an 80GB TrekStor DS microdisk q.u)
Well yesterday this disk just would not mount.
Read through related posts but nothing seemed to work. Even tried it on a Windows machine.

Tried TestDisk utility. Found nothing wrong with the drive, but still could not repair the MBR.log code...

Palimpsest Utility recognized the drive, but just will not let me do anything with it except format it.

How can i repair the partitions and MBR without losing all my data?

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Software :: Changing An NTFS UUID - Restore An NTFS Partition From A Backup?

Dec 25, 2010

I am trying to restore an NTFS partition from a backup and I need the new drive to have the old (dead) drive's UUID (which I recorded).I really really really cannot use the option of changing fstab to mount using a new UUID, for this case I need the old UUID that existed on the other drive.Is there some ntfs equivalent of tune2fs that'll let me change the UUID on an ntfs partition?

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Debian :: Risks Of Data Loss When Writing On A NTFS Using Ntfs-3g?

Mar 6, 2011

Are there risks of data loss when writing on a NTFS using ntfs-3g, and will windows have trouble reading from that system later?

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Hardware :: Ran Mkfs.vfat Over Top Ntfs Partition - Any Way To Restore Ntfs Partition Info?

Oct 12, 2010

I was attempting to format a flash drive, and well, used the wrong sdX device. I've run DiskInternals Partition Recovery tool, and all my files are still there (you have to pay $139 to have it restore the files). Is there any way using tools in linux to restore the ntfs partition/files? It was a single disk with the partition taking the entire drive. I've tried mounting it with the -t option, but it says invalid ntfs signature. Man, two lessons the hard way, make sure you backup (duh) and be careful what you type as root.

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General :: Cannot Restore Ntfs Partition

Jul 26, 2011

On my computer on the first disk /dev/sda was installed win2k system bootable with
native win2k bootloader. I created imges of that partition using Ghost4linux na Clonezilla. Images were placed on the second computer using sshfs. For all this tasks i used PartedImage LiveCD.

I removed old partition and created a new ntfs partition on the same disk. When I used GParted or native Win2k partitioner the partition I get was smaller: the difference is a few bytes. Finally I used the Linux fdisk. Now the size was OK, but after restoration win2k was unbootable: I tried to recover the win2k but it was even impossible to locate a system on the partition. So I tried to move all the partition at the very beginning of the disk. Now at least I was able to mount (under Linux) the partition. But again win2k was unbootable and unrecoverable.

It seems for me that the partition is missplaced. According to Ghost4Linux the partition begins with an offset 0x56. I suspect that it should be rather 0x80.

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General :: Restore NTFS Partition After Using Dd?

Jun 17, 2011

I recently tried to make a backup of an ntfs partition using dd.For example.. "sudo dd if=/dev/sda2 of=/dev/sda1" which made a copy of one partition to another, not realizing that it would wipe the ntfs filesystem and image across the linux partition. Is there anyway i can undo this to get back all the data which was on the ntfs drive? Cfdisk still sees the partition as NTFS. Have also tried photorec to try to retrieve the data but to no avail.

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Hardware :: Restore NTFS Consistency Without Windows?

Nov 23, 2010

anytime my external drive gets unplugged improperly, or the laptop shutsdown abruptly (overheating/battery), it's NTFS partition is unmountable. gparted informs me to:


run chkdsk /f on Windows then reboot into Windows twice

but i no longer have windows, and would prefer to find a way to restore the drive's functionality without having to visit someone who uses windows every time this happens.is there a way to restore NTFS consistency without windows?

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General :: Unable To Restore Backup On NTFS Partition

Jul 22, 2010

I used Ping Linux 8 months ago to create a ghost-like image of my primary partition. (Windows 7 on NTFS) The image is on the second partition of my hard drive (Western Digital 250 gig). I need to restore now, but Ping is unable to mount the volume. In fact, it will not mount any volume or perform any new backup. I made sure nothing has changed in Bios options since I created the backup. Does this imply that is not the appropriate tool to work on NTFS system?

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Software :: Tool To Back Up And Restore An NTFS Partition With Bad Sectors?

Jan 27, 2010

I've been using Knoppix "Live CD" 6.2 and partimage 0.6.7 to back up and restore my Microsoft Windows XP system volumes on various computers. However, partimage seems to be unwilling to back up one of these NTFS volumes which has bad sectors, some unreadable data. It hits that and stops. But this appears to happen at the same place when I have already used Windows to find and mark and, I assume, remove from use, the bad sectors. Hmm. I thought they'd be ignored. It appears I thought wrong.

If so, which of several other Linux-based or other partition backup tools may be suitable for the task - to ignore or tolerate bad sectors? The main goal is to be able to update the volume subsequently in a way that may be a terrible mistake, and in that case to restore the previous version. Sometime not too far in the future, I suppose I have to think about replacing the disk.

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Ubuntu :: How To Restore Data From RAID1

Dec 23, 2010

I have two disks from a old computer (now it doesn't exist anymore). They were in raid 1 with this configuration:

| disk 1 | disk 2
| OS
| |
| raid 1 | raid 1
| |

There is probably an error in one of the two disks, however raid 1 should allow we to restore data. So now I can physically mount this disks on a machine with ubuntu (ubuntu is on another disk). My question is: how can I restore data from disks? I think that using mdadm is not enough.

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CentOS 5 :: Redistribute A Disk Without Loss Of Data Namely It Is Necessary To Make / Boot And Two Equivalent On Disk Volume?

Aug 24, 2009

There is a disk 500 gb, it is broken on /boot and on /root and on /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda2. Whether prompt it is possible to redistribute a disk without loss of data namely it is necessary to make/boot and two equivalent on disk volume.

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General :: Restore Files From An Ext3 File System Formatted With NTFS?

Oct 1, 2009

There were some files residing on my ext3 file system, using Ubuntu as my linux distribution. Yesterday I formatted the hard drive using a windows install CD, rewriting it with a new NTFS partition. I'm willing to restore my personal files deleted due to this format.

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Ubuntu :: Restore Data From Sata Hd Partition

Sep 4, 2010

Ive installed ubuntu for the first time today, i have a hdd of 500gb, that had 65gb occupied with music, movies and games.

What i did during installation:

it asked me where to install it, so i created a new partition of 100gb ext4 type, to install it there, and i was going to leave the rest for the data, but it wont let me do it, so i went back and selected the "exchange type swap linux 0x82 type" for the 400gb partition.

Then installed it, and now i cant find my data, and i have only 100gb of space in the hd, if i use the "disc utility" i can see the other 400gb, and change partition type, but i dont want to lose my data..

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Ubuntu :: NTFS For Data Storage?

Apr 13, 2010

I'm now having to access a lot of data on a portable hard drive on a regular basis. The drive needs to be used with three different Windows systems, three Ubuntu machines and two slackware units. The data is backed up once per week.

I have been using Ext2IFS to access the data (stored on Ext3) from Windows but keep having problems. Obviously Ubuntu and Slack have no trouble reading or writing to the drive. Additionally, some sensitive data will be put onto the drive shortly and I would like to encrypt it.

What is the best solution here? Is NTFS reliable enough and is data access and writing reliable enough from Linux? Can I encrypt NTFS and still leave it accessible by Linux? What is the best software to encrypt the drive with (if I can) that is accessible by both Windows and Linux?

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General :: How To Restore Pgdumpall Data

Feb 21, 2010

I regularly take pgdumpall from production database and restore staging database. Production database size is 4.5 GB. After restoring the staging database size is incremented.

The following command is used to restore pgdumpall file.

psql -U postgres -f dbdumpall

My aim is to sync up production database and staging database.

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CentOS 5 :: Restore Data From LVM Mirror?

Nov 17, 2009

I have create a LVM volume in mirror 1 method, with two hard drives, In that one disk is get failed. How can I manage the data availability and also what I need to do next?

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Ubuntu :: Manipulating Data From Ntfs Filestream?

Jun 8, 2010

an operator saved a file with a ':' in it, creating a file stream (new concept to me). I'm wondering if anyone with wisdom can point me to know how to get the data from that file piped into another file.. i.e. he saved as "wrong file: rest of wrong file title.wmv"

so first, can this be salvaged in ubuntu? ..how? ..

I figure I'd need the orig. hdd, maybe..:

cat "wrong file: rest of wrong file title.wmv" | cat > rightFile.wmv

dunno.. Am I grasping, or am I on right track?

this is for work, so I'm not at liberty to tinker & possibly mess it up more than it is.. the encoder's log also lists ":$DATA" after the rest of the file after the colon

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Ubuntu :: NTFS Data Lost After Shutting Down?

Jul 9, 2010

I have recently installed ubuntu 10.04 aside to my windows 7. One thing I tried out was to share firefox and thunderbird profiles. I have a separate NTFS partition for sharing stuff.Everything seemed to work fine. I had all my browsing history and bookmarks and emails shared nicely between windows and ubuntu. But now I have managed to lost data twice already (in one week time). The data itself is not so important (no need to recover it). But I'm just curious, why is this failing?

I use firefox ProfileManager (firefox -ProfileManager) to create a new profile. I did it in Ubuntu. I created a new folder on my Share partition and pointed profile there. Everything works fine. Profile is saved there and I can use it in Ubuntu. Now, after I shut down Ubuntu and go into Windows 7 (which was hibernated the whole time), the given folder is gone. And in Ubuntu, the folder is also gone.There are some other folders, which I created during my Ubuntu session, which are not visible in Windows, but are visible in Ubuntu.Does any one have any suggestions, how to make sharing data possible? Or why is my data getting lost.

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Fedora Installation :: Restore My F13 System And - Or Data?

Jun 8, 2011

I have just foolishly used live media to install F14. Pre-upgrade of F13 to 14 repeatedly failed. Sadly I used the use all available space option rather than the free space. As a result I have a working FC14 system but no data from my F13 installation. Is there any way to restore my f13 system and/or data?

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General :: Restore Data From A Set Of Old LVM Disks Using Images?

Aug 6, 2011

I have three hard drives that were previously in a Debian server setup to use LVM that I now need to access data on. The first hard drive had a boot partition along with an LVM partition, the other two hard drives were also LVM.From what I remember I have to mount all three at once for LVM to function correctly but I don't have available hardware (particularly a motherboard that can mount all old IDE).Can I use a USB<->IDE converter to image the disks, and then mount them?What Linux distro should I set up to recover the data?ow do I know what version of LVM is needed?

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Software :: Webalizer: Unable To Restore Run Data (10)

Oct 21, 2010

I'm using Webmin, and Webalizer plugin. Days ago, webalizer works fine. But starting from yesterday, Webalizer no longer generate reports. And when I try to generate report manually using webmin, I get this message: Code: Running Webalizer to generate report from [URL]..

.. Webalizer failed! See the output above for details. Because I didn't get any details on that message, I run webalizer manually using command:

Code: # webalizer -n mydomain.com And as result, I got this message:

Code: # webalizer -n mydomain.com Error: Unable to restore run data (10) I have few domains in this machine, and for all domains I got the same result. Anyone has any idea(s) about what happened and how to cure it? Few days ago I think I tried to install Perl-Small-XML using CPAN and failed. And I installed awstats too. Don't know whether it's related or not.

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Ubuntu :: NTFS (Data And Games) Partitions Not Recognized

Apr 17, 2010

On my system I have two internal SATA Disk drives, the first one is 120GB and the second one 360GB.

120GB Disk:
1st partition: NTFS (22GB), Windows XP is installed, for playing my games.
2nd partition: NTFS (62GB), The "GAMES" partition, where all the games are installed
3rd partition: EXT4 (25GB), Ubuntu Karmic
4th partition: SWAP space

The 320GB disk is a single NTFS partition, where all my data/files are stored. A couple of days ago I used GPARTED to shrink the 320GB partition and create a new 2GB FAT32 one at the end of it. (Never had any problem before using GPARTED for any filesystem). I put in there some old dos games and rebooted to windows. Then I formatted a diskette as MS-DOS startup disk. I rebooted the computer again and and booted from the FreeDOS LiveCD. After playing for a while I tried the MS-DOS disk, to see if it performed better.

Now Windows XP does not recognize the DATA and GAMES partitions, buts recognizes the fat32 one. In ubuntu they work, but when I try to fix them, it says "run chkdsk". Windows does not recognize them so I cannot do this. I tried to restore Windows XP from a Norton Ghost Backup image file, but its LiveCD does not recognize these partitions either (norton ghost 12 uses vista to boot the live cd).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Getting The 10.10 Without Erasing The Data In Other NTFS Drives?

Oct 21, 2010

I'm using windows 7 now and I want to install ubuntu as the main OS to the current C:drive(which has installed windows currently) but with keeping the data in other ntfs drivers(D:, E:, F: ) on my hard disk. I can't take backups of all data in other drivers and if that data erased with ubuntu installation I will face a very big problem in future. So how to install ubuntu 10.10 only for a one drive(c: drive) without erasing the data on other ntfs drivers? and I uses nvidia 8 series graphic card and are there any special things to follow to install it's official linux drivers(.run) or is it enough to use default drivers on ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: External HDD FAT32 To NTFS With No Data Loss

Nov 18, 2010

I have a 1TB External HD that at the time of purchasing was used with my PS3 which only allowed FAT32 HDs. But now I am using it for other uses. I have came across the problem of the file size limit of 4gb that FAT32 has.The problem is I have about 200 GB filled of data on this HDD and wish to convert it to NTFS with no data being lossed. Is this possible and if so how?

Edit: BTW no Microsoft just Ubuntu

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Security :: NTFS Data Recovery From Ubuntu Live CD?

Dec 6, 2010

I have a windows install that is totally hosed, bluescreens, etc. I want to try to force mount it from Ubuntu to get whatever data I can, but it won't allow me to mount. It keeps telling me to run chkdsk /f and reboot twice. But that's not possible. I was wondering if there are any ntfs tools for Ubuntu or any data recovery tools I can use to get what I can from this drive.

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Ubuntu :: Recovering Lost Data From An NTFS Volume?

Dec 26, 2010

You'd think that with two backups of all my data, which are syncronised twice weekly - that I'd be pretty safe. Fine and good until in a reorganisation of my documents folders,I delete a bunch of files - and don't notice until after I've run the backup - so they're deleted from the backups as well. Cue me beating myself around the head with the keyboard a few times about a week later when I realised.I'd advise against doing that if you have a keyboard like the IBM Model-M - it hurts.Okay, so I figure it's at least worth having a stab at recovering this data. The external harddrive's not had anything written to it since then, so is probably the best candidate. It's formatted as an NTFS volume (1.5Tb).

Now, I DO have a copy of R-Studio for Windows which I bought and paid for a few years agowhen XP managed to destroy itself and the file structure on the harddrive when it fell over installing SP2 (this was the event which lead ultimately to me switching to Ubuntu).I've found this to work quite well, though the initial scan does take a while.nfortunately, it does NOT seem to work from within Ubuntu through Wine. It runs, but can't see any drives. The only Windows environment I have access to now is Vista, andR-Studio seems to hang after running for an hour or so under Vista.

Are there any tools - preferably simple enough that I can get my head around them - which I can use from within Ubuntu to have a scrub through an NTFS drive to look for and otentially recover deleted data? I've found several tools which claim to recover things from ext3/4 drives from Windows - but not the other way around!There are a fair selection of filetypes involved here, some word documents, probably most of interest to me though are some old videos, mostly <5Mb taken on my old phone camera from university. Nothing really mission critical...but memories nevertheless.

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