Ubuntu :: Window Borders Keep Disappearing - Open Compiz Icon To Reload Window Manager?

Apr 23, 2010

I recently upgraded the motherboard/processor on my computer (as in quadrupled the processor and octupled the ram). The new board has a built in GPU (intel) and from searching the forums, I think this is part of the problem. Every time I boot up the computer, I need to open the Compiz icon and use it to reload the window manager before I see any title bars, borders, etc. 've tried the .bashrc hack (metacity --replace), but that doesn't do anything. In fact, whenever I open the terminal, I need to have two tabs open in order to use it, and when I close it all the borders go away again (even when I haven't done anything). Also, the onboard sound card (intel) doesn't work, but that's another task (I at least have a compatible card for that).

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Ubuntu :: Window Borders Disappearing When Compiz Is Enabled

Jun 28, 2010

We've all probably had this issue at one time or another.Window borders disappearing when Compiz is enabled. I'm on 10.04 with Intel GMA 4500M graphics. I would say about 30% of the time when I boot up the computer, I have no window borders. I use the Compiz Fusion icon just for this purpose, to reload the window manager and get back the window borders.Of course, the other 70% of the time the computer boots up with normal window borders. Is there a more permanent solution someone can provide than manually reloading the window manager on an as-needed basis?

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Software :: No Window Borders When Using Compiz/emerald (Fedora 11)?

Jun 22, 2009

I had installed compiz and emerald when I was using Fedora 9, upgraded to 10 (compiz and emerald still working at this stage) tho when I upgraded to 11 compiz and emerald seem to have crashed (i upgraded using preupgrade both times, maybe this might be a bit of a problem...) Since upgrading to 11, neither compiz or emerald would work. Ive tried reinstalling both compiz and emerald, and even erasing them both, restarting and then installing (both times thru yum).

This has brought back compiz and the effects (I can use AWN, desktops on a cube etc) but there is no window borders (cant move, resize etc). Ive tried different window managers (emerald, gtk and even kde4 has been installed..) and tried reloading the window mangers thru the fusion icon. Nothing seems to work, unless I stop compiz from running at startup (but then I lose all the desktop 'candy'). Searching the net has brought up a couple of options (Under CCSM):

- Check the box "Windows Decorations" and under its properties write emerald --replace (or whatever WM)

- Check the box "Place windows"

but none of these seem to work either.

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Software :: No Window Borders With Compiz XFCE On Slackware 13?

Sep 6, 2009

I've been using Slackware for about five years but I've never been bothered about compiz so it's all a bit new to me. Since I installed Slackware 13 (64bit) yesterday I noticed that compiz is one of the pre-installed packages so I thought I'd give it a blast.

I should probably have done a bit more research but I read on a forum that running "compiz --replace" will replace the default window manager with compiz so I gave it a try. The problem is that now none of my windows have borders so I can't move them or do anything. The worst part about the whole affair is that I can't even figure out how to revert to whatever the old window manager was.

EDIT : Just thought I'd add that I'm using XFCE.

EDIT++ : I've managed to revert the window manager by deleting my .cache directory. XFCE obviously maintainted the apps that were running and one of them was compiz. Now just to figure out how I can get compiz working. I presume emerald is the key...

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Ubuntu :: Window Decorations Keep Disappearing With Compiz

May 28, 2011

I'm running Compiz with the Classic desktop in Ubuntu 11.04. I've noticed that doing the slightest thing will make the window decorations disappear...enabling desktop cube, clicking the menu icon in the titlebar, whatever. I'm running two GTX 570s (not in SLI), could this be an nvidia driver problem or something else?

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Ubuntu :: Click On The File System Icon In The Launcher To Open A Nautilus Window The Window Opens, But Is Unresponsive?

Aug 8, 2011

My system boots, I login and am brought to my desktop. I click on the file system icon in the launcher to open a Nautilus window. The window opens, but is unresponsive (i.e., I can't move it, clicking on the icons does nothing, etc.). If I press the super key to get the dash and the press escape, the window becomes responsive again, just like normal.

If I open a folder in the window, the window becomes halfway unresponsive in that I can't move the window, but I can select more folders and toolbar icons. The top menu no longer appears at this point, and I can't access any of the system icons on the top right of the screen. Alt-F4 closes the window even if the close button doesn't work.As another example, suppose I open a Nautilus window and then a Chromium window. Both are immediately unresponsive. If I super-esc again, I can move the Chromium window around, and it seems to work normally. I can click on the Nautilus window, but it always stays greyed out. Even if I'm clicking on things in it, the Chromium window always has focus.

I had a similar experience to this with VLC and Chromium. After clicking around enough I eventually got it to the point where VLC apparently always had focus, but I couldn't access any of VLC's controls. Double clicking anywhere on the screen fullscreened the video, and that's all I could really do. Not even escape worked to bring it back.I can usually press super to get the dash and Alt-F2 to get a command prompt. Also Alt-Shift-T seems to usually work to bring up a working Terminal (at least one that accepts commands, even if I can't move the window).Does anyone have any ideas on what might be causing this? The behavior is highly unpredictable and extremely frustrating. I should note that key commands don't always work, even though they seem to in my examples. So I don't think it's just a mouse issue.

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Fedora :: Change Default Window Manager To "compiz-manager" Compiz Wrapper?

Nov 28, 2010

I spent *#@$ hours trying to figure out how to change my default window manager to "compiz-manger".I tried using gconf-editor and .gnomercAnybody has an idea how to do this?

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Ubuntu :: Compiz As Default Window Manager In Kubuntu

Oct 5, 2010

I'm trying to make Compiz activate at bootup, but I can't seem to get it to work. Basically, I'd like to make Compiz the default Window Manager in Kubuntu Lucid. How to accomplish this?

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 - Make Compiz Default Window Manager?

May 13, 2011

I finally waded through all the graphical issues that have been reported when upgrading 10.10 to 11.04. I've managed to get the nvidia drivers installed and working (even though Jockey still reports that nvidia-current is installed but has not been activated).Whenever I log into an Ubuntu Classic session, GNOME defaults to using metacity as the window manager. In order to get my compiz effects working, I have to open a terminal and do "compiz --replace". After that, everything appears to work normally including on screen notifications, the cube, etc.

I've though of including a "compiz --replace" script in Startup Applications as a possible workaround, but is there a better way to handle not having compiz started by default? Is there something in gconf-editor or similar that I can edit in order to make GNOME default to using compiz?

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Ubuntu :: Making Compiz The Default Window Manager

Jun 21, 2011

I'm thinking about switching from Ubuntu 11.04 classic to Xubuntu 11.04. My main priority is to have compiz running.

However, though I know how to get it running, I want to be able to use it without using the


Code every startup.

I know how to make it default in GNOME, however not in XFCE.

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Ubuntu :: Flubox - Window Manager Like Gnome - Or Is It Like Compiz Fusion

Apr 15, 2010

I just recently discovered flubox, it's a window manager right"? like gnome? or is it like compiz fusion? if so, it is better than compiz fusion? can i use it in conjunction with compiz fusion?

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Fedora :: Top Title Bar Of A Window That It Maximizes The Window Instead Of The Rolling Up Type Effect In Compiz And Bluetooth

Jan 17, 2010

Is there some way top stop the "blind effect" of compiz so that when you double click the top title bar of a window that it maximizes the window instead of the rolling up type effect? Also when i place my mouse on the top right of the screen it brings it to a choosing window type mode where you can pick which window you would like to open, is it possible to get this on the top left of the screen instead? Lastly when I use Kdebluetooth4 to send a file to my computer where does that file save to?

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Debian :: Window Manager (compiz) Needs To Be Reloaded On Boot?

Jan 29, 2011

I use compiz but when I boot I need to reset the windowanager for it to function correctly :'(. It is not the end of the world, but it is annoying

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Slackware :: Using Compiz-fusion As A Standalone Window Manager?

Jan 13, 2011

i found this http://crunchbanglinux.org/forums/to...indow-manager/ it has screenshots of exactly what i'm looking for, but i cant actually get it to work when following their instructions. i create the fusion.desktop file and the start-fusion.sh file, but they do not show up in xwmconfig or KDM. is there something in particular for slackware that i have to do to add the .desktop entry to my list of sessions?

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Ubuntu :: Minimize Open Terminal Window To An Icon On My Taskbar?

Aug 1, 2010

I have a desktop computer and a NAS, running Kubuntu & Ubuntu. I use WOL to wake the NAS and then mount the drives (NFS) on my desktop.
I've placed an icon on my KDE desktop which wakes the NAS and mounts the drives, this works great, but I've set it to run in terminal so I can enter the password for mounting the drives. This leaves me with an open window which I don't want to close because the NAS is set to shutdown 15 minutes after ssh logout.
My question is how can I minimize the open terminal window to an icon on my taskbar?

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Ubuntu :: Setup A Unique Icon For Each USB Drive AND Have Their Window Pop Open?

Nov 22, 2010

I have a pencil case I carry with a USB hub and 9 USB sticks in it. I like their unique icons and their root windows to pop up upon insertion. If this is answered elsewhere, I looked several times in several ways on google and these forums.

I tried this:
The autorun.inf file on the USB root written this way:
Action=Start Blue512MB

Then put the BlueFlashIcon.ico icon image in a folder titled BlueFlashIcon In Ubuntu (Mav) I get the new personal icon image for that USB stick appearing on the desktop but the USB root window won't pop open automatically when the stick is inserted. I have to dig to the desktop, find it and click it or go into Places on the menu. If when I put nothing special on the flash, no autorun.inf, no icon image, then the window for the USB pops open upon insertion, which I like, but only get the generic icon that looks the same as all 9 external drives. The labels are unique but icons offer faster recognition over reading labels, when they are needed, much nicer to use~

Ideas? Do I have to use .svg icons or another kind of text file? How do I set up a unique icon for each USB drive AND have the window pop up upon insertion?

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General :: Disallow Closing Last Emacs Window Via Window-Manager Close Button

Jul 8, 2011

I like to start Emacs as part of a login script and leave it running for the duration of my login session (which is typically weeks).

I have scripts to call emacs-client which will allow me to use a file-manager or Windows Explorer to locate files and right-click to edit them in Emacs.

I often end up with a lot of emacs windows (frames) open and I like to just be able to close them by clicking on the MS-Windows or KDE X button at the top-right.

The trouble is, if the window is the last one, this will shut down emacs which will lose all kinds of interesting history information.

As a work-around I use C-x 5 0 which won't let me close the last frame but this is often not as convenient as using the mouse

Does anyone know how to configure Emacs so that it can intercept the Window-Close button of the last frame to either request confirmation or simply disallow it?

On MS-Windows, disallowing closing of the last window may cause logoff to hang if emacs is still running but I'm not too worried about that.

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Ubuntu :: Some Log-ins Don't Have Window Borders?

Jul 7, 2010

Sometimes when I boot up and log in, I have no window borders. The entire area with min/max/close is just gone. If I log out and back in, most times it comes back. What gives?

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Ubuntu :: Window Animation (compiz) - How To "grab" Pull-down Menu Window Info

May 13, 2010

Some of my applications use different window types for pull-down menus than what compiz window animation think. This means that I get normal open window animation on these pull-down menus instead of the menu-theme. Inside the CompizConfig you can specify exactly which window types the different animations apply to, and you can use "grab" to probe your window for this info. My problem is that I can't "grab" the info for the pull-down, since it leaves "grab" mode once I try to open the menu (and grabs the info for the parent window instead of the menu). How do I get to know the window properties of the pull-downs, so that I can map them to the relevant window animation theme?

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Ubuntu :: Open A Graphic Session Without A Window Manager?

Jun 4, 2011

To try another windows manager, I have to open a new display without a windows manager. The problem is that when I run


startx -- :1

kde runs automatically on it. How can I open a graphic session without a window manager?

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Ubuntu :: Window Borders Not Working?

Apr 9, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 10.04, and it's been flawless until tonight where, after an update, the normal window borders stopped working and were replaced by these ugly never-seen-before borders. I can get the borders back, but it'll kill compiz, but if I have compiz, then I have the ugly weird boarders

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Ubuntu :: Removing Window Borders

Jun 30, 2010

When i first started with ubuntu i added a blue border that appears on all my windows and my panel and have been trying to remove it for ages but have no idea how i added it, i assumed it was in the appearance tab, but changing window borders in theme->customise has no effect.

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Software :: 10.04 Window Manager Refuses To Open

May 2, 2010

I just upgraded to 10.04, and after the upgrade, metacity stubbornly refuses to start. I can't get any window manger at all in either KDE or GNOME, and starting metacity manually from command line just produces the message "window manager error: unable to open x display." I've tried reinstalling gnome, metacity, and xorg from command line have had no effect.

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Ubuntu :: Disappeared Window Borders After Deleting E16?

Sep 28, 2010

I've just had enough of Enlightenment e16, so I uninstalled it. Now my window borders have disappeared and I can only input to one window - the first one I opened. If I want to input to another, I have to close the first one. I thought maybe gdm wasn't running (I'm using GNOME), but this is the output of ps -A | grep dm:


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Ubuntu :: Change Very Wide Window Borders?

Aug 16, 2009

There has to be an easy way to change window border width (pixels). Not sure how mine got so wide but I have looked in Appearance, Compiz, Emerald Themes, etc and I can't figure it out! I am using Ubuntu Jaunty and have searched high and low. I think it's gnome but I'm confused about windowing environments. Found some ideas (tried them all - all seemed reasonable (such as holding ALT while mousing, etc). So far no luck.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade 9.10 To 10.04 - No Window Borders - No Buttons

May 3, 2010

I upgraded to 10.04 but problems started very quickly: I can see my desktop but when I start an application, there are no window borders or buttons to close/minimize that application! They just vanished. Also, opened windows don't appear on the taskbar, so I can't switch between windows, not even with ALT + TAB. The mouse isn't an arrow anymore, but a dark cross :s

Some specifications: Dell vostro 1000, ATI Radeon IGP Xpress 1150 (128mb shared), AMD64 Turion Here is what I did during the upgrade: everything default, except for once, when it asked me what to do with menu.lst (keep the old one or replace it with the newer version) I chose "replace" (default was to keep the old one). Can that be the reason?

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Ubuntu :: No Keyboard Input And Window Borders On Second Monitor

Jun 11, 2011

I run Natty 64x (new install) and have setup to use two seperate x servers and no xinerama. When I start my computer everything seems fine on both monitors but once desktop is loaded and I start an app in the second monitor, I can't type anything and the window borders are missing. If I type "DISPLAY:=0.1 metacity" the problem gets fixed but I get an error that a window manager is running already.

I have AMD/Nvidia, GeForce 8800GT.

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Ubuntu :: Change The Size Of The Window Borders In Openbox?

Feb 7, 2010

How do I change the size of the window borders in Openbox. I find great difficulty in getting my pointer to 'catch' the window border to resize the window.

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Ubuntu :: Can Top Panel Be Integrated To Accomodate Window Borders / Buttons?

Jan 11, 2011

can we port the window buttons on top panel (when in maximized mode) while using global menu applet ? it will be similar to using unity (sans the ugly left panel)

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OpenSUSE :: Automatically Installed KDE 4.4 - Window Borders Missing

Jan 27, 2010

I recently did a fresh reinstall of opensuse 11.2 kde. After I installed it I updated the computer. However, when I returned to my computer after the update, I found the window borders to be missing and that I couldn't do anything with the desktop. I restarted, and lo and behold! I had KDE 4.4! Except I didn't want to install it. I perfectly like kde 4.3, and would probably prefer to move back to it until kde 4.4 becomes stable. Why did this happen? Had opensuse moved on to kde 4.4 already? Is there a way to get KDE 4.3 without reinstalling?

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