Ubuntu :: Remove From Vista Laptop Difficulties

May 5, 2010

My brother bought an Acer Laptop which was configured with Ubuntu Dual boot using Grub with Vista Home Premium. He asked me re remove Ubuntu which I thought I could do by simply using the recovery disk to restore the Laptop to the factory condition. This didn't work and I now find that Vista will not boot at all, although Ubunto does. How to remove Ubuntu and put this back to Vista only? I have never used Ubuntu before so in this field I am a complete novice.

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Ubuntu :: Remove 11.04 To Get Vista Working Again

May 20, 2011

Need to remove Ubuntu from my HP desktop with Vista, I had downloaded 11.04 to run side by side, it had reset my monitor settings which disabled my monitor, then I downloaded 10.10 to replace it, now I cannot get into safe mode or get Vista to come up unless I use the 10.10 install disk to bring my system up. Without the 10.10 install disk the system boots into Ubuntu without giving me a choice. If it wasn't for all the documents and records on Vista I wouldn't care, but as it is I need to somehow delete Ubuntu and get Vista working again.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Remove From Vista?

Jun 23, 2011

Im using a Fujitsu esprimo v6535 intel celeron 2.2 with 3 gbramI am trying to remove ubuntu from my vista ultimate machine, I have put the vista disk in and followed instrutions to command and input bootrec.exe then FixMbr, After typing /fixbmbr I get a message saying '/FixMbr' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable programme or batch file.I have had a look in the disk managment and looked at partions, there is only one there so cant delete the partion with ubuntu on.

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Ubuntu :: Screwed Up Laptop's Vista - Won't Start

Jan 28, 2010

Vista won't start but Ubuntu will, all her documents are gone because my sister stepped on our disk, I can't bring files over to Ubuntu for them because the entire partion for Vista deleted itself automatically.

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Ubuntu :: Set Up The Printer On The Vista Laptop To Print Through My Box

Feb 17, 2011

My question is that i have a laptop with windows vista on it and my main box ubuntu 10.04.

I know there is a way to set up the printer on the vista laptop to print through my box.

I remember part of it, something like :640/my printers/linux printer/hp?

Also how do i set up the linux box to allow the vista machine see the printer?

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Ubuntu Installation :: VM As NAS On Vista Laptop With NTFS USB Drives?

Jun 7, 2010

I have what may appear an odd question. I have never installed Linux before, but I'm very impressed with the Ubuntu philosophy and this forum so I thought I'd give it a shot. I have a Windows wifi network at home with three laptops: One is Windows 7 and the other two are running Vista. My wife uses the Windows 7 laptop and I am using one of the Vista boxes, with the other one currently running in a spare room. I'd like to use the Vista box as a NAS (for our photos, backups, etc) but I need to keep Vista on it for a variety of reasons. Just hooking up the USB drives to the Vista laptop and sharing them out isn't really the way I want to go, and besides it wouldn't let me install Linux...

What I'd like to do is install Ubuntu into VMWare Player or VirtualBox and have it share out the USB drives on the network. The drives are NTFS and I'd like to keep them that way, because I'd like the flexibility of being able to plug them directly into one of our laptops if need be, or access them from the Vista host OS. I understand I'll need to install SAMBA to get this shared out, and I found a tutorial for that so I can try that out. I did download and play around with FreeNAS, but it has lots of issues with NTFS corruption whereas Linux has the NTFS driver for a few years now. I haven't tried an Openfiler appliance yet but that may be a plug-and-play option as well. My questions are:..........

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General :: Installing Ubuntu In Pre Vista Installed Laptop?

Mar 13, 2010

got a laptop of hp with amd neo m40 pro and 2gb ram.. with vista installed.the worst OS.... i want to install linux with dual boot since am not expert in linux.these are the specs:

hard disk is 250 gb
c-155gb , d which is for recovery is 10.6gb, e-46.8gb
and an unallocated disk of 20gb

tried to install fedora which couldnt recognize the hard disk partition got ubuntu and tried.. but i dont know where it got installed now my 20 gb unallocated disk is showing as two partitions one of which is 1 gb and the rest is 18gb. how to uninstall ubuntu now. i want to repartition it and install it in proper way is 20gb enough.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Remove An Old Vista Boot Loader?

Apr 17, 2010

I've just came across something rather strange. I've been having a problem with GRUB 2 and Windows as highlighted in this thread:[URL].. Often when I attempt to access my Windows partition from GRUB I will get the Windows failed to start error, but today I may have found something rather interesting that may help me solve my problem. Sorry if it looks like im double posting, but im asking something different.

Basically when Windows fails to boot it restarts and when I attempt to boot it again I usually get the Windows failed to start screen with the option to run Startup and Repair when I ran it earlier, I suddenly saw the Windows Vista Loading bar, which is rather impossible as im running Windows 7. But my laptop came pre-loaded with Windows Vista as well as a recovery partition with Windows Vista on it. I thought I'd removed them both completely but now seeing the Windows Vista Loading screen says otherwise. It looks like some part of the Vista loader remains and well could be the cause of my boot issues. So im wondering how can I go about fully removing the Windows Vista Boot loader?

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Ubuntu Networking :: ENABLE Wireless Options On HP Laptop With Vista

Jun 25, 2010

I have installed UBUNTU 10.0.4 on my HP Laptop which has Windows Vista. When I select Windows Vista, my Wireless is working properly and Wireless turned ON icon with light is showing up. But when I select UBUNTU, I couldn't able see WIRELESS. Its showing as OFF and When I tap on Wirless ikon, its NOT turning ON. how to ENABLE Wireless options on my HP Laptop with Vista in it. PS: I have both VISTA and UBUNTU on my machine.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Acer Aspire 5515 Laptop - Vista Booting From CD?

Feb 25, 2010

I have tried the following techniques to try and boot from CD on my Acer Aspire 5515 laptop: Change SATA information to Native in BIOS. Set the Boot order for the CD/DVD Drive to start first, along with Main driver starting second.


My laptop is an Acer Aspire 5515.
BIOS Version is V1.0 (latest) from Acer.
PhoenixBIOS bios (?).

I have still not been successfully able to boot from CD. No matter if it says to boot from CD/DVD Drive first, it skips on to Main driver and starts Windows. It's not because I didn't burn the .ISO image right, because it worked on my desktop, which is ALSO an Acer, an Acer Aspire T180. What I am trying to do, is install Windows XP Professional, and dual-boot it with my Windows Vista. Only thing is, it WON'T boot from CD.

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Dual Boot - 10.10 Install Beside Vista On HP Pavilion Laptop

Oct 11, 2010

Installing Ubuntu on the laptop said it succeeded and required a restart, then before shutting down and after the cd popped out a string of

end_request: I/O error dev sr0, sector 2xxxxxx...
end_request: I/O error dev sr0, sector
end_request: I/O error dev sr0, sector

Thing is, grub didn't install! I'm pretty sure a full install of ubuntu 10.10 in on a partition that I can't access. To complicate matters further, loading Vista necessitated a restart when it installed a "generic volume driver" by itself. Restarting vista doesn't show any difference (obviously since vista can't see linux formatted partitions).

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General :: Ubuntu And XP Install On Sony Vaio Laptop (Vista Preloaded)

Jun 21, 2010

I have sony vaio laptop which is vista preloaded. But I don't want windows vista and want to install ubuntu and windows xp on complete hard disk. Can I remove window vista completely? Will be any problem in future if I remove vista completely? And at last, is my laptop hardware vista completable and may give problem? I urgently want ubuntu and don't want virtual os as ubuntu...

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.2 On Laptop With Windows Vista Installed?

Apr 28, 2010

I am trying to install openSuse 11.2 on my laptop which has Windows Vista installed. I don't want to delete my Windows Vista that is installed. provide instructions on how to do this?

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General :: Changing The Operating System On An Old Laptop From Vista

Aug 22, 2010

I am interested in changing the Operating system on an old laptop of mine from Vista to Linux. Problem is I don't know anything about Linux. I have been told Fedora is a good distribution for me to get started with. uninstall windows and get started with Linux?

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SUSE :: Add OpenSUSE To Laptop Which Already Has Vista Ultimate Installed?

Feb 4, 2011

I'm currently trying to add OpenSUSE to my Laptop which already has Vista Ultimate installed, hoping I will end up with a dual boot system. Currently, my HD is divided into four partition: Vista Ultimate with Bitlocker enabled needs two partitions - one for the unencrypted boot files, and one for the rest of the system. Then I have an unencrypted partition for data that I don't want encrypted, and finally the partition in which I plan to install Linux.

I have already installed OpenSUSE to that fourth partition, and it worked just fine. But now, I'd like to reinstall with LVM, so that I can use encryption as well. Upon installation, however, I get the following error: Code: Error Failure occurred during following action: Creating volume group system fromv System error code was: -4004 I'm wondering if this is because I'm running out of (primary?) partitions? Seems like LVM, just like Vista Ultimate, needs two partitions, one for the boot files and one for the rest of the system. I've read something about a PC drive only being able to hold four partitions, so I'm wondering if I need to get rid of that extra unencrypted partition I have in order to get OpenSUSE with LVM installed. Or am I barking up the wrong tree?

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Ubuntu :: Difficulties Building RAID5 Under 10.10 64bit

Dec 31, 2010

I recently went shopping at newegg for components for a new home server to fulfill multiple needs--chief amongst them to replace an aging old Athlon box which has been running a 4TB software raid for years now So I ordered an ASUS P7P55D-E LX mobo, 8GB DDR2, a core i5 quad-core, and 6 WD "green" 2TB drives (I'm more concerned with capacity than speed). I got it all assembled, using a 500GB 2.5" drive as the boot / host drive, a blu-ray reader, and splitting the 2TB drives amongst the 2 controllers (4 on the remaining ports of the x6 SATA controller and 2 on the x2 SATA-III controller, just not needing the SATA III capabilities). I plan to use Software RAID5 rather than the fakeraid that might be supported by the chipset. This affords maximum portability for the future.

At any rate, I installed 10.10 64-bit (Desktop), let it update, then installed mdadm and set about configuring the RAID5. I decided to use the nifty graphical tool. Last time I did this on my old Fedora box, it was all CLI.All seemed to be going well, and I was letting it fully recover / synchronize before setting up a filesystem (planning on ext4 this time). I kept an eye on it with cat /proc/mdstat.

After 20 hrs (averaging 25MB/sec on the sync...seems a bit slow, but who knows?)...it finishes and the RAID is immediately degraded with one volume (/dev/sdc1) marked as faulty and another volume marked as a spare. I replaced the SATA cables with brand new ones as long ago I ran into an issue like this due to a bad cable. Before trying again I ran the extensive SMART test and a read/write benchmark on each drive. They all checked out fine. So I started over and 20hrs later, same thing.So I shut down and removed the offending drive and started with only 5 drives. Another 19hrs go by and this one turns up /dev/sde1 faulty and another drive marked as a spare. That drive was fine before, and is on a different controller from the one that it was finding as faulty before.

Now I am suspicious that there is a larger underlying issue and that the drives are not bad at all. Should I have just gone with a 32-bit + PAE install? Does the 64-bit have known issues with the software RAID? Should I have just built it using the CLI? Looking online, it seems people are having success with the GUI tool. I don't think it is the GUI tool. Checking with mdadm, it seems everything is being configured right.

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Ubuntu :: Difficulties Sharing Folders Using Samba?

Feb 21, 2011

I attempted to share my ~/Videos folder using the Folder Sharing dialog when right-clicking a folder in Nautilus. It started to install but failed partially spitting out some error that I didn't bother to read/write down. It asked me to restart which I did. But now when reattempting to share the folder, I get given the following message: 'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare add: cannot create tmp file /var/lib/samba/usershares/:tmp0BRWpm

I've looked around for a thread for this particular error, but I can't find anything specific to the "cannot create tmp file" issue. I'm assuming it's some folder permission issue. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling samba from the Ubuntu Software Center.

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Slackware :: HP PhotoSmart Plus All-in-one Difficulties In 13.37?

Jun 25, 2011

Having looked at the various threads on the forum I have not seen one that seems to answer my issue. About a week ago I tried installing my HP Printer (PhotoSmart Plus) and was unable to due to me not having run rc.cups. I have now done that and the installation of the printer went smoothly, it was detected over the network and the correct ppd was identified (seems it is actually on the firmware of the printer) and I was able to add the printer with the HPLIP (version 3.11.3a).

However right after the printer was added HPLIP tries to get a status report on the printer, this is when I get an error "Device communication error (5012)". I have attached a screenshot of what I see. I also tried scanning from the device and I get similar errors that the device isn't responding etc. The printer is attached to the network via wireless and I am trying to print to it using my laptop also connected to the network via wifi (doubt that has any bearing but just FYI). edit: I have found on an old Ubuntu discussion that one solution a user had for this specific problem was to install SNMP... I didn't add SNMP when I installed Slackware earlier today, could this assist...?

edit 2: CUPS on localhost:631 shows the printer as idle (did attempt to print just to see but no go...

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Ubuntu Networking :: Laptop Running Vista Can Connect To The Internet But Its Not Visible On The Network?

Feb 21, 2011

i have 3 comps(running ubuntu 10.04) and a laptop(running vista sp2). i have installed samba on all ubuntu comps. i have a printer attached to one of the comps and it has been shared also the internet connection on that comp has been shared. all the computers are connected using lan cables through an ethernet switch. i also have a wireless router which is connected to the ethernet switch.

I am able to view all the comps on the network except the laptop running vista. all the desktops are visible on the network and are able to print and share files on the network and also connect to the internet.the laptop running vista can connect to the internet but its not visible on the network and nor can it share files across the network or access the printer.all the systems have a static ip.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Create A Dual Boot Vista Laptop

Mar 13, 2010

I would like to create a dual boot Opensuse/Vista laptop. My problem is I do not have a DVD-RW drive, and I am not that good with creating a bootable USB stick. I have read some of the installation guides offered here and attempted to install Opensuse via my USB stick without success. My question is there a setup.exe download offered for Vista users who would like to create a dual boot laptops? I have an 8Gb USB stick that was made "bootable" via some other forums, and I have downloaded the DVD ISO image of Opensuse 11.2 to my desktop.

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General :: Way To Downlosd Packages To Usb On Vista Laptop Then Install To Desktop

Mar 12, 2011

I have Fedora 14 on my old desktop,Thats it no other OS. Is there a way i can downlosd packages to usb on my vista laptop then install to my dasktop. you know things like mplayer and all the codes.

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Fedora :: Difficulties In Viewing The Drives In 13?

Oct 11, 2010

Recently I have installed Fedora 13 both in my home and office computers only replacing the previous Fedora 11. I didn't edited the partition table in either cases. At office computer I only have one hard disk with C: and D: partition in NTFS and the linux partition. In Fedora the C: and D: are shown now as /media/disk and /media/disk-1. How to see these drives as /C and /D? In home computer I have two 500GB hard disks. sda1 is FAT formatted and all of its drives are shown in either platforms nicely. sdb1, the other 500GB HD has two drives (N: and P each of 250GB and both NTFS formatted, is shown as /media/New Volume in Fedora 13, however opening it shows only the content of N: drive. Can't do anything using Disk Utility of Fedora 13.

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SUSE / Novell :: Kde 4.1 Taskbar Difficulties

Aug 7, 2010

i'm having an "alzheimer's moment", so i really need a refresher answer:My difficulty is that on one of the user accounts, i've managed to screw up the Task Bar on KDE 4.1 i've tried to adjust using the tools on the task bar without success.This problem has cropped up a time or two before, and i solved it by deleting two configuration files and returning to default settings on the desktop. i have since forgotten both the file names, and their location.

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Boot With Vista - Remove One Of Them To Save Disk Space

Jan 15, 2009

I installed the live CD version of fedora (dual boot with vista) on my laptop. After I connected to the internet the updates downloaded and all went well. however when i restarted at the boot screen I found two instances of fedora such as


The "other" is vista. I am wondering if this is OK or whether I have two fedora. If so i would like to remove one of them to save disk space.

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Programming :: Difficulties Running Commands In Shells From Perl?

Jun 23, 2010

I'm getting something(s) wrong, trying to run commands (both simple and piped) in shells from Perl programs. The ultimate objective is to set up "copy X selection to clipboard" from urxvt but apparently simple debugging statements are not working.Here's the Perl, taken from here and modified to use xclip instead of xsel and with debugging added, shown in green

#! /usr/bin/perl
sub on_sel_grab {


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OpenSUSE Install :: Setup On Dual Boot With MS-Vista On A Dell Studio 1537 Laptop?

Dec 20, 2009

This is not strictly a Linux question, although I am interested in any Linux cautions as to what to avoid that could impact my Linux on the computer in question. I have Linux (openSUSE-11.1) setup on dual boot with MS-Vista on a Dell Studio 1537 laptop. My wife is "fed up" with Vista, and has asked that I replace Vista with WinXP on this Laptop. I would like to do this over the Christmas holiday break. The laptop's 1 year support warrantee has expired. can someone explain to me the function of the two Dell /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda2 partitions ?

This laptop was purchased with MS Vista installed, with 3 primary partitions (small /dev/sda1 (called "Dell Utility" ),10GB /dev/sda2 (unknown - appears to be some sort of Dell backup/recovery partition ? ), /dev/sda3 (MS Vista which had the remainder of the 250GB drive, although I have subsequently reduced this to 69GB ).

Again, I note /dev/sda3 is the 69GB MS Vista partition (I reduced it to 69GB when I installed Linux (openSUSE-11.1)). I also believe it may be in /dev/sda3 where I should plan on installing winXP. Currently I have openSUSE-11.1 Linux in /dev/sda4 (divided into extended partitions, with /dev/sda5 (swap), /dev/sda6 (root), and /dev/sda7 (/home) for Linux and it works well. I plan to keep openSUSE-11.1 Linux when Vista is replaced by WinXP Can I remove and merge /dev/sda1, /dev/sda2, and /dev/sda3 and replace them with one partition for WinXP ?

Or am I better OFF keeping /sdev/sda1 (Dell Utility) ? and am I better off to keep /dev/sda2 (some sort of Vista ?? recovery) ? and only put winXP on /dev/sda3 ? Aside from the MBR with Grub being destroyed (when I replace Vista with winXP) is there anything else I need to be careful of wrt keeping my openSUSE-11.1 Linux install on this laptop ?

I've also sent a slightly different version of this post as a question to the Dell Support mailing list. p.s. for information, here is some output from Linux commands showing the contents:


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Ubuntu :: How To Remove 9.4 From Laptop

Jul 23, 2010

In my laptop their are two OS one is vista and the other one is ubuntu 9.4 and I want to remove ubuntu 9.4 so how can I do that.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Remove Vista Once Ubuntu Is Installed?

Sep 1, 2011

I have only just discovered Linux Ubuntu and it's a breath of fresh air compared to Vista. I installed Ubuntu using the Wubi Windows installer and now that i have both OS's available i would like to remove Vista altogether.Is it easier to completely remove Ubuntu and then reinstall it again over Vista, or would it be easier to remove Vista while keeping Ubuntu installed?I am completely new to Ubuntu and Linux so inserting code to remove the Vista partion seems a bit daunting so if there is a nice GUI way to remove Vista and only have Ubuntu as my OS, that would be my prefferred option.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cleanly Remove XP From Dual Boot Laptop?

Feb 1, 2010

I recently bought a refurbished HP Compaq NC6000 which had a new installation of Win XP put on it but takes about 5 attempts to boot up as it just sat at the load screen and freezes. So I decided to install Ubuntu 9.10 as a Dual boot with the view to getting rid of XP once I had Ubuntu up and running, which I have now. So cant understand why XP wouldn't work lol. Now I would like to fully get rid of XP and just have Ubuntu as the only OS on the laptop. Currently as it is Dual Boot I have my 80gig Hard drive partitioned with both OS�s on it.

Could someone point me in the right direction of how to get rid of XP cleanly so I just have Ubuntu left on my machine. I don�t really want to re-install Ubuntu as I have spent the last week getting it set up, so would it be possible just to get rid of XP? Also would getting rid of XP mess up the Grub Boot loader menu?

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Fedora Installation :: Can't See HDD - Remove Windows And Red Hat From Laptop

Jun 9, 2009

I have an Thosiba Laptop, with an Seagate 100 GB SATA Hard Disk. I have installed Windows XP and Red Hat on my laptop, and all works fine. I want to remove Windows and Red Hat from the Laptop and only use Fedora, but when I am trying to install Fedora the installation wizard can not detect th SATA Hard Disk. My Red Had sees the HDD as:


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