a cup of days I'm trying to find any working free VPN service. Without success. [to run Windows in VM and use service which works in Windows is no solution for me - it is pathetic and it takes too much system resources] Everywhere are many questions. but no answers. All tutorials I read are old and nothing works.
Is this possible? Can I use the free 3g service that is generally restricted to buying books and Wikipedia, and use it to browse the web and check my email?
I have an Ubuntu Server, a dyndns account and an account with [URL]. My DynDns stuff is all working just great - novo.dyndns.tv is the address. Now I need a domain which I have already bought, to be linked to that machine at [URL] I signed up with freedns.afraid.org and now I am a bit confused at what records to add where. I added a domain - [URL] then setup a webforward as follows: redirect from [URL] and redirect from[URL] to [URL] , however if you go and visit:[URL] you will see my problem! It takes you back to [URL] server and says there is not a webforward setup for [URL]This tells us that the nameservers are all setup fine - and its something in my freedns config which is failing.
I have been working on a free file hosting service. So far its only been for family and friends. Right now I have is open to them off a no-ip free. I have around 20 people using it and around 2GB used space. Whats the simplest way to use add a domain and not mysite.no-ip.biz? And make it mydomain.com? What would I need to run it for around 85-100 people?? Min computer specifications & what ever else I would need to make it work correctly. How would I make this more secure I'm using user pro-missions? What is the best software to use. I need to too be user friendly?
I downloaded AVG Free Edition as protection after I accidentally visited a drive-by-download site (which was most likely trying to download a windows virus, I don't quite know what the file extension was on the file it tried to make me download 'cause I got out of that trap faster than a bat out of He...Well you get the picture), and it does not seem that the .deb package directly from the AVG Free Linux download page fully installs. Synaptic acknowledges the package's existence, yet there are no shortcuts on the Desktop or on the system menu. I followed the link to AVG from this Ubuntu.So, perhaps, someone at AVG has some explaining to do on why their free for Linux doesn't seem to work. I don't know maybe I'm overthinking my vulnerability, I'm just used to the environment of paranoia developed by using Windo$e
Is there a free online vulnerability scanner where either I can give them the IP address to scan or can be initiated from the console command, tool, or text based browser. I use GRC's Shields Up when I have a GUI, but I want a scan ran on my website that runs Ubuntu 8.04 server on a hosted VPS.
i installed freeradius 2.1.3 on fedora 10 and want to use it with ieee802.1x using peap.when i run command to start radius service in debug mode the following output come
[root@Fedora ~]# radiusd -X FreeRADIUS Version 2.1.3, for host i386-redhat-linux-gnu, built on Dec 8 2008 at 15:31:31 Copyright (C) 1999-2008 The FreeRADIUS server project and contributors. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You may redistribute copies of FreeRADIUS under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2.
Quote: The importance of security should never be underestimated. The consequences of losing data can be disastrous for any organisation. For example, the loss of a single unencrypted laptop may have huge repercussions. This could include breaching data protection legislation with the risk of a significant fine, a loss in the confidence of an organisation, as well as the risk that sensitive data may fall into the hands of a competitor or third party with malicious intent.
I'd like to know if this is common security flaw or normal to open up FTP to the public which is of course protected with password for 3rd party access to maintain our public facing / production website ?
If yes, what sort of FTP application to install in Ubuntu ?
I heard we can set security in /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny on user base also like something user@domain or something if so how can I restrict a user to access particular service by his/her user name in a particular host via /etc/hosts.allow or /etc/hosts.deny
This is an excerpt from the Linux man page for mktemp command: "mktemp is provided to allow shell scripts to safely use temporary files. Traditionally, many shell scripts take the name of the program with the PID as a suffix and use that as a temporary filename. This kind of naming scheme is predictable and the race condition. It creates is easy for an attacker to win. A safer, though still inferior approach is to make a temporary directory using the same naming scheme. While this does allow one to guarantee that a temporary file will not be subverted, it still allows a simple denial of service attack. For these reasons it is suggested that mktemp be used instead."
- How can a denial-of-service attack be carried out if a directory name is known? - Why is it important to use mktemp to generate a sufficiently random file/directory name for temporary files?
I have two servers behind different networks. First network is protected with firewall provided by the router and there is no firewall in the server:
As you see, there are no difference in nmap output If I check with tcpdump, which packets are sent from and -i eth0 src host and tcpdump -i eth0 src host respectively) towards me during nmap scan, there are none. It's understandable, as there should be no reply when port is filtered. Is there somehow possible to detect, whether firewall is active in the server or in the router?
I'm using RHEL 5 with the Enhanced Security. Using the suggest NISPOM Red Hat documented settings (located on the system; copy - paste) I have managed to audit failed file open accesses however, this setting only retained if I enter it at the command line (/sbin/auditctl -a ). If I reboot the system or restart the service all my -a (not -w) located in the /etc/audit/audit.rules are not retained.
I'd like to know if this is common security flaw or normal to open up FTP to the public which is of course protected with password for 3rd party access to maintain our public facing / production website ? If yes, what sort of FTP application to install in your Linux webserver?
I recently installed ProFTPD on a Centos Linux with configure,make,install...(yum install proftpd didnt work) i installed everything it works but i cant control it through Service like, Service proftpd start,reload,stop like i used to on older servers.
I've just compiled and installed some software (coova-chilli). I usually control this as a service so immediately after install I tried service chilli start I got the following error:
Starting chilli: which: no start-stop-daemon in (/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin)
If i run which chilli I get: /sbin/chilli I've tried 'updatedb' and a reboot but no luck. I remember a few months ago I was playing with chilli before and I this was happening. I had to run a simple command to update something or other and it fixed the issue. Of course, I can't remember what that command was.
I wish all of my Internet connections will go through a proxy server. HTTP as well as FTP, and every other type of link. How can i do that? On top of that, is there a free ubuntu-users' public proxy list?
I have RHEL 5.5 ,Suse linex and windows7 is also running in my system. I am not able to connect to internet from Linux, but internet is working in windows 7 and suse. The service provider is qwest and they say that they do not support linux.
I am re setting up a server of mine running red hat enterprise Linux server 6 and I had all of this working befor but for some reason I had troubles getting sasl to work and now when I login my smtp server I get an error stating that my username or password is incorrect though I am sure I am entering both correctly. Would anyone know what could be happening? I have been spending days on the web looking for the solution and only went from sasl not working when started as a service to this. For some reason I can't use Pam with saslauthd and had to use shadow instead of which from what I hear I get to use better methods of secure authentication with smtp
I have ubuntu os, I want to know are there any Good "Internet security suit" for Ubuntu os? I'm doing online transactions using my pc so i don't like get any kind of risk.
I am running Server 10. I have a requirement to perform an action before the MySQL service starts, and perform another action after MySQL service stops.
I found the init script for MySQL under /etc/init/mysql.conf. I added my thing to the pre-start script there and works fine.
I am having trouble finding the script that stops the server so I can modify.
During playing around sources, synaptic playing I messed up the default list. I know I should have been more careful. Anyways could someone tell me what the default the default sources.list that has free and non free etc for squueze please? I have been trying to get the default list but I cannot find it anywhere. There are alot of lists out there but nothing tagged like the "default" list.
I've got a question on free disk space. I'm currently running CentOS 5.5 on in Xenserver virtual environment. We've had an issue with disk space. My question is as follows: - from a ssh connection i run df -h this gives the value of 90% used leaving me with 9GB. If I use system monitor via a VNC connection the free disk space value is 20GB free on the same volume. Which one is correct? I do use SNMP to monitor the same volume and should alert me when < 10% is free I know this works as I set the alert threshold to < 90% I get an alert.
I'm in a bind and I don't know how to get what I want. Nmap shows ipp running cups on port 631. Great, simple enough I uninstall cups, along with its dependencies. A new portscan reveals that the port is closed SUCCESS, but... Ubuntu Update Manager nags me @ every restart about the "important security" updates. I can't lock the version of cups in Synaptic, because cups is not installed! So you see I'm in a bind. If I have cups installed I have an open port, and if I uninstall cups the update manager nags me. What do I do? I've tried:
- stopping the cups service and issuing the chkconfig cups off command... (doesn't close the port) - uninstalling cups... (update manager nags) - fuser -k 631/tcp (great, but @ reboot the port is still open) Please teach me how to close this port / stop this service / tell update manager to shove cups.....
Am I asking too much for a FREE OS? Everybody spend their precious time to help others, that's very helpful.But it seems like there is no support from UBUNTU team,how could we even get through the barrier of not using Microsoft's OSes? No free lunch of course, but it seems to me some issues have never really been solved.I read lot's of people have problem with their WIFI, not just for my OLD USB wifi adapter. I don't have problem with WIFI in XP/Server.
I posted here and there, and seems like no answer, and I do not get any reply from UBUNTU support team,forgive me if I run out of google's keywords.I just need a simple answer, is my WIFI going to work in UBUNTU with a layman effort? I like linux and UBUNTU had put great effort in providing me such a great OS, but if a basic internet connection will need to spent sooo much time to setup, and it still doesn't work. IS IT WORTH to switch to UBUNTU at all