Fedora :: Top Title Bar Of A Window That It Maximizes The Window Instead Of The Rolling Up Type Effect In Compiz And Bluetooth
Jan 17, 2010
Is there some way top stop the "blind effect" of compiz so that when you double click the top title bar of a window that it maximizes the window instead of the rolling up type effect? Also when i place my mouse on the top right of the screen it brings it to a choosing window type mode where you can pick which window you would like to open, is it possible to get this on the top left of the screen instead? Lastly when I use Kdebluetooth4 to send a file to my computer where does that file save to?
I just rebuilt my fedora box and I'm having some problems getting dual monitors to work. First, I can't reposition my secondary monitor to be on the left. It thinks it's on the right. I can use xrandr to fix this, but that is annoying. Is there no way to do this in the display properties? Second, maximizing a window makes it go across all screens. I unchecked this option in the display properties.I also unchecked the one for letting windows be in multiple monitors at once, but this still happens.
Since I installed Lucid I have found that when I drag a window to the top of the screen in KDE, unless I do so very carefully and gently, it maximises and fills the screen. How do I stop this pointless and annoying behaviour?
I recently upgraded the motherboard/processor on my computer (as in quadrupled the processor and octupled the ram). The new board has a built in GPU (intel) and from searching the forums, I think this is part of the problem. Every time I boot up the computer, I need to open the Compiz icon and use it to reload the window manager before I see any title bars, borders, etc. 've tried the .bashrc hack (metacity --replace), but that doesn't do anything. In fact, whenever I open the terminal, I need to have two tabs open in order to use it, and when I close it all the borders go away again (even when I haven't done anything). Also, the onboard sound card (intel) doesn't work, but that's another task (I at least have a compatible card for that).
1) What is the window effect called that adjusts all open windows into a viewable position while darkening the backgrounds?2) Is there a source or an already made list of packages ready so I can install it on a different operating system? I'm sticking with F14 as my main Desktop Os, however, would like to use this on a Live USB with Archbang Linux.
Some of my applications use different window types for pull-down menus than what compiz window animation think. This means that I get normal open window animation on these pull-down menus instead of the menu-theme. Inside the CompizConfig you can specify exactly which window types the different animations apply to, and you can use "grab" to probe your window for this info. My problem is that I can't "grab" the info for the pull-down, since it leaves "grab" mode once I try to open the menu (and grabs the info for the parent window instead of the menu). How do I get to know the window properties of the pull-downs, so that I can map them to the relevant window animation theme?
I setup fedora 14 64 bit today itself and am loving it! But the problem i am facing is in compiz! When i enable desktop effects from System/Prefrences/Desktop Effects, everything works absolutely fine. All the effects... But when i try to resize a window, Compiz crashes and all the borders of the window disappear. The ABRT shows an error. Here is what it says
Package: compiz-0.8.6-3.fc14 Latest Crash:Sun 09 Jan 2011 05:44:37 PM Command: compiz --ignore-desktop-hints glib gconf gnomecompat --replace Reason: Process /usr/bin/compiz was killed by signal 11 (SIGSEGV) Comment: None Bug Reports:
[URL]... Screenshot above kinda explains what's happened, I have no window title bars so cannot move windows, or close them without going down to the bar at the bottom and right clicking which is very very inconvenient. I was playing with options in CompizConfig, which is what I think caused the problem, but I can't find a way to reset it to defaults at all so I'm kinda stuck with it.
How can I change the window focus mode in compiz in F14? I prefer point focus rather than click focus, but the 'system -> preferences -> windows' cannot run in compiz environment.
Also, can I save the position of the terminal in compiz? I don't want to adjust the terminal positions manually after each logging in.
I had installed compiz and emerald when I was using Fedora 9, upgraded to 10 (compiz and emerald still working at this stage) tho when I upgraded to 11 compiz and emerald seem to have crashed (i upgraded using preupgrade both times, maybe this might be a bit of a problem...) Since upgrading to 11, neither compiz or emerald would work. Ive tried reinstalling both compiz and emerald, and even erasing them both, restarting and then installing (both times thru yum).
This has brought back compiz and the effects (I can use AWN, desktops on a cube etc) but there is no window borders (cant move, resize etc). Ive tried different window managers (emerald, gtk and even kde4 has been installed..) and tried reloading the window mangers thru the fusion icon. Nothing seems to work, unless I stop compiz from running at startup (but then I lose all the desktop 'candy'). Searching the net has brought up a couple of options (Under CCSM):
- Check the box "Windows Decorations" and under its properties write emerald --replace (or whatever WM)
I've been tweeking my gnome setup a lot lately...I have a 14 inch screen on my laptop and decided I didn't need title bars anymore....so I added a bunch new hot keys andinstead of eliminating the title bare, which kills the borders too, I changed the width to a minimum.If I use the window switcher, I can only see the window if that window is not minimized. All one can see is an icon telling you what program that window is using if that window is minimized. It looks great if the window is open on the desktop.Are there any work arounds anyone know s of or better compiz setups I could use ?
I activated the Global Menu applet (the old one that you can get from the Webupd8 PPA, not the new one that comes with Natty). I also activated the Window buttons and the Window Title applets. In effect, when I maximized my window with these applets activated, there was no title bar and no menu. I couldn't really get it to look very aesthetically pleasing, though, so I ended up removing all of them.However, now when I maximize my windows, the title bar is still gone. I've looked through gconf-editor and think I may have found the culprit, but I can't figure out how to get rid of it.
There's a leftover key from the Global Menu applet for show icon. When I was fooling around with the applets before, I set that value to "true" as default. I've tried unsetting the key. I've tried uninstalling Global Menu and cleaning the configuration files. I've logged out and rebooted. The key is still there.Assuming this is the issue (and I'm not sure that it is), what should I do here?
I cannot change the title of an mrxvt window. Not the title for an individual tab, which I can do by echoing the xterm "title" escape, but the window's Name property.
I just installed the latest compiz as per leigh's instructions - nice, easy install!I notice that the snow application is missing. That was my favorite, but where has it gone??
How about floating windows above desktop cube? Dodge? In which upon selecting a window, the non-selected windows move around it to move it to the front.I also notice that many window updates are very poor. For example, in the compiz settings manager when I switch tabs, the window does not actually update unless I move it. I click on a tab and it looks just like the previous tab. If I move the mouse around, it will update the wind in blocks under the mouse, but not the whole window.And, it would appear that the standard compiz is still available from my desktop settings in KDE. Could I have failed to remove the original compiz?
I am kinda new to linux and avant window navigator is my first dock and im having some trouble. It seems to have fully installed but it does not look very 3D. specifically there is a white box surrounding it.,
I just moved from the netbook remix of Ubuntu to the normal version... I really didn't like the desktop layout of UNR. One feature I did like, though, was that every time a window was maximized, the title bar was integrated into part of the top panel... which saved a lot of space on this tiny little screen. Is there a nice way to get that feature on the normal version of Ubuntu?
how I would go about centering the text in the title bar for the Ambiance theme. Currently it is on the left side after the buttons, but I want to center it in the middle of the bar. Does anyone know how I could accomplish this?
I just got into big troubles, or at least that's what i think, hopefully not. Well, I've been using ubuntu for a few months now and i love it. today the mouse cursor turned into a X and the windows doesn't have title bars, i can't swtich between apps using the alt+tab method, the show desktop button doesn't work, cannot minimize applications. long story short, i can't do anything.Wish i could provide anymore clues, but i have no idea how to diagnose.
I have been messing about with my themes lately and was wondering if it was possible to force the title of a window to display on the right side and have the buttons on the right. I'm already aware of using gconf-edit to change the order and position of the buttons but I can't seem to figure out how to move the title.
Just recently,on occassion when I log in to my main user, I don't get the Title Bars, or windows minimize, maximize, close buttons.
I have tried changing theme
I have noticed that running the "compiz" command from the main manu will restore the title bars etc, and that my second user (created yesterday) does not have that problem.
I have some problems with Ubuntu 10.04. Sometimes system starts and there is no title bar on windows. Nothing helps, only logout and logina again. I've searched forums and found that it is possible to add line '/usr/bin/compiz' to starting applications, but this is not helping. I'm stuck. Other problem is that sometimes recently theme is changed. If I go to 'Appearance' then theme suddenly changes back.
I came into work this morning to find XFCE's window manager completely broken: no title bars, unable to move windows around, and unable to focus on a window to type in it (terminal, browser address bar, etc.). I tried going into the preferences then window manager settings, but just got a blank panel. Deleting .config/xfce4 didn't solve the problem.
I'm thinking of just doing a clean install of Xubuntu, or more likely another Xfce-based distro, since my current setup (regular Ubuntu with Xubuntu also installed) is quite messed up (same startup applications being used for Gnome and Xfce, and various other issues). I can't remember whether I did any updates last Friday that might have broken it.
Interestingly I used to have similar issues with Xmonad when I used it - some features didn't work properly and I had to restart the WM to fix them. Never did find a proper solution.