Ubuntu Security :: Opening FTP Service On Public Facing Website

Nov 4, 2010

I'd like to know if this is common security flaw or normal to open up FTP to the public which is of course protected with password for 3rd party access to maintain our public facing / production website ?

If yes, what sort of FTP application to install in Ubuntu ?

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Security :: Opening FTP Service On Public Facing Website For 3rd Party Maintenance Access

Nov 4, 2010

I'd like to know if this is common security flaw or normal to open up FTP to the public which is of course protected with password for 3rd party access to maintain our public facing / production website ? If yes, what sort of FTP application to install in your Linux webserver?

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Security :: Public Facing OpenVPN - Open Any Ports On The Router / Firewall

Feb 14, 2011

Within the documentation of example OpenVPN setups there is a setup that shows an OpenVPN Server with two network interfaces. One interfaces is plugged into the public internet network and the second interface is plugged into the private network.

Normally I assume that it would be best to place the OpenVPN system inside the network behind the router and firewall and open only the ports needed on the router to allow access to the OpenVPN system. All other router ports would be closed. This is the first example they show. To see what I am talking about see page(s) 6-7 here -> [URL]

If one were to use the two interface public facing setup, when would that setup best be justified? I guess if you didn't want to open any ports on the router/firewall then this could be justified but then you have to lock down this public system individually instead of having it protected by the network firewall.

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Server :: Secure Bind 9 For A Public Facing Dns

Jan 20, 2011

I am just about to undergo a new peice of freelance work myself on Bind 9, but it has been ages since I have done this, this was on my own LAN with port 53? Blocked from outside, so mine is not public facing.

But this project is, what should I setup to make this truely secure, just to recap on my thoughts aswell, forward resolving is Domain -> IP is not it? Then Reverse is IP->Domain is not it?

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Networking :: Using A Public-Facing SSH Server To Broker A Connection Between Two Clients?

Feb 22, 2010

I'm sure this is possible... I'm just not sure how. Yet! I have three machines. One is at home behind my firewall and has a dynamic IP. That's fine as I don't really want to open any ports on my home firewall. The second is at work sitting behind the firewall there- and I'm not even going to ask for approval to NAT an IP to my PC at work :-).

The third is in a data center far away. I only have a shell account on this server but other than that shell account not being root, I can do most anything I like with that account. What I would like to do is SSH to this server simultaneously from my home and work PCs and, via this third machine, make them talk.

This is pure geekery so it doesn't matter what they say to each other; I just want to make them talk. Maybe one uploads a file and the other just pulls down that file. Maybe one opens a FIFO on the remote server and starts writing to it while the other starts snarfing that data. In fact, I like this latter idea best, I think. How would you do it? What scripts (fired by cron if need be since I'm ostensibly away from at least one of the PCs at any given time) would you use?

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Ubuntu Security :: How To Setup Web-facing Ssh Server Securely

Oct 18, 2010

I have a small network at my office (3 workstations, 1 ubuntu desktop that I'm using as a file server). I'm using a WRT54G2 router for networking and internet connectivity. Here's what I'm trying to accomplish: I want to be able to access my little file server from home, across town. I think ssh might be the best way to go now. What I don't know: How do I set up the ssh server on my machine/network without compromising my network security and the security of my server? Do I just set up port/ip forwarding on my router, install openssh, and that's it?

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General :: Cannot Connect To Service With Public IP Only With Localhost

Apr 20, 2010

I have installed Linux Mint 8 (based on ubuntu). And I have setup a webserver on port 8098.

I can connect to my webserver with, but when I try to connect to from the same machine or another machine it doesn't work.

How can I get this working? Is there any default firewall settings that I have to change?

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Crashes When Opening Music Website

Oct 19, 2010

I have a strange problem with my browser(s), even Epiphany....when I go to my music site [URL] then log in, go to my page and click on link to play a song the browser Crashes. It never did this before and I dont know what I could have done to cause this. It only does this on this website. Could it be that they use a Quicktime plugin to play the music? I don't know cause I used to be able to play music on there before. It doesnt do this on my Reverbnation site page, just Icompositions. If I click on the icon to restart browser a box comes up saying "we're sorry"...your browser crashed for no apparent reason.....and offers a choice to either reload the page (that repeatedly crashes) or start new session. It isn't a big deal but this never used to happen before. Could it be some bad code on that website?

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Fedora Installation :: FC14 Very Slow Opening Website Pages?

Dec 27, 2010

I just installed FC14 on 2 different PCs. It takes over 40 seconds for either of them to open some webpages, ie amazons home page. It is not my internet connection. I can open the same webpage on both my Windows PCs in less than 5 seconds. I was using FC9 up until 1 month ago, and I believe it took about 15 seconds to open amazon, but I never actually timed it. I spend many hours a day on the internet and have used FC for many years. I have been very happy with it. Until now. My PCs are 1.8GHZ single processor and 2.4GHZ dual processor. Do I have to revert back to FC9 to fix this, or use a different distro?

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Security :: Laptop Wifi Security In Public Library?

Jul 8, 2010

I recently got a nice, lightly used IBM Thinkpad laptop. It has wireless capability for the Internet. Linux is the only OS in the laptop. At home, I don't have wireless-- I have a wired DSL connection for my laptop and for my IBM desktop (which also only has Linux as OS).

When I took the laptop to the public library, wireless is provided there for free and I had no trouble connecting to the system there. But since I'm new to wireless, what do I need to have installed to have a secure laptop when in the public library (or when I'm anywhere else that offers free wifi) using the wireless connection? [I use Firestarter as my firewall in the laptop and in the desktop.] Do I have to install some software to make sure my laptop is secured from spying and invasions when in the library or is the Firestarter enough? If Firestarter is not enough, what is that wifi security software by name?

[My OS is MEPIS 8.5, a Debian-based distro.]

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Ubuntu Security :: Basics Of Good Security Of Small Commercial Website?

Jan 17, 2011

1. I understand you can protect your files or directories in your website by setting file/directory permissions. The meaning of r w x is clear to me, but I'm not sure how to proceed... Starting with the index.html file, if I wanted to make it so that anyone in the world can read it but can't modify it, do I set its permissions to rwxr-xr-x? If I set it to rwxr--r--, would that mean the file couldn't be served? I mean, what does the x setting do on a .html file, how can a .html file be executable?

2. If file permissions work on the lines of owner-group-others, in the context of a website, who is 'group'? As far as I can tell, there's only the owner, which is me, and others, which is the world accessing the site. Am I correct in thinking that by default, say when creating a website on a shared hosting server, there is no group unless I specifically set one up?

3. My ISP allows the DynDNS.org service, meaning that I could serve a website from my home. It's too early to go that route just yet, but for future reference, I would like to ask about the server software called Hiawatha. It is said to be secure, but having read some evaluations of it, it doesn't seem to offer anything that couldn't be accomplished with Apache or Cherokee, it's just that its security settings are simpler and easier to configure. Am I right about this? Or does Hiawatha truly offer something that the other major server packages don't?

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Security :: NAT 1-1 For Three Public IPs On Ubuntu

Mar 7, 2010

I am trying to figure out the best way to set up 1-1 NAT for three public ips to three private ips through a ubuntu gateway machine.

I am running ubuntu server 9.10 and the set up is:

Internet/ISP modem -> NIC 1 Ubuntu Gateway Machine NIC 2 -> Three PCs with Private IPs

I had a few questions on how to do this correctly and securely.

1) What packages do I need to install (aside from the basic ubuntu server installation and possibly DHCP3-Server)

2) How do I assign all three public IPs to the NIC connected to the ISP modem? All addresses will be static, will I need the DHCP3-Server package?

3) Once I have the three public IPs assigned how do I map each specific public IP to the private IP address associated with it and provide the correct loopback? I want to make sure each response from the internal machines are sent out as their specific public IP.

4) Aside from allowing all connections, how should IP tables be configured to allow web services to one internal machine, mail to another internal machine and DNS to the other internal machine?

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Ubuntu Security :: How To Export A Public Key

Jun 6, 2011

I've got a p12 certificate (I own the secret key), and I would like to export the public key to gpg keyservers. How to achieve this?It works flawlessly inside gpgsm and kleopatra, but I cannot send keys:

$ gpgsm --send-keys 0xDA4E5DD0
gpgsm: this command has not yet been implemented

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Ubuntu Security :: Import Public PGP Key Which Is Secret Key?

Oct 18, 2010

I have an encrypted document (with my key) which I should decrypt. After the generation of my key, my computer is formated and new reinstalled. Now GnuPG find my key public and I can't use it for decryption!

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Ubuntu Security :: Setting Up Public Key For Passwordless Ssh Login

Sep 8, 2010

I can't get this to work on my machines.

So far I have:

1. created a key with ssh-keygen on the server to be logged in to
2. copied the .pub key to my local machine
3. chmod 700 ~/.ssh on both machines
4. chomd 600 ~/.ssh/ic_rsa on the server, and on known_hosts on my local machine
5. added the .pub key to ~/known_hosts on my local machine

my local machine doesn't have an "authorized_keys" file which is what everything is telling me I should append my .pub key to. The only thing that was in my .ssh folder was known_hosts, so I tried that. I also tried making an authorized_hosts file to no avail, changing permissions appropriatly on all files.

Should I/Can I reset ssh in some way? Is there are reason I don't have an authorized_keys file or is my known_hosts file my authorized_keys file?

Would it be better just to uninstall/reinstall ssh?

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Ubuntu Security :: How Safe Are Updates On Public Networks

Jul 17, 2011

how safe is it to run Ubuntu updates when I'm connecting via a public network (wireless or wired) from a hotel (or other public settings). I'm not familiar with the internals but is there an additional validation mechanism for the package servers other than the URL ?

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Security :: Strange Ports On Public Ip?

Dec 2, 2010

looking at my router logs i've noticed for the past while a range of source ports from 60000 to about 65000 from my source external ip to destination external ip always on port 80. I have 3 boxes on this network and this only seems to happen when i connect the one laptop. I even reinstalled the distro downloaded from trusted source but the router is still logging this.. netstat -ntulp shows nothing operating in this range. chkrootkit shows nothing.. Was thinking maybe someone was spoofing the external address but it's been happening on network startup for a month now

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Ubuntu Security :: Public / Private Keys On Multiple Servers?

Mar 26, 2010

At the moment we have one SSH server with the private key being on a usb flash drive, and the public key being on the server in authorized_keys2. Now that three more servers are coming online, should we generate new keys, so we have muliple private and public keys (one pair for each server), or use the same two keys to access all the servers

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Ubuntu Security :: Nautilus: Connect To Server Using Public Keys

Mar 31, 2010

I am using Nautilus to connect to an external server. Currently, I use password authentication, and all works fine. I just type sftp://SERVER and the connection is established after providing the login credentials. However, I changed the server to only accept Public Key Authentication and disabled password authentication, and as a consequence I could not login using Nautilus anymore. Is there some way to make this work?

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Ubuntu Security :: Can Login With Public Key But Forgot User Password?

Aug 26, 2010

I have a problem with my ubuntu account. I am running 4 virtual machines, based on jeos-8.04 and I am using a public key authentication to login to my account (via ssh). This is not the problem, I have the key and the passphrase. But when I am logged in, I can't sudo, because I forgot the password for the accout.

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Ubuntu Security :: Setting Up A Public Ally Accessible Computer?

Jan 13, 2011

Our local community wants to provide broadband access for people who don't own a computer. I have been given the task of setting this up and I am going to use Ubuntu. Internet access will be via a usb dongle to a T-Mobile 3.5g network. Initially we are intending to limit access to just Internet browsing. Most users will probably be older people, rather than teenage hackers. configuring/securing a default Ubuntu install for this sort of use.

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Security :: Symlink On Public Folder - Problem Or Not

Jul 22, 2010

I have to make sym link of phpmyadmin in /var/www in order to run phpmyadmin. I read that links can't be chmod-ed. The link ot folder phpmyadmin has 777 permissions. When browse in it every file has only read and for the root read/write access.

Is that a problem (777 access rights on sym link phpmyadmin on /var/www folder)?

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Security :: Ssh Authentication With Rsa - Error Permission Denied (public Key)

Mar 24, 2010

I have trouble with rsa authentication:

I did create an rsa certificate with ssh-keygen using my root account on a client: ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 no passphrase I did copy the rsa pub_key from my client to the server scp id_rsa sampleuser@sampleserver:/home/sampleuser/.ssh/authorized_keys

I did change the ownership to the "sampleuser" of the pub key file on the server: I trayd to connect:
ssh sampleuser@sapleserver

I get that: permission denied (public key)... I know I do smth wrong but I don't know what.

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Security :: Ssh-keygen - Find The Public Key Belonging To A Given Private One?

Feb 18, 2010

In my ~/.ssh I have a number of public keys and one private key (id_rsa). How can I verify which one makes a pair with the private one.Or, can one generate the public one from the private key (in reasonable time)?

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Ubuntu Security :: How Secure Can Website Really Be

May 25, 2011

I want to set up a website that hosts very confidential business information. The info needs to be accessed by multiple people in different geographical regions. The entire website would require the high security (ie: there are no little sections that are publicly viewable). While the site will be run with Ubuntu server, I will be hosting it in Amazon's EC2 cloud.

So, if I use the HTTPS protocol with an SSL certificate, am I pretty well reaching the most secure possible situation? Are there any concerns with using the EC2 solution? Obviously there are a LOT of variables involved with maintaining website security, but I want to know if HTTPS is the current best bet (in addition to all the "best practices" of securing a site) or if there is a more robust way of securing content.

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Ubuntu Security :: Opening Pgp Files

Jan 14, 2010

After upgrading to 9.10 I am having trouble opening my old files encrypted with pgp. My keyring is still on the computer as I did an update and not a clean install. The problem is that I get a message saying that there is no pgp/mime program installed to open the file. Which program should I install to fix this?

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Ubuntu Security :: Logging Into The Secure Website?

Oct 8, 2010

A friend of mine has a private forum setup so he and I can communicate back and forth so we don't have to send emails. The link is a "https://" so I'm assuming it's secure. I'm a newbie to ubuntu and I have already switch 3 of my computers at home to ubuntu.

I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 and google chrome as my browser. When I log into his forum it pops up with a screen saying "The site's security certificate is not trusted" and I always click proceed anyways. I'm not worried about this because I'm 110% sure that it's his website that I'm trying to access. My question/problem is it also pops up with a little box telling me to enter my Username and Password every time. When I was using WindowsXP, I had to enter this info once and then I wouldn't have to enter it again.

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Ubuntu Security :: What Data Does Website Log When Pc Visits It

Feb 27, 2011

For example would a website log the mac address of my ethernet adapter and my computer name?

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Ubuntu Security :: Alternative Way For Website Encryption?

Jul 17, 2011

I don't care for domain 'authentication' by an "Authority". I don't trust no one, so CA's to me are as trustworthy as the gypsy in the park.

I can use a self-signed certificate, but the problem is most browsers makers are Fn idiots that say the connection is not secure, when it actually it, but because I did not folk out cash, it makes my website look bad.
I can understand the need for a 3rd party to verify the domain host to prevent man in the middle attacks, but I do not care for this.. and browser makers should take more responsibility and introduce different padlocks for types of authentication, rather than saying "this connection is encrypted, but not secure because its self-signed". What a load of horse s***!

How many times does people stop to read certificate authorities? I sure don't. I only care weather or not the connection has been encrypted.. so, I am looking for a way for simply providing encryption for my website.

From what I understand, when you submit a CSR to a CA, it includes the private key, meaning that the CA would be able to see the encrypt data, should they get hold of it. This is not acceptable for me.

Is there anything other way to use encryption other than the SSL model that is used typically amongst HTTPS browsers today?

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Security :: Seeing The Ips With Many Connection On Website?

Nov 1, 2010

on my linux server i have many websites, before i use this command

netstat -anpl|grep :80|awk {'print $5'}|cut -d":" -f1|sort|uniq -c|sort -n

to see all the ips with many connection but the problem is is show me all the ips from all the websites from the server, can be another way to show me all the ips just from my website ?

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