Ubuntu Servers :: PHP Only Works With WWW?

Mar 1, 2011

I just installed Apache2 for the first time, on Mint 10 (Ubuntu 10.10) and put PHProxy in /var/www/x

The php page works fine if I access it via www.domain.com/x, and it works both with and without the www when I access it via https.

But if I go to just http://domain.com/x, then it tries to download the php file.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Website Only Works When SSH?

Jun 15, 2011

My ISP provided me with a static IP and I went and bought a domain name with godaddy.com. The issue I'm having now is that I am getting a 403 forbidden error (You don't have permission to access / on this server). The strange part is that when I ssh into my server, and try to go to my website, everything works fine

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Ubuntu Servers :: Php Only Works On Server Machine?

Feb 22, 2010

I'm trying to setup a server at home so i can work in a LAMP based web app from a Windows 7 laptop. I downloaded Ubuntu Server 9.10 and installed it on one of my desktop PCs. I also installed phpmyadmin and everything seemed fine (tested with lynx) I started noticing the problem when I tried to connect from the laptop to the server in the same LAN. when i tried to access [URL] the browser kept loading forever and nothing appeared. The default [URL] it works" page display just fine I then created a testing.php file containing just <?php phpinfo() ?> in the /var/www directory and it works on the server, but from the laptop it displays the same hanging behaviour, any php code doesnt seem to be properly executed when apache serves other machines.Im guessing its some sort of php configuration causing this, and it might be obvious for ppl with more experience with server setups, but i've never setup a server before and Im having a hard time solving this.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Curl Won't Work On 10.04.1 LTS, But Works On 9.10?

Sep 11, 2010

I've been using curl in a script of mine for a while on Ubuntu 9.10, without problems.

Ubuntu 9.10 got the following curl installed through apt-get:
ii curl 7.19.5-1ubuntu2 Get a file from an HTTP, HTTPS or FTP server


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Ubuntu Servers :: Add Some Directorys For Private Use (to See How It Works)?

May 14, 2011

I would like to accomplish: 1. Users to have access to their own Share on the server, no one exept the user shall be able to browse, read/write. (sould the user directories be in /home/<username> folder or shall one use another structure?

2. There shall be a public are where all users can browse, read and write. no guests, only users who have accounts!

3. A GroupShare. Users who are members of group Staff many browse, read/write.

4. Add some directorys for private use (to see how it works)

So would this be correct: Create the Directory Structure on the server:

# mkdir /usr/smbroot
# mkdir /usr/smbroot/users
# mkdir /usr/smbroot/public
# mkdir /usr/smbroot/groups/staff
# mkdir /usr/smbroot/private/fredrik_extended
or shall one use the default user shares /usr/<username>/?


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Ubuntu Servers :: Local IP Works External IP Doesn't

Feb 9, 2010

I am having an issue with my server I have setup. I have apache running and can access the files via all other computers on my network via the ip address i have it set to default to the /var/www folder with index.html as the main file. I am however having issues trying to access it from my other IP the one i found at what is my ip. I have even setup a no-ip address to it. I've forwarded port 20 and port 80 i've even given it the default dmz. I disabled the firewall on my router and I checked and my Ubuntu machine doesn't have a firewall whatsoever i can access my outside ip on the local machine and have access the problem i'm having is trying to access it from anywhere but home. [URL]

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Ubuntu Servers :: Apache 'It Works' Page Keeps Coming Up

Aug 20, 2010

when I try to view my root directory of my website.if I go to URL... on my computer, it always loads the "It Works!" page. I deleted the original index.html page, and even replaced it - but if I go to URL... it KEEPS coming up.If I specify the page I want to view, ie.URl... it loads the right file.Is there a setting in the conf file that Im missing?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Bind Fails First Attempt, Then Works?

Jan 10, 2011

I'm having an issue with a BIND server. After a restart, (or randomly, I assume whenever a cache expires,) when I try to resolve any domain I get a "Host yahoo.com not found: 2(SERVFAIL)" Eventually it starts working and works fine till the cache expires again;


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Ubuntu Servers :: Multiple Domains Doesn't Works ?

Apr 2, 2011

I'm following how to instruction by [url] I cannot get sites working.

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Fedora Servers :: Site Works On F9 But Not F12?

May 3, 2010

I am running a website using a Fedora 9/ Apache 2 platform. I have added two new disks to the same server and installed Fedora 12 (I don't have both sets of disks in at the same time either the old ones with F9 or the new ones with F12). Having copied 'all' of the settings over to the new F12 installation it only serves pages on localhost not on the external IP as the F9 version does.

I have now installed F9 (got rid of F12) onto the new disks and copied the settings from the old installation onto the new disks and the server once again serves up pages. The only hardware changes are the disks being popped in and out between restarts as I swap between the old and new installations.

Hopefully there is some obvious (to someone) difference between F12 and F9 that would account for this.I have messed with settings for a while now and am almost at the point of paying for RHEL to see if that does the job.

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Ubuntu Servers :: FA120 Doesn't Work - Works In Desktop

May 24, 2010

I recently moved from Ubuntu Desktop to Ubuntu Server. I have a Dell D600 acting as a three prong firewall. I use a Netgear FA120 USB NIC for the third prong. After converting to Server, the NIC detects as Eth1. I'm able to configure an IP, but the NIC never sends or receives packets. The same NIC works great in Ubuntu Desktop. Dmesg never shows the NIC being ready.

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Ubuntu Servers :: File Manager Applet In Webmin Works Only With LAN IP

Jul 10, 2010

when I connect to Webmin using [URL], I cannot get the File Manager Java applet to work. If I connect from within my LAN using [URL], the applet works.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Lucid - NFS Only Works With The Firewalls (UFW) Disabled On Machines

Aug 24, 2010

I have a laptop and a Desktop both systems only used by myself behind a router. Ubuntu Lucid on both and 64 bit systems. I have installed NFS with the desktop as server and Laptop as client. The NFS only works with the firewalls (UFW) disabled on both machines. My current setup on the desktop ufw is


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Ubuntu Servers :: RewriteRule Works On .htaccess - But Not On Httpd.conf

Sep 29, 2010

We are trying to migrate from a centos server to ubuntu server, but we have some problems with an application called Topincs [url].

The installation is quite simple and I did it several time (but with ubuntu it's the first time).

Probably there are some parameters to set that I don't know, but even if the installation works fine and I can see the home page, the application doesn't work because RewriteRules aren't applied.

First I tried to ensure that mod_rewrite works fine and I found a weird situation: rewriterules work if they are in .htaccess but don't work if they are directly in http.conf.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Open Sshd Ssh-key's Only Works After A User Loged In?

Apr 16, 2011

I have keys set up on ubuntu server 10.10 When I issue "It failes for publickey"

ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa USERNAME@MYSITE -v
debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey,password
debug1: Next authentication method: publickey


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Ubuntu Servers :: CronTab Not Executing Script Works Fine Manually?

May 9, 2011

I have written a simple backup script, and added it to CronTab, but it doesnt execute at all. Here is my script: [URL]...And my CronTab entry: 0 */2 * * * root /home/server/Scripts/backup.sh

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Ubuntu Servers :: Mount Works But Fstab Entry For Same Server Doesn't?

Jul 28, 2011

Code: /openils nfs4 rw,_netdev,auto 0 0
fails to mount the nfs4 share, however


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Fedora Servers :: Samba Works For About 2 Minutes Then Stops?

Feb 20, 2009

I can't seem to figure this out. I've got a DOS disc that loads up a network share (my Samba server running Fedora 10) - connects to the share, runs ghost.exe from there. Everything runs perfect for about 2 minutes, then my thoroughput drops to 0. Sometimes, after about 40 seconds, it'll resume imaging. Most of the time, after about 40 seconds, Ghost gives me an error stating 'not enough free space on the destination disc' - This is a raid 5 3TB array that I'm ghosting a 6.0Gb HDD to!
lanman auth = yes and client lanman auth = yes are already set up - I can connect fine, but it's almost like Samba hiccups and drops my connection!

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Fedora Servers :: Apache - DNS Setup That Works Over Internet

Mar 15, 2011

I know what I need to do I just cant seem to achieve it and that is correctly setup a DNS server that works over the internet, I'm using BIND9 with webmin. I have Fedora 14 - Apache is install its all working locally, so this final step I just can't grasp to be honest.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Blinking Cursor On Console Can't Login But Ssh Works And System Is Running?

May 23, 2011

I built a 11.04 server system in vmware workstation a few days ago, set it up for something and now I have a strange problem. It boots without problem. I can login via ssh, the services run and everything is OK from the outside. But on the console there's just a fast blinking cursor on the screen, no login or anything to that affect. Just blank and a blinking cursor.

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Fedora Servers :: Welcome Page When Codeigniter Works But It Doesn't Work

Oct 27, 2010

the codeigniter didn't work in my Fedora,the welcome page,when your codeigniter works,it will shows,but it doesn't appear.the same step,it can work in Windows. What's the problem?

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Fedora Servers :: Apache - Can't Acces Http Remotely But Https Works

Jan 17, 2010

I have 2 web server in my office : http and https. You will find attached the httpd.conf and ssl.conf. I can acces the https server from home, but not the http one.

What I did :
configure the router to forward port 80 to my fedora 11 machine
open port 80 with system-config-network
created a virtualhost

The same exact steps have been done for port 443

I can access both server locally but only the https server remotelly.

Here are my iptables :


you can try to acces my servers using [url]

I made httpd to listen to port 8080, and done all the port forwarding/opening stuf, and it works. so is it a bug ?

Finally found my error seams like turning off UseCanonicalName to off did the trick

I really think it's a bug now. It was definitively working last week, I just added content to the main host of my website, and now i can't acces it from port 80. If someone think it's not a bug or find someting missing/wrong in my conf file.

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Fedora Servers :: Crontab Backup Job Works / But Gives Chown / Chgrp Errors

Jul 3, 2010

As root, I use crontab to run mirrordir to backup directories. Everything gets copied over properly, but owner information isn't preserved and root is the owner of all the backed up files. I can deal with that, but crontab reports tons and tons of chown/chgrp errors for mirrordir every time I do back ups--which is every day--and the multiple emails to root of thousands of chown/chgrp errors is very annoying. The error is "Operation not permitted," but that doesn't make sense to me because the job runs as root (right?) and clearly the job is permitted to create the backup files, so why would it fail to chown and chgrp?

I've had the exact same setup on another server for years, and crontab has always run mirrordir without error. Any suggestions how to clear the errors on my new server?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setup Access Properly From A Public Address To A Monitoring Server That Works Fine Locally?

Apr 19, 2011

I've spent days trying to setup access properly from a public address to a monitoring server that works fine locally. Everything works from public access until I try to link to a CVS repository. The rancid CVS repository is set up as a separate server (virtualhost). It appears the referring link causes a DNS error (105: Server Not Found) when the CVS repository server is accessed from the public address. Things work fine when accessing via localhost.

Localhost link:


Public link: (this results in 105 error caused by redirection (bold portion of link))



Virtualhost config:
LoadModule jk_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_jk.so
JkWorkersFile /etc/apache2/workers.properties
JkLogFile /var/log/apache2/mod_jk.log


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Fedora Servers :: Postfix - Something Changed In The Versions And It No Longer Works When Saved Main.cf File

Jun 22, 2009

I upgraded from Fedora 10 to Fedora 11, and it seems that when I saved my main.cf file, something changed in the versions and it no longer works. I've tried going through the file and tweaking it, but it's not working. Here is the postconf


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Ubuntu Servers :: How Apache + Ubuntu + Cloud Computing Works Together?

May 24, 2010

how Apache + Ubuntu + Cloud computing works together.Right now, I have [url].... set up to go from my DNS to the cloud server. httpd.conf currently looks like this:

<VirtualHost *:80>[code]...

But when you go to 'elliesdev.com' it shows you the EHCP page. I have followed this thread to uninstall EHCP as well as deleting the index.php and its image files from /var/www but I still see the "default web site page" by EHCP. So I'm pretty sure its something with Apache that is causing the site to display that page? What should I do to get ride of it the EHCP default page?I also have a magento ecommerce running at elliesdev.com/magento and I would like to have Apache display it as the default page that you see when you go to elliesdev.com. I have tried changing the DocumentRoot in Apache to /var/www/magento but it makes magento display wrong. How do I make Apache referre to /var/ww/magento as the default for elliesdev.com without displaying wrong?Also, when you go to elliesdev.com/magento, the URL will turn into IP-ADDRESS/magento. How do you make Apache keep my domain name in the URL and not change it to my IP address?I have a feeling that what I am doing is correct, but there is some config file from EHCP that I have not deleted yet that is causing all of this.

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Ubuntu Security :: Anti Malware Filtering Works In Open Dns Works?

Jan 13, 2010

using ubuntu and the corporate edition of open dns? >Im curious to find out how the anti malware filtering works in open dns works.

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Ubuntu Servers :: System Users - Proftp Works With Only 1 System User?

Apr 14, 2011

I'm niomi and I'm the first account with sudo. I add an account, bob. niomi can get in reliably on active mode. (maybe relevant?: passive doesn't work) bob is jailed to his home directory, niomi is in ftp-special which gives her access to /. bob can't log in and his shell is set to bin/false. What could have gone wrong?

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Ubuntu :: Copy CD That Only Works In Windows To Blank CD That Works?

Aug 29, 2010

I just want to be able to copy the files from a cd that is only compatible with windows to and new cd that is compatible with ubuntu

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Slackware :: Sudo: Umount Works, Mount Not Works?

Jul 8, 2010

I've got a problem in doing sudo working for mounting things (e.g. usb pen or optic discs). Details:The OS: Slackware 13.0The response to sudo -l command:

User user1 may run the following commands on this host:
root) /sbin/shutdown -h now, /sbin/shutdown -r now


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