Ubuntu Servers :: Internet Printer - Configure In The Cupsd.conf File To Put It Online?

Oct 20, 2010

I need to get my printer assigned to a hostname "myhost.dyndns.org". What do I need to configure in the cupsd.conf file to put it online?

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Software :: Setting Up CUPS / Configure Cupsd.conf For Security?

Apr 21, 2010

Using Debian Lenny.I am new to printing with Linux and would like some help with CUPS. I have CUPS set up to work with my printer.I read through the documentation, but still have some problems.

1. How should I configure cupsd.conf for security?



* By default, cups will listen on every interface. Unless you want to offer your printer to the world, you must block this.Although you can firewall this (and that is a good idea anyway),you can also not have cups listen on your Internet connection.This also prevents any possibility of a root exploit from the Internet. Of course, you still have internal crackers to worry about...

* In cups.conf, comment out the lines:
Port 80
Port 631
* Replace them with:

How do I create a symbolic link between programs?When I opened Xpp it said Printer:destination not available.

4. Can I adjust the text size on text, pdf or html files with Cups or do I need another program for this?

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Debian :: Cups Not Starting With The Server / Getting Error Unable To Read Configuration File '/etc/cups/cupsd.conf' - Exiting?

Feb 24, 2011

cups does not start with the server. When I try to start from the terminal I get the error message

cupsd: Unable to read configuration file '/etc/cups/cupsd.conf' - exiting!
cupsd: Child exited with status 1!

The log files show nothing. cupsd.conf exists. It is user - root and group - root with permissions set at 0644.

My interpretation of this is that the program is not launching from either boot or terminal for a fundamental reason. I do not quite see what that reason is .

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Ubuntu Servers :: Cups Does Not Start - Error "cupsd: Unable To Read Configuration File"

Feb 23, 2011

cups does not start with the server. When I try to start from the terminal I get the error message cupsd: Unable to read configuration file '/etc/cups/cupsd.conf' - exiting! cupsd: Child exited with status 1!

The log files show nothing. cupsd.conf exists. It is user - root and group - root with permissions set at 0644. My interpretation of this is that the program is not launching from either boot or terminal for a fundamental reason. I do not quite see what that reason is ..

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Ubuntu Networking :: Every Time Restart Have To Configure Internet Using PPPOE CONF

Jul 25, 2010

i configured my laptop (running UBUNTU 10.04 LTS) for my broadband (bridge mode). I did that using PPPOE CONF command. Everything goes ok but only prob is i have to run this command and configure my net every time i restart my system. What i need is it should connect to the net whenever i use the PON DSL-PROVIDER and must turn off by using POFF..

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Ubuntu :: Configure Xorg.conf File In Lucid?

Jun 8, 2010

All I need to do is get my screen resolution to 1024x768, I can currently only get 800x600 and that's unacceptable for school. I created an xorg.conf file in Lucid and it does in fact refer to and use it. what led me to believe that is when I looked in the mirror and noticed smoke slowly rolling out of my ears! After replacing some of that smoke with a cigarette I decided to make this thread. As I said, I created the xorg.conf.new file with:

sudo Xorg -configure from recovery mode. And then moved it to its proper place with:

cp /home/william/xorg.conf.new /etc/X11/xorg.conf

And that nested it right where it needs to be. X does in fact use it as confirmed by my Xorg.0.log.

Now I have an xorg.conf file, but am quickly becoming overwhelmed with information as to what to do. I've tried to create mode lines with xrandr, which gave me new settings, but I was unable to use them. Obviously the EDID info. is not being read because there is no mention of clock speed, Vsync or Hsync in my Xorg.0.log either. I have tried many things and really don't have time to spend all day at my computer, at least not with this issue. I'm in school and have to focus primarily on that right now. I will give what info I know is relevant starting with my monitor specs:

Dynex DX-LCDTV19
vertical resolution: 720 p
aspect ratio: 16:10
screen refresh rate: 60hz
comb filter: 3D/YC digital


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Ubuntu Servers :: Configure CUPS On 10.4 / Install A Driver For An NEC Superscript 870 Printer?

May 16, 2010

After struggling with a bad LP cable I have finally proven that the cable, printer and port all work. I booted in to another OS and was able to finally print. Now, I'm trying to get server 10.4 to recognize the printer and then I want to configure CUPs so I can run this machine as a headless print server, among other things.

Apache is running as I managed to get nagios to run and I can pull it up from another PC via a browser.

sshd is running as I'm logged in from another PC via ssh.

Problem number 1 is how do I install a driver for an NEC Superscript 870 printer? As it is lpstat returnes with :

karl@zeus:/etc/cups$ lpstat -t
scheduler is not running
no system default destination

Once I am able to print then I need to print to the server from other hosts on the network.

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General :: Configure File Printer - Print To File

Oct 20, 2009

I want to configure file printer (print to file) on my rhel-5 machine in such a way that if users fire print command from windows xp it should create an individual computer wise txt file on my linux machine. File name should be different for each printer.

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Ubuntu Servers :: No Path In Smb.conf File

Mar 21, 2010

I successfully shared a subdirectory of my home directory, using GNOME under Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Desktop. What drives me crazy is that I can't find this directory listed in /etc/samba/smb.conf, in a "path" line. Please tell me where is this directory specified, since smb.conf seems to be the only samba config file.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Where Did My Resolv.conf File Go?

May 8, 2010

I tried to setup a dyndns, and ever since I tried to get that setup, I can't access my webmin, or access /etc/hosts/resolv.conf. But I can still access my samba shares I had created before this happened.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Use Vi Editor To Edit The Smb.conf File ?

Jul 28, 2010

Trying to get this server to work and abandoned trying to do it with Xubuntu last night and installed Ubuntu server. But now I'm stuck on Samba again as I decided to use the vi editor to edit the smb.conf file and now I can't get out of it.

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Edit The File Ports.conf

Jul 8, 2011

I want to edit the file ports.conf to make Apache to listen only to loopback interface as described [URL]... here ,The text extract follows


The Listen directive specifies the port, and optionally the IP address, Apache2 should listen on. If the IP address is not specified,Apache2 will listen on all IP addresses assigned to the machine it runs on. The default value for the Listen directive is 80. Change this to to cause Apache2 to listen only on your loopback interface so that it will not be available to the Internet, to (for example) 81 to change the port that it listens on, or leave it as is for normal operation. This directive can be found and changed in its own file, /etc/apache2/ports.conf

But by typing [CODE]sudo vi /etc/apache2/ports.conf [/CODE} and opening the file I am not able to edit the file After going to the Listen Directive I am not able to type 127.0..0.1, Since what I type does not appear on the screen, the Keyboard is not working. How will I be able to edit the ports.conf and other configuration files

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Fedora Servers :: How To Setup GFS2 Without Cluster Suite / How To Configure Cluster.conf

Nov 6, 2010

I am trying to build GFS2 cluster with 2 or 3 Fedora 14 nodes, but I've encountered some problems from the start. First luci does not work at all in Fedora 14. There is no luci_admin and even if I manage to start luci service, I get a blank white screen when I try to open it from the browser. I've googled a bit and found that I'd might be able to setup GFS if I manage to build cluster.conf manually and start the cluster suite, but I cannot find documentation on how to create cluster.conf anywhere. If anyone knows how to setup GFS2 without a cluster suite or how to configure cluster.conf.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Can't Edit /etc/resolv.conf File As Root

Jun 14, 2010

i can't edit /etc/resolv.conf with root account (Ubuntu Server 8.02)

root@webserver:~# sudo vim /etc/resolv.conf
"/etc/resolv.conf" E212: Can't open file for writing
root@webserver:~# ls -l /etc/resolv.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 287 2010-06-14 15:20 /etc/resolv.conf

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Ubuntu Servers :: Httpd.conf Not Found While Running .PHP File?

Jul 28, 2010

While trying to run the file in PHP I am getting below error. httpd.conf not found Following directories (and its subdirectories) are accesible via Apache:

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Ubuntu Servers :: Configure To Restrict Internet Access?

Jan 2, 2010

I've been searched for the related topic, but i couldn't found any of them. Basically, i want to set up a server to restrict internet access for other computer (windows box), but allow internet connection for kaspersky to download its database. Here are some questions:

1. Do i need two network card at the server box?
2. There are 8 computers but only 2 are allowed all internet connection, 6 of the rest are not allowed, all windows box can accept connection to download database from kaspersky.
3. Is it Iptables the best, easiest way to configure?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Config Kismet Conf File - FATAL: "Please Configure At Least One Packet Source"

May 21, 2011

i`m tryin` to config my kismet conf file cuz i get this message FATAL: Please configure at least one packet source. Kismet will not function if no packet sources are defined in kismet.conf or on the command line i`ve googled few tutorials but cannot figure out what i should type there , i use Atheros 9285 , my wifi interface is wlan0 as u can see :


i know it should look like this : source=iwl3945,eth1,eth1 or source=madwifi_ag,wifi0,madwifi i`ve tried and changed for with my ath , wlan0 , but it still wont work, what i should type in those three lines after source= and what does it mean each .and if you could tell me how to determine what to type there or where does it say what to put there.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Modify The Httpd.conf File But It's Empty And Wordpress Installation

Jun 17, 2011

I'm installing Wordpress and I want Hosting Multiple Sites with them. For that I need modify the httpd.conf file but it's empty. Where I can make that changes? These are the changes:

1. Type: LoadModule rewrite_module /libexec/mod_rewrite.so
2. Find the <VirtualHost> section in the httpd.conf file.
3. Find a line in the <VirtualHost> section of the httpd.conf that looks like this: AllowOverride None
3. Replace that line with this line: AllowOverride FileInfo Options
4. On a new line, type ServerAlias *.[URL].
5. Save the httpd.conf file and close it.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Desktop 10.04 Home Server- Editing Httpd.conf File - Fails

Jul 8, 2010

I turned my home PC running Ubuntu 10.04 into a server, and so i am so lost, after reading like a 10-20 different guides and/or official docs, I am totally lost.

All I wanted was to create a custom 404 error page...i read about how people edited .htaccess files to customize error pages, i tried and failed also, editing apache2.conf, I got lost and i dont wanna mess up everything and also, how you're supposed to not touch either of those as its not how it should be done and instead you need to edit httpd.conf and i did and FAILED! again...

Also how do I make it so that I can make subdomain(s) on my site? and wth is a name server and where do I get one?

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Ubuntu Servers :: LAN Setup - Basic File And Printer Sharing?

May 31, 2010

I am trying to set up a LAN with some basic file and printer sharing, as well as either a VPN or FTP server. I am setting up a server for an office with about 4 computers and one remote computer at a home office. I would like the server to back up a selected group of folders on all of the computers as well as share some printers between them all as well. If all of the other computers are windows computers will Ubuntu work for something like this? I would also like to host a website and e-mail server as well if the server is not loaded down too much. I know I can get windows server to work, but I would like to use something else if possible.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setup With 3 Workstations - File / Printer Sharing

Dec 17, 2010

I'm going to be setting up our company with a in office server in the next few days. I wanted to use ubuntu as my servers OS but after reading some of the documentations I come to realize there is no X server in the server OS. I am OK with doing everything in terminal but would prefer to do some things in a graphic interface. Am I able to install the Xfree86 and be able to configure some stuff through that? Also the machine I am building for the server is not a true server machine just a really fast computer with lots of memory and space. The specs are a 3.1 AMD 64bit processor, 16gig ram, 2x 1TB hdd 7200rpm sata.

If the X server isn't a possibility on the server OS, I have read you can install all the server repositories on the Desktop Editions. Would that be a better option for me? Here is what I would like the server to do. I am going to be running quick books on the server with 1 workstation that is dedicated to it. We have 3 workstations and 3 users. We also would like to implement a Shared filing system and print server. Eventually when our current contract with our web host expires we would like to migrate the base website (not the ecom side) to this server.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Unable To Configure Virtual Hosts File Properly

Jun 28, 2011

I'm having problems configuring my virtual hosts file properly The site [URL]... opens on http and https The site works
I am trying to redirect all traffic from [URL].... to [URL].... while maintaining access to [URL]....


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Ubuntu :: Create A Backup Of The Xorg.conf File - Cannot Stat /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Dec 11, 2010

I've just done a fresh install of Lubuntu 10.10 on an older Sony Vaio laptop. Having learned the hard way about editing xorg files, I wanted to create a backup of the xorg.conf file so that I dont have to do another install when I screw everything up. In a terminal, I typed


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Software :: Modify /etc/cups/printers.conf Printer Queue Name

Jun 12, 2011

Can I only modify /etc/cups/printers.conf the printer queue name ? for example

<Printer stateme>
Info Created by redhat-config-printer 0.6.x
Location Stateme printer
DeviceURI lpd://nt/stateme
State Idle
Accepting Yes
JobSheets none none
QuotaPeriod 0
PageLimit 0
KLimit 0

can I only modify lpd://nt/stateme to lpd://printerserver/stateme? and i don't need to modify another files?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Configure Wacom Tablet In Xorg.conf

Feb 4, 2010

I have a wacom graphire3 tablet and two monitors. The tablet is workin properly with out of the box drivers.

As well as the dual monitors configured as twinview through Nvidia X server. But the tablet is mapped for the two screens, then I searched the forums for a proper configuration and it it tells me to edit the xorg.conf file for twinview horizontal but, it don't make any difference. I've "sudo gedit" edited the xorg.conf and nothing happens. Nothing, the tablet is working properly, the system is stable and it's still mapped for two screens.

What can I do? The xorg.conf also isn't listing all my hardware, I can't see the confs for my mouse. I'm on karmic koala.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Use SWAT To Configure Samba.conf?

Jul 21, 2010

I am trying to use SWAT to better configure Samba.conf I have swat installed and working but it is missing the GLOBAL button which is its main configuration tool?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Terminal Server Over Internet (RDP?) & File Sharing

Dec 16, 2010

my laptop seems to have a bad HDD, and I was thinking of trying to make it a "thin client." However since it is a laptop obviously I want to take it places. Is it possible to make a terminal server and "thin client" connect through the internet and not just LAN?The reason I quote thin client is because in my mind I am still going to need to use some HDD so I can connect to the internet and find my server.

To make things easier to read refer to the above as "question 1" and the velow as "question2" Thank you. And sorry for the inconvience. These topics I felt were to similar to make separate topics.I also have another question, the files I have on my server can be accessed by anyone on the network(added a second HDD and network shared it) how can I make it so that the LAN clients have to "login" (or it uses their computers login info to send them to only their files? And if that is possible can we expand it to allow me to use those logins through the internet?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Access Stuff (File) Over The Private Internet

Aug 8, 2011

I'm a absolute "server- noob" but I've got some experienced with desktop linux and want to build my own file server to access my stuff over the internet. I'm using dropbox for a while now like a cloud drive by simply mounting the "private" folder (which I encrypted with encfs/BoxCrypt) in order to cross-platform use important files. The problem is that Dropbox only provides 2 GB for free and I don't know how secure my data is up there. Moreover I don't wanna always sync all files locally.

I got an intel atom machine standing around and so I want to build my own file server to provide the same or at least a similar service.

1. Which type of server application provides a "network drive" that computers (several users) from the internet can access?

2. What's the best way to encrypt my data and transmission in order to make the system absolutely unattackable/unreadable from outside?

3. Is there a service that can provide a dropbox-style sync mechanism?

4. Which distro should I use? I'd prefer a non-desktop enviroment solution but never had anything to do with it. Is that possible for an average linux user?

I'm aware that this solution won't be very fast because of the limited upload of a standard internet connection but that would be ok! It's more that I want to have the possibiltiy to access all my data as a thin-client anywhere, anytime on any machine and still be on the safe side. I know that this is some kind of contradiction but what would be the best compromise? I know some questions may sound stupid but I really never had anything to do with servers at all in the past...

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Networking :: Configure Squid.conf When It Is Functional?

Jan 20, 2011

I am using Squid server on my Red Hat Linux machine.Squid is functional and clients are access through proxy.I want to ask that if I want to open my squid.conf file for any changes should i first stop squid and then do the changes .

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General :: Cannot Configure SNMPD.conf In Slackware

Jun 28, 2011

I m trying to find an answer for this matter. I have download the SNMP version which I am concerned due to the following problems. I am trying to configure the SNMPD.conf and I cannod find any tutorial on the internet.

I downloaded the following product.

Linux version :

Linux version 2.6.18 (root@srv03) (gcc version 3.3.6) #1 SMP Sat Sep 23 19:32:53 BRT 2006



when I run the command snmpd I have the following problems

root@srv03:~# snmpd
snmpd: /lib/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.4' not found (required by snmpd)

I dont know how to configure the SNMPD.conf there is anyway

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