Ubuntu :: Remove 11.04 To Get Vista Working Again

May 20, 2011

Need to remove Ubuntu from my HP desktop with Vista, I had downloaded 11.04 to run side by side, it had reset my monitor settings which disabled my monitor, then I downloaded 10.10 to replace it, now I cannot get into safe mode or get Vista to come up unless I use the 10.10 install disk to bring my system up. Without the 10.10 install disk the system boots into Ubuntu without giving me a choice. If it wasn't for all the documents and records on Vista I wouldn't care, but as it is I need to somehow delete Ubuntu and get Vista working again.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Remove From Vista?

Jun 23, 2011

Im using a Fujitsu esprimo v6535 intel celeron 2.2 with 3 gbramI am trying to remove ubuntu from my vista ultimate machine, I have put the vista disk in and followed instrutions to command and input bootrec.exe then FixMbr, After typing /fixbmbr I get a message saying '/FixMbr' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable programme or batch file.I have had a look in the disk managment and looked at partions, there is only one there so cant delete the partion with ubuntu on.

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Ubuntu :: Remove From Vista Laptop Difficulties

May 5, 2010

My brother bought an Acer Laptop which was configured with Ubuntu Dual boot using Grub with Vista Home Premium. He asked me re remove Ubuntu which I thought I could do by simply using the recovery disk to restore the Laptop to the factory condition. This didn't work and I now find that Vista will not boot at all, although Ubunto does. How to remove Ubuntu and put this back to Vista only? I have never used Ubuntu before so in this field I am a complete novice.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Remove An Old Vista Boot Loader?

Apr 17, 2010

I've just came across something rather strange. I've been having a problem with GRUB 2 and Windows as highlighted in this thread:[URL].. Often when I attempt to access my Windows partition from GRUB I will get the Windows failed to start error, but today I may have found something rather interesting that may help me solve my problem. Sorry if it looks like im double posting, but im asking something different.

Basically when Windows fails to boot it restarts and when I attempt to boot it again I usually get the Windows failed to start screen with the option to run Startup and Repair when I ran it earlier, I suddenly saw the Windows Vista Loading bar, which is rather impossible as im running Windows 7. But my laptop came pre-loaded with Windows Vista as well as a recovery partition with Windows Vista on it. I thought I'd removed them both completely but now seeing the Windows Vista Loading screen says otherwise. It looks like some part of the Vista loader remains and well could be the cause of my boot issues. So im wondering how can I go about fully removing the Windows Vista Boot loader?

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Boot With Vista - Remove One Of Them To Save Disk Space

Jan 15, 2009

I installed the live CD version of fedora (dual boot with vista) on my laptop. After I connected to the internet the updates downloaded and all went well. however when i restarted at the boot screen I found two instances of fedora such as


The "other" is vista. I am wondering if this is OK or whether I have two fedora. If so i would like to remove one of them to save disk space.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Remove Vista Once Ubuntu Is Installed?

Sep 1, 2011

I have only just discovered Linux Ubuntu and it's a breath of fresh air compared to Vista. I installed Ubuntu using the Wubi Windows installer and now that i have both OS's available i would like to remove Vista altogether.Is it easier to completely remove Ubuntu and then reinstall it again over Vista, or would it be easier to remove Vista while keeping Ubuntu installed?I am completely new to Ubuntu and Linux so inserting code to remove the Vista partion seems a bit daunting so if there is a nice GUI way to remove Vista and only have Ubuntu as my OS, that would be my prefferred option.

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Ubuntu :: Update Stopped Vista Working?

Aug 9, 2010

Basically what seems to have happened is after the recent Ubuntu update my Windows partition became unbootable (or maybe just removed from Grub). This wasn't a problem for a while though as I still had access to my files through Ubuntu.After a couple of weeks of using Ubuntu I needed to get into Windows, trying to (blindly) fix the problem I think what I did was open up Disk Manager in Ubuntu, clicked the Vista partition and marked it as bootable. Having done this some sort of error occured (can't remember what exactly) and after a reboot the partition is no longer accessible via Ubuntu.

I've read through a fair amount of similar posts and tried anumber of solutions but haven't had any luck so I thought someone here might be able to shed a bit more light on to my situation?Realistically, my main concern is getting data off the drive, if I can do that I can wipe the entire thing clean

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Ubuntu :: Card Slot Not Working - Vista OK

Jul 31, 2011

I have a dual boot HP laptop that has an SD/MMS/XD card slot as well as an Acer Aspire One netbook that has two card slots.

On my HP laptop the card slot works fine with Vista but is not recognised when I boot in to Ubuntu.

On my netbook the original supplied Linpus OS obviously recognised both slots, when I load Ubuntu only one slot is recognised.

I have a USB card reader for the HP and the Acer has two slots anyway

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Ubuntu :: Duel Boot Working Before With Vista No Longer After 7?

Dec 24, 2010

ok so last night i had my computer set up and working with both vista and ubuntu dual boot so when i started my computer i had a choice between ubuntu or vista went back and forth a few times to make sure everythign worked fine and it did. so this morning i update my vista basic to 7 home premium well now when i start my computer i no longer have a choice and it boots directly into 7. can someone help me fix this i really liked being able to have both on on hdd

i know that ubuntu is still there becouse my hdd reads 220 free of 250 the hdd is 320 i set the other half for ubuntu

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Ubuntu :: Install Windows Vista But Dvd Drive Is Not Working?

Jan 18, 2011

i want to re install windows vista, here's the problem: my dvd drive is not working, i only have 1 memory stick, when i go to re install vista at the partitions menu i cannot delete i am told that partition needs to be NTFS, is there any way to change the partition or add a new NTFS partition from ubuntu desktop so that i don't have to delete vista install on memory stick, install gparted, then delete gparted and put vista back on? if so can anyone give me step by step?

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Ubuntu :: Touchpad Is Not Working While It Works Well In Xp / Vista / Window 7

Feb 1, 2011

Laptop Model = HCL ME 45 Operating System = Ubuntu 10.10 (Netbook Edition) Later changed to desktop ..... USB mouse is working but Touchpad is not working while it works well in xp/vista/window 7...

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Ubuntu :: Upgraded - Dual Boot To Vista No Longer Working

Apr 29, 2010

I upgraded today to 10.04, everything went fine and was working fine. I went to boot back into Vista via grub2. I immediatly get the PXE-E61 Media Test Failure, check cable PXE-M0F Exiting PXE ROM

I first checked my boot order, and lan is very last. Also, through Ubuntu I can view everything on the hard drive so it is not that. I think it may have to do with during the update process, it asked about grub2 update preferences and asked about different drives and such (I am not exactly sure what it was called). I didn't select all of the choices, and I believe this may be the cause, as this was the only thing I had control of that I could have screwed up.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: 10.10 And Vista Dual Boot - No Sound Working

Mar 14, 2011

I have installed on dual boot Windows Vista and Ubuntu 10.10. However, sound is not working in Ubuntu, it does work in Vista so I think it is safe to say it is not a hardware problem(and the sound is turned up etc and correctly plugged in). I am quite new to using Ubuntu, so am unsure what information is needed for assistance. I have tried browsing and searching the forums with no luck. I quite need sound so i can listen to my University lectures and do work!

Description: Audio device
Product: MCP72XE/MCP72P/MCP78U/MCP78S High Definition Audio
Vendor: nVidia Corporation
Physical id: 7
Bus info: pci@0000:00:07.0
Version: a1
Width: 32 bits
Clock: 66MHz
Capabilities: pm msi ht bus_master cap_list
Configuration: driver=HDA Intel latency=0 maxlatency=5 mingnt=2
Resources: irq:20 memory:fe020000-fe023fff

Also, it is connected via HDMI to my tv, which is where i would like the sound to come from (I use my small tv as a dual monitor).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Keyboard/touchpad Not Working After Installing In Vista Machine?

Apr 7, 2011

I wanted to install Ubunutu on my laptop and it currently has windows vista installed on it and installed using latest Wubi. I selected Ubuntu from dropdown menu after the system restarted. But when the sytem shows the username page to login the KEYBOARD and MOUSE are not responding.

I am using Lenovo Y series laptop and using the inbuilt keyboard/touchpad.

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Fedora Installation :: Grub Not Working With FC10 / Vista Dual Boot

Jan 25, 2009

I did a fresh install of Fedora Core 10 32bit on my Caompaq Presario AMD 64 laptop which originally only had Vista ultimate 64bit. When I go in to grub and choose windows I get a screen that says:

Windows failed to start...
File: windowssystem32winload.exe
Status: 0xc0000225
Info: The selected entry could not be loaded because the application is missing or corrupt.

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Installation :: Unistall Windows Vista From An Ubuntu / Vista Dual-boot?

Mar 18, 2011

I have a single hard-drive on a spare computer and I decided to try out Ubuntu on recommendation from a friend. I really like it now but at first I just dual-booted it, and now I want Vista gone. I know it's unnecessary to have just one OS but my hard-drive isn't particularly big and I'd prefer to have Ubuntu by itself. Can anyone tell me how to eliminate vista and leave Ubuntu as my sole operating system (I've all my files from computer on another computer so I don't have to worry about losing anything).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installed 10.10 Along Side Vista - Now Can't Boot Into Vista

Apr 6, 2011

I installed Ubuntu 10.10 on my PC running Vista Home Basic. I installed to run as a dual boot but now I can only boot into Ubuntu. I have tried to run the recovery disk for Vista and it errors out also..

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Ubuntu :: Repairing Vista By Booting Vista From A USB Stick

Mar 22, 2011

I am trying to boot up Vista Home Premium from USB since my internal (bootable) CD-RW drive has failed and I cannot boot up Vista from CD.

I have Ubuntu running in the Windows partition and all my windows files are in there so I don't want to do a full installation of Ubuntu (yet).

I formatted an 8GB USB stick into two partitions

I then copied over to /dev/sdb1 all files from a Vista CD using an external CD-RW drive (which is not recognised as bootable on USB port).

In my Dell BIOS settings I changed the boot sequence to be bootable from USB disk first.

then I tried to reboot Vista installation in the USB stick.

But I get this message ..."this is not a bootable disk .. insert a bootable floppy"

So I could not boot up the Vista installation files.

When the boot flag is "on" in a GParted created partition does this make the partition DOS bootable for Vista installation?

My question is - What utility in Ubuntu 10.10 can create a DOS bootable partition on a USB stick? It seems that the MBR might have been overwritten when I installed Grub 2.0.

I can Grub dual boot between Windows and Ubuntu but I can't get very far with Windows .. stalls in safe mode.

So a Vista repair is called for. I would prefer not to reinstall Vista afresh at this stage.

There is a thread here explaining how to repair Vista bootloader


But it assumes that I am able to boot from CD-RW drive.

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Booting Vista And / 11 Wipes Out Windows Vista?

Nov 18, 2009

i have recently started my masters degree program and i have to install fedora 11 for one of my courses. The problem is when i try to install fedora 11 on my laptop, it wipes out my windows vista installation. I want to keep vista. I have a sony vaio laptop model VGN-FW340D. 4GB RAM and 400 GB HD. i first shrink my hard drive to free up around 100 GB. Then i run fedora 11 DVD and let it make the partitions on my free space.. I have tried everything.. I chose use free space the first time, but i didnt work, it wiped out my vista, next time i chose custom layout and defined boot, root and swap partitions , but again it wiped out my vista.. I have read many guides to dual boot vista and fedora and have carried them out step by step, but nothing works.... Also i dont have vista installation DVD, i just have the recovery CDs, so everytime it wipes out my vista, i have to do system recovery, ive been trying for a week now, and its driving me crazy, i asked a friend of mine to help me out, he has dual boot system, and he tried it and it did the same thing, wiped out my vista... i just have one drive C: with two partitions, one small partitions which contains recovery files, and the rest of the partition has vista.......

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Fedora :: Add/remove Programs Not Working On F13?

Oct 23, 2010

I'm a new Fedora user and I having difficulty with the product.I downloaded both the live cd and dvd of F13. I installed F13 from the live cd and after it completed I created my user name and then rebooted. Once I logged in I went to Administration -> add/remove program. I then clicked on package collections and ticked off the ones that I wanted. I then clicked on the APPLY button and I noticed that in the lower left corner of the screen (below the left panel and just above the Help button) it said Running and then nothing. If I attempt to close the screen it says that all selections will be lost. I also went back and set the filter to list "all installed" and the programs that I had selected were in the list.I then decided to try the dvd iso, so I blew everything away and installed F13 from there, but I encountered the same thing.So I'm at a loss what I'm doing incorrectly

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CentOS 5 :: Add/Remove Software - Not Working

Mar 26, 2009

I have installed CentOS 5.2 and tried to click on the application => add/remove software

I get some error saying Unable to retrieve software information.

Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repositoryc5-media.

What I did wat disable the repository manager and unchecked c5-media.

This is the only one I can see at the repository manager screen.

Then I restarted application => add/remove software

The screen came out.

But I am expecting a similar screen as CentOS 3 or 4 which display the package management by group of Desktop, Application, Servers, Development, System.

From here I could know what I have installed and what I have not.

Anything wrong with my CentOS 5.2 ?

Kindly see attached [url]

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Ubuntu Installation :: Software Center Install/remove Buttons Not Working?

Mar 28, 2010

After working with the Install center for a couple of months with no problems I just woke up to find my Install and Remove buttons are not working. They don't give any errors, they just don't do anything when clicked

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OpenSUSE Install :: Grub Is Not Working - Re-install Vista?

Nov 9, 2010

I have a dell E6400, which I picked up recently 2nd hand. Previous owners had Win 7 evaluation version on it, which had expired. Originally the machine had Vista Business on it and Lic Key intact. I installed Opensuse on without problems whilst waiting for the original Vista disc to make it's way to me - forgot to pick it up with the machine.

I now want to get rid of the expired Win 7 and re-install Vista, but the grub is only giving me the option of Windows, Opensuse, Opensuse Safe and Floppy. My machine only has a cd/dvd drive and when I've selected this the dvd has started, but then it looks like it defaults back to Opensuse which goes so far then freezes. No obvious way for me to reinstall vista. This may of course be a completely daft question to ask, but I've looked at this for an hour or so and can't figure it out...?

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Fedora :: Latest Installed Kernel Stopped Working - Remove And Reinstall?

Jun 20, 2011

The latest installed kernel stopped working. ( It won't boot. I just get black screen with blinking cursor in top left corner. How do I, or can I, remove and reinstall?

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Ubuntu Networking :: File Sharing - Vista Can See Ubuntu - Ubuntu Cannot See Vista

Nov 24, 2010

After a reinstall of 10.10, I am able to turn on file sharing and so I set up a shared folder.

Windows Vista can see this folder but in my network place, there is only one icon, and it's a "Windows Network" icon. Upon clicking on that, I can see the local network, "Rompus Room".

When I click on Rompus Room, nothing happens for a while, then I get a message saying, "Opening "ROMPUS ROOM". Then I get the final message, "Unable to mount location", followed by, "Failed to retieve share list from server"

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Ubuntu :: Eject Versus Safely Remove - Remove A Thumb Drive From Computer

Jul 15, 2010

This has been bothering me for years now...when I go to remove a thumb drive from my computer, I have two options when I right click the device eject and safely remove. What on earth is the difference supposed to be?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Boot Vista After 10.04 Upgrade / Vista Ubuntu Dual Boot

Jun 30, 2010

I recently booted into linux from 9.10 and upgraded to 10.04. i was running a vista dual boot with 9.10 and everything worked fine. When linux asked where to install grub it said "if you dont know check all partitions "or something.so i did. i tried to boot back into windows and now it wont work, all i get is a blinking cursor.

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Ubuntu :: Remove Login At Start / What To Remove To Make It Go Away?

Jun 21, 2010

I am the only user on my laptop so there are somethings that I don't need.I would like to remove the login at start. What do I remove to make it go away? Second one is Keyring. Is it necessary? Can I remove it without causing problems?

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Fedora :: Remove Pen Drive When Click 'safely Remove' Tab Instead Of Getting Removed It Reappears

Jun 28, 2011

To remove pendrive when I click the 'safely remove' tab instead of getting removed from the desktop it reappears again. This problem is there in fedora 14

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Fedora :: F14: Have To 'safely Remove' TWICE To Remove External USB Drive?

Dec 15, 2010

Anyone else seeing this? I do 'safely remove' to remove USB flash drive. disappears. Five seconds (or less) later, it reappears. The second time I do 'safely remove', it stays gone.

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