I've tried many many many ways of changing the main menu icon but I cant manage it! I've got one but I just can't get it to change i've tried gconf, i've tried going to /usr/share/icons/gnome/places and change the icon start-here.png and tried some other ways does anyone know how to change it in Ubuntu 10.10 preferably not using gconf.
The Gnome desktop environment in Fedora permits a range of themes to be used, including icon sets. Some themes will include an icon for the Gnome Main Menu that you may or may not like including the default Fedora "infinity" Main Menu icon.Most launchers, whether on the desktop or on a Gnome panel, will permit you to change the individual icon. The Gnome Main Menu offers no such facility. Whereas there have been several challenging methods suggested to change that icon on a system-wide basis, there is an easy and straightforward way to do it on a user account basis.
Note: the method described herein applies only to the single Main Menu icon usually added to a Gnome panel in place of the custom Menu Bar that Fedora creates by default. This method does not work with the default custom Menu Bar. To add the Main Menu to a Gnome panel, right-click a blank area of a panel and select Add to Panel, then select "Main Menu" from the box that appears. Move the Main Menu icon to your desired location by right-clicking it and selecting Move. Remove the original custom Menu Bar by right-clicking it and selecting Remove From Panel.Install Gnome Configuration EditorInstall the Gnome configuration editor program using either System > Administration > Add/Remove Software or the command line (as root):
Code: yum install gconf-editor With this program installed, each user can tweak the Gnome desktop to the extent that the
I downloaded Eclipse and am trying to create a launcher for it in the main menu. I finally figured out that a .desktop file needed to be made in /usr/share/applications, but I can't get the icon to show up. For the "Icon" field in the .desktop file,tried giving an absolute path to an icon in my home folder, and I also tried putting the icon in all the folders under /usr/share/icons and just putting "eclipse" (the icon file name) as the valueI had copied this last from some of the existing .desktop files that worked, but still had no luck. Does anyone know how to do this?
I'm trying to change the icon on my custom main menu on Ubuntu 10.10 doing this> sudo gconf-editor apps/panel/default_setup/objects/menu_bar.I gave object_type menu-object and custom_icon path as /home/ john/Pictures/menu.png then I checked use_custom_icon but with no luck (notice that I've succeed doing this in a virtual machine with the exact settings)Also I want to have icons on places and system, so I did thisdesktop/gnome/interface and clicked menus_have_icons.what I'm missing?
Whenever i try to apply a new theme .. everything seems to be ok except the gnome menu ... sometimes when applying icons, depending on the theme you can see it has applied almost everywhere except when u go to "Places" the icons there in the gnome menu is still on default.. have a look at the screenshot here..
I reduced my system font sizes from default 10 down to 8, but I want to also reduce the height of the Main Menu correspondingly. I've searched the forums and Google, but can't find a method for doing this. See the screenshots - both menu heights are exactly the same, but if I reduce the font size, I'd like the menu to shrink too.
I have finally ditched Ubuntu/Mint after 2 years and have now installed Fedora 12. I am excited to give it a spin. This was the first version of Fedora that finally recognized my intel graphics card.
I have 2 questions: 1. How do I edit the fedora/Gnome main menu? When I left click on Applications, etc. I am not given that option. 2. How do I change the login screen?
I use the Elementary GTK theme, and I'd like to replace the "E" at the upper-left hand with my custom Ubuntu logo. However, when I extract the icon to the proper directory, and replace all files, nothing happens. I delete the cache, kill and restore the panel via Terminal, and rebuild the cache, to no avail.
I know this has been posted before, but non of the former posts helped me. What I would like to figure out is how to change the small Ubuntu logo next to the Applications, Places, System widget on the panel. I'm not sure if this is part of a theme or if it's a system file. Either way; I would love some help on this, as this will bring me one step closer to: world domination / creating a theme, how different are they really?
how I would go about changing the default Ubuntu start menu button to something specific. I would like to use this image: [URL] As the icon for the start menu, but I wouldn't know about how to go about doing so.
I'm slightly puzzled trying to change the icon on my single "gnome main menu" button. I've added it to a panel and gone to gconf-editor aps>panel and there is no objects folder on my home pc (which is a installed version of 9.10). In work I do the same steps on an install of 8.04 and it works fine. The only difference I can think of is on 8.04. I add the menu to the bottom panel that ubuntu has by default and at home its a panel I've added. I cant get a custom icon for my main menu in 9.10!
I just upgraded from Hardy to Lucid and for some reason the only height the menu will use is 32 px.I used to have it at 24 px before the upgrade and I want to make it that again. How can I change the height of this icon/menu?
I have become very restless and irritated while trying to change the icon next to the applications tab on my top panel (I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Desktop). I've tried multiple methods and have had no luck. I've used the Ubuntu Tweak option for changing the icon. It didn't work. I've attempted taking my custom one and changing it in the directory itself but I can't figure out how to change the permissions to allow me to do this.
I've used the terminal to replace the icons but once again I was not given permission. I've spent hours trying and trying to get this to work and I'm stumped. Now to note the problem of this only being for a certain theme. I changed the theme from my custom theme (the one I want to change that icon for) to the Ambiance theme. I opened up Ubuntu Tweak and tried using the simple icon changer button...it worked. I had just d/led updates for it so I switched back to my custom theme to try it and nothing.
Extra: The custom theme I'm using is this Controls: snow-leopard-mac (i don't remember where i d/led this) Colors: N/A Window Border: Mac4Lin_GTK_Aqua_v1.0 Icons: Mac4Lin_Icons_v1.0 Pointer: Default
After much Google-ing and headaches I finally found out how to change the Gnome Menu Icon in F10. I love the Echo Icon theme, but I hate that Pac Man main menu icon. I had to get rid of it. Here's how to change that icon--and even to replace the standard "Infinity" icon with a much nicer version--or even switch that out for something totally different.
First, enable GUI root logon. This makes copying/pasting the icon to the protected icon folder much easier. Here's how [URL]When you have completed that, log out. When you get to the GDM login choose "Other" enter "root" in Username and then your root password. Now you're logged in as root.
Go to USR/Share/Pixmaps and there are a few nice Fedora icons. There's the "Infinity" logo but it's a much nicer, shinier version of the standard one. It's called "fedora-logo-sprite". But if you're feeling adventurous then try--as I did--"fedora-logo-small", which is the fedora name and a small "Infinity" logo (there's also the "Powered by Fedora" icon too). Copy one of those and paste it to Home or Desktop, or wherever you want. You just want to put it somewhere to stage. Now change the name to "start-here".
Now go to /USR/Share/Icons/(name of icon set using)/24x24/places/ and remove the "start-here" icon (send to Trash). Go to where you staged your replacement icon, copy it, go back to the /USR/Share/Icons/(icon set used)/24x24/places/ folder and paste it. Be sure to empty the Trash Can before you log off as Root User. Log off/ log back on as "you" and the icon should appear. I used the "Fedora (Infinity)" logo as Main Menu instead of the Menu Bar and it works great. The "Powered by Fedora" icon would look great too.
I am running kubuntu 10.04 (32 bit) and have installed the latest version of the Opera 10.53 beta.
My problem is that I cannot change the icon for Opera in the Kickoff menu or on the desktop. I tried right clicking on the Kickoff Application Launcher widget on the panel and choosing Menu Editor; Navigated to Opera and changed the icon from the default KDE icon (opera) to the new styled Opera icon (opera-browser), but it doesn't change.
i am using the global menu applet on ubuntu desktop edition. almost all of the apps shows its main menu on the global menu applet, but lyx doesn't. am i the only one experiencing this problem? i am using updated maverick.
I lost the pictures and music icons on the places menu. When I browse the folders from nautilus I see the icons, but when I click on the places menu I see the regular folder icon and not the special pictures icon or music icon
I'm trying to add .desktop file for my application but I'm stuck with very strange problem.I created 48x48 icon for my program called etmmanager.png.I created .desktop file according to specifications:
Code: [Desktop Entry] X-SuSE-translate=true Categories=Application;Utility;X-SuSE-TimeUtility; Comment=ETM Manager for time logging Exec=etmmanager code....
My problem is that icon is not working in menu! I can find my program in Utilities->Time->ETM Manager and this is what I wanted, but there is no icon for the program.
It starts working if I specify absolute path in etmmanager.desktop file like Code: Icon=/usr/share/pixmaps/etmmanager.png About my system - Opensuse 11.1 KDE 4.2
Kwallet is off. Then I install a wireless device under WPA. Wired icon starts to change to wireless icon, but does not and goes back to wired icon. Hovering pointer over wired icon shows wired device installed as well as wireless device. How do I keep the wireless icon in place after installing WPA to wireless device?
I can't seem to hide any items on the "Games" menu from "Main Menu" (System->Preferences->Main Menu). I can hide items on all of the other menus under the main one but the game links won't change. Is there another way to do this?
I have d/l and am using an icon theme I got from gnome-look. I like all the icons except for a few, specifically the trash, and would like to change them but I can't figure out how. I d/l an empty and full trash icon. I looked in the /home/username/.icons/themename folder and found the two trash icons that came with the theme (they were in ~/.icons/themename/scalable/places). Changed the names of the ones I d/l and replaced those current ones with them.how to do this? I would also like to change the Menu Bar icon back to the gnome foot.
upgrading to the latest kernel, which my Ubuntu 10.04 did automatically, I cannot shutdown, suspend, or restart from the main menu.In other words, I click ubuntu logo on the taskbar, click Shutown and select Shut Down or any of the remaining 2 options, but nothing happens. Just the menu window disappears.I had adjusted the power button of my notebook to shut down the computer and this works now.
I'm trying to make the Debian sub menu appear by clicking 'on' the Debian box in System -> Preferences -> Main Menu but when I exit the Debian sub menu doesn't appear. One post I found talked about ROOT owning the directories, but not sure if that is the case with me or not.
I last asked this four years ago and got a response with a very lengthy script that had to be run at boot time, in terminal mode.