Ubuntu :: Change The Main Monitor?

Sep 9, 2010

I have an external monitor connected to my laptop and I'm trying to change the external monitor to be my main monitor (the one that the menus appear on).

There is no option to change the primary monitor in system>preferences>monitors.

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Debian Hardware :: External Monitor As The Main Monitor For A Laptop

Sep 22, 2010

I recently installed Debian, using the amd64 Network Install .iso. I'm using XFCE4 as my desktop environment, and everything is working well... on my laptop's screen.

My desired setup is to have my laptop sitting on a well-ventilated shelf, closed, and to have an external monitor be my main monitor. I want this because I'm using my laptop as my "home" computer, so it never moves, and I don't like the keyboard/trackpad. My laptop has a VGA output, and I can get my desired setup on my Windows partition (not stating a preference ; just that the hardware CAN do what I want it to).

I've been working my way around the Internet for a few days, now, and I've got the commercial NVIDIA driver installed. If I run sudo nvidia-config --twinview I can get my external monitor to be part of the display, which is great, but it's part of a dual-screen monitor setup, which is not what I want at all, because (a) XFCE's multiple virtual desktops are good enough for me and (b) my graphics card is integrated, and I'm trying to squeeze every drop of performance out of my laptop that I can (1 gig of RAM; the less that my graphics card eats into it, the better). Plus, it'd be annoying to accidentally drop something on my laptop's screen, and then have to dig it out of the shelf in order to undo it. I'm not saying that I'm consistently clumsy, but I'd eventually end up doing it.

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Ubuntu :: External Monitor - Recognise The TV As The Main And Switch Off The LCD

Apr 23, 2010

My laptops screen has recently gained an annoying blue tint, which i do not have the expertise (or money to pay somebody) to fix, so i am using my TV as an external monitor. So what i am proposing to do is purely use the External and leave the laptop monitor off. I am dual-booting Windows XP and Ubuntu 10.04 Devel, In XP it was a simple case of right clicking the Intel Graphics Media Accelorator and choosing the External Monitor option, this then allowed me to set my resolution to 1280x960 and i was happy. (even bigger desktop than before actually)

I cannot seem to find this option in Ubuntu, going through System -> Prefrences -> Monitor gives me the option to mirror the screens, but that leaves me with an incredibly low resolution, choosing to not mirror the screens allows me to set the resolution to 1280x960, but the LCD screen still acts as my main. Is there any way I can set it to recognise the TV as the main, and switch off the LCD like I did in Windows?

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Ubuntu :: External Monitor As A Main Screen In Dual-output Configuration?

Feb 19, 2010

I'm using dual-screen output with KDE 4.4 on my laptop. Is it possible to have the KDE panel on the external monitor if attached and back on the laptop's LCD panel as soon as the monitor is disconnected?

It seems that Plasma prefers the built-in LCD even if an external monitor is connected. I tried various settings with xrandr and also in the System Settings but none of them helped. The only way to move the KDE panel to the external screen is to disable the built-in LCD.

What I would basically like to do is to use the external monitor as primary in the office and the laptop LCD next to it as a second screen. When I'm traveling I'd like to use only the laptop LCD.

Is there also a nice way to switch between the screens? On the Internet I found a script for the "screen switch" key for IBM Thinkpad and modified it to work on my Dell. But it would be nice to have this also automatic: autodetect the monitor attachment/removal and perform a configured action. The KRandr doesn't seem to have such a feature. Is there anything I could use?

My system is: Kubuntu 9.10 with KDE 4.4 upgrade. Hardware: Dell Inspiron 1545 with Intel GM45 card.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Second Monitor Works Fine But Main Screen Messed Up

Mar 28, 2010

I have to hold a presentation using a projector in a few days and I have to bring my own laptop, so I tried hooking up a second monitor to test if it works. As it turns out, the second monitor works fine, but then my main screen is messed up. I'm using Ubuntu 9.04 and I'm doing this on a HP Pavilion DV4000 laptop. My main screen shows just the bottom (cca) 400 pixels of the wallpaper, no bottom panel, no desktop icons. And I'm kind of scared to remove the second monitor now cause I don't know what I'll do if I don't get the main screen back.. Well, other than installing 9.10 beta that is..

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Ubuntu :: Change Default Monitor When Dual Monitor Is Enabled

Nov 19, 2010

I have a dual monitor setup in Ubuntu, with my main monitor on the right and the monitor I want to extend to on the left monitor, but I can't seem to get it to do this, it always has the 'desktop' on the left monitor and then extends onto what I want to be my main monitor. I have an ATI Radeon 4350 Graphics card.

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Ubuntu :: Configure A Designated Monitor To Be My Main Desktop When Running Dual Monitors In Separate X Windows?

Jan 7, 2011

how do i configure a designated monitor to be my main desktop when running dual monitors in separate x windows?i cant use twin view, as full screen issues and refresh rates are different.

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Ubuntu :: Change Main Menu Icon?

Jul 18, 2010

I want to change this icon, i do it right, but it stays just for one user, not for all users! ow to change it for everyone?

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Ubuntu :: How To Change Main Menu Icon

Feb 13, 2011

I've tried many many many ways of changing the main menu icon but I cant manage it! I've got one but I just can't get it to change i've tried gconf, i've tried going to /usr/share/icons/gnome/places and change the icon start-here.png and tried some other ways does anyone know how to change it in Ubuntu 10.10 preferably not using gconf.

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Ubuntu :: Gnome Main Menu Won't Change Looks When Applying New Theme / Fix It?

May 29, 2010

Whenever i try to apply a new theme .. everything seems to be ok except the gnome menu ... sometimes when applying icons, depending on the theme you can see it has applied almost everywhere except when u go to "Places" the icons there in the gnome menu is still on default.. have a look at the screenshot here..

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Ubuntu Servers :: Change The Main Video Output On Server?

Jun 15, 2010

I have a ubuntu server running on a ten year old desktop and it runs great but i cant seem to change the video out put away from the normal anolog port to a TY port.My server is just for home use and I do not know the terminalThe reason I need to move to the other port is I do not have a screen for it but I do have a little old TV that will work.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Change Of Main Board

Aug 25, 2010

Will i be able to boot openSUSE and other OS on same disk after replacing main board. i wish to set raid 5 but lack additional sata ports on main board. The boards have same pci, audio and graphic hardware.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Write To Directories Inside My Main File System / Change It?

Apr 23, 2010

I can't write to directories inside my main file system. This is annoying, how to change?

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Ubuntu :: Change Main Menu Height To Match Smaller Fonts?

Aug 30, 2010

I reduced my system font sizes from default 10 down to 8, but I want to also reduce the height of the Main Menu correspondingly. I've searched the forums and Google, but can't find a method for doing this. See the screenshots - both menu heights are exactly the same, but if I reduce the font size, I'd like the menu to shrink too.

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Fedora :: Change Gnome 'Main Menu' Icon?

Jun 13, 2009

The Gnome desktop environment in Fedora permits a range of themes to be used, including icon sets. Some themes will include an icon for the Gnome Main Menu that you may or may not like including the default Fedora "infinity" Main Menu icon.Most launchers, whether on the desktop or on a Gnome panel, will permit you to change the individual icon. The Gnome Main Menu offers no such facility. Whereas there have been several challenging methods suggested to change that icon on a system-wide basis, there is an easy and straightforward way to do it on a user account basis.

Note: the method described herein applies only to the single Main Menu icon usually added to a Gnome panel in place of the custom Menu Bar that Fedora creates by default. This method does not work with the default custom Menu Bar. To add the Main Menu to a Gnome panel, right-click a blank area of a panel and select Add to Panel, then select "Main Menu" from the box that appears. Move the Main Menu icon to your desired location by right-clicking it and selecting Move. Remove the original custom Menu Bar by right-clicking it and selecting Remove From Panel.Install Gnome Configuration EditorInstall the Gnome configuration editor program using either System > Administration > Add/Remove Software or the command line (as root):

yum install gconf-editor
With this program installed, each user can tweak the Gnome desktop to the extent that the


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Fedora :: How To Edit Main Menu / Change Login Screen

Dec 5, 2009

I have finally ditched Ubuntu/Mint after 2 years and have now installed Fedora 12. I am excited to give it a spin. This was the first version of Fedora that finally recognized my intel graphics card.

I have 2 questions:
1. How do I edit the fedora/Gnome main menu? When I left click on Applications, etc. I am not given that option.
2. How do I change the login screen?

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OpenSUSE :: Change Icon For Main Menu Item (GNOME)?

Feb 3, 2010

I downloaded Eclipse and am trying to create a launcher for it in the main menu. I finally figured out that a .desktop file needed to be made in /usr/share/applications, but I can't get the icon to show up. For the "Icon" field in the .desktop file,tried giving an absolute path to an icon in my home folder, and I also tried putting the icon in all the folders under /usr/share/icons and just putting "eclipse" (the icon file name) as the valueI had copied this last from some of the existing .desktop files that worked, but still had no luck. Does anyone know how to do this?

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Ubuntu :: Change Resolution On Duel Monitor?

Apr 15, 2010

I have an asus eee pc with a 7 inch screen. the screen is small and today I attached a 15 inch dell monitor to increase the screen size. the dell monitor is displaying a 720x 400 resolution which results in a very large screen but no more space on the screen. I can select 1024x768 resolution in system,preferences, display. HOWEVER I cannot select APPLY to this resolution because the apply button is not visable on the bottom of the screen because the display is SOOOO big.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Change Monitor Resolution

May 1, 2010

I have been using Ubuntu for a couple of years and always at the 1024 768 screen resolution.

I just finished installing version 10.04. It defaulted to 1280 1024.

I much prefer the 1024 768 because it is better for my older eyes, but when I attempt to change, the screen goes black for a minute and then stays at 1280 1024.

Since earlier versions of Ubuntu did it, this should also, but..

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Ubuntu Servers :: Change Monitor Resolution 10.04?

Oct 19, 2010

Installed server 10.04 using an old Sony 19" multi scan 400ps CRT monitor. The command line font is less than 1/8" high: something on the order of a large 4pt or small 5pt font. Made several attempts to locate the correct info using the man functions and searching the archives, but so far have not been unable to find the needed information. The eye strain is about to make me eligible for a white cane with a red tip.

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Ubuntu :: Change Resolution Permanently Of Second Monitor?

Apr 13, 2011

I use a laptop and Ubuntu 10.10 x86. Problem is I have a second monitor with 1280x1024 native resolution, and that resolution is not displayed in modes.So I solved my problem temporarily using this: Code:xrandr --newmode 1280x1024_60.00 109.00 1280 1368 1496 1712 1024 1027 1034 1063 -hsync +vsync

xrandr --addmode VGA1 1280x1024_60.00 The 1280x1024 mode appears and I do "apply" -> all OK. And then I press "make default" (where I get a pop screen confirmation warning me that will be the default config after reboot) - nice! Problem is: "make default" don't work! And I have to add a new mode after each login.

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Ubuntu :: Laptop Monitor Unknown - How To Change Resolution

Dec 31, 2010

I have an acer aspire one netbook and in display properties it says the monitor is unknown. The trouble is that the screen is widescreen (16:9) but it has it as (4:3)so the screen is sort of stretched. Is the a terminal command as another way round this or how can i get the screen recognised?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: ATI Big Desktop Change Primary Monitor?

Mar 9, 2011

So i was searching around my big desktop was working fine by default but I couldn't figure out how to switch my primary monitor and all the threads on this topic where real old and the fglrx drivers kept messing me up

so I went to my profile and showed hidden files and found a cool .xml file called monitors under .config

opend it up and chooses the primary monitor I wanted

very Nice Yes

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Ubuntu :: Change Primary Display On Dual Monitor Setup?

Mar 10, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu 9.10 this evening. I have a Nvidia Geforce 8500GT video card with two monitors hooked up (one to the cards VGA, the other to the DVI). I installed Nvidia drivers and Ubuntu is working with both monitors fine.

The problem I am having is it chose the monitor plugged into VGA as the primary (uses that monitor for the toolbars) when I really want them to go on the monitor that is plugged into DVI. Is there anyway for me to switch which monitor Ubuntu treats as the primary?

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Ubuntu :: Commad Line To Bring Up Monitor Resolution Change

Jun 6, 2010

I mis-clicked and now my monitor resolution is WAY too high. I could fix that by re-clicking, but the menu to bring up the screen I need to click is off-screen.By blind clicking I got a command line window. Can anybody tell me the command line to bring up the system preference for monitor resolution?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Change Monitor Resolution / Refresh Rates In 10.10?

Oct 11, 2010

Just installed Ubuntu 10.10 "Maverick Meerkat".

Install went through smoothly in both my laptop and an old Dell Optiplex GX 270.

Screen looks fine on laptop but terrible on the Dell. It's stuck on Refresh rate of 60Hz and flickers pretty bad. 60Hz is the only rate offered! How can I change the refresh rate to ~65-72Hz like is possible on earlier Ubuntu versions to ease eye strain?

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Ubuntu :: Change Color Of Task Manager / System Monitor

Jan 7, 2011

Screenshot.png. I want to change the color of taskmanger in bottom panel. Change it into #00ff99. How it happen.

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Debian :: New Monitor Cant Change Refresh Rate

Apr 14, 2011

I just upgraded from a 1280x1024 17" to a 1920x1200 24".However, at 1920x1200, I do not have an option to change the refresh rate to anything but 60Hz, but Id like to run 70 or 75Hz.My monitor is an Asus PA246Q. Digital Signal Frequency : 30~83 KHz(H)/ 50~76 Hz(V).I am running Debian 6.Video card is an ATI Radeon 4850/1GB, and I am using the fglrx driver.

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Debian Hardware :: Cannot Change Monitor Resolution

Jan 27, 2015

I have a fresh installation of Debian 7.8 on my Dell Precision notebook. Somehow I failed to configure Xorg in a proper way. I do have X up and running, but I can not change my monitor resolution. Here is my graphics card.

Code: Select all$ lspci | grep VGA
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Haswell Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 06)
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI Radeon HD 8800M Series

I tried to follow suggestions from Debian Wiki, somehow nothing really worked (https://wiki.debian.org/AtiHowTo)

Code: Select all# aticonfig
aticonfig: No supported adapters detected
Code: Select all# X -configure
Terminated with an error, below is the Xorg.0.log file
Code: Select all[   227.953]
X.Org X Server 1.12.4


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OpenSUSE :: Change The Monitor A New Window Pops Up?

Aug 21, 2010

I have two external monitors connected to my laptop, one with DVI port and one with displayport port.

Now when I run something a new window always pops up in the monitor on the left. I guess it is set so a net window always pops up at 0, 0 pixel or something. I want it to pop up in the monitor on the right.

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