Ubuntu :: How To Check Ftp Connection

May 4, 2010

I have a Ubuntu box with a ftp service on. I wanto to upload/download files from my Win XP connected via LAN. I tried ftp command from cmd but I received "Error 530. Login incorrect. Login failed".I'm using root, I am 100% sure about the password (I managed to connect via putty), I just wonder how I can check the ftp connection from xp to ubuntu... maybe a firewall is blocking the port 21?I also tried ftp command in ubuntu (when I was connected with putty) and I got "connection refused" error.

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Ubuntu :: How To Check If Internet Connection Monitored

Oct 24, 2010

In Ubuntu, How can you tell if your connection is being monitored? Have a home system, me and girlfriend are only users. Lately ALLl websites are taking longer to download. She claims her system and bank accounts were compromised. So am wondering if the connection is being monitored. Lots of tools for "windows" to help determine, but what about linux / ubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: Program To Check When Internet Connection Is Gone?

Jun 24, 2011

My internet connection is really bad,so I need some kind of program to make a text file or something saying when internet connection is gone and time and date,also if possible to say why is it gone,is it my problem or is it my internet providers problem.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Check Which Program Is Using The Internet Connection?

Feb 11, 2010

I'm using Ubuntu 9.10. My internet connection is an ADSL which I have set up using "pppoeconf". The connection starts at boot up. I can also start it if needed by using "sudo pon dsl-provider" and can stop it by using "poff dsl-provider".Recently I noticed that when I start my computer, there is some program (or programs) which is connecting automatically to the internet and downloading and uploading a lot of data. The data transferred can exceed 200 mb or 300 mb in an hour. I don't know what is being uploaded or downloaded.I know for sure that no file sharing programs like bittorrent clients are started at bootup so it is strange that this much data to be downloaded and uploaded without me sharing files or downloading files explicitly. The update software also does not run by default as I have opted to start it manually.

Is there any application which shows the programs that are connected to any particular port and transmitting and receiving data?In Windows XP I use a program called "What's Running" which clearly lists the programs using the different ports in the local machine and the remote IP addresses that the program is connected to. It also shows which program is transmitting and receiving data at any point in time. Is there any similar program for Linux?My internet connection is a data limited package otherwise I probably would not have bothered.

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General :: Inbound Connection Check

Jun 1, 2010

How to check inbound and files transfer from outbound to inbound in my linux server. because in my server from outside to inside transfer is high. so its take huge bandwidth. how to check this and reduse this .

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Ubuntu / Apple :: While Running A System Check It Says No Internet Connection

Jan 24, 2011

So I just installed ubuntu from a net install, and updated from the internet and posted on this site through firefox while installing vlc wich just froze at 90%.....

but when I try to add community repos it comes up with errors. And while running a system check it says I have no internet connection...

I'm connected through ethernet on a router wich works with the g5 in the other room running osx, and the pc upstairs running ubuntu meerkat. Now I had this same problem with SUSE 11.1 and worked around it by adding through terminal but I was never able to add from the GUI.

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Debian Installation :: How To Check Internet Connection From CLI

Oct 29, 2014

freshly installed Debian-netinst, configured internet connection. Pinged Google - all transmitted packets were received, 0% loss.

Yet I am not sure if I have internet connection for what ever package I am trying to install using apt-get install package_name, I receive

E: Unable to locate package package_name

How can I check internet connection from CLI?

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Server :: Create A Script For ISP Connection Check?

Jan 14, 2011

I would like to make a script which can check my ISP connection, I have a dynamic IP and it seems that lately it often gets changed.
So I thought of making a script which does a NSlookup and send this to my root address. But it would be better if it only does this when it notice a disconnect otherwise I get loads of messages. I use a watchguard firewall and behind this I have my Ubuntu server which is also the DNS and DHCP server for my internal LAN. My watchguard makes a DSL connection with my bridged DSL modem. Also the watchguard has a logging system and I send the syslog to my ubuntu server but it's too much work to look everyday into this whole logfile system.Or would it be better to look into this logging files and search for a specific description and send only this to my root mail?

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Programming :: C Program To Check If Network Connection Available Or Not?

Jun 3, 2011

I am writing a simple C program which has to find whether the system is connected to network/internet or not..

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Possible To Check Current Connection?

Sep 14, 2010

I have a email(postfix) installed on my centos, i think it is under some kind of attack, Is it possible that I can check who is connecting my server?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade Stopped Abruptly - Check Internet Connection

May 1, 2010

I had clicked on the upgrade notification in Update Manager. After 3 hours of downloading, it stopped abruptly. Now when I try, I get a message saying could not download, check internet connection. I am able to visit other sites, and am actually downloading the CD itself without any problem.

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Update Error Message About File Permissions And To Check Connection?

May 3, 2011

I had to register with a new username, because I could not remember my logon details and have since changed ISP so could not get details sent, anyway that aside to the problem.

I upgraded to 11.04 and all went well (hence posting here and not in the Upgrade section) and it is running fine, well until yesterday.

I ran the update manager as I usually do when first entering Ubuntu and it did an update but then gave me an error message about file permissions and to check my connection (which was connected OK).It has also affected the Software Installer, and now I can not install any new software.

Is this a generic problem with the latest update or is it just my Dell Inspiron 1545 please?

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Security :: Check Mail Via Tor And Browser Says Connection Untrusted?

May 20, 2011

I was recently connecting securely to the website where I have my mail account, and I connected through Tor. When doing so firefox presents me with the screen saying that the connection is untrusted and it can't verify the certificate. So I cancelled. I'm using torbutton and I turned torbutton to off and connected again with no problem. Then with torbutton on again, same thing (untrusted).

Is it possible the exit node I was going through is doing a man in the middle attack? However later when connecting through tor I did NOT get the warning about the site being untrusted. I really don't know what exit node I was using when I got the certificate warning and what exit node I was using when I did not recieve the warning. I don't know how long I stay on the same node or how/when it changes.

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Security :: Check Data Being Uploaded In A Firefox Connection To A Web Site?

Jul 24, 2010

I use Firefox 3.5.9 and Ubuntu 9.10.

There is a suspicious amount of data (more than a megabyte) being uploaded from my computer whenever I log onto a commercial web site on which I advertise rental properties.

Is there any way I can see the data being uploaded - I am pretty familiar with the Unix/Linux system and commands.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Check The Network Connection Applet, It Display Active Information Of Eth0?

Jun 7, 2010

I have a question regarding the configuration of Network Connection. My wired connection is fine right now and when I check the network connection applet, it display active information of eth0. However, when I click the Configure button, the Network Connection window appears but there's nothing in the Wired panel. Should there be a eth0 in that panel? I remember I had one before, but after I messed with some configuration of VPN, my network became unstable and I remove the Network Manager to try to solve the problem. Since then, there's nothing in my Network Connection window, though I can still connect to my router with eth0. Now even after I reinstalled the Network Manager, I still don't get anything.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Error - Failed To Download Package Files Check Your Internet Connection

Jul 31, 2011

I just installed Ubuntu 11.04 but "whenever i try to download or install any software from 'Ubuntu software Center'it gives error: "Failed to download Package Files Check your internet Connection" Internet is working fine!I've also tried the command: "sudo apt-get update"

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Fedora :: Install Mplayer On 13 - Package Download Failed - Check Internet Connection

Aug 8, 2010

I recently decided that I want to install mplayer on fedora 13. Problem is, everytime I try, a new problem arises. I've tried add/remove software, and it said "package download failed, check internet connection" which doesn't make sense because I'm connected to the internet and my connection is fine. So, then I tried yum install mplayer, that gave me an error.

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Ubuntu Networking :: SSH And FTP "connection Refused" Check Point Router?

Jan 8, 2010

I have a new server running on xubuntu 9.10 behind a "Check Point Safe @ Office security appliance" (a LAN switch with an obnoxious firewall), and cannot make ssh, ftp, telnet, or vnc connections to it from outside the network. All I get are "connection refused" errors. I've made sure sshd, x11vnc, and proFTPd are running when I test the connections, and that ufw (firewall) has all of their default ports completely unrestricted. I've set a rule on the router to allow and forward all connections and all ports to the server, and I've also also put it on the exposed machines list, which reads like it should provide full access to any incoming connection. I still can't make connections to it, and it's driving me nuts. Does anyone have suggestions (or requests for more information)?

(ps- The router isn't really a choice: even if I bought another, I'd have to hide it and hope no one notices the policy breach)

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Ubuntu Servers :: Machine Shadowing Crashes With Message "The Connection With Remote Server Was Shut Down, Please Check Your Network Settings And Try Again."

Sep 5, 2010

I am using debian testing on my office pc, but i need to access it's desktop from time to time. So i need No machine/teamviewer software that can provide me with possibility to interact my desktop. The problem is, that i want to run shadowed session type, because teamviewer is not good for me. So, when i run no machine in shadowed mode, it crashes with message "The connection with remote server was shut down, please check your network settings and try again." The log is here:


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Fedora :: Can't Use Konqueror Same "check Network Connection"?

Jun 24, 2011

I recently got a Uverse internet connection and ever since I have had issues, I assume it is because of the Uverse IPV6 as firefox needs to disable ipv6 to work, but I am having issues with the rpmfusion repos I'm getting a message "couldn't resolve host" does yum use ipv6? Also I can't use konqueror same issue "check your network connection". Anyone else have Uverse and are there any specific setting I need to get it to work?

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Debian :: Migration Check List - To Check - Prepare Or Reconfigure

Feb 3, 2010

I am new to Debian but not Linux-based systems. I have been experimenting a lot with Debian Lenny/Squeeze. I am growing more comfortable each day with the Debian design. Yet there remain many unexplored areas. I am creating a migration check list. Things to check, prepare, or reconfigure when moving from one Linux-based system to Debian.

I have a good computer background and my current check list probably is fairly good. Yet I would appreciate input and opinions from experienced Debian users of things to watch in such a migration. Login defs, passwd/group files, different directory locations, keymaps, services and daemons, etc. I am not too concerned with the desktop as I plan to stick with KDE 3.5 for a while and I can basically move those settings across.

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Programming :: Check Menu & Check List In Utility Dialog?

Aug 19, 2010

I want to put check menu & check list in utility dialog.i dont know how i do this

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Debian :: Canon Printer - Lp0 - "Printer Not Connected -- Check Your Connection"

Jul 31, 2011

I have a canon printer which was working so far. After my latest upgrade its giving errors saying "Printer not connected -- Check your connection" Fortunately I had a backup of my root before the upgrade and one difference I see is that on the new system theres no /dev/usb/lp0 which there is on the old one. So how do I make it? Or should I use the /dev/lp0? Note they are different:


So (naturally) when I tried to make a softlink from /dev/usb/lp0 to /dev/lp0 it did not work.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: PulseAudio Volume Control - Connection Failed:Connection Refused

Jul 4, 2010

I tried to finally set-up surround sound on my Ubuntu 10.04 machine and i was successful in doing so after a while of changing settings and tinkering. After doing so though, i was later in the day not able to get into the Pulseaudio Volume Control, therefore, everything is stuck where it is and i can't change anything. When i try to open Pulseaudio Volume Control i get the error message, Connection failed, Connection refused. My programs still play sound and i can control the sound of the programs through the programs, but i cant control the sound of the sorround sound now and my main sound bar only affects my stereo speakers, not the surround ones.

I believe this may have happened after the random disk check on restart, but i can't 100% confirm that and i'm not even sure if they are related. I still have sound, but i have no way to control the volume of my entire system at once. I did some looking around online and saw that others are having or had the same issue, and it was through different versions of Linux also. somehow reset everything so i can access PAVC and start over . I also tried steps listed in another thread here on the same topic, but they weren't working and it also seemed to be for older Ubuntu versions.


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Ubuntu Networking :: Setting Up Bluetooth Connection Between Two Computers Throws Connection Refused (111)

Apr 3, 2011

I'm trying to create a PAN (Personal Area Network) using a laptop (Siragon ML-1040) and my desktop computer, but I get the Connection Refused (111) error.

Blueman doesn't detect any network service between the two computers unless I start PAND on one of them and then it detects the NAP service. That, only after I enable the NAP/Workgroup services on the Services submenu in Blueman. However, it doesn't work neither with the NM plugins or without them (dhclient and that other one I can't remember the name of).

Any clues over here? I'm using pand 4.91 and blueman.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Network Connection Active But Still Not Internet Connection?

Jan 24, 2010

Its a case of ".... wireless network connection active but still not internet connection .."I am using WEP - 128 key ... Works when I connect directly using ethernet cable ... but not wireless (pci and wireless router)

ubuadmin@ubucomputer:~$ ifconfig

wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:06:25:12:83:3b
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::206:25ff:fe12:833b/64 Scope:Link[code].....

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Ubuntu Servers :: SSL Setup - Connection Error Unable To Make A Secure Connection To The Server

Feb 10, 2011

I am running an Ubuntu Server on a VirtualBox VM running on my windows machine. So I've created a self-signed certificate using the following tutorial: [URL]

From this tutorial I'm left with 3 files:

Then I found this very similar tutorial that has an extra bit on installing the certificates in apache: [URL] So I followed it's instructions which boil down to this:


So I'm thinking this should work now. However in Chrome I get: SSL connection error Unable to make a secure connection to the server. This may be a problem with the server, or it may be requiring a client authentication certificate that you don't have. Error 107 (net::ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR): SSL protocol error. IE8 gives me a typical "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" Note that [URL] fails while [URL] works fine, so it's definitely something in my ssl setup I'm thinking.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Internet Connection And The Power Connection Icons Also Don't Appear

Jan 26, 2010

It is most certainly my fault but I am now without a sound volume control and it does not show up in the add to panel.What can I do here? Does your icon have code that that I can use or can I find the file somewhere and create a link? Alsa mixer works ok and nothing is muted and I have sound so as to play music. The Internet connection and the power connection icons also don't appear.

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Ubuntu Networking :: SSH Connection - Router Works To Except Connection Requests

Jul 28, 2010

I'm trying to do a SSH connection between my home and work PC both machines are running ubuntu 10.04. I have read all the comunity documentation at [URL] from Work PC. I went on to the web site what is my ip address and noted down the number, From Home i opened a terminal and typed: pnig (ip address). to which their was no reply, now i'm assuming i need to configure the works router to except connection requests, is this Correct?

Also what information do i need from my works network and how do i get it? I understand that I need the routers expernal ip address, but how do i referiance a specified computer after that address? What program do i use in ubunu and how is that information applied to it?

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Ubuntu Networking :: No Wireless Connection Despite Being Told Connection Active?

Jun 11, 2011

My problem is exactly the same as [URL]

but I am stuck at the last hurdle

here are the output of the command that helped to solve the case in the previous post:

ifconfig wlan0
wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:1b:77:d2:59:55
inet6 addr: fe80::21b:77ff:fed2:5955/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0


I have also tried sudo dhclient but it hasn't helped and I am still unable to connect to the internet

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