Ubuntu :: "login Screen Settings "doesn't Work

May 4, 2011

i got to this system called" awesome" and I can't get out The "login screen settings "doesn't work

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Ubuntu :: Why Startx Doesn't Work - Black Login Screen

Jan 5, 2011

afeter installing ubuntu studio 10.10 a black login screen after login it asking me to type a command i've typed '' startx '' but it does't work

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Fedora :: Mouse And Keyboard Doesn't Work At Login Screen?

Apr 8, 2010

Got myself in a bit of a squeeze here. I was messing around with the Xorg install on my Fedora 12 system. I ended up reinstalling it. Now my mouse and keyboard work fine in single user mode / terminal. But if I try and boot to X they dont work at the login screen. HAL and udev are booting. Ive done a udevadm monitor test in single user mode and its seeing the devices connect and disconnect. Ive also tried both USB and PS2 devices. Same issue. Ive tried playing with xorg.conf and generating it with Xorg -configure :1 I dont know to use to fix it. After banging my head against the wall for 20+ hours I decided it was time to ask for help. m just Lynxing around the web at the moment =X

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Ubuntu :: Login Screen Settings ?

May 2, 2010

I installed lucid yesterday and whenever i run gdmsetup i encounter problems

As u can see i cannot edit any login settings.

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Fedora :: FC9: Forgot - Partition Doesn't Work - Can't Login At The LUKS Login After Grub Starts

Feb 15, 2010

My computer was working this morning and both hard drives were working fine, then all of a sudden for about two hours I was stuck with this "problem", then after fumbling and moving and stablizing things, then Windows works? See below for details. I've finally reinstalled both hard drives, but the one with the Linux partition doesn't work: it says nothing is discovered on the disk. I can't login at the LUKS login after grub starts, therefore I can't get into Linux, but Windows works?! I used to be able to go directly into Grub when the computer starts, I forgot how to do that but it doesn't matter. If you need details I'd be glad to provide them. I just wondered why Linux doesn't work, but Windows does. I have Linux & Windows on two different separate hard drives

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Ubuntu :: Login Screen Settings Won't Unlock?

Mar 12, 2011

I'm trying to change some login settings, but the window won't unlock. I click the button, and nothing happens. Any ideas? I'm using 10.10.

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Ubuntu :: Gnome-panel Doesn't Start On Login / But Gconf Settings Look Correct

Sep 5, 2010

I installed avant-window-navigator and followed these instructions to remove gnome-panel from startup: URL...However I have since uninstalled AWN and now cannot get gnome-panel to load at startup.I think I have put my settings back where they should be -- looking at them in gconf-editor:

1. desktop > gnome > session, the required_components_list is [windowmanager,filemanager,panel]

2. desktop > gnome > session > required_components_list, the panel value is "gnome-panel"

Yet gnome-panel does not load at startup. Any ideas why?Clarification: I can get gnome-panel to load by listing it under Startup Applications, but I am curious why it won't load via the gconf settings.

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Ubuntu :: Lucid - Not Logging In According To The Login Screen Settings?

Jun 30, 2010

I want my Ubuntu 10.04 to login to an Xterm session every time, so I changed it to auto login to Xterm in the login screen settings. This worked fine until I went to do something in a gnome session again, and now even though it is still selected as logging into Xterm automatically, it logs into a Gnome session. Can anyone help me with fixing this?

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Ubuntu :: When Open The Login Screen Settings - Greyed Out

Oct 14, 2010

I'm the only one using this pc, so I want to enable automatic login. When I open the "login screen settings" though, it's greyed out (inactive) and the "unlock" doesn't do anything.

I also have something about "keyring" asking my password each time just after login, which isn't pleasant.

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Ubuntu :: Power Management Settings At Login Screen?

Nov 26, 2010

How do you set power management (suspend/sleep time is what I'm after) that applies at the login screen?

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Debian :: Login Screen Settings - Can't Change

Feb 9, 2011

I can not change System-->Administration--> Login Screen Settings. I'm not permitted to change. Not even if I run 'sudo gdmsetup' in terminal I have permisson to change.

I use kfreebsd kernel on Debian 6.0

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OpenSUSE :: Screensaver Settings Crashes / Doesn't Work

Aug 21, 2011

when attempting to open screensaver settings in LXDE, the window pops up briefly for a second and then closes. Anyway I can fix this? I would post a debug log if I knew how to open this app from within terminal

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wired Network - Can't Get The IP From Dhcp Server (TW-EA510) And Static Settings Doesn't Work

Feb 16, 2011

I'm having mysterious wired network problem with my Karmic/9.10 machine. It hasn't been in network a while, but now I finally got the cabling done. I can't get the IP from dhcp server (TW-EA510), and static settings doesn't work either. Fresh cabling showed OK 1Gb connection on tester, and win7 laptop works fine. I even tried with long cable though the rooms, but it doesn't help, so it definately isn't the new cabling.

Log from the router after issuing #"dhclient":
Feb 16 23:01:43 DHCP SERVER: DHCPDISCOVER from 00:01:29:fb:c5:d1 via br0
Feb 16 23:01:43 DHCP SERVER: DHCP offer to 00:01:29:fb:c5:d1
Feb 16 23:01:49 DHCP SERVER: DHCP request from 00:1b:ea:c8:a0:ba
Feb 16 23:01:49 DHCP SERVER: DHCP ack to 00:1b:ea:c8:a0:ba
Feb 16 23:01:54 DHCP SERVER: DHCPDISCOVER from 00:01:29:fb:c5:d1 via br0
Feb 16 23:01:54 DHCP SERVER: DHCP offer to 00:01:29:fb:c5:d1
Feb 16 23:02:03 DHCP SERVER: DHCPDISCOVER from 00:01:29:fb:c5:d1 via br0

Motherboard is some old Lanparty with two ethernet ports, NVidia CK804 and Marvell 88E800 rev 13 Gigabit netwok adapters, neither of them works. At least another of them has been worked earlier when I last got it wired. It's been a while, so I'm not sure which one of them and with different router if that matters.

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Ubuntu :: Login Screen Doesn't Appear / Cannot Log In Anymore

Mar 24, 2011

Since yesterday, Ubuntu boots into X-Windows. The violett background is there and also the mouse cursor. However, there is no login window, anymore. There is no possibility to login.I already tried something, but so far I was not succesful. I reinstalled plymouth, ureadahead and gdm. There could be a reason why my system does not work anymore. Yesterday, my root directory filled up to only 50MB free space. Now there is again 5GB.

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Ubuntu :: GDM Auto Login Doesn't Work After Logging Out?

Mar 4, 2010

I'm trying to configure an autologin account for a kiosk. I can create the user, no problem. I can set the user to automatically log in, no problem. I can set a delay in the automatic login so that someone is given a chance to log in using their own account, no problem. But if the autologin user logs out, then gdm does not automatically log it back in. This is where I'm stumbling. It seems that for such kiosk uses like this such behaviour would be a bug and not a feature.

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Ubuntu :: Login To Workplace Server From 10.04 Doesn't Work

Apr 11, 2011

My mother runs Ubuntu 10.04 on her home computer, but on her workplace they use some version of Windows. Her IT-guy sent her a .rdp-file for logging in to her workplace server. This file doesn't work in Ubuntu, and the IT-department at her job can't solve the problem. Ergo; She's unable to log on to her workplace computer/server from home.

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Ubuntu :: Login Screen Doesn't Show: Meerkat

Oct 21, 2010

I upgraded kubuntu from lucid(10.04) to Meerkat(10.10). problem is login screen doesnt show up on boot. A black screen shows, Ctrl-Alt-F1 doesnt show the tty1. Ctrl-Alt-Backspace doesnt work either, neither does Ctrl-Alt-Del.

I switch off the computer and reboot into recovery mode, I get the graphical recovery menu, on choosing boot normally, I get the tty1 login prompt.

Upon logging, I check /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old. There is no error, nvidia 260.xx driver is loaded successfully and all other modules are loaded as well.

I have done 'apt-get update' to see if there is any update in repository but there isnt.

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Ubuntu :: Alienware Laptop Doesn't Boot Sometimes To The Login Screen

Jul 25, 2010

My alienware laptop doesn't boot sometimes to the login screen. It doesn't move on from kubuntu screen (the one with the animated dots). This happens only sometimes. When this happens if I press the power button once,the dots start moving and machine shuts down. I also have a nvidia card and don't know if the bug has been sorted where it doesn't show proper resolution during the kubuntu dots screen.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade 9.10 To 10.04: Keyboard Doesn't Work On X Login Anymore

Apr 30, 2010

Just before Lucid was released, I installed karmic on a vanilla VM in 64-bit mode, and all was good. Did a desktop setup and afterwards installed Eclipse, and I was happy: A new system for coding on-the-go! Now, after upgrading to Lucid with do-release-upgrade -d, I can no longer enter my password on X login. The keyboard just doesn't work for some reason. When I enable the onscreen keyboard, and click my password, I can login. The strange thing is that my keyboard works like a charm after I've logged into my X session?

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Fedora Installation :: Doesn't Work - Goes Straight To The Windows XP Login?

Aug 17, 2011

I burned Fedora onto a disk, but when I turn on the system it just goes straight to the Windows XP login.

I thought it was something wrong with the disk or something like that, but when I pop in the disk on my Dad's laptop, the installation for Fedora runs perfectly.

Also, yes, I checked the order for booting and the CD drive comes before the hard drive.

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Fedora :: Ssh Public Key Login Doesn't Work As Root User

Dec 22, 2010

I've tried to ssh in as the root user w/o a password (RSA keys) but I've had no luck as the root user. I've tried the exact same commands with Debian 5 and Centos 5.5, without a problem. Fedora 13 and 14 won't work! I can only log in w/o a password as a normal user, never as the root user! It always asks for the password if I try as root. I've even tried copying Debian's and Centos's sshd_config file and restarting sshd, but it still won't work.


mkdir ~/.ssh ~username/.ssh
chmod 0700 ~/.ssh ~username/.ssh
echo "ssh-rsa AAAAB............Jw8V03loeZ username@thehostname" > ~/.ssh/authorized_keys


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Software :: GNU Screen Doesn't Start Shells As A Login Shell?

Mar 22, 2010

I want to have an ls' output colorization in gnu screen. Colorization in my system (Slackware 13) is realized by aliasing of ls in /etc/profile.d/coreutils-dircolors.sh:

$ alias ls
alias ls='/bin/ls $LS_OPTIONS'
where $LS_OPTIONS is
$ echo $LS_OPTIONS
-F -T 0 --color=auto

But in screen this alias isn't defined. It seems like /etc/profile script isn't executed at shell starting in screen. I think it happens because screen starts a shell not as a login shell. I tried to correct it by adding to ~/.screenrc or to /etc/screenrc. The problem is the same. By the way when I start screen as a root I haven't this problem. What's wrong?

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Ubuntu :: Full Screen Doesn't Work?

Jul 12, 2010

My current version is


Whenever I try to pla a video in full screen mode, it crashes. How can I fix this?

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 RC Screen Saver Doesn't Work

Oct 10, 2010

I downloaded and did a fresh install of 64bit 10.10 RC a couple of days ago.I've run the Update Manager and everything is up to date.The sceen saver doesn't work. After the set idle time, the screen remains at the desktop and never goes blank. I set it at System / Preferences / Screen saverI have Regard the computer as idle after: 4 minutes

I've checked Activate screensaver when computer is idle.I've checked Lock screen when screensaver is active. I have it set to just do a blank screen.I have a 10.04 machine and a 9.somethingorother machine and the screensaver works normally on both of those.

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Ubuntu :: Keyboard And Mouse Will Not Work Once Get To The Login Screen

Jan 22, 2010

I have a Logitech Wave keyboard and mouse for my computer. I am not sure which version of Ubuntu I am running on but I think it is 6.10. When I boot up my computer I can go into the BIOS and earlier today it would even let me press escape to seee which operating systems I could boot. Now it no longer lets me see the operating system I have (which is why I cant say which version of Ubuntu I have). It takes me to the log in page and asks for the username and password but I cant type and I cant move the mouse. Earlier I could also use Alt+F1-F12, but this is no longer working either so it just sits at the login page and nothing works at all. The computer that is having this problem is very old it is a Proteva and when I opened up the actual computer the processor says:

At startup the computer says that the processor is a: AMD K-6

I know that the BIO's are to old for Ubuntu to run properly because at startup it also says that: "ACPI :
BIOS age (1998 ) fails cutoff (2000), acpi=force is required to enable ACPI" it also says that: "ACPI : unable to load the System Description Tables."

I have'nt used this computer for about a year or two, but the last time I used it it worked perfectly fine. I have been seeing questions on the forums similar to mine, but their problems are on other versions of Ubuntu and their mouse's are said to work fine. I cant try any of the solutions for the problems I have read about because I cant open the prompt that you get when you are at the log in screen and press F2. I have no idea what to do.

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Fedora :: Gnome Timed Login Doesn't Work On Fresh 13 Install?

Jul 28, 2010

I just installed Fedora 13 on a new computer and the timed login for gnome does not work unless you manually select it. This surprised me as I upgraded a separate computer to Fedora 13 and the timed login feature still correctly functions and does not require user interaction.


Adding the above to /etc/gdm/custom.conf only adds an Automatic Login option that you have to manually select and then the computer will login. I would deem this less than useful.


I know you can substitute the timed login with the automatic login and it will instantly login, but this provides no option to select another user. I have been unable to find any information why this feature no longer works and wanted to know if there is a new way or if anyone knows why the timed login feature was crippled.

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Ubuntu :: Split Screen Option Doesn't Work?

Nov 24, 2010

I have inadvertently caused the main menu (Applications,Places and System) icons to change to a single icon, a white triangle. I've tried to put back the default but no luck. How can I restore the original?

On workspaces, I created a second workspace but the Workspace Switcher doesn't want to show the 2nd workspace; the display should show a blank window. Also the split screen option doesn't work. Do I need an applet (Pager) to sort this out?

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Ubuntu :: Windows Xp Beside On Boot Screen Doesn't Work?

Dec 3, 2010

Yes, I've been trying to get Windows xp and Linux Ubuntu installed on my computer in the boot screen to pick from one but Linux ubuntu works but Windows xp won't even boot.I just sets there With a little line like that just blink for hours and nothing happens I end up just pulling the power plug to restart the system back into Linux because the side by side Install didn't work.There was software, that should allow me to do this but I forgot what it was, software that would allow me to set Linux ubuntu in the boot screen .

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Ubuntu :: Keyboard And Mouse Doesn't Work In Log In Screen

Dec 16, 2010

When I start ubuntu I can't use my mouse and keyboard. It works in a second when the log in screen appears but then it freeze. It works in bios, grub and safe mode. I use mx518 and ace kl 400.

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Ubuntu :: The Nvidia Driver Doesn't Work - Black Screen

Oct 21, 2010

I just installed Maverick on my HP tx1000. Jockey offered me two drivers for my NVidia Go 6150. I tried the recommended one--and it seemed to be working. It had a green light next to it in Jockey, Compiz worked, etc. Then I rebooted.

Except it didn't reboot--the disk thrashed for a while, and then I was met with a black screen. I tried recovery mode and got a bash prompt...which crashed when I ran `startx'. Then I tried Failsafe X, which did work. After some experimentation, I realized it was the Nvidia driver at fault, so I tried the not-recommended one, which didn't work, and now I've disabled both of them. But isn't there a proper driver for me to use? IIRC, I was using a restricted one with Lucid, and it was working all right.

Fun fact: The day before I installed Maverick, Windows 7 randomly decided to not boot all the way. It would show the splash screen, and then hang with a black screen too. But it works in Safe Mode. And had been working fine for a while beforehand. There must be demons in my graphics card.

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