General :: Inbound Connection Check

Jun 1, 2010

How to check inbound and files transfer from outbound to inbound in my linux server. because in my server from outside to inside transfer is high. so its take huge bandwidth. how to check this and reduse this .

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Ubuntu Servers :: Winxp Pro Limit The Inbound Connection To 10 And Win7 To 20?

Mar 7, 2011

I understand winxp pro limit the inbound connection to 10 and win7 to 20. Is there a limit for ubuntu server?

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General :: How To Enable Inbound Traffic

Jul 20, 2010

1. It is definitely my system and not the router. I had been accepting these connections just fine on my Fedora 6 system, but upgraded to FC11 and haven't been able to get these inbound connections working. I still have the drive with the FC6 system and whenever I put the old drive in the system, the connections work fine. So, the hardware, wiring, etc is identical between the FC6 and FC11 systems.

2. The system's firewall is disabled. iptables, and ip6tables are turned off both at startup (e.g., chkconfig iptables off) and using "service iptables stop". (Note--my router also works as a firewall)

3. sshd and httpd are both on and listening on all interfaces. "nmap -P0 -p 22,80" shows both ports open, as does But when I use the same command looping through the external IP, the ports are filtered:

Host is up.
22/tcp filtered ssh
80/tcp filtered http

4. hosts.deny is empty.

5. The messages and secure logs do not show anything in response to the nmap scans.

Again, I'd have sworn this was my router, except that it cleanly allows the traffic when I swap the drives in my system.

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General :: Cannot Receive Inbound Connections Or ICMP?

Jul 5, 2011

I'm facing a strange problem. I have a Debian squeeze machine connected to Internet through a 3G USB modem. The machine connects as expected, and I can resolve domain names and establish HTTP and SSH connections.The problem is when I try to communicate to that machine from another PC connected to Internet. The machine doesn't respond to PING and I can't connect to the SSHD installed in it. If I connect the machine to the local network, it works right.


Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface
default * U 0 0 0 ppp0[code]...........

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General :: GNUGK - Create Static Routing From Inbound To Outboung Gateways ?

Aug 12, 2010

How to work GNUGK for H.323 Gatekeeper.

I am having a problem, configuring static call routing on GNUGK

In the section

You can see that the routers Local-router1 and 2 has the same dialling plan.

What happens is the gatekeeper send calls randomly to one router or to the other when one of the matching extension is dialled.

What I am trying to do is to force

Any calls coming from Remote1 to go out only throught Local-router1

Remote1 =========================> Local-router1

And any calls from Remote2 to go out throught Local-router2

Remote2 =========================> Local-router2

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Ubuntu :: How To Check Ftp Connection

May 4, 2010

I have a Ubuntu box with a ftp service on. I wanto to upload/download files from my Win XP connected via LAN. I tried ftp command from cmd but I received "Error 530. Login incorrect. Login failed".I'm using root, I am 100% sure about the password (I managed to connect via putty), I just wonder how I can check the ftp connection from xp to ubuntu... maybe a firewall is blocking the port 21?I also tried ftp command in ubuntu (when I was connected with putty) and I got "connection refused" error.

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Debian Installation :: How To Check Internet Connection From CLI

Oct 29, 2014

freshly installed Debian-netinst, configured internet connection. Pinged Google - all transmitted packets were received, 0% loss.

Yet I am not sure if I have internet connection for what ever package I am trying to install using apt-get install package_name, I receive

E: Unable to locate package package_name

How can I check internet connection from CLI?

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Ubuntu :: How To Check If Internet Connection Monitored

Oct 24, 2010

In Ubuntu, How can you tell if your connection is being monitored? Have a home system, me and girlfriend are only users. Lately ALLl websites are taking longer to download. She claims her system and bank accounts were compromised. So am wondering if the connection is being monitored. Lots of tools for "windows" to help determine, but what about linux / ubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: Program To Check When Internet Connection Is Gone?

Jun 24, 2011

My internet connection is really bad,so I need some kind of program to make a text file or something saying when internet connection is gone and time and date,also if possible to say why is it gone,is it my problem or is it my internet providers problem.

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Server :: Create A Script For ISP Connection Check?

Jan 14, 2011

I would like to make a script which can check my ISP connection, I have a dynamic IP and it seems that lately it often gets changed.
So I thought of making a script which does a NSlookup and send this to my root address. But it would be better if it only does this when it notice a disconnect otherwise I get loads of messages. I use a watchguard firewall and behind this I have my Ubuntu server which is also the DNS and DHCP server for my internal LAN. My watchguard makes a DSL connection with my bridged DSL modem. Also the watchguard has a logging system and I send the syslog to my ubuntu server but it's too much work to look everyday into this whole logfile system.Or would it be better to look into this logging files and search for a specific description and send only this to my root mail?

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Programming :: C Program To Check If Network Connection Available Or Not?

Jun 3, 2011

I am writing a simple C program which has to find whether the system is connected to network/internet or not..

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Possible To Check Current Connection?

Sep 14, 2010

I have a email(postfix) installed on my centos, i think it is under some kind of attack, Is it possible that I can check who is connecting my server?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Check Which Program Is Using The Internet Connection?

Feb 11, 2010

I'm using Ubuntu 9.10. My internet connection is an ADSL which I have set up using "pppoeconf". The connection starts at boot up. I can also start it if needed by using "sudo pon dsl-provider" and can stop it by using "poff dsl-provider".Recently I noticed that when I start my computer, there is some program (or programs) which is connecting automatically to the internet and downloading and uploading a lot of data. The data transferred can exceed 200 mb or 300 mb in an hour. I don't know what is being uploaded or downloaded.I know for sure that no file sharing programs like bittorrent clients are started at bootup so it is strange that this much data to be downloaded and uploaded without me sharing files or downloading files explicitly. The update software also does not run by default as I have opted to start it manually.

Is there any application which shows the programs that are connected to any particular port and transmitting and receiving data?In Windows XP I use a program called "What's Running" which clearly lists the programs using the different ports in the local machine and the remote IP addresses that the program is connected to. It also shows which program is transmitting and receiving data at any point in time. Is there any similar program for Linux?My internet connection is a data limited package otherwise I probably would not have bothered.

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Security :: Check Mail Via Tor And Browser Says Connection Untrusted?

May 20, 2011

I was recently connecting securely to the website where I have my mail account, and I connected through Tor. When doing so firefox presents me with the screen saying that the connection is untrusted and it can't verify the certificate. So I cancelled. I'm using torbutton and I turned torbutton to off and connected again with no problem. Then with torbutton on again, same thing (untrusted).

Is it possible the exit node I was going through is doing a man in the middle attack? However later when connecting through tor I did NOT get the warning about the site being untrusted. I really don't know what exit node I was using when I got the certificate warning and what exit node I was using when I did not recieve the warning. I don't know how long I stay on the same node or how/when it changes.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: While Running A System Check It Says No Internet Connection

Jan 24, 2011

So I just installed ubuntu from a net install, and updated from the internet and posted on this site through firefox while installing vlc wich just froze at 90%.....

but when I try to add community repos it comes up with errors. And while running a system check it says I have no internet connection...

I'm connected through ethernet on a router wich works with the g5 in the other room running osx, and the pc upstairs running ubuntu meerkat. Now I had this same problem with SUSE 11.1 and worked around it by adding through terminal but I was never able to add from the GUI.

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Security :: Check Data Being Uploaded In A Firefox Connection To A Web Site?

Jul 24, 2010

I use Firefox 3.5.9 and Ubuntu 9.10.

There is a suspicious amount of data (more than a megabyte) being uploaded from my computer whenever I log onto a commercial web site on which I advertise rental properties.

Is there any way I can see the data being uploaded - I am pretty familiar with the Unix/Linux system and commands.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade Stopped Abruptly - Check Internet Connection

May 1, 2010

I had clicked on the upgrade notification in Update Manager. After 3 hours of downloading, it stopped abruptly. Now when I try, I get a message saying could not download, check internet connection. I am able to visit other sites, and am actually downloading the CD itself without any problem.

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Update Error Message About File Permissions And To Check Connection?

May 3, 2011

I had to register with a new username, because I could not remember my logon details and have since changed ISP so could not get details sent, anyway that aside to the problem.

I upgraded to 11.04 and all went well (hence posting here and not in the Upgrade section) and it is running fine, well until yesterday.

I ran the update manager as I usually do when first entering Ubuntu and it did an update but then gave me an error message about file permissions and to check my connection (which was connected OK).It has also affected the Software Installer, and now I can not install any new software.

Is this a generic problem with the latest update or is it just my Dell Inspiron 1545 please?

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Networking :: Determining Inbound Vs Outbound

Mar 14, 2011

Looking at the output of netstat, I'm not seeing a definitive way to tell which torrent connections are clients reaching in to my machine vs my machine reaching out to the world. Is there a clear way to determine which is which?

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Fedora :: Install Mplayer On 13 - Package Download Failed - Check Internet Connection

Aug 8, 2010

I recently decided that I want to install mplayer on fedora 13. Problem is, everytime I try, a new problem arises. I've tried add/remove software, and it said "package download failed, check internet connection" which doesn't make sense because I'm connected to the internet and my connection is fine. So, then I tried yum install mplayer, that gave me an error.

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Ubuntu Security :: 10.10 - Inbound Connections And Firestarter

Apr 6, 2011

I am running Ubuntu 10.10 I have an question about the firewall Firestarter, when checking the firewall it told me there are 9 serious incoming connections what must I do with this info. Inbound is normally blocked as standard i have also see that someone with port 1234 and 12345 have trying to attempt mine system but failed all trojan ports are fully blocked.

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Security :: Adjust Iptables To Only Inbound Syn Connections

Apr 7, 2011

I'm trying to adjust the firewall to only inbound syn connections.

To Allow all home subnets access to port 53 both tcp/udp but deny the rest.

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Server :: Counting Inbound - Outbound Mails

Jul 22, 2011

Is there a way I can count inbound/outbound mails for a particular user? I'm using sendmail as MTA and dovecot for POP3.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Check The Network Connection Applet, It Display Active Information Of Eth0?

Jun 7, 2010

I have a question regarding the configuration of Network Connection. My wired connection is fine right now and when I check the network connection applet, it display active information of eth0. However, when I click the Configure button, the Network Connection window appears but there's nothing in the Wired panel. Should there be a eth0 in that panel? I remember I had one before, but after I messed with some configuration of VPN, my network became unstable and I remove the Network Manager to try to solve the problem. Since then, there's nothing in my Network Connection window, though I can still connect to my router with eth0. Now even after I reinstalled the Network Manager, I still don't get anything.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Error - Failed To Download Package Files Check Your Internet Connection

Jul 31, 2011

I just installed Ubuntu 11.04 but "whenever i try to download or install any software from 'Ubuntu software Center'it gives error: "Failed to download Package Files Check your internet Connection" Internet is working fine!I've also tried the command: "sudo apt-get update"

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Server :: Combine The Dovecot And Inbound Postfix Servers?

Jun 13, 2011

We are planning on rolling out a mail service that will backend a webmail/groupware interface using postfix and dovecot, and we are trying to nail down an architecture for the system. I was hoping I could get some opinions from you good people on the different models we have come up with, and any improvements. To preface this discussion, we use NFS as the backend storage for mail so that clusters of mail servers can be created.

One possible solution is to separate three services, inbound email, outbound email, and message retrieval onto separate servers. We currently run a mail system with 65K users in this manner and it works, but there is a lot of wasted cpu on the inbound and outbound mail servers. where the dovecot servers are doing most of the work.

Another solution would be to combine the dovecot and inbound postfix servers to run dovecot as the local transport agent for postfix with LMTP, giving us quota and sieve capability.

The last solution is to run all three services on the same machine, giving us a single server image that we can clone on demand when we need to add more performance.

The single server, all three services, solution seems to be the simplest to build and manage, but putting all your eggs in one basket like that concerns us. What if there is a sudden influx of mail from our filtering platform, and it slows down all the other processes? What if the NFS server becomes disconnected from the network and the load average on each server skyrockets killing the ability for outbound mail to flow (where a separate outbound mail server would continue running despite this issue)?

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Server :: Redistribution Of Inbound Syslog Messages To Syslogd?

Apr 28, 2010

RHEL 5.4 i want to be able to do redistribution of inbound syslog messages to syslogd. as example, my syslog.conf has in it at the end:

*.* @
*.* @

my sysconfig/syslog file has "-r" as the only option for syslogd. any messages generated by the localhost will be sent to the two remote servers, but messages that come into this box (udp 514) only get logged locally and do not get sent out to the remote hosts.

you may ask why do i want to do this. because i have several syslog servers (for security purposes) and many of my net devices are configured to send syslog to all the syslog servers, hence each device is sending way too much duplicate udp-514. so i would like to minimize the udp-514 coming out of the devices, have all devices send to a central syslog server, and then central syslog server do distribution to the other syslog servers. others have also called this "syslog proxy". or, if not with syslogd, how to achieve this (preserving the original syslog message host info, etc)?

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Software :: Using Squid/Iptables To Redirect Inbound Web Traffic To Url/IP

Jan 13, 2010

We host a web server in which we are hoping to implement some form of traffic redirection based on source IP address, and I am wondering whether the squid proxy built on iptables would be capable of managing this task? Essentially we are trying to redirect traffic from specific set of source IP ranges to a "Your IP has been restricted" type of page at a different IP/FQDN.

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Networking :: Installation Inbound Activities Stopped As Per Rules Defined

Jun 21, 2011

I have installed apf-9.1.7 on linux,after installation inbound activites stopped as per the rules defined.I have added port 20,21 (ftp) in IG_TCP_CPORTS,but still ftp is not working from other Pc.

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Server :: Sendmail For Inbound Mail And Redirecting Them Internally To Other Port?

Mar 22, 2011

I have configured a sendmail MTA for incoming mails in a network and by using IPtables i have redirected the traffic internally to other port where one more SMTP by a application is running.Iptables rule:

iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 25 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 25 -j REDIRECT --to-port 25000

My sendmail config is as below.
define(`SMART_HOST', `')dnl
dnl # define(`RELAY_MAILER',`esmtp')dnl


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