Ubuntu One :: Don't Connect At Startup 10.10?

Dec 5, 2010

i upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 everything is fine except the fact that ubuntu one don't connect at startup, i have to do it manually. When i do it manually ubuntu one connect perfectly and synchronize my files as usual.I use ubuntu one on my netbook and on my desktop and the problem is the same for both computer!

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connect To Network At Startup?

Jul 16, 2010

I have a wireless network adapter that I finally got working with Ubuntu 10.04, but now I have a question. Is it possible for the network adapter to connect to my network at startup, rather than waiting for NetworkManager to do it?I was able to do this in 9.04, but since Ubuntu started using upstart.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connect To Wireless At Startup?

Dec 5, 2010

every time i log in to ubuntu, i run this line to get the drivers working or something (not sure what it does, it just works):

sudo modprobe -a wl

where can i put this line so it automatically happens, rather than always having to run it manually @ the terminal?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Is Slow To Connect At Startup?

Mar 7, 2010

I am running 9.10 on my compaq laptop. I tried linux a couple years ago and was not impressed with it's operation on this machine (wifi didn't work, pain in the butt to make it work) but I just installed 9.10 and to my surprise, everything on this machine seems to work now automatically!

One minor annoyance though, when I boot my machine and the gnome desktop loads, it takes about 1 minute until the wireless finds and connects to my router. Granted, my SSID is set to not broadcast but I set ubuntu to find it as a hidden network and it does in fact work, just takes more time than usual to find and connect. Normally with windows, when it loaded, my wifi was present and connected immediately.

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Debian :: Cannot Connect To Internet On Startup

Jan 11, 2011

I'm setting up my first home server. I'm running Debian Squeeze and I can't get my machine to connect to the internet on boot.The only way I've been able to is by logging in and running the following commands in exactly this order:


sudo dhclient
sudo ifdown wlan1
sudo ifup wlan1

My /etc/network/interfaces looks like this


auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto wlan1


I should clarify that by not able to connect I mean that I see the DHCP discover attempts but it fails after a few attempts and says "no DHCPOFFERS recieved" So I tried putting the above commands into a script and invoking that script in /etc/init.d/rc.local and I can see that it runs but I have the same problem. I need to be able to reboot my machine as I'll be administering it remotely.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Doesn't Auto-connect At Startup

Jan 5, 2010

I have a Broadcom 4312 wireless chip. I have use the STA drivers that Ubuntu recommends. I can connect quite easily just by clicking on the icon, so this is more than a niggle than a problem.

My network isn't protected as we live in the middle of nowhere (quite literally) and network theft isn't a problem. We also run a self-catering cottage, and let guests have free access to our network anyway, so it is easier for guests to access our network without me having to give them all the key. When I did use wpa, it would start itself up with the laptop, so I kind of know that this might be the cause. Is there any way I can fix it without encrypting the network?

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Ubuntu Networking :: WiFi With Wpa2 Encryption Doesn't Connect On Startup

Dec 27, 2010

I have xbmc, a media center shell that runs on ubuntu. I am trying to set up a laptop to run it and be a full time media center. so far it works great, I installed xbmc live, but the only issue is I have a wep2 protected wireless router and the wifi does not connect automatically.

I have it set up and am using wpa_supplicant once those commands are run the wifi works great.I am a novice in linux in general, and can not seem to get this to work on startup, can anyone point me in the right direction on this? I haven't been able to find the xbmc start up script if one exists, I figured adding those lines to it might work,does this sound like a reasonable approach? if anyone knows where that is and how it is defined to be launched on start-up i would appreciate it(I guess this is getting into the general Linux knowledge but still good info)

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Debian Configuration :: Wireless Does Not Automatically Connect At Startup?

Oct 30, 2010

My wireless in fresh Squeeze install would not connect automatically. I have to click on the network manager and enter the root password to connect every time I start up. I have "Enable Networking" and "Enable Wireless" checked in the Network Manager.

System>Preferences>StartupApplications>NetworkManager --- checked
NetworkManager>NetworkConnections>Wireless>[mywifinetwork]Edit>AutomaticallyConnect --- checked

There are only 2 lines now in /etc/network/interfacesauto loiface lo inet loopbackWhat should I do to get the NM to look for and connect wireless automatically at start up

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Set Computer To Automatically Connect On Startup?

Oct 5, 2010

I just reinstalled OpenSUSE 11.3 GENOME on my computer (Compaq Armada E500 w/512 MB RAM, 30GB HD, and Linksys WPG54v2 wireless card). After futzing around for several hours on two different evenings, I got it working all by myself! The only thing is,ow I have to manually connect to my wireless network every time,which gives me a a great sense of accomplishment. I start the computermber having to edit a script somewhere to make it connect automatically on system startup, but I can't remember what it is I'm supposed to edit or how I'm supposed to edit it

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Networking :: Debian Wireless - DHCP At Startup - Can't Connect Once In Gnome

Apr 14, 2010

I am trying to get my intel pro wireless 3945abg working on this Lenny installation. My progress is as follows:

No wireless & LED (on the physical switch) won't turn on
installed NdisWrapper and netw5x32 driver
installed package "firmware-iwlwifi_0.14+lenny2_all.deb"


Still no wireless, but when DHCPDISCOVER runs at startup, it is apparently assigned an IP address using wlan0. This only happens when the cable (eth0) isn't plugged in (eth0 is set to static) which leads me to believe that the wireless really does work for DHCPDISCOVER.

What I want to know so that I can mess about with it more is how do I switch between drivers? What I have been doing here is


modprobe -r [old driver]

and then


modprobe [new driver]

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General :: Server Hangs At Startup To Connect To Ldap Before Network Service Starts?

Jul 6, 2010

I am using centos 5.5 x85_64 2.6.18-194.3.1.el5 The server is hanging at start up due to the follwoing error

udevd[746] nss_ldap reconnecting to LDAP server (sleeping 4 seconds)
udevd[746] failed to bind to LDAP ser er ldap:// cant contact ldap

It fails and then tries again, and again, each time increasing the sleep time. This is happening before network sercvices are started so ther is no way it can connect to ldap. anyone know a way to fix this problem?

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Ubuntu :: Alsamixer Startup "speaker" Level (and Screen Brightness Startup Level)

May 23, 2010

I just upgraded to the 10.04 and everything works just fine as before (except for skype but that really doesn't matters as it has already been 3 years I'm using ubuntu and I managed to get it to work only once, for miracle I believe ^^). The only real issue I have is this: when I start up my laptop, after the log-in, no sound will be heared as the "speaker" volume level in alsamixer is set to 0; if I raise it from the terminal running alsamixer (as I don't know any other alternative) everything plays just fine, but the next time I boot I do have to do it all over again... So, how can I change the default startup level of the "speaker" in alsamixer?

PS: by the way I do have the very same issue with the screen luminosity but the other way round as is always starts at maximum brightness and I can't manage to get it to start at the minimum, as it did before. At least reducing the backlight if far more quick but a couple of times I forget it and the battery lasted something like half an hour

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Ubuntu Servers :: Unable To Connect To System Bus: Failed To Connect To Socket

May 29, 2010

I tried to install vsftpd on my server and while the installation went fine, I can't run

restart vsftpd
As I the get error

restart: Unable to connect to system bus: Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory Though I'm able to restart the service with

sudo /etc/init.d/vsftpd restart with a warning telling me to use the service utility. Not only that, but despite the port being open it won't allow me to log in, it just hangs, and I have local users enabled (I've used the default .conf file). Does dbus not come installed in 10.04, and if I did install it would it make a difference for restarting the service? Are there further steps needed not available in the tutorial on the Ubuntu Server Guide for 10.04 to enabling local user authentication? -edit- Figured it out, dbus wasn't installed, vsftpd is working fine now.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Can't Connect - (Toshiba Laptop 10.04 64 Bit) Hanging When Trying To Connect

Jun 12, 2010

My wireless (Toshiba laptop, 10.04 64 bit) is just hanging when trying to connect. It was working fine but now nothing. My Wireless antennae is on and my other laptop can connect with no problems. I have restarted the router and the laptop twice.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Connect To Wireless But Can Connect To Wired

Nov 2, 2010

I am unable to connect to wireless network in ubuntu 10.10.i have noticed that the iwlagn driver isnt been used by anything.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Connect To Wired And Wireless In 10.10 It Tries To Connect But Fails?

Jan 10, 2011

in linux world and have recently downloaded and installed ubuntu desktop 10.10i cannot connect to both wired and wireless ethernet on my laptopit tries to connect but fails in 30 seconds , it says"disconnected" while i am able to connect to the same in windows i have broadcom 4315 and i have tried both fwcutter and ndiswrapper but the problem persiststhe device id is 14e4:4315

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Connect To The Internet But Can Connect To The Router

Apr 6, 2011

I am trying to setup a dhcp server for my internal network. I have two NICs, a modem, and a wireless router. I have my server connected directly to my modem which is providing me with Internet access on eth1 and is working fine. I have dhcp and dns setup on eth0 which is connected to my router. The router shows that it is connected to the Internet but when the router gives a client computer an IP address, the client is unable to connect to the Internet but can connect to the router. I will post my configuration files below with my current configuration.


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Ubuntu Networking :: Connect To The Internet Through Wifi, But Cannot Connect To Anything On Network?

Aug 8, 2011

I can connect to the internet through wifi, but I cannot connect to anything on my network. I have a printer and a NAS, so I would really like for this to work again. I have a dell laptop with a Broadcom card.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Internet - Cannot Connect - But Can Connect Through XP On VMware

Aug 15, 2010

I had put my computer on standby and when i restarted it, it powered off within a few seconds. I turned it back on and after that i've lost connectivity to internet on Ubuntu 10.04.

However I have VMware (XP) installed and internet/network works on that. I'm a newbie with Linux.

Here are some outputs:

I have tried to edit the connection using System>Preferences>Network Connections. I entered manual settings for IPV4, but whatever i enter there, it doesnt get reflected when i type ifconfig in the terminal window. I tried setting it to Automatic DHCP as well. Doesnt work.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can Not Connect To Wifi Networks - Can See Them But Not Connect - 11.04

May 3, 2011

I can not connect to wifi networks, i can see them but not connect.

My wifi device is:

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can Connect Via Ethernet / But Wireless Won't Connect

Jul 28, 2011

I have recently installed ubuntu 11.04 on my asus eeepc1005hab. And I've had problems with the wifi. I can connect via ethernet, but the wireless won't connect. I can see the connection, but my wifi never connects. I've tried many things but it still won't work.

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Fedora Networking :: Using Putty To Connect To A Machine / Host Name And Port To Connect?

Jul 23, 2010

Right now I have a machine set up running Fedora. I have configured inittab to accept Console Logins, but I am having problems getting my netbook running PuTTY to connect. How would I go about finding the Host Name and Port to connect to?

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Fedora Servers :: Getting Error Message When Trying To Connect To Vncserver 'unable Connect To Socket: No Route To Host (113)'

Apr 26, 2011

I install and configure the vncserver following and reading 1000papers, but all of this present the same problem; when i try to connect to my vncserver,recive this mesage: unable connect to socket: No route to host (113) The OS version is Fedora Core 14 and tigervnc-server i try different solutions including:Allow TCP connection modifing files /etc/gdm/custom.conf and /usr/share/gdm/gdm.chemas Disable SELinux removing iptables Here follow the vncserver configuration:


The ip address of the vncserver is correct because i can do ssh on it. Where or what can i do?

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Debian :: Connect To The Source List To Update But It Can't Connect To The Server?

Apr 1, 2011

I'm a new debian user. I install a Debian in Virtualbox, and try to connect to the source list to update, but it can't connect to the server, while network and internet connection works. This is my sources.list

deb http://ftp.rediris.es/debian/ squeeze main
deb-src http://ftp.rediris.es/debian/ squeeze main
deb http://security.debian.org/ squeeze/updates main
deb-src http://security.debian.org/ squeeze/updates main
deb http://ftp.rediris.es/debian/ squeeze-updates main
deb-src http://ftp.rediris.es/debian/ squeeze-updates main

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Debian Configuration :: Network - Cannot Connect To Any Other Websites And Apt Will Not Connect To Any Servers

Feb 18, 2011

I am using Squeeze and all appears OK at first... I have a DHCP lease, PING to router works, apache servering fine in and outside the network, Epiphany seems to connects to default debian.org only, BUT I cannot connect to any other websites and apt will not connect to any servers. I installed once, tried to fix problem, gave up and reinstalled and still have the same problem.

I unistalled Network Manager thinking that was the problem, but still the same issue. Is there a default firewall blocking certain connections or am I missing something I'm supposed to know about? I installed some non-free firmware in the beginning of install and all worked... and I connected fine when downloading packages during install.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: PS3 Media Server Connect / Unable To Connect To The PS3?

May 4, 2010

I'm trying to setup PS3 media server on my new OpenSuse 11.2 and I'm being unable to connect to the PS3. The multimedia server seems to being working ok, only it has not appear on XMB.

I've been searching on PS3 Media Server forums and try a couple of solutions regarding /etc/hosts and adding full qualified domain name of server to it, but it doesn't seems to work.

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Software :: Cannot Use Cvs Within Eclipse To Connect To The Server - ERROR Message - Could Not Connect To

Jan 23, 2010

I cannot use cvs within eclipse to connect to the server, but when I use cvs in terminal everything works fine.

ERROR Message: Could not connect to :extssh:hongyang@bleong.ndslab.net:/var/cvsroot: CVS communication error: org.eclipse.team.internal.ccvs.ssh2.CVSSSH2ServerConnection$SSH2IOException: Network is unreachable
Network is unreachable

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Ubuntu :: Connect To The Apache Web Site Hosted On The Ubuntu Server But Cannot Connect To Any Other Service?

Nov 21, 2010

Ubuntu 10.x servervsftp mysqlwebmin Apache2I am running the Ubuntu server on the same 192.169.x.x subnet as the PC I am using to test vsftp and webmin and Apache.I can connect to the Apache web site hosted on the Ubuntu server but I cannot connect to any other service -- i.e. port 21 or port 10000 or 3306.Netstat shows:

tcp 0 0* LISTENING
tcp 0 0* LISTENING
tcp6 0 0 :::80 :::* LISTENING


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Networking :: Cannot Connect To Internet By Using Modem Connect ?

Jun 14, 2010

I use Ubuntu i can not work internet connection Please help me search for a solution but did not find
Use the USB modem model x060s.

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Networking :: Kubuntu - Can't Connect To The Internet But Can Connect To The LAN

Nov 12, 2009

I've recently set up a local development webserver using Karmic Koala. I downloaded and installed the server version of Kubuntu and have the web server working.

The problem is that for some reason, I'm no longer able to connect to the internet. I can connect to my router, and other machines in my network can VNC into the server.

I'm using an wired connection to the router and have the server set up on an internal IP of I used to be able to connect to the internet, I downloaded and installed a load of packages etc before it stopped working.

The last thing I remember doing before it stopped working was that I installed Samba so I could share files with the other machines on the network (two Macs running Leopard and a WinXP laptop).

I got the share working - I copied a load of files to the server via the share, rebooted, and for some reason now I can't connect to the net (and other machines can't see the Samba share either.) However I can still VNC into the server.

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