Ubuntu :: Compiz As Default Window Manager In Kubuntu
Oct 5, 2010
I'm trying to make Compiz activate at bootup, but I can't seem to get it to work. Basically, I'd like to make Compiz the default Window Manager in Kubuntu Lucid. How to accomplish this?
I spent *#@$ hours trying to figure out how to change my default window manager to "compiz-manger".I tried using gconf-editor and .gnomercAnybody has an idea how to do this?
I finally waded through all the graphical issues that have been reported when upgrading 10.10 to 11.04. I've managed to get the nvidia drivers installed and working (even though Jockey still reports that nvidia-current is installed but has not been activated).Whenever I log into an Ubuntu Classic session, GNOME defaults to using metacity as the window manager. In order to get my compiz effects working, I have to open a terminal and do "compiz --replace". After that, everything appears to work normally including on screen notifications, the cube, etc.
I've though of including a "compiz --replace" script in Startup Applications as a possible workaround, but is there a better way to handle not having compiz started by default? Is there something in gconf-editor or similar that I can edit in order to make GNOME default to using compiz?
I recently upgraded the motherboard/processor on my computer (as in quadrupled the processor and octupled the ram). The new board has a built in GPU (intel) and from searching the forums, I think this is part of the problem. Every time I boot up the computer, I need to open the Compiz icon and use it to reload the window manager before I see any title bars, borders, etc. 've tried the .bashrc hack (metacity --replace), but that doesn't do anything. In fact, whenever I open the terminal, I need to have two tabs open in order to use it, and when I close it all the borders go away again (even when I haven't done anything). Also, the onboard sound card (intel) doesn't work, but that's another task (I at least have a compatible card for that).
I just recently discovered flubox, it's a window manager right"? like gnome? or is it like compiz fusion? if so, it is better than compiz fusion? can i use it in conjunction with compiz fusion?
i found this http://crunchbanglinux.org/forums/to...indow-manager/ it has screenshots of exactly what i'm looking for, but i cant actually get it to work when following their instructions. i create the fusion.desktop file and the start-fusion.sh file, but they do not show up in xwmconfig or KDM. is there something in particular for slackware that i have to do to add the .desktop entry to my list of sessions?
I have a pretty vanilla install of Ubuntu Lucid. I would like to change my default WM to sawfish. I have it installed, and it works routinely, I would just like to have it start automatically on log-in, rather than Lucid. A few sources have suggested that the way to do this is during log-in. They refer to a "session" I could choose, which would allow me to set the WM. I remember doing this in the past, but can't find such an option on the login page, now.
I have also experimented with changing .gconf/desktop/gnome/applications/window_manager/ using both gconf-editor and emacs. However, when I change "/usr/bin/compiz" to "/usr/bin/sawfish", log out, and log back in, I find that compiz starts anyway, and the setting in that file has been restored to compiz. Clearly, the gconf mechanism is getting the information from some other source.
I would like to change my default window manager to sawfish. There are many instructions on the web to install sawfish, log out, then select sawfish, then log back in. This worked for me with karmic, but I'm not seeing any way to select a window manager during the lucid log in process. (Sawfish is running fine if I start it with "killall compiz && sawfish &" during an ongoing session.)
I have a HTPC that launches XBMC standalone automatically, but want to be able to quit and login as a normal Gnome user. I heard that you can set a default Window manager to the user. How do you do that?
I play a few games that dont play well with compiz even with all the effects turned off (on system>appearance) which used to change the window manager to metacity it dosent seem to anymore so that i dont have to run metacity --replace every time i want to play one of thease games (and remember to keep the terminal open untill i log out (otherwise i loose all window decorations) how would i set gnome to allways use metacity?
I have a 9.04 machine that is used by the family with two accounts set up. One is mine with sudoer privileges and I prefer fluxbox. The other account is for everyone else and the rest of the family prefers gnome. Is there a way to set the default DE/windowmanager for each user so that each user simply has to login and be in their preferred environment?
I installed the xrdp rpms as detailed by swerdna. I would like the pulldown menu to default to kde instead of twm. How can I change the configuration files to allow that.
When i login with session window manager as ion then the resolution is 1280x960 which makes everything look tiny.How can I set default resolution to 800x600 in ion widow manager ?
I have an Acer One netbook,I tried the Moblin and Meego distribution and i liked some parts of the user interface very much,especially the fact that every window that you open comes out well maximized and easy to read on the small screen of the netbook .But I didn't like Moblin/MeeGo because they are too "rigid", difficult to customize if you don't like the default choices. I prefer something like Debian much more.I would like to find a nice, light and fast window manager for Debian that would give me some of the advantages of MeeGo/Moblin,especially the fact of maximize by default every windows that I open..
I was messing around with different GUI sessions, and I wanted to try XFCE. Well, I switched to XFCE for a session, and I played around in it. When I went back to a Gnome session, however, it appears that Thunar is now the default filesystem explorer.I get the Thunar explorer. I want the Nautilus explorer. How do I fix this issue?
Is there some way top stop the "blind effect" of compiz so that when you double click the top title bar of a window that it maximizes the window instead of the rolling up type effect? Also when i place my mouse on the top right of the screen it brings it to a choosing window type mode where you can pick which window you would like to open, is it possible to get this on the top left of the screen instead? Lastly when I use Kdebluetooth4 to send a file to my computer where does that file save to?
i'm not sure for using the correct channel here but i hope someone out there can answer my little questions. 1st in older version i was able to change the settings of the terminal look as the font color, background color and so on. I was also able to define a default window size of a new terminal window. But since after upgrading to to the first release this year and a complete new installation of the current release Maverick i do not find this option anymore. Is there a way how to set up the terminal default window size?
Some of my applications use different window types for pull-down menus than what compiz window animation think. This means that I get normal open window animation on these pull-down menus instead of the menu-theme. Inside the CompizConfig you can specify exactly which window types the different animations apply to, and you can use "grab" to probe your window for this info. My problem is that I can't "grab" the info for the pull-down, since it leaves "grab" mode once I try to open the menu (and grabs the info for the parent window instead of the menu). How do I get to know the window properties of the pull-downs, so that I can map them to the relevant window animation theme?
I like to start Emacs as part of a login script and leave it running for the duration of my login session (which is typically weeks).
I have scripts to call emacs-client which will allow me to use a file-manager or Windows Explorer to locate files and right-click to edit them in Emacs.
I often end up with a lot of emacs windows (frames) open and I like to just be able to close them by clicking on the MS-Windows or KDE X button at the top-right.
The trouble is, if the window is the last one, this will shut down emacs which will lose all kinds of interesting history information.
As a work-around I use C-x 5 0 which won't let me close the last frame but this is often not as convenient as using the mouse
Does anyone know how to configure Emacs so that it can intercept the Window-Close button of the last frame to either request confirmation or simply disallow it?
On MS-Windows, disallowing closing of the last window may cause logoff to hang if emacs is still running but I'm not too worried about that.
Has this feature been removed from the version of Compiz that comes with 10.04?I was running 9.10 for a few months and I configured a feature for zooming out windows into a kind of preview mode.I remember setting up a key combo and when I clicked on any window and pressed the combo, it would cycle between 2 preview sizes of around 25% and 10% and then back to it's normal size.I could drag a zoomed-out window around the desktop but obviously it would not be usable until it was restored to normal size.
The window contents would still update though and it was a great way of keeping an eye on many windows at once.I have looked at every single setting in CompizConfig Settings Manager but it's nowhere to be found and I really miss it!
I couldn't find a section for visual customization. Is it possible to make it so that windows not being used have a certain opacity, and windows being used have another? Also, how can you change the opacity of menus? I used to be able to do this, but it seems I've forgotten.
I'm new to Linux altogether. I installed World of Warcraft and have it running, but my framerates are low. I have it set to run in OpenGL already, so I figured I'd try to update my graphics driver. I downloaded the driver and it's a .run file. I have it set to run as an executable. When I run the file, I get a window that asks for my password. I input my password and press enter. Shortly, I get a window that says I need to run this file as super user. I tried to go into the command line and I typed "sudo home/nicholas/downloads/ati-driver-installer-10-8-x86.x86_64.run". I put in my password and Konsole tells me "run: command not found". How would I run this file in Konsole using super user?