Ubuntu :: Get A Program To Loop?

Jan 13, 2010

I have a script that changes my background to a real-time satellite shot of the earth.

Heres the script code...

For some reason, it will not repeat after the set 300 seconds (5 minutes).
How do I get it to loop properly?

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General :: Bring Back The Command Prompt When Running An Infinite-loop Containing Program?

Jan 13, 2010

When running a program that has infinite loops in the terminal , how to bring back the command prompt ? ( I'm using Fedora core 5 )

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General :: For Loop Or While Loop To Read The Fields Of A File?

Sep 1, 2010

I have a mytext file with month and year as two separate fields. likemytext fil

08 2010
09 2010
10 2010

I want to read the values of each field i.e., month and year into an awk script.

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Ubuntu :: GDM Flickers In A Loop?

Aug 9, 2010

I have received the ZaReason Teo netbook I have bought, all specs are here:I have had it for 3 days now and haven't really played around with it very much: I have installed a few apps (skype, synergy, dropbox, texlive) and I've been basically getting acquainted, and I'm generally satisfied. A couple of hours ago I came back from the office, turned on the computer again and.. gnome started to flicker in an impossible loop! In one second, it will go completely white, then I'll see the purple Ubuntu background, then the application bar on the top and then white again. I see for a tenth of a second two suspicious arrows in the top left corner.

I have taken pics and made a sequence of the loop to help you guys understand:this happens immediately after login. when it loads, as in when you get "Ubuntu" and the 5 bullet points below, it doesn't flicker.While the screen loops in the sequence, i can open a terminal (using Gnome DO) and do stuff. I have tried to stop GDM, using "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop"What I then get is a command line interface where I can type something, but if I press ENTER nothing happens, it just goes to the next line. To restart the thing I need to press the power button off and on again. Here's the image of where I get. When I restart, it starts to loop again. I don't know what to do. While it loops I can enter commands in a terminal (thanks Gnome DO). I removed synergy but it didn't help either. As per now, it's really difficult and slow to interact with the machine, this really make it useless for anything I'd like to do with it.

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Ubuntu :: Loop On Login - 10.04.1 LTS

Sep 23, 2010

I am using Kubuntu. When I came back from the States -- where I stay for long while -- I had to update the system to Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. So I did.

I have now a loop problem for the login process.

On a terminal I can read such a message about BASH :

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Ubuntu :: Loop A Script Until Hit The Esc Key?

Mar 7, 2011

So I was wondering is it possible to loop a script until i hit the Esc key? I have seen the do or while true thing. here is the script

sleep 5 &&


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Ubuntu :: Inbuilt Logging System - Ran And Installation - Program Opened Automatically - Can't Find Program Executable

Feb 23, 2011

I was wondering whether there is an inbuilt logging system in UNIX?

I ran and installation and the program opened up automatically but I can't find the program executable.

If I could find a log then I could locate this file.

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Ubuntu :: What Is Loop For In Command Line?

Aug 23, 2010

what does desktop manager do? What does $ do? what is loop for in command line? What is the best way to switch user? Using command line?

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Ubuntu :: Stuck In Loop After Upgrade

Sep 19, 2010

I just upgraded to 10.04 Netbook Remix.When I boot, it gets past the splash screen and to the desktop. Before it can load anything, it acts as if it is looping. The wallpaper loads, the screen blinks white and then it loads the wallpaper again... then a white screen, then the wallpaper.I've tried to bring up the terminal and can't do that. I've also rebooted in recovery mode which didn't help.I'm at a loss. I'm on a windoze machine now since I can't get on my netbook.

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Ubuntu :: Make A Loop With Xmacro?

Nov 24, 2010

i need to repeat a sequence of buttons in an infinite loop. I can't find the command to do that on xmacro.

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Ubuntu :: Stuck In A Log-in Screen Loop?

Dec 26, 2010

Not sure exactly how to describe it. I'll try to get a video for reference. The log-in screen comes up, I type in my password, hit enter, and the screen goes black and the log-in screen comes back up. I'm currently using a BackTrack installation (it sucks) and I'd like to go back to an OS that connects to the internet automatically, instead of me having to redo everything from a terminal upon startup

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Ubuntu :: Lost Variable Value Out Of Loop?

Jan 27, 2011

I really don't get this!! I must be doing something really foolish but i can't figure out what it is.



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Ubuntu Networking :: Out Of The Loop Wifi?

Aug 4, 2011

i know this is probably listed somewhere, but after several hours looking around, noone has this same issue.long story short, my girlfriends gateway laptop (bleh) had a hdd fail and crashed. best buy said shed have to wait ANOTHER week, after she had already been out a comp for 2 weeks, to get the factory install windows 7 disc. so she asked me to put ubuntu on it. finished it yesterday, updated etc. heres the issue.its a gateway nv55c w/ built in wifi card ( not sure on type) attempting to connect to a wrt54g linksys wifi router. it tries to connect, takes 3 mins then says disconnected.

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Ubuntu :: Program That Behaves Same As Microsoft's OneNote Program

Aug 29, 2010

Does anyone know if there is a program that behaves the same as Microsoft's OneNote program for linux?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Converting A Program And DVD Making Program?

Jun 23, 2011

i am running ubuntu 10.04. I am looking for a converting program and I also need a DVD making program. I'm unsure if one comes preinstalled already.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 Stuck In Loop As No Net Connection?

Jan 22, 2010

I haven't come across this bit of 'elitism' before but it seems with this install one MUST have a working net connection. Why is this? How do people without net at all get to install Karmic Koala?

I am using the alternate install from a USB stick (UNetbootin) and I have to use a separate USB WiFi dongle (not the Wifi built into this Thinkpad T43). The installer does not recognise the difference, so consequently it fails to find the dongle and gets stuck in a loop between 'Net access failed' and 'Searching for a local mirror' - I don't understand why it needs a mirror at this stage anyway as I downloaded the correct and complete .iso

Major catch22 for me as I am attempting a fresh install due to the upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10 having totally screwed up my system - no ALSA, App menu gone doo-lally, etc etc - far too much mess to sort out.

On top of that, the trackpoint button has stopped working altogether and no amount of Fn+F8 switching makes any difference. Hmm.

Edit: Trackpoint somehow got disabled in BIOS during above aborted install.

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Ubuntu :: Evolution In A Loop Sending The Same Email / Fix This?

Feb 19, 2010

Basically, I think my Internet crashed while sending an email via Evolution and now whenever I open Evolution, or try and receive any new email it just sits there sending this email - it reaches 100% so I can only assume it has actually sent the email.

There's a button to "Cancel the current mail operation" though it doesn't appear to be doing anything; the email is still being "sent" each time.

This would be pretty tedious for the guy I sent the email to.

Has anyone had similar issues and knows of a fix?

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Ubuntu :: Bash Menu Option Loop

Mar 19, 2010

I am trying to make a bash menu that loops with options but it does not work as I want:


I want to make it read an option and do the action then return to menu.

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Ubuntu :: Loop Commands In Bash Scripting?

May 15, 2010

What is the difference between For and While when creating loops in bash scripting?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Login Loop With VIA Video?

Jun 25, 2010

I have a box built by a local shop (AMD Sempron 2400+, 1.? gig RAM). It used to have XP on it, but I replaced that with 9.10. I tried installing 10.04 from CD and encountered the login loop problem many others have experienced. I had it working once when I re-installed 9.10 and then ran the upgrade to 10.04. I got the login loop that had music up to the cymbal crash, which was clipped near the end. I tried the recommendation to switch to a command line terminal, log in, run sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm, and then restart gdm. It worked, and I should have left well enough alone. However, I thought that it would be cleaner to install from the CD. Unfortunately, when I got to the login screen I only got a blank screen when trying <ctrl><alt><F1> (or <F2, etc). <ctrl><alt><F8> took me back to the login screen where I still encounter the login loop.

I also tried the recommendation to run the install with the F6 parameter nomodset selected. That resulted in loosing the music during the login loop, although I've discovered that sometimes it's simply because the sound is starting out muted.

Another recommendation was to drop into GRUB when first powering up. It took me a while, but I finally found out that one must hold down the shift key on power up to get to GRUB. While that did let me log in to a command line screen, running dpkg-reconfigure gdm did not work, this time. Neither did the idea of editing the GRUB command line to replace quiet splash with nomodeset.

I have read many posts on this forum talking about this problem as it applies to Nvidia or ATI graphics cards. Has anyone had any experience with the VIA video built into a motherboard? Running lshw -C Display while booted from the 9.10 CD says that I have a VIA KM400/KN400/P4M800 [S3 UniChrome] video system.

A recommendation from one of my local PLUG friends was to revert to an earlier video driver that works. Is this possible? Can I take the video driver from 9.10 and use it for 10.04? If so, how do I find it -- what's it called, where is it, what is the 10.04 driver called, and where is it, and can I just change the name of 9.10's driver (if it is different from 10.04's)? If it isn't obvious that I really don't know how this level of things work, let me confess that I don't.

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Ubuntu :: Port A Command Output To A While Loop?

Oct 3, 2010

How can I port standard out from ls or any other command into a while loop?

while read line


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Ubuntu :: 10.10 - Cannot Login To Desktop (Stuck In Loop)

Nov 4, 2010

I have installed ubuntu 10.10 on my pc and whenever I login to the desktop it shows the gnome panels, icons, wallpaper and then immediately goes back to the login screen. If I try to login again, it does the same thing all over again but sometimes it works. Is there any way to fix this?

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Ubuntu :: Choosing Windows In Grub Is A Loop

Dec 14, 2010

I recently installed grub and windows side by side and now whenever I select windows from the grub menu it just loads grub again. I installed burg a while ago but i don't think i installed it right. I didn't check windows before then so it might not be the problem either.

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Ubuntu :: Stuck At Log-in Loop / Is GNOME Broken?

Dec 28, 2010

When I boot into Ubuntu, it goes to the log in screen. I can type in my password and then the screen flashes black and then the log-in screen comes back. If I boot into recovery mode, I can log in via terminal, but if I type startx it just brings up a black screen and a mouse cursor and that's it. Did GNOME get messed up? How would I fix it? I have an Ubuntu LiveCD that I can use, so if I have to install any packages or something, would I be able to download them in the livecd and just install them on my broken installation instead of having to figure out connecting to wifi in a terminal?

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Ubuntu :: USB Boot Caught In Loop When Loading PXE?

Jan 22, 2011

I am having issues loading Ubuntu 10.10 from USB. I have a HP Compaq nx9110 laptop, p4 3.2 512ram etc with a dead hard drive. I would buy a new HDD but i cant really vouch spending $80Aus on a IDE 2.5 just to play with linux. Anyhow it seems to read the USB stick which was created following the directions on this site but when it attempts to load the Realtec LAN (i think) it seems to get stuck in a loop. I have attached a screen print of what i see, it hangs for a few seconds then starts over with the same writing. Anyone know what that means or how i can fix this so i can try 10.10?

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Ubuntu :: ScanJet 6200c Causes Boot-Loop

Feb 16, 2011

I have a system which has been running 8.10 for two years (and am preparing to rebuild). Yesterday I thought to reboot it and am now stuck in a boot-loop getting the "not responding" x.xxxxxx error.

I made no changes prior to the reboot (just felt it was time) other than moving documents off the main drive onto a spare (preparing for the rebuild).

I have tried booting into several of the previous kernels and I ran memtest (flying colors). I keep getting the same error.

I have now built a 10.04 system for this machine. The old 8.10 drive seems to be in perfect order and I was able to pull various files from it.

I thought this would be the end of it but if I boot this new machine with my HP scanner attached via USB (any port) I get the boot-loop as in 8.10.

Again no changes were made to the 8.10 build prior to yesterday's reboot, and that scanner has been attached for more than two years (and working with fair reliability). I have had to alter its USB port or (inclusive) power-cycle it for Ubuntu to find it, but I had to do this when it was attached to an XP machine and so thought nothing of it.

Why has (presumably) the kernel driver suddenly crapped its pants?

Oh, and for the doubters I was able to boot into 10.04, open x-sane (which I prefer over Simple), locate the scanner (after power-cycling it), and scan an image. I just had to attach the scanner to the machine after the kernel loaded (at the login screen).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Login Loop After Upgrade To 11.04?

Apr 28, 2011

I just finished the upgrade of 10.10 to 11.04, restarted and now i can't login anymore, i'm stuck in an endless login loop.

1) Boot
2) Xorg starts
3) I see my user, login
4) Screen goes black like it's loading
5) Loop back to login

It's not a password issue, i can login in command line It's not a profile issue cause i tried creating a new user from the command line and it still loops. I looks briefly at the /var/log/... but i couldn't find anything relevant,respond ASAP this is my work PC.

I thought it would be simple since it's a very simple a relatively new machine (2months ago)

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Ubuntu :: Disable Auto Login 'loop'?

May 23, 2011

Still learning OS. I had auto login set and noticed at the login screen an option to boot straight to XBMC. Now I cannot boot normally anymore. Walk me through fixing this please. I'm not afraid of the command line.

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Ubuntu :: Doesn't Stop - Memtest86+ Is On A Loop?

May 27, 2011

I have a box running Ubuntu 11.04 (natty). I have never run memetest before. Then, randomly, when starting up today, it ran memtest. Because memtest86+ is on a loop, it doesn't stop unless you stop it. So I tried restarting the machine - no good. It simply starts memtest again and runs the same testing loop. I cannot find any setting in the BIOS to disable memtest. how I can stop/disable memtest so I can USE my computer??

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Programming :: Program A SH - Bash Program With Zenity To Play Radio Based On A Site?

Feb 15, 2011

I will have to code this. However I am lacking of time since I have too much to do. make a short code bash/dash to prompt the country with Zenity, then, get the PLS or m3u url and prompt with another zenity which radio to play. http://www.listenlive.eu/index.html

My code to get url's radio country.htm is:


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