Ubuntu :: How To Create A Boot Usb

Oct 11, 2010

i need to install windows 7 to an usb to make it bootable im runing ubuntu 10.04 what program i have to use?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Create USB Boot Drive (like The Old Boot Floppies)?

Sep 29, 2010

I have a Dell laptop with Windows XP installed, and for various reasons (Help: I borked my WindowsXP boot when installing OpenSUSE 11.3) I can not install a GRUB boot loader to the first hard drive (hd0).

I currently have a second hard drive in this laptop with a perfectly working OpenSUSE 11.3 instance, but no way to boot into it. I remember back in ancient times, a common option with Linux distros was to create a boot floppy to boot into Linux rather than installing GRUB or LILO to MBR. Since this laptop doesn't have a floppy drive I'd like to do the same thing with a USB stick. Is there any way to install GRUB (or something similar) to a USB stick? What I am not asking here is whether I can put a full, bootable Linux instance on a USB drive - I only want a boot loader on USB that launches to the appropriate mount point on (hd1).

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Ubuntu :: Using PS3 To Create Thumbdrive Boot?

Apr 7, 2010

My computer will not boot up and I have no boot disc. I believe the hdd may have failed. I am able to connect to the internet using my Playstation 3 but it will only let me download files directly to a thumbdrive. Everything I've seen so far needs a computer to extract the files to the thumbdrive which I can't do. Is there any place that I can download a linux distro directly to my usb drive without any intermediate steps?

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Ubuntu :: Create A Boot Drive?

Jul 24, 2010

im trying to put ubunto on to my acer aspire one witch dont have a cd drive. does any one know how to make a bootdrive

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Ubuntu :: Create Custom Boot Disk?

Feb 2, 2010

We have a project we are working on and wanted to know if it is possible using the ubuntu(or any linux) boot disk.

We need the disk to first wipe the hard disk in the notebook, then perform a hardware test(testing processor/hdd/ram/display) then it should reimage the machine and reboot from the HDD.

I am thinking of using grub4dos to boot(and timeout to the HDD)

and partition image to image the HDD... but i do not know any cli software for the others...

For note the disk has to be completely automated as we don't have the headcount to recheck every machine every few minutes.

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Installation :: Create Boot Choice Xp And Ubuntu?

Mar 25, 2010

I tried searching forums before posting, but it was hard to search due to the specific nature of what I want to do.

I have one hard drive with windows XP on it. Another with Ubuntu. As it stands there is no link between them. Is it possible to create a dual boot using these disks? - I do not want to reinstall any of them.
Preferably, I would like the boot choice (or booter? - not really sure what I'm talking about) to be on the newer Ubuntu drive.

It is on an old machine with 256MB Ram. So slow in fact, I'm going to change the desktop environment to Xubuntu - but that's mostly irrelevant.

As I understand it, I should make the Ubuntu drive master, XP as slave... but then what?

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Create A USB Boot Disk

Apr 21, 2010

I have a Samsung N110 running Windows 7 and I would like to install Ubuntu Netbook remix which I downloaded from [URL] I want to install it on the netbook in lieu of Windows so am not looking for a Live CD/USB option. I have run usb-creator.exe on my XP machine but no matter what I do I can't get the "make startup disk" to un-grey. I have selected the CD which contains the iso I unpacked, and it detects my USB drive (I:) which is 4Gb I had exactly the same problem at work when trying this with the .iso I downloaded so it isn't specific to this machine.

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Ubuntu :: Create Multi-boot Disks?

Feb 19, 2011

Let's say that I want Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Lubuntu, Mythbuntu, Fedora and Julia on one single bootable DVD. How do I do that?

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Ubuntu :: Create Windows Partition To Boot On?

Aug 2, 2011

So Ubuntu needs to go so I booted onto a live CD of Ubuntu and used Gparted to delete every one of my linux partitions. I created a ntfs partition, will windows boot on this. When i tried it before it said didn't recognize file system so I deleted the linux file system and created a ntfs one. Is that all?

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Ubuntu :: Uninstall In The Future If Create A Dual Boot Pc?

Feb 8, 2010

I am looking to do just as the title says. If I no longer want to keep ubuntu say a year from now. Will i be able to uninstall or possibly delete the partion with ubuntu on it without wiping out windows? I ask because I am not sure of how much space I would like to partition, this way I could always come back delete it and then reinstall it to the size I wish

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Ubuntu :: Create A Dual Boot Windows 7 Ultimate (64 Bit)?

Jul 15, 2010

I want too create a dual boot Windows 7 Ultimate (64 bit) and Ubuntu (64bit). how to do this but I want something special. The boot loader appear. Will be only one password field, no OS names. If I introduce a password will boot in Linux, if I introduce another password will boot in Ubuntu. Also in Ubuntu, you can see windows partitions only if you introduce a password (root or power user).

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Ubuntu :: Create A USB Boot Drive With An .ISO File Of Windows XP?

Nov 8, 2010

How do you create a USB Boot Drive in Ubuntu with an .ISO file of Windows XP?

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Ubuntu :: Create A Boot-able Flash Drive Of Windows 7?

Feb 17, 2011

I am trying to create a boot-able flash drive of Windows 7. I have the .iso and the flash drive.[URL].That article covers the creation process rather well, however i have one problem. I cannot seem to get ms-sys installed to create a boot record. I download the newest stable build from Sourceforge, navigate to the directory, and execute the make command. After that it says to issue the install command, and it quits with errors.


I'm still quite new to Linux. What could I be doing wrong?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Create Partitions For Dual Boot?

Feb 22, 2011

I would like to install Ubuntu in a separate partition. I currently have Windows XP on the C drive.

I have the following config on my Presario Laptop:

60gb SATA hard drive
41.6gb available
3% fragmented

I would like to partition the hard drive to install Ubuntu as a dual boot. how I need to do this or point me in the right direction? I did begin an install from a cd I burned from ISO. I started by just going for the auto installation and what it recommended. However, when I tried to install, I got an error message that changes were uable to be written to disk and had to abort??

Assuming I can get past the error I would like to know how to create the partitions for root, home and swap and how much space for each.

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Ubuntu :: Create A One-time Windows Boot Script To Use On Vnc

Jul 30, 2011

I'd like to be able to choose the OS to be booted on the next start, remotely. I explain, I've a dual boot win7/Kubuntu and I regularly use VNC connections to remotely control my PC but I've a problem, if I remotely edit my grub to start on Windows(I change the default option,save and reboot), I can't start again on Kubuntu, at least without being physically in front of the PC... . Any idea on how to edit the grub for only one time?

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General :: Create A Boot Cd From And Iso?

Nov 18, 2010

How to create a boot Cd from and iso? I searched online but only found info about copying the boot.img

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CentOS 5 :: Create Boot CD ?

Jul 27, 2010

I am running CentOS 5.5 and I want to create a boot CD so that if my boot partition is moved I can still boot from the boot CD and re-initialize grub again. Is there some easy to use utility which will enable me to do this ?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual Boot And Create Ubuntu On A Second Partition

Mar 1, 2010

i want to dual boot, and create ubuntu on a second partition, and while im at it remove the windows partition that i dont use on here at all

also, i want to run chkdsk first, does anyone know how i can do that on linux?

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General :: Create Custom Terminal Boot Mode Under Ubuntu?

Aug 5, 2011

I wonder if it would be possible to create a custom boot menu entry in grub under Ubuntu (11.04), that boots the system into terminal instead of the login screen.

The effect should be something like the root shell in (rescue mode) boot menu entry, one that gives me access to a root shell or a less privileged shell, without the need to select "root shell" explicitly.

If possible, I also would like to customize the shell started by, most preferably by specifying a shell script to run so that I can start something other than bash, like vim.

My intention is to create a "fast" boot mode to give me a usable system within seconds (to take notes, for instance) without needing to start GUI. Therefore, it is preferred that the silent option is turned on.

Note: There is a requirement: that no existing feature of the system is removed. That is to say, the gnome desktop (and Unity) should remain intact, and is only disabled when I choose this mode.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Create A Script So That The Mac Address Get Changed At The Boot

Mar 24, 2010

I'm trying to create an script so that the mac address get changed at the boot for every interface in the computer (eth0, wlan0, etc...).

I've tried with

for IFACE in $(ifconfig -a -s | egrep -v "^(lo|Iface)" | cut -f 1 -d" ")
macchanger -r $IFACE
and with


It would also be nice if there was a little program which would ask you at the boot if you want to change the mac address.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Failed Attempt To Create A Dual Boot

Apr 9, 2010

My buddy has a computer with a problem and hes asked me to see if I can retrieve the data documents from the computer. The subject computer is a COMPAQ PRESARIO SR5030NX with a Pentium 4 cpu, 3.2 GHz, 1 GB RAM, running Windows Vista Home Basic.

His goal was to create a dual boot computer UBUNTU and Vista. What he did was to install UBUNTU, partitioning the computer in two partitions. The computer is now giving an error code of 21 when GRUB Loader starts up. Is there a restore disk or some kind of utility that can undo what was done to the computer. He has no backup disk.

I tried Recovery Commander Ver. 3 made by Avanquest but as their website indicates it�s for XP. They never updated it for Vista and Windows 7. Is there a utility that can undo some of the changes that were made to the machine when UBUNTU was installed, albeit, unsuccessfully.

(1) I have an HP PC running XP professional and I was wondering if I take the hard drive out from the COMPAQ and rig it to my HP via a SATA/IDE to USB 2.0 Adapter device would I be able to see the contents of that COMPAQ computer that had Vista and now UBUNTU.

(2)What about attaching the COMPAQ internal hard drive and attaching it to my HP as a slave drive.

(3)Can the UBUNTU disk going to help?

Were just after the data files and not software programs.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Create A USB Boot From The USB Creator - Chksum Error

Apr 29, 2010

I am trying to use Ubuntu for the 2nd time, I tried before with a different version buy gave in eventually as I couldn't create a bootable USB drive.

I have tried to create a USB boot from the USB Creator on the download it gets to 94% and fails with a chksum error, I have established that the file is indeed the right one.

What could the problem be? Im using a 1gb stick do you think it may be failing due to it been too small?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 - Create Dual Boot And Partition Locked

Jan 23, 2011

I had Ubuntu 10.04 on this machine and wanted to convert it to a dual boot. It's a 500GB hard drive. The HDD had 3 partitions: one really big one, and two swap areas of about 6 GB each. I ran GParter and carved the big partition into a 100GB partition and a 400GB partition (less the swap areas). Then I installed Windows XP into the 100GB partition, then installed Ubuntu 10.04, selecting the "create dual boot" option.

It dual boots beautifully, and everything runs just fine. But I find that Ubuntu has split the 400 GB partition into two 200 GB partitions, and one of them is simply off-limits. I can see it, but I can't write to it. The attached png shows the Disk Utility, with the mystery partition selected. Its only contents is a folder called lost+found; I cannot open it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows 7 And 10.10 Dual-boot - Cannot Create A New Partition?

Mar 14, 2011

I've shrunk my Windows partition to ~200GB and made ~100GB of free space for Ubuntu BUT .. it doesn't allow me to create a new partition there as I already have 4 primary ones.Since all of the given partitions ( including Recovery and Tools ) can not be touched ( removed ), I have no idea on how to solve this ..

Disk /dev/sda: 320.1 GB, 320072933376 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 38913 cylinders


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Ubuntu :: Create Own Custom Animated Plymouth Boot Theme?

Mar 15, 2011

I think the title says it all i just want to create a nice animated boot logo, but i have no idea how

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Ubuntu Installation :: Create A Windows 7 Boot Disc From A Pre-installed PC?

May 5, 2011

I have a Lenovo laptop with Windows 7 pre-installed. I would like to dual boot Win 7 and Ubuntu or Linux Mint.

In my old laptop I had an OEM Win XP disc that I bought specifically for dual boot purposes (didn't want the pre-installed vista). This only has a one PC usage though unfortunately.

how to make a windows 7 boot disk? I made a RECOVERY disk already, but I don't think that will work as a boot disk right? Particularly if I completely wipe out or swap out the HDD (which I might do).

fyi: I NEED Win7 for a few special programs for my school. WINE will not work and VirtualBox puts to much strain on my computer.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Easily Create A Boot-Info Summary?

Aug 9, 2011

When you have boot troubles, you will often be asked to run Boot-Info-Script in order to see a summary of your boot parameters. Standard method is a little difficult, so I made a little GUI to do it very easily :

1) Boot on Ubuntu live-CD or live-USB. (or Boot-Repair-Disk which will lead you automatically to step 4)
2) Connect internet
3) Open a terminal and type :

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y boot-repair && gksu boot-repair
4) Click on "Create a BootInfo summary":
5) Done !

Now just indicate (or copy/paste) the URL that appears to people who help you on this forum.

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Fedora :: Create A DSL Flash Boot?

Mar 3, 2011

I'm trying to create a DSL flash boot. I've had a couple of attempts with no success. I have a 2GB Sandisk flash drive, which I've formatted with a single FAT32 partition using GPartEd in Fedora. I've then used UNetBootin to put DSL on the drive. Neither my desktop nor my EeePC will boot from this. In both cases the BIOS is claiming that there is "No BIOS file" on the device. The files have copied to the drive OK, and I can't see anything obviously wrong.

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General :: Create Boot CD Using Grub?

Aug 11, 2010

What is the generic way to create a boot CD for any given Linux distro using grub ? Can anyone give me the exact commands for creating the proper ISO image. From there I know how to burn the ISO image to CD.

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General :: Create CD-ROM Boot Disk?

Jan 7, 2011

i have linux operating system CD. it is bootable. but i want to create a boot disk. now i can create boot disk on floppy. but i want to make CD as boot disk.

how to do that.

first i created .iso file like this mkbootdisk --iso --device myimage.iso 2.6.18-194.el5

it created iso named myimage.iso in / now how will i copy it to cd rom i am running cdrecord --scanbus

it is showing : this version is an nofficial version with DVD support. and therefore may have bugs that are not present in teh original. please send bug reports or support requests to http.... the author of cdrecord should not be bothered with problems in this version. cdrecord: invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character. Cannot open SCSI driver.

cdrecord: For possible targets try 'cdrecord -scanbus'
cdrecord: for possible transport specifirs try 'cdrecord dev=help'.

i am inserting blank CD in the cdrom.

then i run cdrecord -v -eject speed=16 dev=ATA:1,0,0 myimage.iso

how will i come to know about dev and version information if cdrecord --scanbus is failing above.

i am having laptop. with rhel5 (2.6.18-194.el5)

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