Ubuntu :: Stop The Infinite Loop Splash Page In 10.10?

Feb 15, 2011

I upgraded to 10.10, system rebooted but it is stuck at a constant loop.

I can go into safe graphics mode and things look fine except compiz isn't running. I have tried going into login and changing it to log me in automatically but the problem remains.

I've tried using my previous kernal and I have the same issue as this newer one.

I've tried loading gdm from CLI and the problem is still there.

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Programming :: Infinite Loop That Isnt Infinite?

Oct 27, 2010

i was playing around with c++ recently and for laughs and giggles i came up with this little program

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main ()


theoretically that should be an infinite loop but it in fact does terminate eventually echoing out 'FIRE!'

just wondering if even though in theory this should be an infinite loop (a number repetedly divided by 2 should never reach 0 thus the conditions of the loop should never be satisfied, hence infinite loop) perhaps in practice limitations of the variable types prevent this?

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Ubuntu :: Infinite Boot Cycle Loop After Grub

Jan 26, 2011

When I boot one of my machines, it gets as far as GRUB, then proceeds to a blank screen for a second, and then repeats the cycle all over again - ad infinitum. I have tried previous kernels on the list with the same results Also, I cant boot into recovery mode either.

I have run Memtest successfully from the GRUB options and no errors appear in the results. I have tried booting from a Live CD and here I get as far as the "OS choosing screen". When I then select one and hit Enter, the screen goes blank and the machine reboots as before.

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Ubuntu :: Infinite Startup Loop - OEM / Black Screen

Apr 18, 2011

I'm doing a dual boot Ubuntu 11.04 and Windows 7 on my Asus UL80v. When I restart and keep going into Ubuntu I'm fine, but I think if I go to Windows and then restart, the infinite start up happens, and I'm currently stuck in this. It'll go to the OEM screen, then a black screen with a cursor, then it goes black, and then back to the OEM screen and so on and so forth.

Luckily I have Ubuntu 10 on my flash drive, so I'm booting to that while I try to figure out this. Which reminds me, when I use the flash drive, there's an option to boot to local disk which also does not work, if that's worth anything. Before this happened, I ran check disk on windows because I ran into some partition troubles. There seemed to be no problems, and I can still access the drives from this flash Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Printing Gets Infinite Loop Of Blank Pages?

Jun 25, 2011

I installed Xubuntu and was thrilled to see that it had already setup my Brother HL-2140 USB laser printer.However, there is something seriously wrong with the setup. When you try and print, even a test page - it just churns through the entire paper tray printing nothing. Also, when you restart the computer it tries to print the jobs again. I went to Printing and selected the printer but could not find where you could see the print job queue. I did see it during troubleshooting and was able to delete the jobs on the troubleshooting screen.

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Debian Multimedia :: X.Org Infinite Loop Bug In Squeeze?

Mar 25, 2010

I think i came across a bug in X server in squeeze. I would report it to the bug tracking system in debian packages but the think is I am not entierly sure about it.When i start X (whether it is through startx or service gdm start or auto startup through init when the pc boots) the computer PC seems to lock up.The screen goes black right after X initializes and before anything is show in the screen and if i wait a about 10 minutes the monitor either goes in standby or out of range. PC seems unresponsive to both keyboard commands and mouse but my LCD screen in my G15shows the time skips 1 sec every 2 sec (from 19:22:22 goes straight to 19:22:24).

I have a custom 2.6.33 kernel which i build but it happens with both 2.6.32-trunk and 2.6.32-3 offical kernels from the squeeze repository so i dont think that this is the problem.My PC is a P4 3.75Ghz with 2Gb RAM and an NVidia 6800GT with the binary drivers from nvidia. I have tried diffrent versions from my grapgics drivers (NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.14.25-pkg1.run & NVIDIA-Linux-x86-195.36.15-pkg1.run) with no change in the behaviouThis is the syslog from the time my pc started and then "stuck". I left it for some time before i hard reset it

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General :: Bash Infinite Loop Haunting?

Mar 17, 2010

I want to figure out what is going on in this small script.Its really strange.I think its the infinite loop again.All I want to do is to collect some data from the zenity dialog box in an array and then echo it.Here is the code

#export PS4='+${BASH_SOURCE}:${LINENO}:${FUNCNAME[0]}: ' debugging info


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Software :: Detecting An Infinite Loop In A Process?

Apr 1, 2011

I am trying to develop a process monitor, or use existing monitors to achieve the below given actions.

1) Restart a processes if it crashes.
2) Restart a processes if it is stuck in an infinite loop.

The sample code below describes the structure of the process.

statement 1....
statement 2....
while (1)


The goal is to restart the process if it is stuck in a loop, inside the outer while loop. Given this scenario, what would be the most efficient way to monitor such a process?

A sample solution would look something like this: statement 3 will write to file1 every time it is executed and we know that the maximum execution time of the outer while loop is 30 seconds. A second, timer driven process, checks for file1 being modified every 30 seconds. If the file is not modified, process 1 will be restarted assuming, process1 is stuck in a while loop.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Screen Shell Goes Into An Infinite Loop After Upgrading To 10.10?

Oct 20, 2010

I have just upgraded from 10.4 to 10.10 (x64), and now when I run gnu screen the new shell session goes into an infinite loop displaying:

Quote: Linux dave-desktop 2.6.35-22-generic #35-Ubuntu SMP Sat Oct 16 20:45:36 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Ubuntu 10.10

Welcome to Ubuntu! * Documentation: [URL]...

0 packages can be updated.
0 updates are security updates.

repeatedly until I hit CTRL-C and break out of screen. I tried tmux and that did the same thing, so it is a problem with the shell initialisation rather than with the screen program. However I can start bash, zsh or sh directly in a terminal with no problem.

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Debian :: Graphical Login Screen On An Infinite Loop?

Jun 3, 2010

I'm using debian etch and I've installed some automatic updates, after that some programs weren't running. So I restarted the pc. Now that the computer boot up normally but when it reaches the login screen it just emit a sound in the pc's speaker,he login screen flickers and is showed another login screen again and again and again (it's automatic). I can logon using the option single-user mode in the grub options, any idead on how can I fix it?

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General :: Xinetd Server Configuration - Infinite Loop?

Apr 14, 2011

I have a java server console program that I have configured xinetd to start when connection comes in on a given port and then the program runs in an infinite loop receiving inputstream from telephone exchanges. The thing is, when a new chunk of stream comes from the exchange xinetd forks a new process each time. I tried setting the wait parameter to yes and restarted the deamon, but no success. How can I stop this behavior and have the deamon just direct the stream to the process already running? Am I missing something in my config or is it just incorrect?

My config is as follow:
instances = 60
log_type = SYSLOG authpriv
log_on_success = HOST PID
log_on_failure = HOST
cps = 50 10
includedir /etc/xinetd.d

And then my actual config,
service aos_larmar
socket_type = stream
protocol = tcp
user = root
wait = yes
instances = 256
server = /home/gunnl/java/start.sh
port = 5204
disable = no

My server OS is, Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 4 (Nahant Update 7)

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Server :: Running 2 Infinite Loop Scripts At Startup?

Aug 19, 2009

there's 2 scripts that i want to run when my server start.I a bit new to linux, i found that i could use the script rc.local to run things at startup, although, what i want to run is 2 infinite loop, so the first loop run but not the second.

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Slackware :: EQ Overflowing Server Is Probably Stuck In An Infinite Loop?

Oct 28, 2010

It happens really randomly. Suddenly keyboard and mouse stop to react. Screen freezes. However if I have for instance skype running during that "crash", I can still continue to talk over internet. For me looks like x serwer crash. Xorg logs however are empty. I had to hard reboot only to get control over pc (magic sys key + SUB) only works. Trying switch to another session is not working. I run Slackware 13.1. Kindly asking to help me to solve that irritating issue. I pasted errors usually I find at Xorg.0.log.old after hard reboot only

Code: #2 SMP Tue Sep 14 19:33:55 CEST 2010 i686 Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E8400 @ 3.00GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
OpenGL vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation
OpenGL renderer string: GeForce 8800 GT/PCI/SSE2
OpenGL version string: 3.2.0 NVIDIA 195.36.15
OpenGL shading language version string: 1.50 NVIDIA via Cg compiler


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Fedora X86/64bit :: F13 EQ Overflowing - The Server Is Probably Stuck In An Infinite Loop

Sep 16, 2010

I have recently been running into the "EQ overflowing" message. It has been happening when I open an image with gimp or a xls with open office. I noticed some were having this issue with earlier kernels. I am using the nouveau driver to run two nvidia cards with three monitors. I am currently running the kernel. Here is the output of my Xorg.0.log file:


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Fedora :: Stuck In Infinite Loop On Login After Changing Wallpaper?

Aug 17, 2011

Fedora 15, fresh install.I changed the wallpaper from default to a solid colour. After switching between gradient to colour the system crashed logged me out and upon logging in it simply runs endlessly accessing my harddisk but never actually loading the desktop.I can kill X and reboot, but it's the same problem waiting for me on restart. I really don't want to re-install or delete users (to put it in context, I just spent 3 days trying to install Fedora because Anaconda doesn't know how to install GRUB correctly).

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General :: Bring Back The Command Prompt When Running An Infinite-loop Containing Program?

Jan 13, 2010

When running a program that has infinite loops in the terminal , how to bring back the command prompt ? ( I'm using Fedora core 5 )

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Ubuntu :: Won't Move Pass The Toshiba Splash Page?

Sep 30, 2010

I have a Toshiba M55-135S, that I switched from Windows XP to Ubuntu 10.04 about a month ago. Loved it, but lately it is hanging at the Toshiba splash page and won't complete the boot without turning the laptop off an on several times. tonight it won't move pass the Toshiba splash page. Hardrive is only about a year old.

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Ubuntu :: Doesn't Stop - Memtest86+ Is On A Loop?

May 27, 2011

I have a box running Ubuntu 11.04 (natty). I have never run memetest before. Then, randomly, when starting up today, it ran memtest. Because memtest86+ is on a loop, it doesn't stop unless you stop it. So I tried restarting the machine - no good. It simply starts memtest again and runs the same testing loop. I cannot find any setting in the BIOS to disable memtest. how I can stop/disable memtest so I can USE my computer??

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Fedora Installation :: GUI And F14 Won't Boot - Goes Into A Loop Between The Login Page

Feb 19, 2011

I removed the LXDE and XFCE packages and now when I try to boot into F14 it goes into a loop between the login page and the fedora icon with blue background showing a X over the icon. In other words, it is looping between the login screen and the previous screen. I think I broke it good. Is there anyway to recover from this?

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Ubuntu :: Stop The Splash Screen 'can't Mount /dev/md0' Press?

Nov 14, 2010

I've set up a RAID6 array with a normal hard disk (/dev/sda) for boot. However whilst rebooting the computer I noticed that ubuntu is booting into a splash screen asking me: Can't mount /dev/md0 (which is my RAID6 array) Press s to skip, c to continue, something along those lines. The reason for this is that one of the drives from the RAID6 array was showing Uncorrectable read errors towards the end of the disk.I was unaware of. I'm in the process of replacing this.

As this server is completely headless (all I have remotely is SSH), I had to plug in a monitor and keyboard to find out that all I had to do was press S to get it to boot. Wasted around an hour for that!

So my question is, how do I get Ubuntu to stop automatically trying to mount /dev/md0 before it boots? Booting so that I can get SSH access is more important than getting the raid drive. Here is my /etc/fstab file (note I've put a # in front of /dev/md0, sdg1 and sdh1 are external ESATA drives, UUID is the swap):


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Ubuntu :: Stop K-wallet Splash Screen When Launching Amarok?

May 12, 2010

As it says .. I use Amarok on Gnome and have no need for K-Wallet. Is there a way to stop the set up splash screen? (minor annoyance)

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Programming :: Bash Step Incremental Loop To Stop On Each Increment?

Jul 17, 2011

How do I get this loop to stop on each increment? This script does work but I would like it to stop at each increment, remember what the value of $n is, then continue until it gets to 7. I have worked so hard on this. My brain is hurting now.


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Ubuntu :: How To Stop Printing Cover Page

Sep 27, 2010

I have a HP printer connected to Ubuntu 10.04. Just recently I noticed that when I print something it also prints a cover page with some info about print job. Does anyone know how to stop printing the cover page? This is a serious waste of paper.

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General :: Can I Show A "welcome" Splash Page For My Ad-hoc Network

Aug 23, 2011

Is there a way to configure an ad-hoc network to have a splash/welcome page? Similar to how NoCat works with routers?

Basically if a user connects to my ad-hoc network it would re-direct them to a splash page that says Welcome to xx Network and list some terms before letting them visit another page.

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Ubuntu :: Reset All Personalization Such As Splash Screen And Colors In Grub Splash To Default?

Apr 25, 2010

If I re-install Grub 2 from the live CD should that reset all the personalisations such as as splash screen and colours in the Grub splash to default? In my case they are not resetting. I would expect them to revert to the default black/white you get when initially installing the OS. the Grub timeout to be a lot less than its supposed to be? e.g. the default timeout setting of 5 seconds is more like 2 or 3 in reality, and when I set my prefered value to 2 seconds it results in being about 1/4 sec or so.

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General :: For Loop Or While Loop To Read The Fields Of A File?

Sep 1, 2010

I have a mytext file with month and year as two separate fields. likemytext fil

08 2010
09 2010
10 2010

I want to read the values of each field i.e., month and year into an awk script.

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Ubuntu :: Splash Screen Messed Up - Get Random Command Lines Mixed In With The Usual Splash

Jan 26, 2011

Since updating my graphics driver on ubuntu 10.10, My splash screen has been inconsistant and messed up. Sometimes ill get random command lines mixed in with the usual splash, sometimes the splash wont show and it will just be black till the desktop appears, sometimes it flashes on and off. I originally tried fixing the resolution and just made the problem worse. Then I tried installing a new splash via gnome-look.org, but it just made my shut-down splash blank and didnt effect my splash at startup. I just want the original splash that ubuntu is supposed to have.

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Ubuntu :: Splash Screen Startup - Goes Blank For A Minute Then Briefly Shows The Splash For 5-10 Seconds

Mar 26, 2011

I'm running 64 bit Ubuntu, and on the start-up after I pass the GRUB it goes blank for a minute then briefly shows the splash for 5-10 secs and then jumps to the login screen. Also the screen is offset by about 10-15 pixels but from the login screen onwards it is centred. (It's also like this for if I'm in recovery mode)
How do I fix this and Im wondering if it is a hardware problem?

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Ubuntu :: Getting A Blue Kbuntu Splash Screen Instead Of The Studio Splash

Oct 25, 2010

I recently installed Ubuntu Studio and after an update the standard Plymouth splash screen began to show. I tried changing it back via the "sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth" method but I am getting a blue kbuntu splash screen instead of the ubuntu studio splash.

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Ubuntu :: Infinite Bookmarks On Menu Panel?

Aug 2, 2010

Last week I dropped my keyboard, came back about an hour later, and without realizing the keyboard was on the ground hitting a random button I went to add a bookmark to my menu panel(I think that's what it's called). An unknown amount of the selected bookmark then posted to my menu panel and now i am not even able to select my Applications, Places, or System options without the bookmarked task opening. Is there anyway of clearing out that entire menu panel and having a fresh start?

EDIT: All I did was delete the .gtk-bookmarks file and restart the computer. There were still alot of theme on the panel but i was able to delete them and everything returned to normal.

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